Seniors Golden Sneakers Club for JUNE



  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Hi, there, Just caught up with you all.
    Hot here again and smokey from forest fires.
    But walked this am and walked again over to have coffee with friends at the nearest Tim HOrtons - an iced latte with no sugar, lo fat milk.

    :smile: Glad you are getting out for some walks too, Marie.

    :smile: Barbie - enjoy your trip into Canuckland. I was hoping we could get out to the lake this weekend but hubby had some work to do on the RV and now he is tuckered. Oh well, need to spend some family time with the relatives here before we head out to Edmonton which will take us into July.

    :smile: Chowhound, hope you are able to turn the clock back. I haven't had a lot of success with it:smile::smile:

    :smile: Sandy amazed you can do deserts and all and still maintain.

    :smile: Phoebe - It's hard to get back on track. I do hope I can lose the 2 lbs I found last week. Getting more walking in.

    :heart: Have a good evening y'all.:heart:

  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    Where are you from Ellen that you can smell the smoke from the fires? I know you are in the Okanagan somewhere. It seems a bit smoky here also, over in the Kootenays.
    Calie take it easy this weekend.
    Well I think to get rid of this excess baggage, I may try weights. It used to work but somehow I think it's futile now. Will give it a shot anyhow.
    Going out for dinner tonight. Oh oh.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    I have been taking advantage of a gorgeous day with my granddaughter. Her mom brought a pool that she got for a gift and after blowing all the pieces up with my air compressor, she played and I got some sun. It was great and relaxing. :flowerforyou:

    I have been lax on my exercise this week and believe it or not I did lose a pound. I didn't record it because I would like it to stay that way for a few days. I really hope to work out tomorrow but if I have to sit again it throws my whole schedule off. I do still watch my calories so that is one good thing.

    Marie it sounds like you are back on track with your food. After the surgery and a couple of weeks of recovery, you should be riding up and down the streets with your bike. :laugh:

    Barbie, your trip sounds great, I take it you and Jake spend the summer just traveling, what a wonderful idea. I don't every worry about you gaining a pound back, you are too focused and determined. :bigsmile:

    Phoebe, great to hear from you. You keep safe on the road and think of us often. :happy:

    It has been a long day with the 4 year old, almost 11 hours I think, I am exhausted, so will talk tomorrow.

    Have a great evening.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I can barely move. Jim got me up this morning, raring to go, wanted to know where to dig the holes for the plants we bought. Then I realized that I was going to be the one to put them in the ground. That was after I got back from a run to town for soil conditioner, fertilizer, etc etc. Had to run errands so it was a full day. I think I have a pulled muscle in my back, I'm not sure. I'll go to the doctor in a couple of weeks. The thing is, I don't really know what to do about it. It is persistent, but I can't just stop moving.
    It is really acting up now, since I pulled the wagon all over the yard today.
    Sandy, I have been trying to get a wii on ebay. I'm about to give up and buy one at walmart. I see they have wii fit and also wii active. do you have them both? I know fit is the balance board.

    yes ellen, it is hard to get back on track. I wish it was more of a lifestyle change for me than a weight loss plan. That is what I was trying to do when I lost the weight I've lost so far. I guess I'll resume that, and hopefully, I'll lose again.
    Marie, we haven't been thru Dallas in a long time.. they send us up on I 40. Maybe in the winter / fall season, we will get thru there again. prayers have gone up for your friend's and for you!

    thanks and have a great weekend!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Phoebe, you better take care of that back, you don't want to rupture a disc and be unable to do anything.
    For now try aleve, but please don't mess with your back. :noway:

    I have the Wii Fit , Wii Fitness Coach and the Wii Active. I really like the Wii Active the best. It gives a variety of exercises and makes them fun. There is boxing, tennis, lunges, squats, running etc. I usually don't do any running because it really bothers my knees. It also comes with a band to do stretch exercises for your back and arms. I really recommend it. I do my cardio with an elliptical and/or stationary bike.

    Good luck but first heal your back.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Hi Everybody. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    This has been an interesting day. There were two line dance classes---the usual beginner class in the morning and a two hour class in the afternoon to practice some dances in preparation for the workshop we’re going to in Tacoma tomorrow. Between classes I walked the dogs, ate lunch, and got my hair cut. I came home to a phone call from a woman I haven’t seen in years. She was in town visiting some friends and wanted to get together with me for coffee or something. I asked her if she’d like to walk and talk so she met me at the dog park and we walked and talked for an hour while the dogs played.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Ellen, will you be taking the RV to Edmonton? What will be doing when you get there?

    :flowerforyou: Chowhound, something good will come from working out with weights. I should be doing more of that.

    :flowerforyou: Phoebe---be careful with your back. Please don’t overdo. Do you use ice on it?

    :flowerforyou: Marie---enjoy your company and don’t overdo.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy—your day with your granddaughter sounds like so much fun and so exhausting. You do such a great job of watching calories and staying active.

    This morning after I told some people about how I’d been counting calories and being careful about what I eat, one woman began urging me to be sure I allowed myself drinks and dessert and other treats so I didn’t get bored. Later, someone commented on my weight loss and said she hoped I wasn’t taking diet pills.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    We’re taking it easy this evening. I get picked up at 5:50 AM tomorrow to go to the line dance workshop, so I’ll be in bed early.
    :yawn: :yawn:

    Big hugs to all:love::love:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning gang,

    It is bright and early here, well not bright for the sun hasn't pop up yet. But getting a little lighter.

    Phoebe:heart: so glad to hear from you. Sounds like you overwork your back. you take care of it.
    I heard from Debbra from Lighten up and she said she may check us out here. I don't know for sure if you remember her or not. she is from Ga too.

    chowhound:heart: Hope you did not overdid it on eating out last night. It sure is nice to go out and eat tho.

    Ellen:heart: We don't have no big fires going on in Texas right now. But we have had lots of smoke here when they do start burning.

    barbiecat---Already got your first meal plan on you second trip. You are so organize. I imazine the furry animals are all ready to go again. Has their diet change since you have been on this new way of eating?:heart:

    Sandy---You are always on the go. Did you and your sister ever make it to the casino?:heart:

    Jeffrey:heart: How's that Joe doing? Does he think he is the Boss?

    Elli----:heart: Heard their was some snow in your part of the country. IN June.

    Big G:heart: I do believe your weather is hotter than ours. I don't think we have reach 95 here yet.

    Beth---:heart: How is the weather there? I think of you often.

    Jake:heart: Take care of your family while on your trip and don't let Barbie get too spicy on this trip.

    Gayla, I know you remember Debbra, She told me to tell you all hi. Hopes she comes and join us here.
    How are you feeling?

    Hope I got everyone I can't count you all on my 2 hands anymore. You are all very specaial to me.

    Love, Marie
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Good Morning to all.

    :happy: Chowhound - We are at the north end of the valley. Apparently this smoke is drifting in from Lliooet [did I spell that right?] as well as Rocky Mt House but it has cleared some today.

    :happy: Barbie - Yes, we plan to take the RV to Edmonton. My husbands 3 daughters live in the area and #2 grandson is graduating so it will be a big family time. But to get there we drive through the Rockies and plan to holiday along the way. It is such a beautiful trip. I grew up near Calgary and we spent a lot of summers in the mountains. Just love the Banff and Jasper areas and everything in between. Some of the most spectacular scenery in the world, in my books.

    :happy: Marie - they say our snow pack is pretty light this year in spite of the late spring, and the fire danger is high to extreme already. No one wants a repeat of the Kelowna fires from a few years ago where homes were burnt and thousands evacuated.

    :happy: Phoebe- I forgot you were a trucker but you must be home for a bit if you are planting things. Hope your back is better today. It must be hard to get enough exercise when you are travelling. Do you enjoy the road time? We just did a trip to California, it is a long ways from here, and the older we get the longer it seems to take. I do enjoy seeing the countryside tho' and meeting people along the way.

    Have a good day friends. We're off to a craft fair and arts show today. Meeting my sister and hubby. Maybe I'll leave my credit cards home, or not.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Kind of a cloudy day today so since I had the time I used it to really work out today. I worked with my Wii Active and burned 260 calories so I am happy. My weight seems to be going down a little each day but I think I will wait until Monday to post any difference to see if tomorrow it stays the same. Tomorrow is the four old's birthday party (June 10 birthday) and hopefully they will have something I can eat. Unfortunately, my step son and his wife don't worry about what they eat and drink and they are giving their daughter the same bad habits. :explode:

    Have some errands to do today, such as buying a birthday present. :laugh:

    Hope everyone is well and having a great weekend.

    Talk to you soon,
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Barbiecat, what was the drink that you and Jack drink for you evening meal? I got some Whey protein powder which I like but do not know if it is a complete meal or not.? I hven't heard you mention it lately. I am thinking about replacing my evening meal with the Whey along with some fruit and skim milk.

  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    wow that sounds good Marie. On the nights I was eating fruit salad I felt great, full and seemed to lose a bit of weight by the morning. Tonight we went out again and I had wine, steak sandwich and french fries. It really doesn't feel good. We watched the hockey game on the big screen though and well you know.....going out is rare for me these days. I bet NOT eating a big meal for dinner would make a person feel good. Fruit smoothies sound great. mmmmmmm
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Sunday Morning everybody,

    This is a beautiful morning way down here in Texas. Planning on a nice day with my daughter Alice, Shopping and having lunch out.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day plan too. Just been out to the garden and a tomatoe is getting ripe. Yeah!!!!!! !that means more to soon follow.

    Hi Chowhound. Ellen, and Gayla, hope you three are are haing a nice day in Canada.

    Hi to Barbiecat, Jake, BigG and Elli west of me

    hi to Jeffrey, Sandy and Phoebe to the east of me.

    Beth--- I don't know where you are from me. But Hi

    time to hop in shower and get dress for today outing.

    :heart: :love: :heart: :love: Marie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Good Morning to all,

    It's cool and cloudy up here now after the hot days last week,. The cool weather was especially nice at the all day line dance workshop. Most buildings here aren't air conditioned so when it's hot, it's terrible.

    I brought all my own food yesterday so I wouldn't be challenged by food choices. There was a selection of fruit, breakfast casseroles, eggs, muffins, doughnuts, bagels, cookies, cheese, chocolate available all day. I ate a hard boiled egg and nothing else. I brought several kinds of protein bars (Isagenix, Balance, Atkins) so I had something to eat every few hours. During dinner I went outside and ate one of my bars and called Jake on my cell phone and walked around the parking lot and talked to him for 30 minutes.

    It was a great day of dancing familiar dances and learning new dances from top notch instructors. When I got home my step counter said that I'd "walked" over 18,000 steps. Between bringing my own food and all the exercise calories I stayed under my calories and drank more than all my water.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, the shakes we have for dinner are from a company called Isagenix. The shakes include whey protein and a ton of nutrients. We love them.

    :flowerforyou: Chowhound, we changed our eating a few months ago to have our biggest meal (350-500 calories, lean protein, salad, veggie) at noon and a protein shake for dinner and we love how much better we feel.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I hope the birthday party is great.

    :flowerforyou: Ellen, I traveled to Banff many years ago (long before I was married to Jake) and I remember how beautiful it was. We've never driven an RV through there. You've inspired me to think about doing that sometime .

    Today will be another busy day with dog park, RV packing, and housecleaning at the top of the list.

    Have a great day:heart::heart:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Funny kind of day here, the sun wants to come out, but the forecasters are calling for rain. :explode:
    It is supposed to rain tomorrow also, but my sister and I are going to the Casino either way. :laugh: They aren't calling for storms and I have a couple of busy weeks coming up so I want the day for us. :bigsmile:

    I did work out this morning about an hour on the Wii Active and burned about 211 calories. I am determined and hope to shed the last 6 pounds by July 4th. :glasses:

    Today is Marisa's 4th birthday party, we ended up getting her a bike to keep at our house since she already has one at her's. We have other things also but I don't want you to know how much we spoil her.

    Gosh Barb, how good are you to bring your own food to all your different events? :flowerforyou: I am afraid my step son and his wife would be hurt if I did that, they hate that I diet but that is another story, which I think is self explanatory in one of my other posts. :bigsmile:

    Marie, I hope you have a special day with your daughter, you really deserve to be pampered. :heart:

    Not sure where everyone else is, but going to presume they are out having fun on this weekend.

    Talk to you soon,
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Yes, I am still alive. We had a nice day at my sisters celebrating the wedding of her son and dil (the wedding that we missed in Virginia). It was extremely hot on their wedding day and yesterday we had a very cold and off and on rainy day. We shivered outside but enjoyed each others company. I hope they are as happy in 50 years as they are today.
    I feel like I have neglected you but as I have said before, sometimes life happens. My back is not improving very quickly, seemed to have a little setback last week. I guess I overdid it a bit. Live and learn, I guess. I have been doing a lot of icing it which feels great.
    I could never catch up on personals as so much has happened over the past few days, busy bunch here. Just know that I think of and admire each of you.

    I did want to tell you, Marie, that I am so glad the leg is healing well. I know you are dreading the next step but hopefully it too will heal quickly and walking will be so much easier. Thanks for the message from Debra. I miss her.

    Phoebe, I empathize completely about your back. Be careful and get well soon.

    Jeffrey, you and Day are in my thoughts often. I hope test results are coming back ok. Healing thoughts sent your way.

    Take care and keep smiling. Gayla :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Gayla, So glad to hear from you. I have been wondering how you were doing. And how is Neil doing doing?I had a nice day. Alice and I went out shopping and out for lunch. I had a cobb salad, so I was pretty good. Had a nice walk and for the first time in I don't know when. I made it back o the house without my legs hurting. I must have done something right today.

    We are looking for Jerry brother in tomorrow afternoon. I have a doctor appt tomorrow for blood work and I am hoping that i can put it off for i go in Friday to get blood work done for surgery the 16th of June.
    I felt like getting on my bike today. but I decided I better wait. Does Neil wear a helmet. Jeffrey said I nneed to get one.

    I wore my HRM today and it showed I only burned 733 calories. No wonder I am not losing anything. I am eating more than I am burning, I got to get more active.

    Hello all have a nice evening.
    PS The picture is a water falls in Alaska that Alice took.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Marie -- yeah for no hurting legs!! Increase the exercise gradually. Yes, Neil does wear a helmet -- always! I think Jerry is right!! Neil's toe is looking much better. He still has some terrible mood swings but I think that they are also less frequent. Have a nice visit with your family.
    Gayla :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good Morning Gayla, Chowhound,Ellen, Barbiecat, Jake.BigG- Elli, Sandy, Jeffrey. Phoebe. Some of you I imazine are awake and some of you are still asleep. I been up since around 6 Am. Wish I hadn't got up so early for I can't have breakfast and no coffee. for I have blood work at 9:30. this morning. It always throw my eating off balcnce for them to do this, I planned on having cottage cheese and cantalope when I get back.

    See you later

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Good Morning,

    Good luck with your blood work today Marie. Eat a good breakfast when you are done so you replenish your strengh. :tongue:

    I will be gone all day and most of the night. My sister and I are going to the Four Winds Casino in New Buffalo, Wi. It is about a two hour ride from my house but I am going to pick up my sister so from her house it should be about an hour and a half. Long ride but we don't see each other often enough so it will give us a chance to talk. :bigsmile: I won't be exercising today but will try to watch calories. I really over ate yesterday at the party and I am so mad at myself. I wish I was like Barb and could just bring my own food but I am weak. :explode: I know I will make it up this week but I hate going backward when I am so close. :grumble:

    Hope everyone has a good Monday and all the news you hear today is good and makes you smile.

    Wish me luck,

  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Sorry I have been absent but we had graduation parties out of town over the weekend again. But I am back! Not too much to report here. The garden is good and the kids are good. Day is doing fine too!

    Still working out a bunch and doing great with it. I did go to the doctors last week for my check up and my BP was 92/62. No meds for me! Resting heart rate was about 50. So things are good for me!

    Sandy- I love playing at New Buffalo!

    Marie- Glad to see you writing!

    Everyone else I will catch up with you later on. Going to be stormy here today and I have some work to do before it hits.

    Have a great morning!
