Chocolates on sale everywhere! What did you get?



  • turbophoenix
    Cadbury mini eggs. 4 BIG bags. Probably enough to last until next Easter :/

    Cadbury mini eggs are my kryptonite. :(
  • Peppychristian
    Peppychristian Posts: 157 Member
    I spent $30. In my defense, some of them were for my hubby and some of them were for an upcoming birthday party (Candy land themed).
  • isweatglitter
    Barely anything. I went an hour ago, and the store barely had anything. Got 3 chocolate bunnies :(
  • Peppychristian
    Peppychristian Posts: 157 Member
    What I did buy for myself, I will be freezing so I can eat it slowly over time. I also only bought things that I could eat in small portions (no big bunnies).
  • Peppychristian
    Peppychristian Posts: 157 Member
    lol, I work with chocolate EVERY day, so I haven't bought any chocolate yet...I did put aside some things to purchase towards the end of the week. I thinking some Dark Chocolate eggs and some Jelly Beans. Our Jelly Bird Eggs are the best! :)

    I have found that if I deprive myself and don't allow any chocolate than I do worse. I have actually lost more weight by allowing myself a little bit here and there! The body feels better. To make myself feel better about it, I eat mostly dark chocolate.

    My work has 45 calorie individually wrapped chocolates and 1 or 2 here and there I will have.

    I could not find one piece of dark chocolate Easter candy at the store where I shopped. I was so bummed.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    Barely anything. I went an hour ago, and the store barely had anything. Got 3 chocolate bunnies :(

    You have to look in the right places. ;) The Bay here had Godiva on sale, which just made me jump in my booties. They didn't have many left, so I bought 4. They went from $5 to $1.5. What a steal for Godiva. What a steal. I'm still hitting other stores on my spare time (walking everywhere. Non-exercise activity thermogenesis for the win!) and seeing if higher quality chocolates like Godiva are available. I've skipped the cheaper stuff since I'm not particularly fond of it. My girlfriend who functions like a damn furnace loves that stuff. Ploughs it back like no tomorrow and not a single pound gained in sight.
  • Anaconda62
    Anaconda62 Posts: 181
    I only like dark chocolate, and the good quality stuff at that. Not to be snobby or anything but regular candy does nothing for me.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    It was THE WORST 3 or 4 days in 15 months. I easily ate over 10 times more candy between Saturday and Tuesday morning (today) than in the last 15 months combined. Worst binge ever, maybe even including the time before I started trying to get healthy. I feel like I need to be institutionalized! Makes me feel like my ticker is completely fraudulent.

    4 Pack Cadbury Creme Eggs
    4 Pack Cadbury Chocolate Eggs
    4 Pack Cadbury Caramel Eggs
    1 ginormous Reese's Peanut Butter Egg
    2 Nestle Crunch Bunnies
    1 Bag Reese's mini peanut butter cups
    1 Bag Whoppers Robin Eggs
  • Kikilarue59
    Kikilarue59 Posts: 81 Member
    I did'nt buy any Chocolate Candy... I'm surrounded by the best chocolate in the world. I buy it from Belgium, France and Switzerland. By the Case. And you know, since work with it all day as a Pastry Chef I am able to look at it as just PRODUCT. And so it loses it's power for me. esspecially at work.
    Don't get me wrong, there have been times when I felt I needed a Chocolate Fix and I have found a 100 Calorie Fudgesicle from the Freezer ( bought at Target) to do the trick. Usually this is at night when I've had a hard day.
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    I only like dark chocolate, and the good quality stuff at that. Not to be snobby or anything but regular candy does nothing for me.

    I'd rather have some of the bad stuff than nothing, personally, but this doesn't apply all the time. I was fortunate enough to land dark chocolate Godiva and Lindt but this is my "good occasion" stash. The truffle pigs were actually decent but the depth was disappointing for a dark chocolate. Ain't going to be touching the dark chocolate stash that often because I want to preserve its beauty.
    I'm not even going to say. It was THE WORST 3 or 4 days in 15 months. I ate at least 10 times more candy between Saturday and Tuesday morning (today) than in the last 15 months combined. Worst binge ever, maybe even including the time before I started trying to get healthy. I feel like I needed to be institutionalized!

    Moderation, man! :p It happens. Move along and hopefully, one day, you'll be able to eat some and not feel the need to consume the whole stash haha. Believe me, I was tempted all day to just crush my entire bag of white chocolate + cranberry shortbread. Shortbread is a personal addiction.
  • aprildawn81
    aprildawn81 Posts: 668 Member
    I hear the USA doesn't have Smarties. How do they survive idk.
    Umm, I don't know who told you that but, we most certainly do have Smarties...they are my favorite. I have half a bag left over from my boys' Easter that I saved just for myself! ;)

    Real chocolate English Smarties (around here we call them English M&M's) or the American Smarties (sugar powder compressed into little buttons)?

    Oh! LOL.....American Smarties....
  • AeolianHarp
    AeolianHarp Posts: 463 Member
    I want to show everyone my end stash. I spent $35 and saved, according to my receipts, $130.


    I only have one or two pieces a day, so I imagine this will last me until June. P.S. Half the stash is for my lovely girlfriend, which is why I have tupperware to separate mine and hers.
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    Gave up candy and baked goods for Lent and still going strong. There is NO WAY I could have that stuff in my house and not have it demolished in a few days. All triggers for me - especially peanut butter eggs and cups. Sigh. Best to put on blinders :happy: