Ladies before your visit with the OBGYN....



  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    And people... let's get a real. An accident can happen at ANY time!! You must always keep your bits vajazzled, trimmed, shaved, eat-off-of-clean, etc.

    Nothing more embarrassing than the Paramedic catching you with daddy long legs hanging out of your panties.

    Like mama always said, never leave the house without clean underwears, you never know when an accident will happen!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    So in the USA you go once a year? In the UK we are like every 3 years. And yes, I hide my undies in my shoe!

    If it's normal, it's every 3 years. If it's not, then it depends on your provider to make that call.

    Not cool :( I've always been normal but they make me come every year. Won't refill my bc without the anual visit!

    I didn't even think of it with BC since I'm not on it. I think it has something to do with the prescription because I work at a health center and you have to get an annual if you want a refill. But if you're not, 3 years is the normal.

    ETA - the three years thing is really new! So changes might be coming along that way...

    But I will not get a pap smear until I'm forced to! Haha that is terrible but I'm so scared.
  • ashleywright144
    I am the opposite as far as shaving. I stop shaving the week before to let my hair grow in naturally. I kind of thought the doc may judge me if they knew I shaved. Then I always have the thought, do you think they know. Now that I am typing this out I feel crazy, thinking they really don't care either way. Right?

    Yes, I also fold up my clothes and hide my bra and panties. I never thought they are seeing everything:)
  • amalthea23
    amalthea23 Posts: 44 Member
    I do the bra/underwear hiding thing, but I've had laser done, so the shaving isn't an issue.
  • amalthea23
    amalthea23 Posts: 44 Member

    But I will not get a pap smear until I'm forced to! Haha that is terrible but I'm so scared.
    You should REALLY get over that fear. Things can go from zero to cancer in a heartbeat and it's a LOT easier to deal with a pre-cancerous or early stage issue than it is one that's 3 years old! I go every six months as I'm on the pill, personally.
  • KimScheidler
    LOL! Too funny! I do the EXACT same thing! Underwear n all! I'm a little OCD at times about a few I just thought this was part of it! Tee hee hee! Too funny!
  • StartingAnewDay
    StartingAnewDay Posts: 319 Member
    Swear some of the answers in this thread have me laughing out loud!!! BWAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA!!! I cannot be the only one!!
  • birdieintx
    birdieintx Posts: 298
    I guess I'm with the majority here! I make sure I'm freshly shaved everywhere, toes painted, legs lotioned, panties hidden.
  • StephyJarn
    StephyJarn Posts: 34 Member
    I work In Obstetrics! Please believe we appreciate the Effort! lol
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Nahhhh, just make sure I'm wearing socks. I hate having bare feet in a medical facility. I'm pretty much always trimmed/shaved anyway, but if I'm not, I don't make a point to do it when I get there. I do make sure I've showered though, but that's just because I don't like the thought of being sweaty or something and spreading bacteria where I don't want it. My Gyn is a guy so I'd feel kind of weird if I prepped myself, I guess?
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    But I will not get a pap smear until I'm forced to! Haha that is terrible but I'm so scared.
    You should REALLY get over that fear. Things can go from zero to cancer in a heartbeat and it's a LOT easier to deal with a pre-cancerous or early stage issue than it is one that's 3 years old! I go every six months as I'm on the pill, personally.

    OMG YES!!! I second this!!!! It doesn't hurt that much and it will literally save your life. My best friend's mother passed away from cervical cancer when she was in her 40's. :brokenheart:
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    I have a friend who is a OBGYN. Her biggest com[paint is that people don't wash their feet. she said most of her clients wash up the area to be examined (and its neighbor to the back), but the vast majority still have smelly feet that almost make her gag. so don't forget the feet.
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    yup, hide them undies and bras... lol!!! like they don't know we wear them!!!! lol!!!! and shaving, it's like when your mom tells you "Make sure you're wearing clean underwear, cause you never know if you're gonna be in an accident!!!" lol!!!!! always be presentable! 'clean cut" so to speak! lol!!!!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member

    But I will not get a pap smear until I'm forced to! Haha that is terrible but I'm so scared.
    You should REALLY get over that fear. Things can go from zero to cancer in a heartbeat and it's a LOT easier to deal with a pre-cancerous or early stage issue than it is one that's 3 years old! I go every six months as I'm on the pill, personally.

    OMG YES!!! I second this!!!! It doesn't hurt that much and it will literally save your life. My best friend's mother passed away from cervical cancer when she was in her 40's. :brokenheart:

    I know I should! My roommates yell at me all the time to go get one. I'm just soooo damn nervous about it! The idea of something up there scares me, and then the idea of doing the actual pap smear makes it worse. I don't even like thinking about it.
  • doinitforme2012
    doinitforme2012 Posts: 98 Member

    But I will not get a pap smear until I'm forced to! Haha that is terrible but I'm so scared.
    You should REALLY get over that fear. Things can go from zero to cancer in a heartbeat and it's a LOT easier to deal with a pre-cancerous or early stage issue than it is one that's 3 years old! I go every six months as I'm on the pill, personally.

    OMG YES!!! I second this!!!! It doesn't hurt that much and it will literally save your life. My best friend's mother passed away from cervical cancer when she was in her 40's. :brokenheart:

    My dr has been giving me pap smears every 6 months since i was 13... well up until i got preggers and now it's been over two years since my last... i'm so bad, i have cervical cancer in my family so i really need to make the time to get them done but with my OB/GYN i have now i have to schedule appointments months in advance.
  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 178 Member
    Heeeeey - I didn't say this was anything other than my opinion - how would you like it if I told you that your opinion is ridiculous? I'd never do that & I'd really hate to live in world where people can't have rational discussions over differences of opinion. I was talking about MY ideal world - key word being "ideal" - not "realistic". I've met women who were creeped out by female gynocologists and I certainly did NOT tell them that they're ridiculous. I guess these boards are not the place to admit to my more radical fantasies. I'll sit back and observe for awhile and see if I can learn the proper protocol for participation. Apparently, I got it ALL wrong.
  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208
    I usually trim down before I go. I always hide the undies and bra! I was having a cystectomy done when I was 6 months pregnant and I couldn't see down there so I had my hubby shave me. I got to the hospital and the doctor was checking the baby and asked, "who shaved you?" I said my husband did. She said sarcastically, "oh he did a pretty good job" and laughed. OMG. That was embarrassing! I have not let him shave me since then.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Ummmm.... seriously? Hair is normal, and it's your DOCTOR! Do you really think that it's something they care about?

    Nope, but it's something I care about. I don't want my vag looking like a hobo :tongue:

    Haha - this thread is hilarious. I shave for entirely different reasons and don't give a rat's patoot what the doctor thinks. I certainly don't shave my legs (if I don't feel like it) or bother with how I leave my clothes, because I always go to a female OBGYN. I decided about 35 yrs ago that men have no business in this specific field of medicine. In a better, smarter world only women doctors would enter gynecology as a specialty, because I think it empowers women to speak to other women about these things. Men will never know what it is to be female (well transexuals are former males getting beautiful rebuilt equipment these days that could fool just about anyone, and they certainly know what it is to be female (and to me certainly ARE), just without the periods and pregnancy....), so why the h*** do male doctors want to be doing pap smears and delivering babies? (oh, yeah, if you don't mind the outrageous malpractice insurance fees, it's pretty lucrative). It aint ever gonna happen, but I've been wanting men OUT of gynecology since I was in my mid 20's.

    The female reproductive system is WAY more than just the physical parts. The endocrinology side of it is fascinating. Plus, a baby being formed properly and then born healthy is something of a miracle when you know everything that can go wrong. I'm willing to bet that the men who become OB/gyns do it for those reasons. I like my male gyno because he doesn't make me wait 1 1/2 hours past my appointment time because he's chatting it up with everyone. He is incredibly knowledgeable and skilled (paps don't hurt at all) and I feel totally comfortable talking to him. I get in, get out, like an oil change lol.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member

    But I will not get a pap smear until I'm forced to! Haha that is terrible but I'm so scared.
    You should REALLY get over that fear. Things can go from zero to cancer in a heartbeat and it's a LOT easier to deal with a pre-cancerous or early stage issue than it is one that's 3 years old! I go every six months as I'm on the pill, personally.

    OMG YES!!! I second this!!!! It doesn't hurt that much and it will literally save your life. My best friend's mother passed away from cervical cancer when she was in her 40's. :brokenheart:

    I had a normal pap smear in April 2008......October 2008 I was told that I had Cervical Cancer.....Total hyster got rid of cancer but not HPV.....

    Please go and get a pap smear.....It can save your life.....DO IT NOW.....
  • LiviLou2011
    LiviLou2011 Posts: 437 Member
    hahahaha///yeah nobodys wants to see a hairy muff!