Seniors Golden Sneakers Club for JUNE



  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Hi, Everyone,
    Jeffrey, Marie, All the best with the herbs. I think glass jars are the best for storing, but lots of people use plastic bags [I don't like plastic for long term storage]

    :smile: Wow, Sandy, that's great! 2lbs AND inches here, there, and everywhere.

    Thanks for your offer of help, Jeffrey. I think I'm down another lb today, hope it holds. No telling sometimes what makes the difference, except it is cumulative. In other words, sooner or later, what we do shows up on the scale one way or the other.

    How's it going, Gayla.

    Hope day to all, I never fail to be inspired when I read the posts on this site.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    hope everyone is having a great week.. summer is wonderful, I have dreaded it the last few years, but rain makes a big difference.. we are officially out of our drought! I have baby peppers Marie!! Jim is probably jealous, his cucumbers died.. that's bad when cucumbers won't grow.. I keep telling him it is too much watering.
    I'm ready to sleep sleep sleep.. we got in this am but I haven't slept today.
    Jeffrey, I think I would use the little pint or half pint canning jars. Wal mart has them at this time of year as well as many grocers. You can label them and they seal well.
    well, see you later, take care and Marie, I read that you are having surgery June 16.
    Gayla, glad to hear about your bit of relief.. mine is ever present.. going to the doctor June 22.
    goodnight all..
    p.s. Sandy, congrats on your inch losses.. that is great..
    Finally ordered a wii on ebay.. and a wii fit.. going to get wii active too. Hope I don't just play with the little steering wheel game!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Phoebe, I bet you are tired. So you order you a wii. You and Sandy can have lots of fun.
    Yes i go back in the 16th. I go in tomorrow for my prep work.And they collect my co pay. That doctor don't realize it coast me an 100.00 everytime I go into the hospial/ But that is a lot better than pauyng the full amount. thanks goodness for insurance, I hope to be all thru by the 1st of July.

    Alice and I go to her real Dad renuion nest Sat. if I am up to it. I was going to make chicken and dressing. But I know I will not be able to handle that so I will buy a ham and put a glazed on it, And make a cheese dip. There wont be but just a few that I know. All the rest has passed on or too ill to travel. But I have met a lot of the nices and nephew on the internet and they are all so nice. Its been 60 years since I have seen any of them.

    Jerry brother and his wife got back from Houston and we had a nice dinner with them, At the Texas Roadhouse. They will head back to Kansas tomorrow. Enjoy their visit. Wish I had felt better.

    I will be out on my bike in July after I buy a helmet.

    Did we ever have rain. It was raining when we went to bed and raining when we got up untill around 1:00 pm. We needed it.

    We are getting a few tomotoes now, Cucumbers are blooming like mad but hasn't made any cucumbers yet. I do hae some jalpeno peppers tho. And pick a few squash.

    Everybody have good night, Marie
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432

    Marie- I hope you are feeling better. Enjoy the family and have a great visit! I hope your doctors appointment goes well. Keep the faith!

    PJ- You will have fun with the Wii. I love to play the bowling game.

    Ellen- Keep at it! A pound here and a pound there is how it is done. It has taken me over a year. Keep right on going! Are you using the calorie counter on this site? It really helped me at times. Not so much as a "counter" but as a "reminder".

    Gayla- Where you at? All ok?

    BG, Beth, Sandy, Barbie, Jake, Chowhound, Ellie and anyone else I missed have great Friday!
    Talk to you all soon!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Finally we have a bright sunny day. I think moods change with weather so I hope everyone is happy today. :laugh:

    I don't know why but my scale said I lost another pound, I am not going to record it again for a couple of days to be sure it it right. :bigsmile: I don't know why all of a sudden I am losing but maybe because I have been so busy I don't think about eating except for my regular meals and a snack. Whatever it is I love it and hope it keeps going until I reach my goal. :tongue:

    Marie, hope all goes well for you today and rest up before you come back to talk to us. :flowerforyou:

    The rest of you are in my thoughts but Marisa is coming soon and I want to try and get some exercise in before she gets here, so I will talk later.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hi Iam back from getting my blood work and all the paper work filled out for my surgery next week. This nurse said it look like they will get it all done in one trip. certainly hope so. And I can get on with my life and get back in my routine.

    Jeffey. My tomatoes got attack by big old tomatoes worms last night and have just about stripped them of their leaves. I am so digusted. On the brigher side Jerry has some baby watermelons. He is so proud of them. It just make you not want to plant anything.:sad:

    Sandy , Hey gal you are rocking. Way to go. :drinker:

    Elli, getting worried about you. Hope all is fine and you are just busy.:flowerforyou:

    Ellen---Happy to hear from you.:laugh:

    Gayla---Missing you. hope all is well :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Barbiecat and Jake, Have a wonderful time.:smooched:

    Chowhound---Good morning my friend have a wonderful day:flowerforyou: :love:

    Big G---good morning to you my friend:love:

    Phoebe----When are you going to find time to used your new toy? Have fun with it.:bigsmile:

    See you guys later

  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    Hi everyone - sorry about my absence, i'm still alive and kicking. I don't have time to read everyone's posts - i skimmed over a few. SANDY!!!!!!!! Way to GO! that's AWESOME!

    Jeffrey - i always hang my herbs upside down in the kitchen and let them dry that way - i've never used the dehydrator.

    Barbie - no worries - i'ts just that i have literally not had a free moment! We're painting, tiling and grouting, cleaning, getting ready for cabinets and counter tops...........SO much work!

    I've not been doing well on food at ALL, and no way can i go to the gym right now - i'm running in between my job and the house - when i have a crew of people working i feel like i must work with them!
    Anyway - somehow i managed to get a teensy bit lower than where i was before so i'm pretty thrilled! I was dreading weighing this morning!:happy:

    Hi Beth, Gayla, Phoebe, Ellen, Marie and anyone else i may have forgotten. SORRY! My brain is turning to mush!!!!!!!!! I'll be back, just don't know when!!!!!!!!!!!!:noway: Love and hugs - elli
  • elli
    elli Posts: 593
    hey! my ticker disappeared!!!!!!!!!!!
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    HI Elli!! from one mia to another!
    hope you are doing well, you know when you get busy like that, you are burning a lot of energy.

    thanks, Jeffrey, I hope to have some fun and get some much needed motion going. The only sport I really loved was badminton back in the day. I think I will like tennis and table tennis with this game.
    I hope to get a good bit from the wii active personal trainer.. hope I am not disappointed. If you get all caught up there, you can come here anytime and feel free to work in the yard all you want! RENT FREE!!! haha.. now there is an incentive..
    Marie, I know, the time is my problem, we leave tonight or in the morning, so I won't even be back on here again. We have time off scheduled next weekend, but we will be busy then too.
    I'm going to the chiro today to try to get a little relief from back troubles, otherwise I would not take time to leave home.. homebody that I am.
    take care all
    sorry for those of you I missed
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Elli---I'm am so glad that you've gotten a teensy bit lower. Baby steps will get you to your goal so it's very exciting. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I've been following my food plan so far on this trip and enjoying wearing my much smaller clothes so they are an inspiration to me to keep going.

    Keep up the good work on your house even if you can't make it to the gym

    Big hugs,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Down 2 pounds, 4 pounds to go!!!! Lost an inch in my waist and an inch in my hips!! Yipee!!
    What else can I say????

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:


    Sandy, congratulations---you continue to be my inspiration. You are so active and so positive.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    big hugs and thanks.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to everyone! I just got back from physio and apparently I am not ready for exercise yet. I will continue with the stretches that she prescribed a couple of weeks ago. It is getting better, i guess, but so slow. I have my sheets hanging outside today but will need some help getting them back on the bed. I think I can manage Neil's bed but our bed is in our old water bed frame and I have to lift it out a bit to put the sheets on. I HATE asking for help. I want to see if I can find a tool to cut the suckers around my chokecherry trees and do it without bending. I am sure I have seen such a thing but have no idea where. I will look through the Lee Valley catalogue and if they don't have it likely no one does. I am also thinking about getting on my butt to try to weed a bit of my front shrub bed. I hate driving up and seeing it look like no one cares about it.
    We are having a glorious summer day, really the first one this year. I hope it is the start of a trend. I have to go take a look at my garden and see if the seeds my kids planted have turned into shoots. After typing that I couldn't wait, the lettuce is up but nothing else yet. I didn't watch and they may have planted stuff a little deep. I would like to pick up some tomatoes tomorrow, better late than never!

    Ohoh, I should have taken some notes to remember what I wanted to comment on!! Memory of a flea!

    Marie -- I am glad the tests go well.

    Phoebe -- So sorry that your back is not getting better. Good luck at the chiropractor.

    Jeffrey -- Some herbs, such as basil, don't do as well drying but I don't think it is impossible. I know some people prefer to freeze them from fresh. I have never done it but I think that they chop them up and freeze them in water in an ice cube tray. Take a look on and there is likely information about it. I will look tonight to see what I can find.

    elli -- As always you make me tired just reading about all you do! I don't think you need to worry about the gym. Glad you popped in!

    Sandy-- Woohoo!! Good job on your loss. You are doing great!

    Everyone else -- hope you are having a great weekend.

    Take care and keep smiling. Time to hit the ice pack!
    Gayla :smile:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning:heart: Gayla, Glad you are feeling a wee bit better. Jerry killed those pesky horn worm all day yesterday. they were the biggest tomatoes worms I have ever seen. I think he killed aboyt 6 of them. I kind of hate to go out and see what they did overnight. They just about demoblish one plant.and have started on some more. We never been invaded like this before. And to think they turn into beautiful butterflies.Wonderful morning here in Texas. Sun is shinning gonna get hot tho.

    :heart: Ellen, Our grass is sure growing after all the rain we got the other day.

    :heart: Chowhound, Hope you husband is doing fine and your sister. I think of your little family a lot.

    :heart: Big G--How is sunny California.

    :heart: Bobbiecat and Jake,,Where are you guys at now. Hope to see some pretty pictures of your trip.

    :heart: Eli, Glad to hear from you.And I see you are as busy as ever. How is your farm house coming along. I have seen some lovely ones on our travels thru out the years. They had a big picture of one in the Lab where I went to get blood work and it remined me of your lovely farm house.

    :heart: Jeffrey, How is the all american boy doing this morning. You seems to keep yourself so busy.

    :heart: Phoebe I guess you and Jim are on the road again.

    I have no plans today, just rest and go out and see what damage those horn worms have done.
    See you all later, Marie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Good Morning,

    Was busy with my granddaughter yesterday, we went to the pool for most of the day. She was in the water, I was working on my tan. :laugh: She spent the night and she is still sleeping, so I must have worn her out. :bigsmile:

    Glad your test went well Marie, let's hope the next surgery goes easy on you. I can't wait to see a picture of you on your bike pedaling along the street. :heart:

    Gayla, be sure to listen to your doctor and take it easy on your back. Like you I do not like to ask people for help, but when it for your health we have to bend. :tongue:

    Elli, glad you checked in, I was starting to worry. The house sounds like it is making great progress.
    It should be done and decorated by the time your son comes home. :heart:

    Barbie and Jake, stay safe and drive careful. :flowerforyou:

    Phobe, glad you also checked in. You are already gone but we miss you when you aren't here.
    You will love the Wii Active if you want to exercise and have fun. There are a lot of lunges and squats and the resistance band really works your arms, back and shoulders. There is tennis, inline skating and boxing which is really fun but sometimes hard. It gives a total workout so I love it.

    BGamma, wheeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeee are youuuuuuuuuuuu? Don't you love us anymore?

    Jeffrey, always busy good for you. I know nothing about canning, or anything else to do with cooking so I can't help you at all. :laugh: We had a beautiful day yesterday and back to rain today. Our weather has been awful, when is summer coming?

    Beth, hope you and your buddies are well and safe. Write when you get a chance.

    Chowhound, thanks for the kind words. It seems like it is taking forever but it is paying off, so one day at a time is my correct motto.

    My daughter and her family will be coming from downtown Chicago this morning so I better get the house organized and some cots set up for the two grandsons. Would also like to get some exercise in before they get here so I better get moving.

    Have a fun and happy day.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Been a slow Sat. around here today. Everybody out doing there own thing. It is hot here and we are staying in. Been looking at Devil Food cakes recpes to make for Father Day. that will be next weekend. It just been a lazy day. Peaceful and nice. I had a lean crisine pizza for supper. Don't know what jerry is going to have. We just got back from our walk. I do plan on doing a lot more walking when i get thru with my legs. Love ya!! Marie
  • ellens292
    ellens292 Posts: 176
    Good evening, all.
    Just got back from a 60th anniversary, very nice. Did not overeat either which is a bonus. We were about 2.5 hours down the valley; the cherries are starting to color, the strawberries are in and we stopped at a lovely spot to share a small meal by the lake on the way back. And I still have some calories to spare. That's not counting the exercise ones from our walks along the lakeshore.

    Glad to hear you were able to get out walking Marie. We actually came through a little rain shower on the road. First we've used our wipers since I don't know when. It does clear the air to have a bit of a shower tho'.

    Hope you all had a great day.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    We've been busy but I wanted to check in and say hello to everyone. It wasn't as hot today, no rain, and only a short period of high wind. We ate one meal outside at the picnic table under the awning. Our friends brought their meal and we had ours so everyone had their choice of what healthy food to eat. We said "no thank you" to all the people who invited us to join them either at a Mexican restaurant or at the buffet at the casino. we walked instead. Jake got over 20,000 steps on his pedometer and i got over 23,000 steps.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Big hugs:heart::heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    :heart: Good Morning
    :heart: Have a great Sunday
    :heart: Gonna be a:devil: Hot:devil: one today.
    :heart: For My breakfast this morning I am having Fiber one waffles w/ SF syrup and spray butter.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Good Morning,

    Beautiful sunny day here and I think it will be warm enough to go to the pool. :heart: Later I will be having a bbq for my kids and grandkids. :drinker: I bought some chicken breasts for anyone who doesn't want burgers or hot dogs. (that would be me) :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a beautiful day and hopes the weather is good to all. :flowerforyou:

    Hugs and kisses,
  • beyondchowhound
    beyondchowhound Posts: 2,102 Member
    Nice day here today. We plan to do the walking tour of heritage homes in Nelson. Should be inspiring, as we live in one that needs a lot of work. Also will get some excercise which is good because I seem stuck at this weight.
    Have a nice day everyone and good luck to you Marie on Tuesday.