June "No Late Night Snacking Challenge"



  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I have not posted for awhile but have been keeping track. Last night was my 24th consecutive "No Late Night Snacking". Now I need a new challenge of eating healthier as well as no late snacking.

    I hope everyone is doing ell. I'll try to go back and read past posts later.

  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    Ok, I'm going to jump in and commit to doing this too. I will set my cut-off time at 8pm, except for Tuesday nights it will be 8:45pm since I have an evening dance class.
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    Thank you everyone for the kudo's. I love this challenge and it defintely was the stepping board that I needed but this is only a competition with myself. I don't see this challenge ending when June is over. I plan on taking every day one day at a time until I screw up. Then when I screw up I will get right back on track. You guys are the absolute best and I am humbled by the determination of everyone here that doesn't let a bad day get them down, but dusts themselves off and gets back on the ride. Fitgal and grammymax GREAT JOB!!

    To everyone else whatever day you're on, keep up the good work. It's all about you and conquering your battles.

    P.S. Dewdrop was right, we are ALL winners!
  • kerimcdonald
    kerimcdonald Posts: 195
    9 days down and looking forward to the rest of this month. I have been working really late lately so
    this month has been a huge challenge.

    anastacha63- great job!

    dewdrop- you are so motivational. Thanks for always being there.

    zaza- nice to see you here.
    I'm so glad there are still so many familiar names and so many great new people.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    keri, nice to see ya too! Something tells me you've got more than the 9 days, just being a bit too hard on yourself :wink: . Still, good to see you're sticking to this in spite of the busy scheldule.

    kookla33, welcome! :flowerforyou: I remember my first challenge here on MFP. I thought "Mmm... commiting publicly? :embarassed: What if I can't do it and I'll make a full of myself? :blushing: " Yet, I can tell you, it does work! So stay with us - and be prepared to overcome the"downs.

    Raymond, where are you? How's the exercising going?

    I wanted to shout for help last night (again, I'm overseas, my last night is your today's afternoon :) ) and it was so hard to stop at 9 and no mounch on anything... However, I did it (again :wink: )! :drinker:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Tonight is 26 for me.
  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    Oops. I didn't realize I am supposed to check in everyday. I have almost made it at my 8pm cutoff time the past few nights. It was tough because we had dinner at our church "Family Night" and the spaghetti sauce was meatless. I needed protein! So I had a few handfuls of walnuts and raisins after we left.
    Tonight my daughter made chocolate chip cookies and I had two with milk at 8:09. So, I guess I cheated.
    I am getting better each day though. Just need to go to bed earlier so I don't get hungry.

    It's great to read all of your posts-They are so helpful and motivating!
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    I am back to 4 days under the belt. I was doing so well and then a sleepless night hit and I made some high fiber toast and warm milk to try to put myself to sleep.... now tonight I am trying to stay strong since my little guy decided to wake up with a pretty good fever. Big glass of water here I come. Now if I could just get him to take his tylenol.

    Hope everyone is doing their personal best to stay strong and beat the call of the fridge.

    Good luck everyone!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Oops. I didn't realize I am supposed to check in everyday.

    You don't have to - it's pretty much free style :wink: . I, for one, need to, so that I keep myself accountable. You do what's best for you, feel free to report whenever you need it. Just keep us posted once in a while :wink: .

    Wanda, let me see if I get this right. You could not sleep and had the *1* toast and *1* glass of milk. Nothing more. And this was 4 nights ago. And it was because you were unable to sleep. So like being ill and having to take a drug every 6 yrs and having to eat something before you take it. Why is that cheating, dear? To me, that night still counts!

    What would not count is having had a snack last night at 11 after I got home from the dance show (boy, were they good!). It was hard, cos I felt like a snack would be sooo good. Just pretty sure I would have not stopped after 100 cals. So I only sipped on water; that is "success"! :drinker:
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    26 nights down!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:

    I have a question. If you are truly starving but it's past your cut-off time and you go eat something (just to make your stomach stop growling) should that count as falling off the wagon or should it not? I haven't done this yet, but I'm just wondering.
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    26 down for me. I had trouble sleeping last night (this like never happens), I was sore from all the walking I've been doing. Anywho, woke up at 3:30 and wanted to eat something, but didn't. I actually WAS hungry, but didn't know if this would count against "late night snacking". Though if I really wanted something I would have gone for it, but didn't want to go back to bed right after eating something either.

    Great job everyone.

    Fitgal, and Esther you are awesome! :drinker:
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Raymond is still here....and always a little unstable :laugh: :laugh:

    Dewdrop, what exactly is "overseas"? Just curious, I travel to Europe all the time it seems this may be where you are (night there = afternoon here)... respectively. It does mess your schedule up big time, but it can be good too.

    So... I am wrapping June up without rapping on too many cupboard doors. For those running 20+ days in a row, I say, way to GO! :drinker: :drinker:

    What I have learned on my June journey here.
    - I can have self control each night, even if I eat, I don't binge
    - learned I CAN go all night without eating and won't magically evaporate or implode.:explode:
    - there's lots great foliks with the same vice I have, who show each day they can conquer it
    - I am getting very close to my goal weight, but only means the start of other things :happy:

    Great job everyone! I'll be working on some double digit streaks in July.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I have a question. If you are truly starving but it's past your cut-off time and you go eat something (just to make your stomach stop growling) should that count as falling off the wagon or should it not? I haven't done this yet, but I'm just wondering.

    I'd say that if you do it like Wanda, it counts. But if you do it like me last night, then it's not OK :cry: .
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    27 down for me.
    Everyone is doing well. Keep it up.
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I have a question. If you are truly starving but it's past your cut-off time and you go eat something (just to make your stomach stop growling) should that count as falling off the wagon or should it not? I haven't done this yet, but I'm just wondering.

    I'd say that if you do it like Wanda, it counts. But if you do it like me last night, then it's not OK :cry: .

    Hey, don't put yourself down! One mess-up occasionally isn't going to hurt you in the long run. I'm sure no one could not snack at night for their whole life. We all have to take a break once in a while and just enjoy life.:smile:
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    I was camping the last several days and am just getting back. I've not had late night snacks, so doing very good, now just to conquer the daytime/afternoon snacks and the "I'm bored so let's eat" snacks.

    I liked/agreed with the post from Rainman: so true!
    - I can have self control each night, even if I eat, I don't binge
    - learned I CAN go all night without eating and won't magically evaporate or implode.
    - there's lots great foliks with the same vice I have, who show each day they can conquer

    I'm working on reducing my diet soda print....so far none today!!! This is a huge feat because a week ago I would have had 48oz by now! At noon I grabed a SoBE Fuji Apple Pear....that was good. I'm not saying I won't have any today but, maybe only 12 oz? We'll see.

    Good job everyone!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Hey, don't put yourself down! One mess-up occasionally isn't going to hurt you in the long run. I'm sure no one could not snack at night for their whole life. We all have to take a break once in a while and just enjoy life.:smile:

    Thanks for the support! :flowerforyou: However, I've messed up last night, too :grumble: . Trying to learn to make messups the exceptions, not the rule :wink: :angry: .
  • kookla33
    kookla33 Posts: 234
    I'm doing better at this! Made it in time tonight, and went for a walk after dinner too!Yes!
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Dewdrop, my hero messed up. Who do I turn to now? Okay, your still my hero! :smile:

    Now for the confession... I messed up 5 nights in a row. Yikes! I guess I just took a break?? No big deal, but back on board the bus before I do some damage on the new jeans I bought.

    I just finished an 11 mile run at 11:00PM so if I can make it tonight I'll be very happy! :smile:

    Bring on July I say... I need a big time reset!
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    Dewdrop, my hero messed up. Who do I turn to now? Okay, your still my hero! :smile:

    Now for the confession... I messed up 5 nights in a row. Yikes! I guess I just took a break?? No big deal, but back on board the bus before I do some damage on the new jeans I bought.

    I just finished an 11 mile run at 11:00PM so if I can make it tonight I'll be very happy! :smile:

    Bring on July I say... I need a big time reset!

    You're MY hero! 11 miles?!! Wow, that is awesome. All I can do is not snack at night. LOL :bigsmile: