What was the moment you realized you needed to lose weight?



  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    :cry: That must have hurt quite a bit!! But you're gonna thank her someday I feel

    when my eight year old daughter wanted me to go on the biggest loser :embarassed:
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    For me it was a day where I felt so horrible. I felt like this giant blob that just felt...ill. I didn't want to move, I didn't want to play with my kids or even get up to cook for them.

    I wanted to just stay on the couch. I had this horrible pressure on my chest and stomach, and I just felt so awful.

    That was the day I decided I needed a change. I didn't want to feel like that ever again.
  • feistyhorsegal
    feistyhorsegal Posts: 109 Member
    At Xmas time I was getting into my togs to jump in the pool in front of lots of people and I was self concious about my weight. Then someone took a photo of me jumping in the pool and I didn't like how I looked. That was when I decided I needed to lose weight.
  • Kris1997
    Kris1997 Posts: 241
    For me, I've not had just one moment. This has been years coming. I guess my "moment" was last summer after having my hyster. I decided that since i wasn't going to have to deal with certain health issues anymore. That it was time I stopped putting off the weigh loss battle and got in gear to get in weight off.
  • I went to the doctor for a regular check up and asked him what were some healthy ways I could lose weight and he told me I could be a candidate for lapband!!! I felt so bad, mind you I was 23 yrs old at the time that was A HUGE WAKE UP CALL!!!! I didn't think I was to that point but I guess I was :(
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    A photo from Christmas 2011. I saw it and thought, "What the hell is Jabba the Hutt doing in my clothes, sitting on the floor, playing with our dog?!"

    And then I said, "Oh..." :embarassed:

    (And then I read that article in the NYT I'm still obsessed with - The Fat Trap - and decided to do an experiment and searched on my iPod Touch for free calorie counting apps and then I found you guys...swoon! The rest is history...) :flowerforyou:
  • For me it was when i was in florida and one of my classmates thought i was someones daughter and this young lady is a large women i decided then that i cant let myself be put in a fat girls category and my clothes did not fit right my stomach was poked out in pictures and i just didnt look right and i dont feel sexy anymore :(
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    ive had the belt loops break on me and the bath water store up behind me ive had the are you pregnant remarks ive had my boss make barbed comments about my size ive bought clothes in the next size then the next and honestly i deluded myself that i was fine my jeans were old thats why they broke, people wanting to make me feel bad about myself, clothes being cut smaller than the actual size they are meant to be, my boss was horrid anyway so took no notice of him but couldnt explain away the bath my moment that made me want to lose weight was when i got seriously out of breath walking up 13 steps to take my son to bed what i usuall y did was carry him up and lay down on his bed and read him a story and this particular day i had to get my breath back for 4-5 mins before i could begin reading to him i decided then and there i was gonna lose weight unfortunately i got almost immediately pregnant so had to put it off for a year (whilst i was pregnant nobody realised as i had got that big you couldnt really tell till i was almost due that hurt more than anything)
    i started last january and have not looked back 81 pounds gone that i never want back still got a way to go but getting closer every single week
  • rhe276
    rhe276 Posts: 46
    your right. i think it was the kick i needed:happy:
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    The summer a lot of my friends got married did it for me ...endless hen do and wedding pictures and I hated every one of them.
    That , and the realisation that I was buying a *lot* of shapless , baggy, clothes - some of them in up to 3 sizes too big in an attempt to hide my figure.
  • I will share the day I decided to get healthy.
    I wasn't feeling well and all I had eaten that day was a Poutine (fries, gravy, cheese) from Costco. I went to the bathroom and yacked it all up. My older sister basically gave me an intervention after that. She told me how much my family worries about me and loves me and wants me to live a long happy life. I was in tears the whole time because this is all I've ever heard my whole life; "lose weight, you're fat, get healthy" so I decided hey, why not? It won't kill me. I've been unhappy for this long why can't I be happy? So here I am today, 50 days into eating and getting better and I do not regret one thing.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    The doctor told me I needed to do something about my weight. I started losing weight, but wasn't that serious about it until I had a heart attack, A year later, I am down over 50 and running 5Ks.

    brain surgery... followed by friend at work giving me a wake up call and sharing this web site with me - best decision ever!
    down 28.5 lbs... fitting in smaller clothes... more energy... doing a 16 min mile / 50 mins on the elliptical trainer....
  • paendrag
    paendrag Posts: 16 Member
    I had noticed clothes not fitting and how bad I looked in a mirror/pictures, but I never cared about those things.

    What really kicked started me was when I had taken my teenaged children to Busch Gardens. That day was miserable for me, and probably not too much fun for my kids. I was over 400lbs at the time and couldn't fit in any of the rides. Then, before we had been there half a day, my back started causing me some serious issues and I couldnt walk very far without taking a break. My kids mayed the best of it for my sake, but it was obvious they would have had more fun if I were not there, or at least able to participate more.

    So, soon after returning from the trip, I started seeing a doctor and after a lot of tests (blood, joint, etc.) he helped me set me on the right path to losing weight. That was a year and half ago, and I have lost about 120 lbs.
  • i feel you ive done that also
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    When size 24W pants were getting too tight, and I knew regular stores did not carry anything bigger....plus, going up 1 flight of stairs to my then-boss's office winded me to the point I was panting when I got there. Sooo embarassing! :blushing:
  • Jph6701
    Jph6701 Posts: 55 Member
    when I looked down and could not see my.............Toes
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    A friend of min posted some pics from a bridal shower on her FB page - I didn't even recognize myself. I was so ashamed. Needless to say I untagged them immediately.

    Around the same time a coworker started her weightloss journey and was beginning to look downright AMAZING. So the shame and the success story I saw everyday motivated the hell out of me.

    Now I started this journey many times before, but only lasted 2-3 months tops. What has helped to keep me going this time for almost a year now has totally been MFP and all you guys!!!!!
  • NWriceC
    NWriceC Posts: 28
    Went to the doc on Dec. 30th, she had me step on the scale and shot the market to 200 lbs.
    In shock, I said I don't weigh 200 lbs, she said nope you weigh 199.

    Truth hurts.
  • Mick63116
    Mick63116 Posts: 47 Member
    26 walked to flights of stairs my lungs were burning I was so winded I had to do something.
  • lizb41
    lizb41 Posts: 17
    My first real one was October 2011 when i was admitted to hospital with severe cholecystitis....was in a week while they ruled out other things including cancer.....i thought my kids were gonna lose their mum because of how obese i'd let myself get. I weighed 332lbs and when i was told i only had gallstones i was so relieved i promised to lose the weight and get healthy. I had the op to remove my gall bladder 3 weeks ago and so far have lost 80lbs, and am down to 252lbs..................for the past few days my bad habits were slowly creeping in but somehow i had another 'aha' moment last night and am firmly back in control.....and will fulfill my promise to my husband and daughters to go swimming with them and on the rollercoaster etc on holiday in august x