Chocolates on sale everywhere! What did you get?



  • jat23
    jat23 Posts: 11 Member
    Those darn snickers eggs are my weakness!!
  • kjbbdoll
    kjbbdoll Posts: 86
    None! There is already enough candy around here with five kids that I told them to take it to school or eat it all very soon cuz Momma will eat it-LOL
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    Where are you at in the world, that they still have Oh Henry's????? I loved them but haven't seen them since I was a little girl!!!

    Canada. From what I understand, there are quite few chocolates here that America does not have (and vice versa). For example, people in America told me they've never had Coffee Crisp, which I think is a decent chocolate bar.

    I hear the USA doesn't have Smarties. How do they survive idk.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Nothing. Not a single thing. After work I bypassed all the stores, went to the gym and kicked my butt for over an hour. I can avoid the cheap quality chocolate, but the damn spice jelly beans get me every year. Well, not this year!
  • Summer5555
    Summer5555 Posts: 104 Member
    Bought the kids some chocolate and that's it. I don't eat chocolate so Easter isn't an issue for me, thankfully..... it's Christmas with all that plum pudding!
  • Blueyz82
    Blueyz82 Posts: 151
    lol, I work with chocolate EVERY day, so I haven't bought any chocolate yet...I did put aside some things to purchase towards the end of the week. I thinking some Dark Chocolate eggs and some Jelly Beans. Our Jelly Bird Eggs are the best! :)

    I have found that if I deprive myself and don't allow any chocolate than I do worse. I have actually lost more weight by allowing myself a little bit here and there! The body feels better. To make myself feel better about it, I eat mostly dark chocolate.

    My work has 45 calorie individually wrapped chocolates and 1 or 2 here and there I will have.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Nothing. Not a single thing. After work I bypassed all the stores, went to the gym and kicked my butt for over an hour. I can avoid the cheap quality chocolate, but the damn spice jelly beans get me every year. Well, not this year!

    Lindt ain't cheap! haha Sometimes, you gotta take the lower quality stuff just to conserve the dollar bills. I'd be in heaven right now if I could get a Valrhona right now. That stuff is special occasion stuff. I also never use my Callebaut couverture unless I'm baking for a special occasion. But, alas, I have to settle for Cadbury Eggies. Sacrifices, you know?
  • aprildawn81
    aprildawn81 Posts: 668 Member

    I hear the USA doesn't have Smarties. How do they survive idk.

    Umm, I don't know who told you that but, we most certainly do have Smarties...they are my favorite. I have half a bag left over from my boys' Easter that I saved just for myself! ;)
  • aprildawn81
    aprildawn81 Posts: 668 Member
    Where are you at in the world, that they still have Oh Henry's????? I loved them but haven't seen them since I was a little girl!!!

    Canada. From what I understand, there are quite few chocolates here that America does not have (and vice versa). For example, people in America told me they've never had Coffee Crisp, which I think is a decent chocolate bar.

    Nope, never heard of Coffee Crisp. Sheesh! Oh Henry's and Michael Buble...Canada has all the good stuff! :)
  • hlandry6
    hlandry6 Posts: 230
    Great minds think alike!!! P.S Candy is 50% off after Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Valentines day, and after any other major holiday I may have missed...

    I didn't buy anything... not worth the calories or weight gain.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Great minds think alike!!! P.S Candy is 50% off after Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Valentines day, and after any other major holiday I may have missed...

    Speaking of Halloween candy, I bought a box of those mini chocolate bars that contains 94 of them for half the price three weeks ago. Ok, fine, two boxes.

    I've never noticed Christmas, though. I'm assuming if the chocolate is on sale at Wal-mart, it's probably the same stuff but different colours and shapes.
  • htmlgirl
    htmlgirl Posts: 314 Member
    I just bought 1 package of hershey's kisses. Haven't opened the bag yet, but it'll be useful to have one if I get a chocolate craving.
  • DrewMaxwell
    DrewMaxwell Posts: 269 Member
    I hear the USA doesn't have Smarties. How do they survive idk.
    Umm, I don't know who told you that but, we most certainly do have Smarties...they are my favorite. I have half a bag left over from my boys' Easter that I saved just for myself! ;)

    Real chocolate English Smarties (around here we call them English M&M's) or the American Smarties (sugar powder compressed into little buttons)?
  • gatorgirlyyy
    Nothing. :) I personally proud of myself. I haven't had any candy of any sort for over a month. :)
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    I don't really like chocolate but I wanted to get some of those Easter gummies. I like those but I will eat the whole bag so no candy for me
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    These little Godivas were 75% off and the shortbread is ridiculously amazing:

    These were on sale, too. They're chocolate covered oreos. I hate oreos and so does my brother, his girlfriend and my girlfriend. Funny thing is that we all loved these:

    I wish got more stuff. :p I'm freakin' loaded with chocolate right now.
  • weathergirl320
    i didnt buy anything, but i did go to the store and make fun of all the cheap skates picking at the leftover easter crap like voltures.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    i didnt buy anything, but i did go to the store and make fun of all the cheap skates picking at the leftover easter crap like voltures.

    Cheap skates for being intelligent enough to purchase quantities of something that is half the price thus making a financially sound decision? Huh. I'll go return all my chocolate and buy it at full price.
  • weathergirl320
    i didnt buy anything, but i did go to the store and make fun of all the cheap skates picking at the leftover easter crap like voltures.

    Cheap skates for being intelligent enough to purchase quantities of something that is half the price thus making a financially sound decision? Huh. I'll go return all my chocolate and buy it at full price.

    more like the people running out to buy something un necessary just because its a "good deal". no matter if you are wasting a penny or 1000$ if you dont need it, then its a waste. and i dont waste things. especially not money. not saying you didnt "need" that chocolate fix, but for me, i have weeks worth of chocolate that i got from family and stuff, so running to the store to stock up on crap i dont need is wasteful.
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    Nothing!! I was SOOO proud of myself!!

    ^^^ This ^^^ I am pretty proud of me too! AND I send a lot of my kids chocolate to work with hubby - they don't need it all either.