If it fits in my daily calories...



  • RyanDanielle5101
    Who the hell made you food Nazi???? Why the hell do you care what others eat?? Seriously

    I'm glad I have a life and I'm too busy to worry what other people are eating.

    Worry about yourself and no one else!!!

    BTW Acg rocks and haters gonna hate.....The END
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Im not gonna eat anything I shouldn't till I get to my goal. Dedication will get me results. The cheeseburger isn't going anywhere. You can eat anything you want when your kids dont have to worry about your breathing, etc. If it hurts, that means its addicting. Thats like saying a crackhead should be able to splurge on crack "every once in a while". Most of us are un-healthy. Lets do this. Put the burger down!!!!

    1) You need food to live, you don't need crack to live. Very different "addiction".
    2) "I'm not gonna eat anything I shouldn't till I get to my goal"-- Good idea. That's like saying a crackhead should go through rehab and then reward themselves with a nice binge on crack ;)
    3) That beer in your picture sure does look tasty.

    The beer is why I am fat. Thats my motivational pic. Im not gonna drink until I reach my goal. Just like the burger... lol
    I think if you can't control yourself with beer and still lose weight, you may have other problems that MFP can't help you with.

    I think most people here can have a burger once a month or once a week and then be good to go.
  • footballmom12
    footballmom12 Posts: 100 Member
    Not sure why this bothers me.

    Maybe it bothers you because it doesn't work for you!!! MODERATION is missing in America...that's why we have so many overweight people. I have a choice to take my kids to McDonalds, out for ice cream or some candy and chocolate and I choose YES... and I am not going to sit there and not enjoy with them....in moderation. You have complete control over you---until the govt takes over your insurance ;-) Good luck...I hope you have great success!! :flowerforyou:
  • Raven1663
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    What the hell difference does it make to you what other people do? Does it somehow effect you? Or just make you jealous?

    (I'll pretend I care....) As I munch on my 650 calorie shake with broken bits of waffle cone that I crumpled up and mixed in....

    :) I still have 1,000 calories left for the day. And that's accounting for the TWO black bean brownies I plan to consume. I'll likely have a bowl of ice cream tonight too. Moose tracks. Mmmmmmmm.

    I'm sorry--did I offend you by using curse words like shake, waffle cone, ice cream, and brownies? Nevermind; don't answer that. I don't really give a rat's *kitten*.

    Last night, for supper, I had a hamburger on a potato roll. Scandalous.

    Um, Wow. Why does the OP caring what other people eat upset you so much? Why do you care so much what she does, but expect her not to care what anyone else does?

    I'm so not upset. I think it's *^&^%$*&^ hilarious that she has her panties in a wad with jealousy over people losing and still eating things that she has deprived herself of. I don't deprive myself... I eat what I like-just not so much that I'm still sitting at over 200 pounds, and I exercise, lift heavy, and most of all enjoy life--even foods that others think are so scandalous. Too bad some have so much trouble with that.

    So, from this we are to believe that your panties are wad free?? Because I'll be honest, I sense some wadding.

    Actually, I think it's just fun to razz the diary police and the "holier-than-thou because I eat clean and everyone else should eat clean too" thinkers. There's lots of them, and these threads just never get old. I like to tell them all the horrible, awful things I eat and still have success. It wads their panties up even tighter to see things like, shake, ice cream, cake, etc.

    I LOVE IT!

    I've always enjoyed pissing people off. Ask my siblings. :P
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    There's no pride in saying "Oh I totally ate these 7 layer nachos but I kept under my calorie goal for the day!" A good way to know just how bad you did despite the calorie amount is to check your sodium, cholesterol, sugar, and your fat intake from it. You won't feel like a champ seeing some of that stuff way into the red.

    I feel like a champ, regardless. I've lost 83 lbs and counting.

    I take immense pride in eating nachos and keeping to my calorie goals for the day.

    AND I am thrilled to set that example for others.

    by "bragging" about this, I am shining a light into the darkness, shouting from the damn rooftops:
    YOU TOO can do what I have done.

    1. I never exercised, at all, for the first 50 lbs of weight loss. I walked my dogs, for 15 minutes, on most days. Now, I do elliptical, for about 30 minutes, when I feel like it. Which is about 1-2 times a week.

    2. I never have paid attention to any of the numbers except for calories.

    3. My tickers displays the results of my efforts.

    4. I have always eaten back my exercise calories. I bought a HRM to more accurately estimate my burns.

    5. MOST IMPORTANTLY, I have stuck to it, for more than three years now. I have gone through bereavement, moving across the state, massive stress with the loss of my job and husband's, and STILL I have been able to stick to the plan. BECAUSE it isn't restrictive, or unsustainable. I would have LONG ago abandoned any plan that didn't allow me to spend my calories as I see fit.

    You should be very proud :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I can't speak for anyone else, but my panties ARE in a bunch, because I've lost weight eating burgers and pizza and there's a little too much fabric in the buttocks-region. :ohwell:

    I don't label any foods bad, unless they happen to taste bad, then... yuck. But if I get the right amount of calories to achieve my goals (which now is maintaining), adequate protein and fat, plenty of fruits and vegetables, a good balance of vitamins and minerals... what difference does it make if some of that food was consumed in the form of a pizza or cheeseburger?!

    So if I'm aiming for approximately 50% of my calories from carbs and 25% each from fat and protein, why should I feel guilt that some of those carbs came from tortilla chips or a pizza crust or kaiser roll or the huge jelly donut I had after my race on Saturday?

    I save guilt for times I really did something bad... something that hurts myself or others. Enjoying yummy food while still getting good nutrition isn't bad and doesn't hurt anyone.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    I personally do not think a calorie is a calorie. However, it is possible to lose weight eating processed foods, even those with things such as high fructose corn syrup. I have done it in the past, and I have lost weight. The thing is, I had to deprive myself even more that way because I kept going back to those intense and unnatural flavors that I craved. I couldn't pull myself away from them because they are addicting. Eating more natural and organic was a change for me, but personally I have found losing weight to be much easier once you get used to it. Before, I would advise someone losing weight to eat 100-calorie packs. Now, I say go for a tofu stirfry with steamed zucchini and brown rice. I feel better once I get those nutrients in. But, I guess I can see both sides of the spectrum. To each their own.

    I personally do not think that an inch is an inch. I mean, its too hard to measure soft curvy things with inches, only hard straight-ish things. I think that we need an entirely different system for measuring sideways than we do up and down.

    But I guess I can see both sides. To each their own.
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    Let's talk about why that cheeseburger and fries DOES work for some people. Some people....especially those of us who made it our life mission to make bad food choices.... have to be "weened" into the healthy lifestyle. When I started my journey a year ago, I was able to eat 1800 calories a day and still lose consistently. I would have had to literally go all day with fruits and veggies to eat ENOUGH calories at that point. Obviously, the longer I've been on this path, and the fewer calories my body needs, I have made appropriate adjustments to my diet for me. I still have the occassional burger or pizza or even cake. Why, because if I did not occassionally have foods that I honestly just enjoy, I would not truly make this a lifestyle change. I would feel as though I was on a "diet" and being deprived. This would eventually lead to my feelings of failing on said diet which would eventually lead me right back to where I started. Therefore, I embrace the "if it fits.. eat it" philosophy. Of course I eat healthier. Of course I eat cleaner. Of course I eat less. But.... if I really want it, I make sacrifices somewhere else in my day and then I enjoy the hell out of it. As far as setting a bad example.... I have a loyal friend base who says that this is exactly what inspires them. They look at my food journal and say "I really can do this and go on dates"... "I really can do this when I'm on the run"... "I really can do this on days that I can't exercise". We all have to figure out how to make this fit our every day... real... lives. That is going to mean different things to different people. Find what works for you and to each their own. Good luck to everyone on their own personal journey full of their very own personal choices.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Let's talk about why that cheeseburger and fries DOES work for some people. Some people....especially those of us who made it our life mission to make bad food choices.... have to be "weened" into the healthy lifestyle. When I started my journey a year ago, I was able to eat 1800 calories a day and still lose consistently. I would have had to literally go all day with fruits and veggies to eat ENOUGH calories at that point. Obviously, the longer I've been on this path, and the fewer calories my body needs, I have made appropriate adjustments to my diet for me. I still have the occassional burger or pizza or even cake. Why, because if I did not occassionally have foods that I honestly just enjoy, I would not truly make this a lifestyle change. I would feel as though I was on a "diet" and being deprived. This would eventually lead to my feelings of failing on said diet which would eventually lead me right back to where I started. Therefore, I embrace the "if it fits.. eat it" philosophy. Of course I eat healthier. Of course I eat cleaner. Of course I eat less. But.... if I really want it, I make sacrifices somewhere else in my day and then I enjoy the hell out of it. As far as setting a bad example.... I have a loyal friend base who says that this is exactly what inspires them. They look at my food journal and say "I really can do this and go on dates"... "I really can do this when I'm on the run"... "I really can do this on days that I can't exercise". We all have to figure out how to make this fit our every day... real... lives. That is going to mean different things to different people. Find what works for you and to each their own. Good luck to everyone on their own personal journey full of their very own personal choices.

    Eh. What do you know? You've only lost 97 pounds.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I think the wendy's double stacks without mayo would come in around 400 cals.

    My bulk meals used to be two of those, 5-10 nuggets, a fry, a frosty and sometimes a chicken sammich.
    Had those at least twice a week.
    Got stronger than ever.
  • mommamisty823
    You don't need to give up everything that you love to lose weight and make it healthy foods only. I think that when some people do that that they end up over-indulging when they do let themselves have those "treats" instead of just eating them in moderation.
    As long as there's a healthy balance I don't see a problem. And honestly, even if it's not a healthy balance the person eating all of the junk already knows that more than likely.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member

    not "original poster" but "original post" people are just soo ofended with her point of view... they even created a new thread about cheeseburgers bc they were soo against her point of view... I agree with her point of view and I know what you mean, I eat clean the entire month and once a month I will have a cheat day... I do it to keep myself sane b/c if I eat badly once a week I would freak...

    This whole thread stinks of Food Issues. Calling foods "good" and "bad", "cheating", "eating dirty", passing judgment on others... I suggest some serious self reflection and possible conversations with a professional.

    Food is food. It's not good or bad. Finding repugnance in the notion that others' efforts are unacceptable because of their food choices, despite their health and fitness achievements, warrants some introspection.

    And if you can't muster the testicular fortitude to consider that your opinions may very well be colored by your own issues at least quit spouting off about it in public and making yourselves look like overbearing judgemental blowhards.

    I :heart: you!

    Me too!

    Can we make it a 4-way?? :love:
  • Mcmilligen
    Mcmilligen Posts: 332 Member
    Not sure why this bothers me but it every time I read someone posting something about how that 400 calorie Double Cheeseburger or Bucket of fried food fits into my daily calories, so I'm going to eat it!!. It is one thing if it's a special occasion but if this is a daily or weekly occurrence, you are only lying to yourself and making it that much harder to get to that goal you've been reaching for. Calories aren't the enemy, it is what those calories are made up with that count.

    Y'know what? It does get to me a bit too. But only because I have revamped what I eat, and I really try hard to make sure I put good things in to my mouth. Why? Because it makes me feel SO much better physically, and I feel better about myself. But, I also think it's important to look at it from a different perspective. Perhaps this person who snuck in (but still met their goals) that burger will eventually cut down on food that is less healthy, in replace for a more nutritious choice. Maybe not. Ultimately, it's not really anyone's choice but their own. I'm no expert, and I am assuming you aren't either. But what's important... is that at this point, they are making an effort to meet their goals. And, that is great! So I think it is good to remind ourselves that we are all likely at a different point in whatever journey it is we came here for. But oi- that's just my opinion.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member

    You just made it soooo much better!! :love:
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Exactly, it is about being healthy, not being "skinny".
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    I feel like a champ, regardless. I've lost 83 lbs and counting.

    I take immense pride in eating nachos and keeping to my calorie goals for the day.

    AND I am thrilled to set that example for others.

    Preach it, sister. :smile:
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    It bothers me too. I do believe you can lose weight eating junk as long as you eat little enough of it, but it really drives me crazy when people don't care about their health. How can you not care about your own health or that of your family?

  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Exactly, it is about being healthy, not being "skinny".

    Who are you to tell anyone else what it "should be about"?

    That is the problem with people like you and the OP. You have your goals and your ways of doing things and think everyone should be just like you or they're wrong.