That Awkward Moment at Work When....



  • amv1023
    amv1023 Posts: 61 Member
    sitting a small, poorly ventilated cash office alone and *toot*....3 seconds before someone comes in. Never fails.

    sitting the same office, counting money while singing and chair dancing...and then realizing there is a security camera on you at all times
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    When you are sitting in the office with the door open and the parts guy comes in (doesn't know you are there) and starts talking to

    the shop guys about his newest threesome of this past weekend. So you decide to go to the potty and get a look at this stud.

    Come out of the office to see and smell the stinkiest, dirtball looking Santa guy and you know his threesome was in his head! But

    it made for some good horsing around after he left! :laugh:
  • Graciecny
    Graciecny Posts: 303
    Oh, oh, I have another hubby used to change in his office at work to go running after work...only to discover there was a security camera in his office area. Which wouldn't be SO bad...except he used tights under his running clothes, which meant probably going down to BD suit before getting on his workout clothes. :noway:
  • rissaface
    rissaface Posts: 129 Member
    Or when a client calls and you say "what can I do to you" instead of "what can I do FOR you".
  • hottiebikerchick
    hottiebikerchick Posts: 187 Member
    You are hilarious!
  • babigurl86
    babigurl86 Posts: 138
    I look around me and realize these kids are mine...this house is mine...and I can't quit.

    story of my life, lmao, every morn i wake up to 4 lil' face's staring at me and every morn it dawns on me......THEY ARE ALL MINE !

  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    This lady I used to work with would come in to my cube, perch one buttcheek on the corner of my desk and just sit there and chat away.

    So, one day, she just rips a monster fart with no warning. Right there on my desk.


    "..... you had quinoa for lunch, didn't you?"
    The only thing I could say was, "B!tch, did you just FART on my DESK?"

    So this frumpy nag basically takes a dump on my keyboard... and I'm the one with the write-up from HR for using the "B" word.

    From that point on, I felt completely justified sticking her phone receiver in my asscrack when she was down the hall, and then intercom-calling her desk once she got back. "TALK TO MY @SS, B!TCH!"
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    Your assigned as the piss test observer and the guy doing the test is so nervous he has to poop to pee.
  • TitanGM
    TitanGM Posts: 1,161 Member
    .... you don't see the boss coming from behind, and you're busy playing Texas Hold'em Poker on the work hour.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Options didn't rinse the coffee maker well enough when you were cleaning it so now the coffee has soap bubbles in it.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    .....When a male customer asks, 'Oh. Excited to see me, huh?" and you're confused as all get out until you realize that with it being so cold in the store, your nips are poking right through your top.

    .....When trying to sell something to a customer, you get tongue tied... again and again and again.

    ....When a customer comes in who is already hesitant about approaching you about a particular item and you have to play the guessing game to see just what he wants.. and it turns out to be Extenze. YOU see nothing out of the ordinary, but he's blushing just a wee bit.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Awkward moment at work when the fire alarm interrupts the nap you usually take until noon. Thankfully that was only a summer job.

    Also, when you work for your boyfriend (he's physically disabled and I'm his aid) and the administrators from the office drop in to do an on-site visit, but neither of us are awake, let alone clothed.
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    When you're invited to the managers' meeting and you sneeze, and a giant string of booger comes flying out. At least i caught it with my sleeve I guess.
  • 7bel0
    7bel0 Posts: 192 Member
    When you tell your patient's daughter to write her name and number down, and she assures you that she is his WIFE (even though she's clearly half his age! Talk about an "insert foot into mouth" moment.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    you are in the bathroom and someone walks into the stall next to you talking on thier cell phone!

    This happened at my campus. I was in the bathroom actually just to fix my shirt, but that required me taking off my top shirt and unbuttoning my pants, so I went into a stall. A girl got into the stall next to mine and I hear, "Hi, I'm returning your call." So, what do I do? Flush the toilet. Yep, I'm kind of an asshat.
  • NurseCarolyn2014
    I'm STILL trying to find a job......hold on and I'll let you know when I find one.....LOL
  • nurseamysweeney
    I am a nurse..... there isn't a shift that goes by without an awkward moment..... the best so far...

    "Sir it's important for you to have the raised toliet seat because of ur hip"

    " No No I don't want that contraption" (old people especially men don't like "new" things)

    "Sir you are really going to want that on there...."
    "ya ya I heard you .... it's for my hip I don't care"

    "Sir its not only for ur hip, its so ur balls don't float in the toliet bowl water"
    "So how do I sit on this?"
  • liog
    liog Posts: 347 Member
    ... you call your manager on his phone because a very upset customer wants to speak with him NOW. He finally picks up and informs you that he is sitting on the toilet.
  • jupityjupe
    jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member
    when your boss, who hates texting etc, says in front of you to a patient, "I don't twitter, tweet, or *kitten*", and says it with a straight face because he apparently doesn't know what the word *kitten* means...and then the patient explains what the word means to him
  • 7bel0
    7bel0 Posts: 192 Member
    I am a nurse..... there isn't a shift that goes by without an awkward moment..... the best so far...

    "Sir it's important for you to have the raised toliet seat because of ur hip"

    " No No I don't want that contraption" (old people especially men don't like "new" things)

    "Sir you are really going to want that on there...."
    "ya ya I heard you .... it's for my hip I don't care"

    "Sir its not only for ur hip, its so ur balls don't float in the toliet bowl water"
    "So how do I sit on this?"

    ohhh myyyyy hahahaha! That's is great!