June "No Late Night Snacking Challenge"



  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    dewdrop... way to go on the goal. It's has to feel great. You'll need some new goals now, maybe some fitness challenge. Awesome job.

    Fitgal.... 19 days I can't even imagine such things. Great job!

    Wow, did I bomb last night but who cares!! :drinker: :drinker: I expected such things after I ran 18 miles Sat morning. :noway: It sends my metabolism into overdrive, and I had not ate that much all day. So, no regrets here! I am down about 2 more lbs so hopefully I'll be posting a goal met on weight too.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend, don't forget to call your Dad too!

  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I have done 21 days of no snacking at night. Last night we got home late so I just had dinner and then went upstairs for the rest of the night.

    Rainman - good job on losing 2 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!:smile:
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Im totally joining this. Even though it's a little late now, I imagine you'll start again next month? :tongue:

    Hmm. I think my main issues, really are when I play video games at night, I just feel like I need something to munch on, and usually make the worst decisions possible. :blushing:

    Or when I bike at night, I usually go for about an hour and a half, and burn around 700 cal. So I kinda feel like I need to eat something after (actually, maybe its just the way my bodies train atm, but I get sick and can't sleep if I don:tongue: 't) Plus MFP reems me out for being way under daily cals

    I know the first one is self control, so I'm pretty pumped about this thread, but any suggestions about post exercise food? I'm seriously stumped on that one :frown:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Rainman - good job on losing 2 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!:smile:

    How about me?! :grumble:

    Raymond, thanks! Yeah, it feels good, I'm a bit surprised to have gotten there, actually. I might want to try go just a bit lower than this, but my hubs already tells me that I'm skinny, so dunno what to do. I do plan to tone up and see what changes (if any) that'll bring. Thanks a lot for your reply! :flowerforyou: and well done, you too! :flowerforyou: Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Hi everyone-
    I have been off the wagon and avoiding mfp. :blushing:
    As you can see, I'm back now. Tonight will be my new Day 1.
    I'll take some time later to catch up on the thread. I have to keep moving now before it rains yet again.
    Sorry, I've been absent, but I hope everyone has been doing well.
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    21 days and still going strong. I think it's a habit now. Or maybe it's just I'm obstinate. :bigsmile:

    WTG Raymond and dewdrop! Everyone is doing so great!

    Zaza good to see you back!! It's never too late to start fresh! Good for you! :smokin:
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    I blew it on Father's day... so back to day 1 for me also.
    I ate some sweets today (mostly this afternoon after lunch..just tasted sooo goood).
    But, I promise not to snack tonight. I'll eat a healthy supper and no snacks afterwards!
    So Day 1 was last night....Day 2 tonight......

    ...It might take a few attempts to make this a habit.....
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    I blew it on Father's day... so back to day 1 for me also.
    I ate some sweets today (mostly this afternoon after lunch..just tasted sooo goood).
    But, I promise not to snack tonight. I'll eat a healthy supper and no snacks afterwards!
    So Day 1 was last night....Day 2 tonight......

    ...It might take a few attempts to make this a habit.....

    Good for you for not getting down on yourself, but just hopping back on today. Really, good job!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Glad to see you back kerimcdonald. You too Wanda.

    fitgal411 and anastacha63, very impressed with your 21 days of no late night snacking!! You are definitely contenders for June.

    kimiquious, welcome. Never too late to join this challenge. And, yes, we will run it again next month.

    dewdrop, you are making wonderful progress on reaching your goal. So happy for you.

    Hope everyone has a good night tonight. Stay strong. I agree with sr88201 about needing time to break habits and create new ones. I haven’t managed to go 21 consecutive days, but I will do that in July. I plan to create a good habit. Thanks sr88201 for that bit of incentive and thank you anastacha63 for your words of encouragement.
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    Rainman - good job on losing 2 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!:smile:

    How about me?! :grumble:

    Oh my gosh . . . Of course you're doing great!:happy: Congrats on reaching the goal!:flowerforyou:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Oh my gosh . . . Of course you're doing great!:happy: Congrats on reaching the goal!:flowerforyou:


    Zaza, I had a feeling that silence meant :blushing: , but there's no reason not to get back :wink: . Glad you decided to do so and don't worry, you're not the only one.

    I've managed another 3 consecutive days. :happy: Total days: 19 (I believe I've slipped off only for about 3 days this month). Mostly with good excuses :glasses: .

    Keep up the good work, everyone. Keep on trying hard. We cna do this! :drinker:
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    Day 2 ...Accomplished.

    I tried to analyse why/what made me fail at day 9 / day 10. First of all, the weekend. Second, I think I was low on protein. Starting my day off with a higher protein breakfast really helps me all day long. I try to start with a protein shake, and 4 eggwhite omlet. which brings me in at around 35-40 grams of protein. Last of all I fell off the wagon because it was Father's day. I see Fathers day (as well as countless other holiday's) as a reason to celebrate and, to celebrate means to eat. That is another habit I should possibly change because I shouldn't link celebration with Food...it should be Celebration = having fun with people I like.

    Anastacha63, I hadn't reallly realised that it is an accomplishment to start again. Many times when we fail, we stop trying.

    Zaza, Dewdrop, Rainmain...it really is an accomplishment for all of us who are re-starting the challenge after failing.

    Way 2 go everyone...keep up the Challenge. Just being mindful of what we are doing late at night is part of breaking the habit.:smokin: Have a Happy Tuesday!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    sr88201, I know what you mean about linking food and celebration. I don't see any way around it. If we entertain, we have to offer food - that's just what you do. If my kids come home or my parents are here, I particulalrl try to have what they like. I spent most of Father's Day on food prep.

    Tonight is my newest Day 1. Much easier tonight than over the week-end since no one is around. I had a satsifying dinner and dessert ( from mfp) and then watched a movie on TV so I wasn't tempted to eat. I'm still full - must be the bulgur for dinner.
    I'm tired since I woke up too early this morning. So, good night. Hope everyone was successful at the challenge tonight.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    Day 3...accomplished...Day 4 in the works...

    I hope that everyone has a good day today and does well tonight.
    I'm low on motivation this morning. :frown: I woke up early enough to do my morning exercise routine but, I just didn't feel like doing it. So, I ate my normal breakfast and got ready for work.

    Normally I work remote today, however; I choose to go into the office because I figured that I would probably be motivated more if I was onsite as my work place has an onsite fitness center. And it worked! :happy: I have already I signed up for a time slot over my noon hour. Normally I exercise a little in the morning, and a little again at noon. Today I will just do it all at noon!

    Zaza, Glad to see you are trying again.:glasses:

    Keep up the good work everyone.
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    23 on the books! The scale is starting to move again (stuck for 2 weeks or longer) so that makes the "no late night snacking" even easier. Total motivator to see the scale finally budge.

    I hope everyone has a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    I've managed another 3 consecutive days. :happy: Total days: 19 (I believe I've slipped off only for about 3 days this month). Mostly with good excuses :glasses: .

    +2 for each counter. It was tight the past couple of nights (I finished dinner a bit past 9), but they still count to me :wink: . Less than a week to go, huh? :noway:

    anastacha, well done! :flowerforyou: Gladto hear that the scale has decided to play on your side :wink: .
  • fitgal411
    fitgal411 Posts: 668
    I have done 24 nights! NO LATE SNACKING!!!!!!!!! I am pretty shocked and am sure I'm going to make it the whole month!

    anastacha63 - you're just like me, didn't miss a night? Friendly competition!:happy:

    And to everyone who did miss a night - don't give up, just keep going, and everything will start to work out for you.:flowerforyou:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Wow - anastacha63 and fitgal1411 are in a tight race to the finish!! Well done. Very exciting and inspiring to the rest of us. Please keep it up!! I want to see a perfect month.
    PS I made it to Day 2. :laugh:
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    I tried really hard yesterday not to eat junk. I caved just slightly at supper time by eating some corn bread and lite syrup and a 100 calorie pack of cookies(all at supper so....this isn't late night snacking). I'm finding some new ways to be sucessful on this challenge. Some days, I stick to the challenge, other days, I just have my snack earlier in the day.

    Not so yesterday though as I had 2 hershey kisses and a tsp of peanut butter(which were past my 7:30 cut off time). . It just was a hot and stressful day yesterday (found ants in my kitchen! and we are going out of town for the weekend) The snack truely helped my stress level and, it's not like I binged on a lot of food like a box of cookies, M&Ms or Ice Cream.

    So....with everything I'm thinking I can count it as Day 4 accomplished because normally if I were to snack after 7:30 I would SNACK....not just eat a couple pieces! This (for me) was successful.

    I already have my exercising in for today, I made the commitment before I went to bed last night and completed Core work as well as Kick boxing. Then, I had my Protien shake for breakfast.

    Day 4 (I'm counting as being accomplished)
    ...Working hard on Day 5....
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    So....with everything I'm thinking I can count it as Day 4 accomplished because normally if I were to snack after 7:30 I would SNACK....not just eat a couple pieces! This (for me) was successful.

    You have my vote on this. I totally agree: the point is to stop after a bite and not binge. I couldn't do it, this is why I said "nothing after cut-off time". But, as said, I am sure you're doing right to count it as Day 4.

    Zaza, welcome back. Your PS made me have a good :laugh: .

    I also wanna see a full month and hey, ladies, well done! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: . But my 2-penny worth opinion is that winners are all those who stick with this challenge up to the last day of the month,regardless of how many times they had to reset their counter (and were honest enough to do so and perseverant enough to keep hopping back on). So, PEOPLE, keep us posted! :wink: