Beautiful Blue Team WEEK 5



  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Girls you can do it!!!!!!!

    Maybe park further from the school - give you a few extra steps....

    LOL, I don't even have my license- I walk anyways. =D

    Maybe jog?! :laugh:
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    Check out my ticker - 70 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!

    70 Pounds that is awesome. Congratulations on such a huge accomplishment. You are almost to the end of your ticker. What an inspiration.
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    Hang in there and do what you can to fit it in. Like the post before park farther away, take the stairs, pack snacks. It is tough now, but this too shall pass.

    I do have to share this though, because i am on cloud 9 tonight.

    I had set a goal in March to be at 220 by 7/2. Well i reached that goal the beginning of May so i set a new goal of 215. Now i reached that goal so i set a new goal of 210. I can't believe i reached my goal already and that i am almost out of the 200's. Once I leave them i will never come back to it.

    Wow! Congrats. Going below 200 is my goal for June 10th.. I never want to be in the 200s again. My mom got up to 249 before she caved and had gastric bypass. Sometimes I thought about just gaining the 40 pounds and having but, I went "WHAT? MAN, I'M TOO YOUNG FOR THIS. I CAN DO IT." All I have to do is look at her now. She can't enjoy many foods, it made her lactose intolerant, she can't have soda (surprisingly, I never really drink soda, but on the occasion I do, I'd like to have more than one sip, unlike her), bread is hard for her to eat.
    And with the bad habits I have, I'd probably gain it back. Ouch.

    I wish you well on your journey. Hope you reach your next goal!

    I was 268 at my heaviest but i never even considered surgery. I just could never do that. I know lots of people who went through that and have a ton of problems now. Especially one person who lost 200 pounds, but has since gained back 150. Why go through all that pain and end up right back where you started.
  • cellorocker
    cellorocker Posts: 290
    Hang in there and do what you can to fit it in. Like the post before park farther away, take the stairs, pack snacks. It is tough now, but this too shall pass.

    I do have to share this though, because i am on cloud 9 tonight.

    I had set a goal in March to be at 220 by 7/2. Well i reached that goal the beginning of May so i set a new goal of 215. Now i reached that goal so i set a new goal of 210. I can't believe i reached my goal already and that i am almost out of the 200's. Once I leave them i will never come back to it.

    Wow! Congrats. Going below 200 is my goal for June 10th.. I never want to be in the 200s again. My mom got up to 249 before she caved and had gastric bypass. Sometimes I thought about just gaining the 40 pounds and having but, I went "WHAT? MAN, I'M TOO YOUNG FOR THIS. I CAN DO IT." All I have to do is look at her now. She can't enjoy many foods, it made her lactose intolerant, she can't have soda (surprisingly, I never really drink soda, but on the occasion I do, I'd like to have more than one sip, unlike her), bread is hard for her to eat.
    And with the bad habits I have, I'd probably gain it back. Ouch.

    I wish you well on your journey. Hope you reach your next goal!

    I was 268 at my heaviest but i never even considered surgery. I just could never do that. I know lots of people who went through that and have a ton of problems now. Especially one person who lost 200 pounds, but has since gained back 150. Why go through all that pain and end up right back where you started.

    Thankfully, my mom lost all the weight and hasn't gained any back. She got a tummy tuck (and a boob job :drinker:) in celebration of losing 100 pounds. Even though I'm proud of her, I still don't want to go down that road.

    On the plus side, I just weighed myself, and I've lost another pound this week- and I weighed right after dinner.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    As a passing thought I considered surgery but realized after a co-workers wife went thru it that if after the surgery you have to think about every little thing your eating - why wouldn't that work without surgery and so far so good. I am SO happy that I realized that I can control this....I am a better me because of it.

    Messed up yesterday and jogged thinking that Tuesday night was my strength class - but it was Monday night so I got up at 5:20am and went to the gym and did the strength class - boy do I hate mornings but ya know - I am much less groggy this morning than a typical morning for me so I think I will do it again on Thursday since I have a meeting that evening and would miss it - will jog again tomorrow - week 6 day 3 - 2.25 miles straight - that's a challenge....bring it on!!!!
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Check out my ticker - 70 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!

    CONGRATS!!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Congrats on 70 pounds, Chrissy!!!! That is amazing. :drinker: :bigsmile:

    To all you girls with the intense school schedules... you're amazing! You can do it; look at the dedication you give your school work and think about how you need your body to be in good shape to keep up with that and your career's afterward!! Think of how much better you'll feel... :flowerforyou: I've only lost a little over 30 pounds, but the 240s feel much better than the 280s!!

    * * * *

    I'm having a pretty good morning! Got up earlier than usual and had time to stop for some coffee. Mmm!! That - and sometimes Italian Ice - are my treats. :bigsmile: It's nice to know that a large coffee with Splenda takes away cravings, makes me feel relaxed, focused and energized at the same time... and doesn't even make a DENT in my calories for the day!

    Tonight I'm planning on working out on the elliptical at work for 20 minutes... then going home and doing 30 minutes on the stationary bike while I finish watching a movie. :heart: I found an old Self magazine the other day with some toning moves in it that you do using your own body weight... so I might try those after the bike... not sure yet.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Leigh - you should try the toning before the bike - I've been told it's better to do strength first then cardio - something about a chemical your body releases and how it all burns - sorry I am not better at explaining it....before too long you'll be saying how good the 230s feel...

    School girls - you got it going on - we cannot let "life" interfere with our new healthy lifestyles we gotta work it all in and find a mesh that works for us....ya'll are doing just that - keep working hard.
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Thanks!! I will try that!! :wink: Maybe I'll do the elliptical at lunch so I'm not doing it immediately before the toning.

    Yesterday I felt like I could eat a cow... today, it's 11 and I haven't even had my first snack. :bigsmile: Why are our bodies so weird?! lol
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Wow I sure have missed a lot!

    I made the mistake of going out for coffee with a cute friend of mine at 10:30 last night. So I couldn't fall asleep, resulting in my missing my alarm and waking up an hour after I was supposed to be at work. I just called out sick, because I get a point whether I miss a whole day or a go a minute late.

    I just finished up my Legs & Back work for the day and its ridiculously hot in my house....our a/c is broken. Ooooh the things we take for granted!!!

    I think Laura and I are possibly taking a day off from walking, but if we don't that'll make 8 days in a row.

    Other than that I think I'm going to spend the day cleaning my room and catching up on school.

  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Hey gang! Congrats Chrissy! How do you stay so good with the eats too? I caved last night and bought my Fave cookies from Costco.:angry: The real test now is to get back on track-actually they made feel nautious. My daughter kept telling me "you're gonna look old Mom, stop eating them".:laugh: I feel ok today. I keep rationalizing that it's ok for 1 cheat day ever so often. Eating clean sucks-that's what I kept thinking as I chewed away...:grumble: :laugh:

    In regards to the weights vs cardio, I've read that if you're focus is on Strenght training that day, to do it first. If it is to burn more cals and work on your Endurance, etc., start with cardio. You will born more cals if you have a good warm up, then in between sets, do anything to get your HR back up. So jump back on your eliptical for 30-45 sec. then quickly move to the next wt exercise. Don't rest as much between reps/sets either. And you can even do back to back exercises on different muscle groups between sets-(called a Superset), or 2-3 different exercises for the same muscle group.:bigsmile: I have a lot of knowledge in this area, now maybe I should go down and apply it-sucks having a kid sleep down there, cause he works late and sleeps in until 1200 for the next shift.:ohwell: So today is another tiring day. I get so affected by the weather. Yesterday ir poured and was cold-I just wanted to stay in bed all day...and I did for the most of the afternoon!:yawn: Keep up the good work Blues!
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    Congrats on 70 pounds, Chrissy!!!! That is amazing. :drinker: :bigsmile:

    To all you girls with the intense school schedules... you're amazing! You can do it; look at the dedication you give your school work and think about how you need your body to be in good shape to keep up with that and your career's afterward!! Think of how much better you'll feel... :flowerforyou: I've only lost a little over 30 pounds, but the 240s feel much better than the 280s!!

    * * * *

    I'm having a pretty good morning! Got up earlier than usual and had time to stop for some coffee. Mmm!! That - and sometimes Italian Ice - are my treats. :bigsmile: It's nice to know that a large coffee with Splenda takes away cravings, makes me feel relaxed, focused and energized at the same time... and doesn't even make a DENT in my calories for the day!

    Tonight I'm planning on working out on the elliptical at work for 20 minutes... then going home and doing 30 minutes on the stationary bike while I finish watching a movie. :heart: I found an old Self magazine the other day with some toning moves in it that you do using your own body weight... so I might try those after the bike... not sure yet.

    I :heart: Self Magazine. I get all my strength routines from their website.
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    In regards to the weights vs cardio, I've read that if you're focus is on Strenght training that day, to do it first. If it is to burn more cals and work on your Endurance, etc., start with cardio. You will born more cals if you have a good warm up, then in between sets, do anything to get your HR back up. So jump back on your eliptical for 30-45 sec. then quickly move to the next wt exercise. Don't rest as much between reps/sets either. And you can even do back to back exercises on different muscle groups between sets-(called a Superset), or 2-3 different exercises for the same muscle group.:bigsmile:

    I love doing supersets (nice to know what to call them) because I can get my work out done more quickly without cutting anything out.
  • JoyousMaximus
    JoyousMaximus Posts: 9,285 Member
    It posted twice..:grumble:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Check out my ticker - 70 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!

    WTG on the 70lbs.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Thanks Jess
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Alright I weighed myself this morning and I lost 2lbs. Im off the plateu I'm so excited. 8 more pounds and I will be in the 150's I really can't wait I'm going to work and work hard. Ok well I will take it easy. Work as hard as I can.
  • Cariñosita
    Cariñosita Posts: 184 Member
    Way to go Chrissy!!!

    Hello Blues!! I don't post on here very often, because I don't usually have anything interesting to say, really. However, today I am posting to beg you all.......PLEASE HELP ME!! I did so well in the beginning. I was losing a couple of pounds each week. Now, for the past two weeks, I have gained. I have still been working out, but I think I'm getting bored with the food I was eating. Also, I haven't been logging my food for the last two weeks, so that just shows how important it is to do that. On a more positive note, I have still been doing the running program I was doing and ran 3 miles straight on the treadmill, 6.1mph for the first time in my life yesterday. I don't know if any of you can say anything that I don't already know to help get me back on track. I know that I need to do this and that I'm wasting all the effort I have put in. I know that I want to keep losing weight, so what is my problem??? Why can I want an ice cream, tell myself I shouldn't have it, and then have it anyway. Thank God for Skinny Cow fudge bars. Anyway, I just don't understand why my willpower is not kicking in. I need to do this for me.........

    I hope you are all doing better than I am. :flowerforyou:
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Way to go Chrissy!!!

    Hello Blues!! I don't post on here very often, because I don't usually have anything interesting to say, really. However, today I am posting to beg you all.......PLEASE HELP ME!! I did so well in the beginning. I was losing a couple of pounds each week. Now, for the past two weeks, I have gained. I have still been working out, but I think I'm getting bored with the food I was eating. Also, I haven't been logging my food for the last two weeks, so that just shows how important it is to do that. On a more positive note, I have still been doing the running program I was doing and ran 3 miles straight on the treadmill, 6.1mph for the first time in my life yesterday. I don't know if any of you can say anything that I don't already know to help get me back on track. I know that I need to do this and that I'm wasting all the effort I have put in. I know that I want to keep losing weight, so what is my problem??? Why can I want an ice cream, tell myself I shouldn't have it, and then have it anyway. Thank God for Skinny Cow fudge bars. Anyway, I just don't understand why my willpower is not kicking in. I need to do this for me.........

    I hope you are all doing better than I am. :flowerforyou:

    Hang in there!! You are worth it!! You can do this!! Some days are easier then others to pass on the treats & cravings! You deserve a healthy you!!! You had an awesome workout on that treadmill! Make sure that you're eating high fiber, whole foods. They'll keep you full longer & help you stay away from the things you want to avoid! If you're burning serious calories like that often you're going to really need to feed the furnace with good , whole, high fiber foods!!
    Personally, I can't have sweets in my house! Not even the low cal, diet types. They seem to make me crave things even more! Once they're gone, I seem to have so much more control. But, that's just me :blushing:
    Look at how far you've come! You can continue! You can do it!!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Way to go Chrissy!!!

    Hello Blues!! I don't post on here very often, because I don't usually have anything interesting to say, really. However, today I am posting to beg you all.......PLEASE HELP ME!! I did so well in the beginning. I was losing a couple of pounds each week. Now, for the past two weeks, I have gained. I have still been working out, but I think I'm getting bored with the food I was eating. Also, I haven't been logging my food for the last two weeks, so that just shows how important it is to do that. On a more positive note, I have still been doing the running program I was doing and ran 3 miles straight on the treadmill, 6.1mph for the first time in my life yesterday. I don't know if any of you can say anything that I don't already know to help get me back on track. I know that I need to do this and that I'm wasting all the effort I have put in. I know that I want to keep losing weight, so what is my problem??? Why can I want an ice cream, tell myself I shouldn't have it, and then have it anyway. Thank God for Skinny Cow fudge bars. Anyway, I just don't understand why my willpower is not kicking in. I need to do this for me.........

    I hope you are all doing better than I am. :flowerforyou:

    Hang in there!! You are worth it!! You can do this!! Some days are easier then others to pass on the treats & cravings! You deserve a healthy you!!! You had an awesome workout on that treadmill! Make sure that you're eating high fiber, whole foods. They'll keep you full longer & help you stay away from the things you want to avoid! If you're burning serious calories like that often you're going to really need to feed the furnace with good , whole, high fiber foods!!
    Personally, I can't have sweets in my house! Not even the low cal, diet types. They seem to make me crave things even more! Once they're gone, I seem to have so much more control. But, that's just me :blushing:
    Look at how far you've come! You can continue! You can do it!!

    Me too Sani-As long as I don't buy it, I'm safe. My daughters have competitions with me. One is a salty though, and the other is a sweet. I am definitly a SWEET!:wink: Come on girls you can do this! I just went down and lifted weights while my Hubby tidied the basement and the kids played Wii. Get that CONTROL back, it only takes 3 solid days and you're flying-21 days to break a habit. Drink water, a craving is only supposed to last 20 min., so maybe go for a walk or do some stretches or something that you'll be happy you got done!.:flowerforyou: :drinker: Put something motivational up on your fridge, like a pic of what you want to look like, or a pic of an outfit you will reward yourself with when you lose so many pounds.:bigsmile: