RUNNERS!!! Observations on the run...

When I run on the roads, I run in the bike lane, against traffic. When on my runs it's almost impossible to not notice common occurrences, and I'm sure you are all the same. Add to the list.

- A lot of people pick their noses while they drive... I mean A LOT!
- Way too many people text while they drive.
- I can smell cigarette smoke in a car passing me at 60mph (windows down, of course).
- Some people will find my 180 pounds of man-flesh a threat to their 6,000lb vehicle, and think it's funny to swerve at me. Yet, they always turn down my friendly one-finger invitation to pull over and discuss the matter.
- Sunglasses and old cell phones are pretty common items to find on the side of the road.
- Lane-stripers don't always remove the roadkill from the side of the road before painting the solid white stripe. Some just paint right over it . LOL
- Old people look at you weird when you run past them.

That's enough to get started. What are observations you've made on the run... things that stand out?


  • HJCsDaddy
    HJCsDaddy Posts: 419 Member
    Living and running in Montana, here are my observances...

    - It's amazing how distracting days old road kill can be, specifically the stench. You don't always see the dead critter but you definitely know it's there.
    - Many Montanan's drive big diesel trucks and like to play real life "Spy Hunter" and leave you in a big smoke (exhaust) screen just to be "funny"
    - Turning vehicles tend not to pay too much attention to cross walks or their signals
    - Horses stare at you in curiosity quite often
    - People don't like picking up their dog's pooh
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    - Lilac bushes smell heavenly. On my default running loop, I actually slow down as I pass them to take some whiffs.
    - I can always tell which houses belong to older people, because they smell like my grandmother's, even from the street.
    - Trailer parks always smell like old cigarettes, cats, and 70's carpet, no matter what city they're in.
    - People don't notice things like dead deer when they're driving. There was one in a ditch that I ran by last summer for nearly two months that the city never came and cleaned up. It was impressively rotten-smelling by the time it disappeared. I think a bear finally came and stole it.
    - Wolf whisling is apparently totally appropriate with runners. Not while in the grocery store, doctor's office, or anywhere else, but once you're on the road and some moron is in his car, wolf whistling is totally fine. Apparently.
    - A lot of people don't like eye contact. I like to look people in the eye and wave hello. Some people act like I'm trying to shove my boobs in their face when I do that, looking everywhere but at me, even from several feet away.
    - There are a lot of men in my town with large, impressive handlebar mustaches. I always want to grab some wax, curl the ends, and have them say "I'll be your Huckleberry". Weird compulsion, but I just always do.
    - There are runners out there who run fast, effortlessly, and for a long time, and they look like they just stepped out of an air-conditioned room. Only people in the world I envy.
    - Horses and cows stare at running humans like we're crazy. They're probably right.
  • Angie80281
    Angie80281 Posts: 444 Member
    I've had to deal with the *kitten* that swerve at me too. I don't even flinch, just keep running. Go ahead and hit me buddy, and I'll enjoy some time off for your work while my lawyer sues your ignorant @$$. No, that's not a logical response but it's how my mind works when I run. I've also noticed used condoms on the road. This is a residential neighborhood, not a highway. You couldn't just wait until you got home? Or wrap it up and throw it away discreetly? I've also noticed random socks every so often. How? Why?
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    - Some people will find my 180 pounds of man-flesh a threat to their 6,000lb vehicle, and think it's funny to swerve at me. Yet, they always turn down my friendly one-finger invitation to pull over and discuss the matter.

    lol! Hmm, I can't really think of anything. You would think that running in Baltimore would be more interesting...
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    Love these. Thanks for the read.

    Observations from a very active outdoor community in the Colorado Rockies:

    - Everybody wants to know why you aren't on a bike.
    - Nobody can believe you can't wait for summer so you can earnestly and consistently run outside instead of ski.
    - God forbid you would ever run on a treadmill in God's Country.
    - Running in the middle of the road with your dogs off leash is widely accepted.
    - It's impossible to train for a concrete or asphalt race.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    - There are runners out there who run fast, effortlessly, and for a long time, and they look like they just stepped out of an air-conditioned room. Only people in the world I envy.

    Reminds me of

    I took a picture after I finished a half marathon and I looked like I had just been hit by an ugly train. Hell, I looked like the ugly train would swerve to not hit me so it didn't catch my ugly. Yeah... contagiously ugly.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Geese make a lot of noise but generally leave the runners alone.
    People are truly clueless and like to block the entire pathway, and give YOU dirty looks for running by them.
    People pick their noses in the weirdest places. Even while walking the dog.
    Cars will slow down for runners in a park.
    Treadmill running is truly boring.
    Dr Oz only seems to sell stuff anymore, and lacks a lot of good medical advice.
    I can run really fast when I want to.
    My nose itches while running under trees with flowers on them.

    And I could go more obscure, but that's some of the things I've noticed or thought about when running.
  • sandiki
    sandiki Posts: 454
    - Lilac bushes smell heavenly. On my default running loop, I actually slow down as I pass them to take some whiffs.
    - Trailer parks always smell like old cigarettes, cats, and 70's carpet, no matter what city they're in.
    - A lot of people don't like eye contact. I like to look people in the eye and wave hello. Some people act like I'm trying to shove my boobs in their face when I do that, looking everywhere but at me, even from several feet away.
    - There are runners out there who run fast, effortlessly, and for a long time, and they look like they just stepped out of an air-conditioned room. Only people in the world I envy.
    - Horses and cows stare at running humans like we're crazy. They're probably right.

    OMG YES! Totally agree...
    as for the animals..I think they are thinking...."Why are they running....should I be running too...I dont see anything chasing them...?".. so ya they prob think we are idiots.
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I love these. Made me laugh. I would add that even near Seattle, people look at you weird when you run in the rain. If I didn't run in the rain I would have to run on the treadmill and I hate the treadmill.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    - If you're running on a main road, people won't make eye contact or return your greeting but if you're running in a neighborhood, they're more likely to be friendly.

    - The two cats I've come across were both super talkative and one even followed me for a bit after I stopped to talk to him and give him loves. Not sure if the talking thing is was due to them both being Maine Coons or if that's just a coincidence.

    - I've noticed the same thing about drivers who are turning - no one pays much attention to the pedestrian traffic when they're trying to join in on the automobile traffic. I've been cut off far too many times for my liking but the only time it really cheesed me off is when I was trying to beat my previous time. Had to stop or this guy in a big half ton would've driven right over me. I seriously though about pounding on the truck as it passed me...but you never know how people will react.

    ETA: I should add, just as many people have been nice about backing up to let me through the crosswalk (if they can). They're not all oblivious jerks.

    - Running on the sidewalks in the spring in Maine is dangerous. All that loose salt/sand is slippery!
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    - There are runners out there who run fast, effortlessly, and for a long time, and they look like they just stepped out of an air-conditioned room. Only people in the world I envy.

    Reminds me of

    I took a picture after I finished a half marathon and I looked like I had just been hit by an ugly train. Hell, I looked like the ugly train would swerve to not hit me so it didn't catch my ugly. Yeah... contagiously ugly.

    Hahahaha that guy! He kills me.

    I always run at this popular running/biking trail and I always notice when people have funny running styles. There is this girl I always see out there (she goes to my gym too) who picks her knees up really high like she's prancing when she runs. Then there's the guy who shuffles his feet in really quick little steps. Then the speedwalkers. And the people who run all over the place and can't seem to stay in a straight path. And the runners who kick their feet out sideways when they run.
  • sharonsjones
    sharonsjones Posts: 574 Member
    I run at a state park in town and I love the smell of wildflowers in the spring.
    walkers/runners with dogs never clean up the poop, NEVER!
    I see a lot of people walking/running on really nice days, but very rarely on hot/windy/rainy/snowy/dusty days, but I am there :smile:
    Too many people text and drive, they get a little to close to comfort when they come around a corner doing 40 looking at thier phone, and my husband and I are jumping off of the road into the bushes.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    And the runners who kick their feet out sideways when they run.

    LOL! What? Seriously?! All I can picture is the episode of Friends with Phoebe running like a crazy person.
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    In Akron & its vicinity, the people give head nods, say "Hi!" or "Good Morning!", & if they you look sluggish are willing to help you out. They all aren't pompous *kitten* with money after all.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    - There are runners out there who run fast, effortlessly, and for a long time, and they look like they just stepped out of an air-conditioned room. Only people in the world I envy.

    Reminds me of

    I took a picture after I finished a half marathon and I looked like I had just been hit by an ugly train. Hell, I looked like the ugly train would swerve to not hit me so it didn't catch my ugly. Yeah... contagiously ugly.

    Ahahahaha. Yup, that's one of them. I'd be the girl in the photo with her eyes half shut, teeth over her lips, looking like a boss trying to push through the running. I'm sexy and I know it.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    On the road, dead snakes and live snakes look the same...and both make me jump.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    - The two cats I've come across were both super talkative and one even followed me for a bit after I stopped to talk to him and give him loves. Not sure if the talking thing is was due to them both being Maine Coons or if that's just a coincidence.

    I've totally had stray dogs follow me for a mile or so, just tagging along, because I said hello to them. Why aren't people more like dogs? I've never had anyone go running with me just because they could. How awesome would the world be if we all did that?
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,723 Member
    A lot of drivers don't look to the right when turning right until they are almost hitting you.
    Road kill at 6 mph is waaaay more disgusting than at 60 mph.
    People who are fishing give you a look that says "You're nuts to be running in this rain!".
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member

    - People staring from their apartments/houses
    - People pulling out wedgies lol (I see this one happen alot)
    - I saw this guy trying to spit (while running and its super windy) on the side and it got some over him eww!
    - Some people try to see my eyes through my shades and act like they aren't looking at me when I run past. Lol just because I have on dark shades does not mean I still can't see you looking at me lol
  • joannezuk
    joannezuk Posts: 153 Member
    Love these! I have a few more from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada...
    - There is something special about making the first footprints in freshly fallen snow
    - You can't help but feel great when you come back from a morning run to meet the neighbour, in pyjamas, just getting the paper off the step. I've been running while you've been sleeping.
    - It always makes me laugh when I'm running in weather that's close to the freezing point. I'm wearing a tank and capris and people waiting at bus stops are in parkas and mitts! The exchange of looks is worth the work/sweat!
    - Gels are gross, no matter what flavour they come in
    - There is a particular smell I acquire during a long's horrible, and thankfully, I never smell like that when I'm working out at the gym (at least I don't think I do....)
    - Oranges never taste as good as they do after a race