If it fits in my daily calories...



  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I agree, even though I occasionally have a burger or Chinese food (luckily none of the worst offenders in that area, yay being a picky eater) I don't find success in it fitting in my calorie "budget" for the day. If I eat it, regardless, I will haul *kitten* to make up for it. You have to keep up the quality as well as the quantity or it's just not going to work. There's no pride in saying "Oh I totally ate these 7 layer nachos but I kept under my calorie goal for the day!" A good way to know just how bad you did despite the calorie amount is to check your sodium, cholesterol, sugar, and your fat intake from it. You won't feel like a champ seeing some of that stuff way into the red.
  • aolshove
    aolshove Posts: 5
    I guess my primary motivation for not just eating whatever I want even if it's within my calorie goal is that I'm lazy and hate to exercise. I see those 300ish calories burned from my daily walk/run as "painfully hard-earned" and that serves as motivation to not p**s them away on low-quality foods. If I'm going to waste calories, they'd better be worth it, damn it. Also, fast food doesn't have to be all empty calories. I thoroughly enjoy my Taco Bell Fiesta Salads (no cheese, no sour cream, no shell) as well as my weekly Burger King Junior Whopper meal (no sauce, side salad instead of fries). These things satiate my appetite and do provide sustenance despite what health-nazis try to tell you. Also, I love my 2 slices of Papa Murphy's Hawaiian Delite pizza on Sunday nights. However, my favorite snacks, vanilla shakes, had to go as they're are just too high in calories for such a small thing and thus they were placed in the "not calorie-worthy" category. I miss them.. *sniffy*

    Also, my personal mini-victory is how many left-over calories I have at the end of the day so that's motivation not to fill them at all.
  • twisted88
    twisted88 Posts: 330 Member
    Fit this among many other burgers into my cals

    Double brie stuffed jucy lucys topped with more brie and pancetta


    I think I will be picking up some brie withi in the next few days...
  • thatguy010
    thatguy010 Posts: 51 Member
    So is the OP trying to say if you ate the exact same number of calories of some "bad" food mixed with "good" foods vs eating all "good" foods, weight loss would be different?
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    Not sure why this bothers me

    I think this is the most important part of what you said. You really need to figure out why this bothers you, because it shouldn't.

    ^ definitely this. I don't care what other people eat. If it works for them, great, if not, then that's on them to fix it. I'm don't want to be the food police and I emphatically protect my freedom and the freedom of others to do whatever the hell they want food-wise.
  • danascot
    danascot Posts: 100 Member
    I've seen these threads enough that I've come to the following conclusion.

    Clean eating 100% of the time makes you such a miserable human being that the only way to feel joy is to look down at others.

    This is a very true statement! :laugh:
  • txsgirlK
    txsgirlK Posts: 171 Member

    I don't believe weight loss in itself makes you healthier. I would like to see the cholesterol levels and blood pressure readings of the people losing weight by eating junk food (and I'm talking about daily junk food, not the occasional indulgence). I bet mine is lower even though I weigh more.

    We have dozens of threads a day that rail on about how fat is inherently unhealthy and you can't possibly be fat and healthy, so it's okay to judge fat people on their appearance alone. I mean, we KNOW they're unhealthy, right? Does this not imply that they MUST improve their health, at least somewhat, solely by losing weight? Otherwise, how is it possible to judge people fairly, solely based on weight?

    HINT: It's not. Nor is it possible to judge health based on what people eat. Some people will be healthier than others at exactly the same weight with exactly the same diet, because there are more factors involved and not all of them are controllable. This is why it's no one's place to judge another's diet or weight. We all have plenty to do just being responsible for ourselves.

    This is true. Genetics also play a big part. I'll concede that. Me personally, I feel like **** after I eat a burger and fries. I feel better since I've been eating healthier. I'm not perfect, I did have a hamburger and fries just this last Sunday. The first in 3 months and it was wonderful! But afterwards reminded me why I don't eat them as often anymore. That is me, not you, or anyone else on this post.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    What the hell difference does it make to you what other people do? Does it somehow effect you? Or just make you jealous?

    (I'll pretend I care....) As I munch on my 650 calorie shake with broken bits of waffle cone that I crumpled up and mixed in....

    :) I still have 1,000 calories left for the day. And that's accounting for the TWO black bean brownies I plan to consume. I'll likely have a bowl of ice cream tonight too. Moose tracks. Mmmmmmmm.

    I'm sorry--did I offend you by using curse words like shake, waffle cone, ice cream, and brownies? Nevermind; don't answer that. I don't really give a rat's *kitten*.

    Last night, for supper, I had a hamburger on a potato roll. Scandalous.

    Um, Wow. Why does the OP caring what other people eat upset you so much? Why do you care so much what she does, but expect her not to care what anyone else does?

    I'm so not upset. I think it's *^&^%$*&^ hilarious that she has her panties in a wad with jealousy over people losing and still eating things that she has deprived herself of. I don't deprive myself... I eat what I like-just not so much that I'm still sitting at over 200 pounds, and I exercise, lift heavy, and most of all enjoy life--even foods that others think are so scandalous. Too bad some have so much trouble with that.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I'm trying to change, but it is gradual. For instance, I haven't eliminated red meat, but have it only once a week (Preferable a nice big ribeye). Eventually I may have it even less often (or choose a nice small ribeye), but for now, it beats how much red meat I was eating and serving my husband six months ago. (

    With all due respect, why do you feel the need to eliminate red meat?:flowerforyou:
    A nice lean steak does not have the same fat in it than fatty hamburger....If you don't have cholestrol issues, there is absolutely no reason to elimiante lean red meat - just make sure you buy lean hamburger and cut off the visible fat on your steaks - it's great for protein, iron and a load of other good stuff!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    There's no pride in saying "Oh I totally ate these 7 layer nachos but I kept under my calorie goal for the day!" A good way to know just how bad you did despite the calorie amount is to check your sodium, cholesterol, sugar, and your fat intake from it. You won't feel like a champ seeing some of that stuff way into the red.

    I feel like a champ, regardless. I've lost 83 lbs and counting.

    I take immense pride in eating nachos and keeping to my calorie goals for the day.

    AND I am thrilled to set that example for others.

    by "bragging" about this, I am shining a light into the darkness, shouting from the damn rooftops:
    YOU TOO can do what I have done.

    1. I never exercised, at all, for the first 50 lbs of weight loss. I walked my dogs, for 15 minutes, on most days. Now, I do elliptical, for about 30 minutes, when I feel like it. Which is about 1-2 times a week.

    2. I never have paid attention to any of the numbers except for calories.

    3. My tickers displays the results of my efforts.

    4. I have always eaten back my exercise calories. I bought a HRM to more accurately estimate my burns.

    5. MOST IMPORTANTLY, I have stuck to it, for more than three years now. I have gone through bereavement, moving across the state, massive stress with the loss of my job and husband's, and STILL I have been able to stick to the plan. BECAUSE it isn't restrictive, or unsustainable. I would have LONG ago abandoned any plan that didn't allow me to spend my calories as I see fit.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member

    I don't believe weight loss in itself makes you healthier. I would like to see the cholesterol levels and blood pressure readings of the people losing weight by eating junk food (and I'm talking about daily junk food, not the occasional indulgence). I bet mine is lower even though I weigh more.

    We have dozens of threads a day that rail on about how fat is inherently unhealthy and you can't possibly be fat and healthy, so it's okay to judge fat people on their appearance alone. I mean, we KNOW they're unhealthy, right? Does this not imply that they MUST improve their health, at least somewhat, solely by losing weight? Otherwise, how is it possible to judge people fairly, solely based on weight?

    HINT: It's not. Nor is it possible to judge health based on what people eat. Some people will be healthier than others at exactly the same weight with exactly the same diet, because there are more factors involved and not all of them are controllable. This is why it's no one's place to judge another's diet or weight. We all have plenty to do just being responsible for ourselves.

    This is true. Genetics also play a big part. I'll concede that. Me personally, I feel like **** after I eat a burger and fries. I feel better since I've been eating healthier. I'm not perfect, I did have a hamburger and fries just this last Sunday. The first in 3 months and it was wonderful! But afterwards reminded me why I don't eat them as often anymore. That is me, not you, or anyone else on this post.

    Nope thats me tooo.....I spend a lot of time in the bathroom after....
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    What the hell difference does it make to you what other people do? Does it somehow effect you? Or just make you jealous?

    (I'll pretend I care....) As I munch on my 650 calorie shake with broken bits of waffle cone that I crumpled up and mixed in....

    :) I still have 1,000 calories left for the day. And that's accounting for the TWO black bean brownies I plan to consume. I'll likely have a bowl of ice cream tonight too. Moose tracks. Mmmmmmmm.

    I'm sorry--did I offend you by using curse words like shake, waffle cone, ice cream, and brownies? Nevermind; don't answer that. I don't really give a rat's *kitten*.

    Last night, for supper, I had a hamburger on a potato roll. Scandalous.

    Um, Wow. Why does the OP caring what other people eat upset you so much? Why do you care so much what she does, but expect her not to care what anyone else does?

    I'm so not upset. I think it's *^&^%$*&^ hilarious that she has her panties in a wad with jealousy over people losing and still eating things that she has deprived herself of. I don't deprive myself... I eat what I like-just not so much that I'm still sitting at over 200 pounds, and I exercise, lift heavy, and most of all enjoy life--even foods that others think are so scandalous. Too bad some have so much trouble with that.

    So, from this we are to believe that your panties are wad free?? Because I'll be honest, I sense some wadding.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I stalked Acg for months before adding him. Nothing wrong with a little stalking.

    Also, I think his abs speak for him in regards to carbs not hurting him in the fitness department.

    First I want to say that I don't think or care if Acg is a weirdo. But thinking anyone's abs speak for anything when it comes to fitness or nutrition is not wise unless you've known them for a while and know them well. Many people are naturally thin no matter what they eat, so just a few ab exercises will give them a 6 pack. That doesn't mean the same is true for others.

    I've seen Acg's posts before. Whenever he has made statements about fitness or nutrition, he has backed it up with peer review studies. His opinion is highly respected on these threads because he knows what he is talking about, and very often, he provides people with truth where others are only offering opinions formed from studies that they "heard" about. His profile pic is just eye candy. It is his experience and personal pursuit of knowledge that has warranted him the respect that he receives. Being that you have been around in the forums for so long, I would think you would know that.

    I am not the one that said his abs speak for him.

    Oh, I see your point. But you could have at least pointed out that he routinely posts factual information, and that it is his knowledge that actually speaks for him.

    I could have said a lot of things, but I chose to stick to my point.

    Okay. But you sounded as if you were discrediting him.
  • Amy_Lee_2012
    Amy_Lee_2012 Posts: 156 Member
    I don't care what other people eat, that's their business. But, for me, personally, I started this weight loss journey not just to lose weight but to get healthy.
    I allow myself a 'treat' now and then, but the point of having a treat is that it is a special occasion thing and not an everyday thing.
    I wouldn't feel right eating something 'bad', just because it fits into my calories. I've worked really hard to change my dietary habits and I love the way I feel now as opposed to when I used to eat junk food everyday.

    In saying that, this is how I feel and I respect that not everyone feels the same way.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm trying to change, but it is gradual. For instance, I haven't eliminated red meat, but have it only once a week (Preferable a nice big ribeye). Eventually I may have it even less often (or choose a nice small ribeye), but for now, it beats how much red meat I was eating and serving my husband six months ago. (

    With all due respect, why do you feel the need to eliminate red meat?:flowerforyou:
    A nice lean steak does not have the same fat in it than fatty hamburger....If you don't have cholestrol issues, there is absolutely no reason to elimiante lean red meat - just make sure you buy lean hamburger and cut off the visible fat on your steaks - it's great for protein, iron and a load of other good stuff!

    While I agree that you don't have to totally eliminate red meat, there is increasing medical evidence that eating less can improve health.
  • wifeygrooms
    Please point me to said 400 calorie double cheeseburger. Thanks

    McDonalds Mcdouble ($1) no pickle, no bun....less than 400 cal. Even a qtr pounder w/ cheese no bun...they put it on a bed of lettuce. That's my twice a month indulgence!

    No bun is not a burger....That's just meat!!!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    I personally do not think a calorie is a calorie. However, it is possible to lose weight eating processed foods, even those with things such as high fructose corn syrup. I have done it in the past, and I have lost weight. The thing is, I had to deprive myself even more that way because I kept going back to those intense and unnatural flavors that I craved. I couldn't pull myself away from them because they are addicting. Eating more natural and organic was a change for me, but personally I have found losing weight to be much easier once you get used to it. Before, I would advise someone losing weight to eat 100-calorie packs. Now, I say go for a tofu stirfry with steamed zucchini and brown rice. I feel better once I get those nutrients in. But, I guess I can see both sides of the spectrum. To each their own.

    What you "personally think" isn't science, though.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    I had a mini blizzard, a frosted cup cake and some graham crakers with peanut butter last night and still had 800 calorie deficit granted I dont eat this every evening but I had a craving last night.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member

    not "original poster" but "original post" people are just soo ofended with her point of view... they even created a new thread about cheeseburgers bc they were soo against her point of view... I agree with her point of view and I know what you mean, I eat clean the entire month and once a month I will have a cheat day... I do it to keep myself sane b/c if I eat badly once a week I would freak...

    This whole thread stinks of Food Issues. Calling foods "good" and "bad", "cheating", "eating dirty", passing judgment on others... I suggest some serious self reflection and possible conversations with a professional.

    Food is food. It's not good or bad. Finding repugnance in the notion that others' efforts are unacceptable because of their food choices, despite their health and fitness achievements, warrants some introspection.

    And if you can't muster the testicular fortitude to consider that your opinions may very well be colored by your own issues at least quit spouting off about it in public and making yourselves look like overbearing judgemental blowhards.

    I :heart: you!

    Me too!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I stalked Acg for months before adding him. Nothing wrong with a little stalking.

    Also, I think his abs speak for him in regards to carbs not hurting him in the fitness department.

    First I want to say that I don't think or care if Acg is a weirdo. But thinking anyone's abs speak for anything when it comes to fitness or nutrition is not wise unless you've known them for a while and know them well. Many people are naturally thin no matter what they eat, so just a few ab exercises will give them a 6 pack. That doesn't mean the same is true for others.

    I've seen Acg's posts before. Whenever he has made statements about fitness or nutrition, he has backed it up with peer review studies. His opinion is highly respected on these threads because he knows what he is talking about, and very often, he provides people with truth where others are only offering opinions formed from studies that they "heard" about. His profile pic is just eye candy. It is his experience and personal pursuit of knowledge that has warranted him the respect that he receives. Being that you have been around in the forums for so long, I would think you would know that.

    I am not the one that said his abs speak for him.

    Oh, I see your point. But you could have at least pointed out that he routinely posts factual information, and that it is his knowledge that actually speaks for him.

    I could have said a lot of things, but I chose to stick to my point.

    Okay. But you sounded as if you were discrediting him.

    I don't see how. But my intention was not credit or discredit him. My post was not even really about him.