If it fits in my daily calories...



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member

    not "original poster" but "original post" people are just soo ofended with her point of view... they even created a new thread about cheeseburgers bc they were soo against her point of view... I agree with her point of view and I know what you mean, I eat clean the entire month and once a month I will have a cheat day... I do it to keep myself sane b/c if I eat badly once a week I would freak...

    This whole thread stinks of Food Issues. Calling foods "good" and "bad", "cheating", "eating dirty", passing judgment on others... I suggest some serious self reflection and possible conversations with a professional.

    Food is food. It's not good or bad. Finding repugnance in the notion that others' efforts are unacceptable because of their food choices, despite their health and fitness achievements, warrants some introspection.

    And if you can't muster the testicular fortitude to consider that your opinions may very well be colored by your own issues at least quit spouting off about it in public and making yourselves look like overbearing judgemental blowhards.

    I :heart: you!
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    Im not gonna eat anything I shouldn't till I get to my goal. Dedication will get me results. The cheeseburger isn't going anywhere. You can eat anything you want when your kids dont have to worry about your breathing, etc. If it hurts, that means its addicting. Thats like saying a crackhead should be able to splurge on crack "every once in a while". Most of us are un-healthy. Lets do this. Put the burger down!!!!

    Yes..... cheeseburgers are EXACTLY like crack. what?!?!?!?! except that you do need food to live. You dont need crack to live. So if you are going to eat food, because you want to live....... it is nothing like a crackhead if you decide to stop for a burger.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    This whole thread stinks of Food Issues. Calling foods "good" and "bad", "cheating", "eating dirty", passing judgment on others... I suggest some serious self reflection and possible conversations with a professional.

    I realize "you need professional help" is something of an argument trump card, but really, that's an unnecessary thing to say. From reading the whole thread, I see that the only ones who called food "dirty" are those who so vehemently disagreed with the OP that they started using superlatives and ugly terms in order to describe food.

    And if you can't muster the testicular fortitude to consider that your opinions may very well be colored by your own issues at least quit spouting off about it in public and making yourselves look like overbearing judgemental blowhards.

    This statement goes both ways.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I agree that it shouldn't be bragged about. And obviously it's okay to want others to eat healthy and take care of themselves, but we can't force them :)

    I do agree that little cheats are not bad. For instance: Best little cheat I have are those Dove dark chocolate pieces - 45 calories a pop and oh so decadent! :) I have 1-2 per day to keep my chocolate cravings in check.

    Those are SO good! Dark chocolate isn't even a cheat, it's good for you!

    Try Green & Black's 85% cocoa. You will never eat Dove again.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Eating clean really isn't expensive. I feed a family of 5 on $150 or less per week. The majority of what we eat is organic. The caveat is that our food is made from scratch. We don't buy convenience foods. I feed 5 people (I include my 3 month old because I'm breastfeeding and am eating about 3000 calories a day) on $21 a day max. It's not hard to eat organic if you plan your meals, budget and shop appropriately.

    Cheap, healthy, convenient - Choose two

    Universally true. If you don't have either the time or money then eating "clean" is virtually impossible... I had to make more time in my day to prepare meals that were healthy because they weren't convenient

    It doesn't even have to be time set aside every day. There are plenty of working moms who spend a few hours on Sunday afternoons/evenings prepping meals for the rest of the week. Vegetables can be chopped and stored a few days in advance, meals an even be assembled, frozen, and then cooked. Yes, it takes time, but it doesn't have to mean two hours every night cooking dinner. There are ways to make it work. It just takes some thinking and planning, instead of complaining.

    for me, I like to bake an extra piece of chicken or tilapia, etc. at dinner, then just package it to take with me to work the next day. Then, the only preparing I really need to do is my breakfast, which takes maybe 10 minutes max at night before I go to bed (I'm not a morning person, or I'd do it in the morning), then the next morning I pack up my breakfast and leftover lunch and get on to work. Everyone just has to find what works for them, if its a matter of finding time.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I think it sets a bad example for those starting out. It is one thing to make that decision once you've gotten a hold of what you are doing with your weight loss. But for those who haven't found that happy medium, it gives them the wrong impression. Do what you need to do but I don't think it needs to be bragged about.

    Perhaps seeing that you can eat the foods you love without going crazy would be MOTIVATION for them to reevaluate their own diet and lifestyle. Just because someone new sees that someone ate a cheeseburger and is still thin doesn't mean they are gonna go stuff their face with 10 cheeseburgers and think its ok.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Im not gonna eat anything I shouldn't till I get to my goal. Dedication will get me results. The cheeseburger isn't going anywhere. You can eat anything you want when your kids dont have to worry about your breathing, etc. If it hurts, that means its addicting. Thats like saying a crackhead should be able to splurge on crack "every once in a while". Most of us are un-healthy. Lets do this. Put the burger down!!!!

  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Try Green & Black's 85% cocoa. You will never eat Dove again.

    Agreed 100%... G&B has some really delicious chocolate. I get that a lot of people don't love darker chocolate, but if it's high quality it can be really smooth and tasty, not like eating baking chocolate. I forget the brand, but the best chocolate I've ever had was dark chocolate with sea salt and almonds.
  • liftandcycle
    I've never seen so many people get offended b/c someone said cheeseburgers arent all that good... hahahaha


  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I've never seen so many people get offended b/c someone said cheeseburgers arent all that good... hahahaha



  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Cap'n? Really dude... You can go ahead and count your calories but if your food is gargage, its garbage. Period! You are what you eat big guy...


    Look up discretionary kcal allowance

    I've seen a little about what Acg eats and all I can say is . . . . damn it looks good
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    It's all about balance. While some people may find balance in having a "treat" every single day, some people are fine with once a week, once a month, or never. The important thing is that everyone on this site (okay, for the most part...) is trying to live a healthier lifestyle. You can live a healthy lifestyle and still eat double cheeseburgers on occasion.

    I don't know why you feel the need to judge others' dietary discretion.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    In my opinion, it must be nice to be able to afford to eat clean 100% of the time. That's a luxury I don't have. I make minimum wage. I do the best I can, I have learned many little tips for making my dollar go further in terms of quality food, but sometimes if I have to eat 2 dollar cheese burgers or a lean cuisine to keep the lights on, then so be it. You can't judge if you dont know everyone's situations. My broke *kitten* also pirated every beachbody program that I have, so come throw stones at me for that too lol.

    ^^^^ ahahahaha me too gotta love piratebay lol
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    Try Green & Black's 85% cocoa. You will never eat Dove again.

    Agreed 100%... G&B has some really delicious chocolate. I get that a lot of people don't love darker chocolate, but if it's high quality it can be really smooth and tasty, not like eating baking chocolate. I forget the brand, but the best chocolate I've ever had was dark chocolate with sea salt and almonds.

    Man with sea salt is my fav! I only have seen it in lindt brand here, that stuff is so good!
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    Burgers have protein, cheese has calcium and protein, bun has fibre, vegetables are good, covering a lot of good food groups here....I dont see what the problem is ...
    now point me to this cheeseburger group!
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I wonder what the OP has to hide with her hidden diary?

    Also, beer is a heart healthy snack!

    keep wondering!


    You started this thread criticizing the diaries of other people but you keep yours closed?!?!

    :mad: :explode: :angry:
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    Please point me to said 400 calorie double cheeseburger. Thanks

    McDonalds Mcdouble ($1) no pickle, no bun....less than 400 cal. Even a qtr pounder w/ cheese no bun...they put it on a bed of lettuce. That's my twice a month indulgence!

    a cheeseburger without a bun IS NOT a cheeseburger!!!!! so ok then we're still waiting lol
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Burgers have protein, cheese has calcium and protein, bun has fibre, vegetables are good, covering a lot of good food groups here....I dont see what the problem is ...
    now point me to this cheeseburger group!

    Come on over!

  • liftandcycle
    I've never seen so many people get offended b/c someone said cheeseburgers arent all that good... hahahaha




  • HardcorePork
    HardcorePork Posts: 109 Member

    Agreed 100%... G&B has some really delicious chocolate. I get that a lot of people don't love darker chocolate, but if it's high quality it can be really smooth and tasty, not like eating baking chocolate. I forget the brand, but the best chocolate I've ever had was dark chocolate with sea salt and almonds.

    ...any of those jog your memory?