What was the moment you realized you needed to lose weight?



  • mightyafrodyte
    mightyafrodyte Posts: 148 Member
    Three things:

    When I say my wedding pictures and there was just rolls everywhere.

    When I figured out that I weighed 100 lbs. More than my husband.

    When I could feel my stomach on my lap.

    At that point, I knew it was time.
  • Zero2hero2013
    when i had to buy a pair of 42'' trousers because the 40's didnt fit :-( now i am happily in the 34-36's depending on cutting or bulking lol.
  • jessicaacampbell1
    jessicaacampbell1 Posts: 133 Member
    I was walking from work to the subway and my lower back was hurting. I'm like what the hell is wrong with me. I was actually dreading the hill and thought about taking a cab up 3 BLOCKS!!!! I was angry with myself. But I'm here now and loving the changes I'm making. :smile:
  • NewMeKP
    NewMeKP Posts: 37 Member
    wow! i love all of your stories. some similar, some very different but we all are on the same journey! love it.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    It was a slow process, but I had always wanted, needed to loose weight. As I grew up- I was always the husky kid in elementray school. Puberty was worse for me, as I grew into 'the fat girl'.

    I never got to wear cute clothes in school.
    I never got to enjoy clothes. Period. It was always this painful experience to having to skip the teen section and go straight in to the wemon's section of clothing. Staring blankly at the frumpy older clothes. I gave into a tom-boy image and gave up on ever being a girly-girl. Skater jeans, cut offs, board shorts, ect- and generic sarcastic shirts to boot was what I claimed in high school.

    It was when I finally decided, damnit. I want to have cute clothes to look as cute and sexy as I feel inside. And finally embrace that part of myself.
  • lynsie86
    lynsie86 Posts: 17
    Mine was last July. I knew I had gained weight but hadn't gained the courage to do anything about it. I had a party at my house where lots of pics where taken. When I saw the pics of myself, I wanted to puke. I couldn't believe that I actually looked that fat. On top of that, my soon to be mother in law had showed up and revealed that she had lost A LOT of weight. She used to be way bigger than me and now she was smaller than me. That just did not sit right with me. I've never been the fat one and never wanted to be the fat one, but now I'm the fat one. It disgusts me!
  • tamamommy
    tamamommy Posts: 73
    When I didn't fit on the airplane seat and the flight attendant handed me a belt extension. I wanted to shrivel up and die. Also, when my daughter told me she likes me squishy. YIKERS
  • i was shopping for jeans and i went to grab my normal size 18, but to my surprise, they no longer fit me. i was so sad when i had to tell my mom to go get a size up.. but now i'm a size 14-16, and still going down!
  • deadgirl81
    deadgirl81 Posts: 412 Member
    I saw pictures of my friend on her wedding day (we've always been around the same size) and I thought, I really don't want to look like that on my wedding day. (Although I have been told I'm nowhere near as big as her by a couple of different people)

    Plus I'm fed up of having to buy frumpy, older style clothes - I want to be able to wear smaller, cheaper (not in the bad way though) clothes.

    Oh and, I weighed the same as my dad before he had his heart operation and the same as my fiancé (although he is 6ft3, so carries it off without looking big)
  • lizo11
    lizo11 Posts: 58 Member
    The first one was my best friend is getting married in May, and two of my exes from high school will be there. And I realized I have gained ~40 pounds since I last saw them. And I wanted my body to look as good as I feel. (I am incredibly happy with my life, and insanely blessed with my life.)

    The second one (much more of an eye opener) was when my FIL collasped. He is overweight, and has been on BP medicine for 20 years. Apparently he had heart issues....that really kind of opened my eyes.

    But the third (and true ah-ha moment) was when my doctor told me I needed to lose *at least* 20 pounds to safely carry a healthy child. I freaked, and promptly truly commited to weight loss.
  • spapsidero
    My ah-ha moment was valentine's day 2012. I had a friend take some "sexy" pics of me for my husband who was out on the road. Looking thru them made me realize I do not look the way I think I look. Started to be serious about losing and joined MFP. Best thing ever. Still look at those photos to keep me motivated.
  • riddellr
    riddellr Posts: 23
    My ah-ha moment was when I stepped on the scale and it said "One at a time please". I had topped 300lbs and felt tired all of the time, my diabetes was out of control and I, like others had recently saw candid pictures of myself and I looked horrible. Today, I am tipping the scales at 240lbs and I'm shooting for my first goal of 200lbs and then hoping to continue downwards to 170-180lbs.
  • beautifulbeast11
    beautifulbeast11 Posts: 202 Member
    When my wedding pictures came back.
  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    I always knew I needed to lose weight. I had been trying to lose via portion control but lets be real, I cheated. One day my BF and his family went to Arby's and I ate quite a bit and felt sick on the way home. As we came back in to town I told the BF we should buy a scale and when I got home and stood on it, that was that. Time to really be serious. So I started and it's been almost a year and almost 80lbs later. Still have a way to go but I am happy I have been able to stick to it.
  • elishabeish
    elishabeish Posts: 175 Member
    My Mom has been in a vegitative state since March 30, 2008. No chance for recovery, but her husband wont let go. This all started with a hernia that she was too afraid to have surgery on. It gave her a lot of pain, so she couldn't exercise and became obese. During this time the hernia tangled up with her intestines. February 24, 2007 she coughed real hard and her bowel busted, she went into septic shock and was in a coma until March 28, 2007. On March 30, 2007 her throat swelled closing her airways and she was without oxygen for around 11 minutes. Once resuscitated, she was brain dead.

    I decided this was not going to happen to me!
  • jching29
    jching29 Posts: 163
    My girlfriend and I moved into an apartment together, and after about a year, we were over at her parents' house when I decided to step on the scale "for fun." It read that I'd crossed (very, very vaguely) into the 200s. I guess there had been some imaginary border set up in my mind because I cried, and cried and cried for days. Then, I got up, and told myself that I'd never have another summer where I would be embarrassed to go out in a bathing suit, or when I'd feel self-conscious about getting pictures taken of me.
  • cmyw
    cmyw Posts: 6 Member
    When I put on my shorts (from summer 2011) and realized that I can even zip them....I joined March 2012.
  • Dinob661
    Dinob661 Posts: 251 Member
    My ah-ha moment was when I stepped on the scale and it said "One at a time please". I had topped 300lbs and felt tired all of the time, my diabetes was out of control and I, like others had recently saw candid pictures of myself and I looked horrible. Today, I am tipping the scales at 240lbs and I'm shooting for my first goal of 200lbs and then hoping to continue downwards to 170-180lbs.

    Wow, Actually your screen name and your post are scary similar to my story,

    My first Aha Moment.
    I don't know my exact weight when this happened, but i was at Six Flags Magic Mountain (in California) and went on a ride called Riddler's Revenge (see!?!?!) and I almost didn't fit.....seriously 6'2" 295(ish), and I actually needed help from an attendant to get on the ride, and he almost gave up, So did I. I wanted to leave.

    Aha Moment #2:
    About 2 weeks later I actually worked up the guts to weigh myself. and The Scale basically told me to get off..... 299.7lbs, And I always would say to myself "I will never hit 300lbs ever if I do shoot me." Normally, I am very upbeat about everything but when I saw that I almost lost it.

    That night I went to the gym, and for 7 straight months everyday. 11 Months later I am 200lbs. Thankfully I am done losing weight, now Working on gaining muscle. I am close to being in shape like i was freshman year of High School. I still can't quite believe everything that has happened basically the last year.... it kind of seems unreal
  • DoingthisforChris
    When my daughter said out loud "Mom why are you so fat" gotta love the lil ones
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I've always known I needed to lose it, but I just felt it would be too difficult to switch my diet since I do not like a lot of vegetables and most doctors just told me to eat more salads. (and between you'n me, lettuce tastes like grass. And yes I know what grass tastes like)

    The real big eye opener was my 21st birthday. I had bought a pin up style dress from Torrid that I thought I looked great in and went out with family in it, ankle boots, and a cheesy crown I bought with a big 21 on it. My cousin's now ex-fiancee took pictures of me and I had one of me standing in front of a wall decoration with fake Birds of Paradise that I put up on Facebook. My settings were friend of friend at the time and someone's friend got on and trashed me in the comments. Some weeks later when I put up a bust (from chest/shoulders up, not just my bust) photo of myself elsewhere as an ID photo, I was trashed again by someone else. I thought I looked good in both photos but apparently not. I even had a guy insult me from inside his car in a parking lot.

    It really made me lose my confidence and I went into a huge depression about the same time I had hand surgery in December of last year and was finding clothes that used to fit me weren't and those that were loose were now just at fitting. I got so ashamed that the beginning of this year I had my FB profile picture changed to a drawing of myself instead of a photo. My birthday was the first week of January and I refused to celebrate it because I didn't want to be in public, especially with my 'tradition' of wearing a miniature felt cake on my head. I even thought about ending a 2 year relationship because of my weight.

    But finally I talked sense into myself and joined a weight loss clinic and then here the same day, determined to stop feeling sorry for myself and actually do something about how big I was. I'm the one that got me here, I was the one who could get me out.