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What type of work do you do and what do you have to deal wit



  • BuffERRN
    BuffERRN Posts: 109 Member
    I am an ultrasound technologist in an OB/GYN office. I love my job, but I am so sick of hearing "look at that big head!" or "can you check again (for the 5th time) and make sure it's a girl/boy". Most pregnant patients are awesome, but some are just plain pesty!!

    OH YES>>>>>and the late night trip to the ER!
    Lets call in the ultrasound tech...hmmmmm, can you tell me the sex...NOPE....not tonight! Why are you here?!!!!!:noway: :devil: :mad:

    I'm an RN in a Level 2 trauma center No level 1 in the area). We get used as a clinic all the effing time!!!!! It is so annoying! It is infuriating knowing that the patient wont pay for this visit (because they cant afford it...) and that the staff will be paying for them getting knocked up for the 15th time... If you need us, please, by all means, come in and be seen. BUT please, see your primary doctor or a walk in clinic first!!! And why is it, when we are running our *kitten* off, people get demanding about getting pain meds or waiting to be discharged when the doctor literally has just walked out of the room?
  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    I'm an editor at a local newspaper, and I love getting calls and emails like this...

    Resident: I just wanted to tell you how biased and liberal your opinion page is, and I think you should all be ashamed of yourselves for not offering fair and balanced coverage to your community.

    Me: Well the opinion page is a space for opinion only, we're not reporting news coverage, so we can share our views and generate discussion...

    Resident: I don't care. It's biased and I don't agree with it, so I'm canceling my subscription.

    All. The. Time.
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    I'm an Aerospace Engineer. My job (before maternity leave) was designing electrical routing in a large aircraft. During the developmental stages they designed the structure and we route the cables around it. Then they built the first aircraft (test aircraft) they loaded the wings with fuel and the fuselage deformed around the doors so that they couldn't open or shut when the aircraft was fully loaded with fuel. *slaps forehead* so they redesigned the structure around the doors so they wouldn't deform when the aircraft was fueled. We get a call "umm, your cables are routed through our structure, did you not check your work before you released the drawings" "yes and the released drawings were fine yesterday" So we check the digital mock-up, yup our wires are phasing through solid aluminum structure. Doh! No one ever told us they were changing the structure or why or when until after it was changed. Communication - not something industry does well.

    This kind of thing is so beyond normal though. We want something, for free, yesterday. But we're not going to tell you what, that's your job to figure it out.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I design/create wedding cakes..BRIDE-ZILLAS!

    Omg how do you handle it? What's the worst bride-zilla you've ever had?

    The ones that want to question the price of everything..I really don't like that..they want beautiful hand made sugar flowers..hundreds of hand made flowers..they take hours to do..you want them..you have to pay for them..no discounts..I don't care how big a fit you can throw..I excuse myself and let my director/partner/good cop.. show them the door. Bye Bye :)

    Omg. Yeah I can imagine. I get people who want their waist dropped, legs tapered, crotch shortened on pants that are triple stitched and then have a cow when I quote them the price...they don't understand the work one puts into making them look good.
    I've had people literally stamp their feet, yell loudly at me in order to get the other customers riled up or pull the " I'm Captain so and so's friend/butt buddy etc".
  • Twisted_Wrister
    Twisted_Wrister Posts: 758 Member
    Guess. LOL And watch the news. You will see.

    This. Except I get to wear plain clothes. The idiot parade is endless...
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    IT Sales. :) And I don't deal with anything ;)
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I work with people who have disabilities.

    le me: "Oh, it's 3am and everyone is asleep".

    client: *is a ninja, sneaks up behind staff (that's me) and goes "MRRRuuuhhhh ga!!!"

    le me: *screams

    client: *takes staff by the neck and tries to stick her in the refridgerator, maybe because wants a snack. maybe just to mess with staff.

    Sounds like you have fun!!
  • hikezilla
    hikezilla Posts: 174 Member
    I get paid to drink whiskey and kill rats...no that's not true...I'm the lead singer in a rock and roll band....nope not that either...Ok I'm an astronaut...nope.

    I work in IT. I have worked in IT for almost 30 years now. I carved my first floppy disk out of wood. My job, and the jobs of about a billion IT workers worldwide, didn't even exist 40 years ago. My main job is to design and implement storage arrays, mostly for a company called EMC. It's a great job, never a dull moment, all my customers are brilliant.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    lol. people are not too sharp
  • I service 400 + students every week. I teach. songs, dance, words, behavior, how to walk in a straight line... lol!!!

    I am the music director and work with students from Pre-K to 8th grade, so I get the "I want my mommy!!!!!" to "Whatevers..." to deal with... :)

    I love my position where God has placed me, because honestly, I wasn't looking for a job. it basically landed in my lap and I love it! I sing, I dance, I choreograph, and I still get to teach!!!! Love it!!!

    Oh, and I get hugs every morning from the Pre-schoolers!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: and the jr. high likes me too... I think because I listen to them complain about the other teachers, but I try to help them see what their teachers could be thinking and I go ask the teachers what's going on ... I don't hide info from them (the students...).... hmmmmm maybe that's why the teachers don't tell me anything... lol!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I report directly to the principals... yes, 's'. there are 3 of them on campus!
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,134 Member
    I'm a financial controller:

    Them: make a budget
    Me: our budget is $X
    Them: you need to show growth of 50%
    Me: redo budget
    Them: why did you miss your numbers.
    Me: &$*@#(&$_*@()!!!!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I work for our lovely County Counsel.

    1.I get to deal with Irrate parents coming in to see the CPS attorney about thier children.

    2, I get to deal with irrate ppl coming to wanting to sue the county

    3. I get to deal with our CRAZY auditor who is so contradicting on the way she wants things done.

    4. I get to deal with our IT who always OVER charges us for everything and I gotta complain and fix it.

    5. I get to deal with an OVERLY quiet office that drives me nuts!!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I work overnights in the dairy and frozen coolers at a superstore.

    Manager: We have 94 thousand pallets of dairy coming in tonight. Your coworker called out. IT NEEDS TO BE ALL STOCKED AND BINNED BY 7!
    Me: FML.

    #2 (THE WORST)
    Customer: Oh, lalala, it's getting late, I think maybe I don't want these 34 items anymore. I'll just leave them here on this shelf even though half of them are frozen and there are some eggs and cheese. Whatevs!
    Me, finding it two hours later: WTF?! WHY!?

    i snotted on this one....haha
  • leighish
    leighish Posts: 15
    I'm the head cake decorator in a supermarket bakery. Really the most annoying thing I have to deal with is some of my customers assume they can get "Cake Boss" level product for supermarket price. Erm, No. Its not that I don't possess the skills, I just don't possess the time necessary for cakes of that nature.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    I am a receptionist/executive assistant (for now). I get to deal with the **** that trickles down from everywhere :)

    Sales person: I need to book travel from X to Y to Z
    Me: Okay, fill out the form and email it to me and your manager for approval
    Sales person: I already got approval
    Me: Awesome, I just need something for my records
    Sales person: *emails form that despite being basic is missing crucial information*
    Me: You left out your birth date, I need that to book flights. You also didn't say what city you need the hotel in.
    Sales person: Oh, it's -
    Me: No. It needs to be on the form.
    Sales person: Why are you so mean to everyone?

    Me: *answering phone* ________ this is Emily
    Customer: Are you HP?
    Me: ... No. We're ______
    Customer: Do you do tech support?
    Me: We do support for companies that have contracts with us.
    Customer: Well I just have a quick issue with my desktop, can you help me with that?
    Me: Our support costs start at $X per hour with a two hour minimum
    Customer: What?! It's under warranty though!
    Me: Then you need to contact HP directly.
    Customer: So you guys don't work with HP?

    *sigh* It's odd how many people expect free tech support - how do they think we stay in business?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    caller "i'd like to get my pee tested"

    me "i'm sorry sir, we're a land surveying company"

    happens at least 4 times a week
  • shannoninBC
    shannoninBC Posts: 345 Member
    Customer Service for one of the most magical places on early. I get to deal with you lovely Americans. Sometimes the accents make life difficult. I also get to do online moderation, which involves reading a lot of filthy cyber.
  • MelsieK
    MelsieK Posts: 72
    I'm a nurse who works in an aged care facility. I won't go into too much detail of what I have to deal with ;-) But lets just say that 'I've had a ****ty day" had taken on a whole new meaning!!!!!
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I build the V22 Osprey for Boeing
  • diinva
    diinva Posts: 57
    Type of work: Insurance
    I verify insurance coverage for patients coming in for outpatient services at a hospital.

    I call United Healthcare... a lot! They are the worst for customer service. Their phones are answered by overseas / middle east employees. They are very nice, but they read from a script and don't really know the information they are giving out. They have long names that are difficult to understand so they always say.."my name is woeiflsnfa;jdfj, but you can call me_______" and they give me a more American name. I have spoken to Denzel and Fabio. They must get their names from People magazine or something.

    They transfer me.... a lot. No one knows anything and they waste my time all day!! Soooo annoying!!!

    Haha - I have spent hours and hours on the the phone with United Healthcare. I too have talked to a Sally and a Debbie! REALLY! Total waste of everyones time and now Aetna has also moved service to middle east......I really need a new job!