worst comment ever made about your weight



  • CrazyGraciegirl
    That was so rude of him to say! I would have felt so crushed. good for you that you changed your point of view on dating!
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    We got a new Chinese post doc, and I'm only mentioning his nationality because there are some American-Chinese people in my lab who say this is a common way for Chinese people to talk to relatives, but they were incredulous that he talked to me like this. He said "You'd be prettier if you were taller" once, and then another time "You need to go to the gym." These comments were a bit before I started to get in shape, he went to China for 3 weeks, came back, and said "You look very much reduced!" I guess it makes his compliment so much better that I know he is capable of such brutal honesty.

    In fact, all of the compliments I've been getting lately have really made me wonder why those that love me didn't tell me I should lose the weight sooner. I, for some reason, was convinced I was "fooling" everyone and didn't look as heavy as I was... lol
  • mandi2r
    mandi2r Posts: 228 Member
    going over electives for high school with my mom - I'm looking at useful stuff like auto mechanics, mom suggests home ec.

    me: mom, it's the 70s women don't have to cook & clean now days

    mom: you better learn how to cook, you're never gonna CATCH A MAN with your looks

    A girl's best friend is her mother ....?

    No, sometimes she's not.. You are lucky if you get the mom who is your bestfriend. Mine is and still, sometimes she slips and says somethign she does not realize is painful.

    2nd year in highschool, my mom looking at the school pictures

    Mom looking at sisters, "Wow, you look gorgeous!"
    Looks at mine, "This is nice.."
    Looks back at sisters, "But wow, you could be a model. You look amazing!!"
    Never looked back at mine
  • atashby14
    atashby14 Posts: 14 Member
    "Are you expecting??" I've gotten that one 4 or 5 times, even at my thinnest. If you're not sure, don't ask!
  • wvtracyann
    wvtracyann Posts: 106 Member
    Probably a year after I had my son I was working in a bank at the time and had a turtle neck on and I had two people come up and ask me when I was due. I was like I am not a had a baby a year ago, they were like o still have all the baby fat huh. I was so upset then a fwe weeks later I had on a pretty sundress and another person asked me when I was due I said I am not pregant he was like are you sure I said yes VERY sure. I went home and cried I was so upset because I wasnt even "overweight" I just had my pouch from him now every outfit I try on I am self consious about because of those 3 people.
  • Tashry
    Tashry Posts: 151 Member
    Wow...some of these make me feel so sad about the human race. Seriously, what is wrong with people?!

    Worst I got? I was called a "fat f**king hefer" by my husband. I was still about 20 pounds overweight - 3 months after giving birth to our second son.

    So no surprise that I'm single now!
  • OSUalum
    OSUalum Posts: 449 Member
    I've heard it all...all my life. My earliest memories are of being "too fat, too tall and too ugly". I have heard every chant, every comment that kids can make.
    It became a regular part of my dating life that guys wanted to date me as long as none of there friends never found out. I have been given every excuse in the world. I was always the fun sweet one...but never good enough to be taken out in public.

    I come from a lean fit family. One time my mom started to mention my weight and was saying I should lose to be healthy. My big brother stepped in and stopped her. For a brief second I was so thankful to him. Then he said, " Mom, you don't need to tell her she needs to lose weight. She knows she's fat. Everyone can see that."

    I could write a book about the comments and experiences I've had.
  • Applelina
    Applelina Posts: 12
    Wow, some of these are so hurtful! I was once told I would be pretty if I would lose some weight. And I've had some comments from friends who made me feel even larger than life even by small comments meant to be helpful, but oh so not! There is no excuse for being a jerk and being judgmental. Whether food is your crutch, beauty products, being vain, or whatever it may be, those people will still never be pretty people that I would want in my life.
  • mandi2r
    mandi2r Posts: 228 Member
    I have never been asked if I was pregnant when i wasn't but when I was waitressing, at the END of my pregnancy, I had a customer that at first said nothing until one of the girls told him I was due in two weeks. His response to me, "Oh, I thought you only got really fat."
  • kleptofridge
    Hah, there's too many to mention! I've always been stocky, but never past a UK 16. Being short and having a G cup doesn't help.

    A boy I went to school with once called me 'wide load' completely unprompted. Boys in school would always warn me not to run in PE as I'd get two black eyes. One of the lunchtime supervisors referred to me as the 'hefty' one.

    Outside a club, some Irish guys asked us where the nearest late night club was, and we told them then headed off. They then started comparing me to a fat girl from a UK soap (Fizz from Corrie) for their own amusement.

    The latest, and probably most hurtful, was a work colleague. I tripped over the scales in a friend's bathroom, and when I returned they asked what the ruckus was, I explained and he mimicked me with "Scales? What are they?!"

    Bear in mind these are all pretty awful people, and a general minority in everyday life. My family especially are very supportive and encouraging.
  • GrEyedRose
    GrEyedRose Posts: 90 Member
    All these comments say WAY more about the person or people who said it then it does about any of you.

    They are L O S E R S ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
  • Psychoanalytic
    From my best friend while she was pregnant:

    "Hey! You look just like me, minus the baby!"

    She said it jokingly, but it still stung.
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    when i was pregnant with my son in 2009 - i was 5'3" and 142 when I got pregnant, so yeah, I had a few extra pounds. i had JUST found out i was pregnant, like two days prior, and my husbands aunt goes "i was wondering! i thought you looked heavier." Then when i was about 5 months along and showing, i walked into my mother in laws house and she goes "YEP. You're getting FAT!"

    Then i lost 16 pounds when my son was 18 months old and I started doing lots of circuit training and stuff, so i was pretty toned. And one time my dad told me my arms were soooo skinny and asked if i was eating enough. And i was super proud of my toned arms! ha! And like 5 months ago a friend looked at me and said "Well, you're just wasting away to nothing, arent you?" Um, 5'3" and 120 pounds and toned is hardly wasting away.

    Seems people have comments no matter what!
  • stephs0214
    stephs0214 Posts: 269 Member
    I remember in 9th grade, my classmate would ALWAYS comment how she wore a size 2 while we were changing for gym class. She'd throw her teeny tiny shorts and shirts around. I was overweight all throughout my school years, so I know she would tell me to throw it in my face. At the time, I wore a size 12-14. :(

    Now let's fast forward about 15 years later......I went to a baby shower. That classmate was there too. By this time, she's had a few kids and has gained a few, and I've gone down 10 sizes. I, not once, made a comment about our weight. When she realized who I was, she's the one who commented, "look at us now. I'm the one wearing the glasses (I wore glasses back then) and.....well, has gained weight." :) I still didn't say anything (because I know how it feels), BUT I have to admit that it felt good!!!!
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    My ex-fiancee would constantly try to tell me to workout, with little belittling comments, I was 135 at the time at 5'5" Then I gained a bunch of weight (15lbs) from the blows to my self esteem and just not caring anymore since no matter what i did it wasn't good enough, that's my profile "before" pic you see. Lost the weight and then some over this past year, "after" portion of profile pic was taken in November, I have been working on toning now. But this past december, after 7 years together, he told me that he isn't and has never been attracted to me, I am too curvy and he prefers athletic builds....OUCH!!

    Guess thats why he's an ex-fiancee huh!?
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I've gotten the "that fat guy just passed you" thing before, and a lot of the others. Your ex takes the cake, that's extremely messed up. My wife has always been nice about my weight and careful to not hurt my feelings, but sometimes you can't help but notice.

    the worst is when you're kids come home asking why you're bigger than there friends dads, or when they tell you that they got teased because you're fat.

    but the other day after carrying rail road ties and tossing them over a fence my son told me that it was a good thing I'm fat because people would probably be afraid of me if they could see my muscles. then he told me I should not loose to much weight because he was starting to see them.
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    From ex wife:

    * "You're so fat... you're wasting my youth! I am embarrassed to be seen with you"

    * During sex, she stops me in the middle of it and runs to the toilet and starts gagging and then says I disgust her.

    Random assorted things from the years

    * Running at the park, I pass a slender girl in her 20s who is running ackwardly. One of those lucky people that obviously never really does any exercise or doesn't know how to run at the least, but stays looking in shape. Her boyfriend is in front of her and he sees me pass her and goes "oh no! HELL NO! There's no way you just let that fat f**k pass you! Get your *kitten* moving!" He was one of those alpha types with the gym rat bodies.

    * Running at the park during soccer practice with my team. Group of college girls is running. One points at me and says "ewww look at his belly".

    * Running at the park I pass a guy and his little girl who are running. She says "daddy why did you let the fat man pass you?" And he replies "shhhh honey we don't call people fat that's not nice"

    * At the gym, I smiled at a girl who looked at me like I was a cockroach and said "dream on, I don't date fatties".

    * At one of our irish pubs a couple years ago. I was standing waiting in line and this guy was trying to impress his college-aged girlfriend. He started making rude comments about how fat people need removed from the planet because they are in his way and taking up space and eating all of the food. The girl giggles.

    * At the gym I was in a corner doing some dumbbell work and this precious Barbie with full make up is lifting with her boyfriend. She was seated next to the rack where the weights were. I was putting my weights away and had to move around her and she gets this annoyed look on her face, and then turns to her boyfriend and says in a mock-whisper (so that others can hear) "I can't stand going to the gym during this time, too many fat people here wasting everybody's time"

    I have more. Those were the ones that stuck out this morning. Being fat is the equivalent of being a leper in the middle ages. It's pretty dehumanizing... but makes for great motivation and fuel for your workouts.

    I know people can be cruel, but it is truly hard for me to see people saying some of what you typed.

    I was called pleasantly plump in highschool, curvy and size 8 looks chubby no matter what.

    I agree - people really need to stop and thing before they speak.

    A few that I've heard:
    My friend used to really be into City Council races, and one day we were out picking up the yard signs that had been put out before election day. A guy that had pulled up behind us yelled out for me to "hurry my fat *kitten* up". I got back into the car in tears.

    Walking past a group of guys once I heard "ewww". I was the only one around and it was pretty obvious it was directed at me.
  • Shayztar
    Shayztar Posts: 415 Member
    I was at a popular jean store. I should say I'm pear shaped. The sales woman says "I'm not sure there are any jeans here that will fit you. It must be so hard to buy jeans when you have such a small waist but such a..." and then she did this gesture with her hands where she held them close, then spread them wide and said "Boom".

    Another time, I was buying a bridesmaid dress for my best friend's wedding. She had a lot of very snobby girls in her wedding party. One of the girls said about me "Get this one an extra large. There's no way she's going to fit into a large." The pain of that comment is that my weight THEN is what my goal weight is NOW!! Funny, I ended up with a Large that needed to be taken in because this snobby girl took the last medium. AND this snobby girl is using this site too because she now needs to lose weight also. *SIGH*

    Lastly that I can think of right now is when I was in high school, this really mean boy in law class told me I had thunder thighs. Totally unprovoked. No matter how skinny I get, I will always have thighs. It's my lot in life. Now, on the days where I don't feel my best, I see my reflection and I think "Look at those thunder thighs." This guy has no idea how that little saying has stuck with me...and it's been 16 years. However, I know that since then he's been diagnosed with a gamut of mental illnesses, including Tourettes.

    And I remember one more! I was once told by a friend, who happens to be a black man, that I will always have black men hitting on me because "a lot of black men love white women with big *kitten*". Okay, so that one isn't so bad, but it was still a big *kitten* comment so... (Anyways, he has still proven to be right)

  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    Well being called fat obviously doesn't bother me. After all, my screen name on here reads as "Fatty Fatty Two By Four". I've been called things much worse than fat and hurt by people more significant than idiots on the street.

    And still, I rise!
  • Bullygirl30
    In middle school 1-800-jenny was left on my desk and locker almost everyday.

    I asked my mom if I could have a bowl of chips or something like that and she would reply with just don't eat it all or haven't you had enough today?

    My sister's friends always made fun of me and she didn't do anything about it.

    Walking with friends on the street and a truck full of boys drives by and yells fatass! Or moo's