Marilyn Monroe.



  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Man people get defensive about Monroe like it is their mother or something :P

    I'm sick of the white swimsuit pic too.
    That photo has been used up more than she has >.<
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    ...I dunno. California is my birthstate, so I've seen many framed pairs of Marilyn Panties, I remember being around a size 10ish at the time I saw my first pair and thinking, "Those are some big drawers!" And I'm no vintage panty virgin, either, the sizing across the booty was large. The waist was appropriately small.

    Outside of that, I think there's something wrong with women. Why do we feel the need to snatch the security blankets out from under our sisters? From eat a hamburger and "real woman" to "that's not curvy, its fat" and, "she's no marilyn" nonsense.

    Why hate eachother so much? It's tiresome. If some woman wants to relate to Marilyn, who the eff cares. If she wants to feel good about herself even though she's fat? Who the hell cares? You? You're not caring about her health by being a ****. Try some other way. I hear honey works better than vinegar.
    As I said:
    My findings have been very interesting. Not one of you used the information provided to state a case.
    All the replies were along the lines of: 'as long as it makes them feel good about themselves' 'omg omg omg why do you care omg'

    FALSE security blankets. It's amazing how the psychological impacts of this don't occur to peeps!

    smh. Why use someone else to boost your confidence?..

    all I'm hearing is ' long as they feel good about themselves....'
    This saying goes a lot deeper then just about weight.
    Very disappointed.
    I'm too insightful for my own good.

    ..It's not really considered insightful to poop in someone's cereal.
    It's not "As long as they feel good about themselves". It's "What's it to you?"

    Edited to change the s-word to poop.
  • Koketa0510
    Man people get defensive about Monroe like it is their mother or something :P

    I'm sick of the white swimsuit pic too.
    That photo has been used up more than she has >.<

  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    How does it affect you and why do you care?

    I know I don't look like her, but I wish I did. As a kid I wanted to grow up to be her. That was before I knew how messed up her life was and how horribly insecure she was. But goddamn I wish I looked like her. And I also wish for her wardrobe.
  • Falling_star
    Falling_star Posts: 204 Member
    I personally believe we are being trolled by someone who per their ticker needs to lose 5 pounds and has a limited number of posts on the forums.

    Let's see where this goes from here... >.>


    /Note to self - Check OP profile page before wasting time again.
    If you think you're being trolled, you are a noob. Although It would be easy on this site since everyone takes everything soooooooooo seriously.
    Yes because my weight really has to do with this.
    But yes I am naturally thin, something rare in this 'community'.

    i think all this is a waste of time and you obviously have nothing better to do then offend other people as u assume you are so perfect. i think its wrong for you to offened people you know nothing about. this site is set up to help people lose weight so do not come on here and offend people that are over weight by saying ' But yes I am naturally thin, something rare in this 'community'.'!

    i understand you may not have set out to offend but you are Certainly heading that way.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Aww, see, I just spent a few minutes gazing at the photos on the first page of this thread. Beautiful; the camera really loved her.

    Firstly, what exactly does "thick" mean? It means "stupid" here in the UK, so I'm taking it it's a separate definition ;) Is it akin to "curvy"?

    I find it interesting that Marilyn is consistently used as a postergirl for curvy women. As many people have pointed out, she was actually quite small, albeit with shape, and sizes have altered dramatically since the 50s/60s.

    Trolling or not, the OP raises an interesting point. Personally speaking, I could understand Marilyn being used as a physical aspiration (although how achievable that actually is is another matter!), rather than a comparison unless you're REALLY lucky. I wouldn't feel confident enough to say I'm Marilyn-esque or *insert celebrity figure here*. I want to BE like Gina Carano; I am NOT like her. I know there's a difference.

    But as people have said before - what harm is a comparison doing, who is it hurting?
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I personally believe we are being trolled by someone who per their ticker needs to lose 5 pounds and has a limited number of posts on the forums.

    Let's see where this goes from here... >.>


    /Note to self - Check OP profile page before wasting time again.
    If you think you're being trolled, you are a noob. Although It would be easy on this site since everyone takes everything soooooooooo seriously.
    Yes because my weight really has to do with this.
    But yes I am naturally thin, something rare in this 'community'.

    i think all this is a waste of time and you obviously have nothing better to do then offend other people as u assume you are so perfect. i think its wrong for you to offened people you know nothing about. this site is set up to help people lose weight so do not come on here and offend people that are over weight by saying ' But yes I am naturally thin, something rare in this 'community'.'!

    i understand you may not have set out to offend but you are Certainly heading that way.

    Oh no!! You have OP pegged all wrong!! OP is simply attempting to be "insightful"!! Not trolling or anything...

  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    The fact that this bothers you SO much that you would create a thread about it is disturbing!

    I agree..

    So what if bigger women want to compare themselves to her beauty? Can they not? Why on earth would it bother you? :noway:

    Why don;t you actually read through the thread before commenting on it. :) That would make sense wouldn't it now sweetheart?

    Thanks for the ill used "sweetheart" that was totally adorable. :flowerforyou:

    You said "What's with every girl who is slightly 'bigger' comparing her body to Marilyn Monroe's? I could say many rude comments."

    My question, which you haven't answered, is why does it bother you enough to make a post about it or want to say "many rude comments"? Just out of curiosity.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    I personally believe we are being trolled by someone who per their ticker needs to lose 5 pounds and has a limited number of posts on the forums.

    Let's see where this goes from here... >.>


    /Note to self - Check OP profile page before wasting time again.
    If you think you're being trolled, you are a noob. Although It would be easy on this site since everyone takes everything soooooooooo seriously.
    Yes because my weight really has to do with this.
    But yes I am naturally thin, something rare in this 'community'.

    i think all this is a waste of time and you obviously have nothing better to do then offend other people as u assume you are so perfect. i think its wrong for you to offened people you know nothing about. this site is set up to help people lose weight so do not come on here and offend people that are over weight by saying ' But yes I am naturally thin, something rare in this 'community'.'!

    i understand you may not have set out to offend but you are Certainly heading that way.

    Can't it also be offensive accusing the OP of trolling, especially if she isn't? Its a legitimate topic and it is one that is talked among people.
  • lolamariem
    I personally believe we are being trolled by someone who per their ticker needs to lose 5 pounds and has a limited number of posts on the forums.

    Let's see where this goes from here... >.>


    /Note to self - Check OP profile page before wasting time again.
    If you think you're being trolled, you are a noob. Although It would be easy on this site since everyone takes everything soooooooooo seriously.
    Yes because my weight really has to do with this.
    But yes I am naturally thin, something rare in this 'community'.

    i think all this is a waste of time and you obviously have nothing better to do then offend other people as u assume you are so perfect. i think its wrong for you to offened people you know nothing about. this site is set up to help people lose weight so do not come on here and offend people that are over weight by saying ' But yes I am naturally thin, something rare in this 'community'.'!

    i understand you may not have set out to offend but you are Certainly heading that way.

    Instead of sticking to the topic you are talking about me. And insulting me. You are coming offf as insecure. Please stop now before u embarrass yourself sweetie. an again before adding ur unneeded comment actually read through my responses. I said in my experience babe. You may actually want to know what ur talking about before u try an attack me,Kay?
    It's such a waste of time yet you guys are getting all worked up by a girl on the Internet lolll.
  • lolamariem
    Man people get defensive about Monroe like it is their mother or something :P

    I'm sick of the white swimsuit pic too.

  • lolamariem
    The fact that this bothers you SO much that you would create a thread about it is disturbing!

    I agree..

    So what if bigger women want to compare themselves to her beauty? Can they not? Why on earth would it bother you? :noway:

    Why don;t you actually read through the thread before commenting on it. :) That would make sense wouldn't it now sweetheart?

    Thanks for the ill used "sweetheart" that was totally adorable. :flowerforyou:

    You said "What's with every girl who is slightly 'bigger' comparing her body to Marilyn Monroe's? I could say many rude comments."

    My question, which you haven't answered, is why does it bother you enough to make a post about it or want to say "many rude comments"? Just out of curiosity.

    Apparently you faile to read my reply. It bothers me? It's annoying if you actually rad through the thread before replying you would k ow my motives for this thread.

    And they'd be rude because it'd hurt their feelings. Which judging from this thread, is not hard to do.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Filing this under "stuff other people do that has no affect on my life."

    Filing this under "it's the internet." and that "stuff fat girls say that embarrass themselves" :)
    Now we see how you really feel. Oh, I forgot, you were making a point about society and you weren't offending anyone...:huh:
  • lolamariem
    Filing this under "stuff other people do that has no affect on my life."

    Filing this under "it's the internet." and that "stuff fat girls say that embarrass themselves" :)
    Now we see how you really feel. Oh, I forgot, you were making a point about society and you weren't offending anyone...:huh:

    Filing this under 'people who can't detect sarcasm'
  • lolamariem
    Someone will always be offended when talking about body image. That's fact.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Filing this under "stuff other people do that has no affect on my life."

    Filing this under "it's the internet." and that "stuff fat girls say that embarrass themselves" :)
    Now we see how you really feel. Oh, I forgot, you were making a point about society and you weren't offending anyone...:huh:

    Filing this under 'people who can't detect sarcasm'
    Filing this under 'people who confuse snarky with sarcastic'
  • lolamariem
    Filing this under "stuff other people do that has no affect on my life."

    Filing this under "it's the internet." and that "stuff fat girls say that embarrass themselves" :)
    Now we see how you really feel. Oh, I forgot, you were making a point about society and you weren't offending anyone...:huh:

    Filing this under 'people who can't detect sarcasm'
    Filing this under 'people who confuse snarky with sarcastic'

    That awkward moment when a grown women with children spend her time 'argueing' with teenagers on the Internet.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Filing this under "stuff other people do that has no affect on my life."

    Filing this under "it's the internet." and that "stuff fat girls say that embarrass themselves" :)
    Now we see how you really feel. Oh, I forgot, you were making a point about society and you weren't offending anyone...:huh:

    Filing this under 'people who can't detect sarcasm'
    Filing this under 'people who confuse snarky with sarcastic'

    That awkward moment when a grown women with children spend her time 'argueing' with teenagers on the Internet.
    Just practicing for when my kids are older...
    Reminder to self...quit feeding the troll...
  • WhittRak
    WhittRak Posts: 572 Member
    Who cares? Back then Marilyn Monroe was considered a plus size, and today she would not be. And if someone wants to compare themselves to her...well then.....that is their business.

    Anyone have any healthy recipes they wanna share? :flowerforyou:
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Anyone have any healthy recipes they wanna share? :flowerforyou:
    Way to hijack a thread...