Too poor for weight watchers:( HELP!



  • happypath101
    Oh - and good luck with your daughter. I have two friends with disabled kids and I see the sacrifices they make daily. You guys are my heros! Honestly. You should give yourself a pat on the back!
  • ejechols
    ejechols Posts: 98 Member
    Crazy thought here; use MFP the way it is designed to be used. Guess what, you'll lose weight.

  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    Crazy thought here; use MFP the way it is designed to be used. Guess what, you'll lose weight.
  • Frisky_CoastalNative
    There is absolutely no way I can afford to do weight watchers but Id really like to. Does anyone out there have the stuff and not use is anymore?

    MFP is WAY better than WW (online). You have manually enter most all your food. I've tried WW numerous times, and always came back to MFP.

    This is very true, and I never lost more than 3lbs with WW, here I have at least lost 15 and 6.5 inches plus its free!! :happy:
  • Aesto
    Aesto Posts: 29 Member
    You don't need weight watchers!!! You have this. It's better. I have done weight watchers about 5 times . I have never been this in shape IN MY LIFE. This is all of the motivation and support you could ever need I promise. If you want some extra support I would love to be your friend. .... I know that many people would disagree with me but it's whatever works for you. I say give MFP a try without weight watchers and see what happens.
  • cassblue21
    cassblue21 Posts: 207
    Ok I do not have time to go through the thread, but I go to meetings at my TOPS(Take Off Pounds Sensibly) group. And it costs $28 A.YEAR. You can go to their website and look for information and meetings near you if interested.

    I have been going for a little over a year now just because I HAVE to be accounted for. When I tried doing it on my own without having to account to someone else it didn't work out. I have lost 63lbs in that amount of time. :) And I love my group. It is way more fun than weight watchers which I used to do before I had gotten laid off from my job a couple years ago.
  • debgcook
    debgcook Posts: 64
    The problem with weight watcher is they have new tools now and you have to have a calulator to track points. Online has it but you have to use it at home only unless you have a phone that can download the app. Then you are fine. No one will give you the stuff cuz that cost money. It is not the card we used to use. Sorry.
  • samipd12
    samipd12 Posts: 12 Member
    I found MFP as a bet to my wife that i could lose weight for free instead of paying WW membership so she signed up for WW and i downloaded MFP for free and i have lost more weight... BOOM!.

    Awesome Job!!! on losing more weight then your wife. As for WW vs MFP I would say just use MFP as My grandma swore by WW and she is not losing & I have been over the past year!!! Granted I am new to MFP however, I think it is by far something I wish I could have found years ago!!! :) At least in Dec 2010 would have been nice to keep track of all the weight I have lost in whole.... since joining a week ago, I lost .6 lbs, however I have had a trying week... so it just shows that even with tracking ur foods, and sometimes going over I still lost & so can you... Just stick to your mission... and YOU WILL SUCCEED!!!!!