RUNNERS!!! Observations on the run...



  • HealthyHappy120
    I get SO irate when they swerve and laugh.
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    I run pretty slow because I am a beginner but here's what I have observed on my routes:
    Joggers in my neighborhood now give me the special hand wave they never did that when I was walking...I guess I am part of the group now.

    I need to pay attention to the white house at the top of my last hill because there is a very mean dog living there that hates me.

    People litter too much.

    Some drivers don't move at all for you, others go to the other side of the road giving way to much room (is my butt really that wide???)

    And lastly, it's very important to make sure that your pants are not on backwards before you leave home, because my observation is that they do not stay up and you may find yourself changing them on the side of the road.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    This post is cracking me up! I am pretty new to running but here are a few that I have noticed. I live in rural PA. My little 4 mile route is a little 2 lane road and part of it is completely dirt.

    My neighbors house is trying to beat me running... he doesn't realize that I am 5'3 and super slow, but I have one small advantage there is no fence on road. My kids find this hilarious. I have them (3 yrs and 6 yrs) convinced that mommy can run faster than a horse. HA! They think I am super human.

    I am perflexed by neighbors and the amount of old cars in their yard. How exactly did you get an old bus as a lawn ornament! I seriously want to know. A bus! And why!

    How many old men need to stop me to ask me if I am exercising? No sir, I am just running and sweating like hell with ear buds in because my car broke down!

    Teenage boy who is always late. Do you have to pass me on the only dirt part of the road going 60! And if you stop because I flip you off after you have flipped me off, I will totally kick your butt. You look like u might be 100 lbs and 6ft.

    Why don't people chain thier little dogs. I am not stopped more than once for you to catch the dog. He sees me every day or so. I am not evil, why doesn't Pepper understand.

    I love the look of the ground hogs that see me. It's like they are studying me to find out what I am or what I am doing.

    And my favorite is the butterflies. On the dirt part, there are hundreds of them. They are flying and landing everywhere. It's so pretty, I need to take a picture sometime. :heart:
  • TluvK
    TluvK Posts: 733 Member
    I've observed:

    - That one neighbor is definitely having an affair with another one.
    - That the lady down the street likes to walk her dog early in the morning (<6 AM) in nothing but bra and panties.

    Well, now we know what she's telling her husband she was doing.
  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    I am slow runner aka jogger. And from I am from...its a truly rare occasion to find someone running on road. Even I gawk!!! :blushing:

    I tried running in the park and gave up. Its a single lane and less than 5 feet width. Where people run in both directions. You can't pass an elderly person without acknowledging them with a "Hello Uncle" or "Hello Aunty". And then there young kids using the lane for cycling as well. So naturally what started as running/jogging will turn to brisk walking to strolling.

    So I am running on a track proper in a stadium. It has a football field. My obeservation:

    - Footballers has concentration problem when women circling them on the running track around the field. You know that when the coach screams you want to chase the ball or the LADY!!!!

    - Your isotonic always goes missing when you desperately need it at the end of the run.

    - Sheepishly some will notice you are looking for your isotonic and will kindly offer their untouched water bottle. Stranger than fiction but happens. :grumble:

    But after reading this post I will attempt running in my housing area and obeserve the happenings
  • peprwpr
    peprwpr Posts: 56 Member
  • Sarabeth5
    Sarabeth5 Posts: 134 Member
    Groups of bird watchers are too busy staring up at the trees to move out of the way.
    Most runners I pass look miserable and don't make eye contact while the cyclists all nod and say hello.
    Running on trails that have dried after a rain but not until bikes and horses have made it so uneven that you can barely run on them makes my shins hurt.
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Northern California in the Country:

    - Cars like to cross the double yellow line behind you to scare you
    - Oinking at the fat runner is acceptable, so is asking if they want a donut
    - When confronted about the oinking those same people can't run after you because they're too out of shape
    - People are friendlier when the fat runner is running with a jogging stroller and a kid.
    - Despite it being the law drivers will not yield to a pedestrian in the crosswalk and will typically practically run you over while smiling and waving.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    Northern California in the Country:

    - Cars like to cross the double yellow line behind you to scare you
    - Oinking at the fat runner is acceptable, so is asking if they want a donut
    - When confronted about the oinking those same people can't run after you because they're too out of shape
    - People are friendlier when the fat runner is running with a jogging stroller and a kid.
    - Despite it being the law drivers will not yield to a pedestrian in the crosswalk and will typically practically run you over while smiling and waving.
    these observations make me :(
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    Due to the amount of cans on the side of the road, I'd say Bud Light drinkers litter more than other beer drinkers...
  • AmyMK
    AmyMK Posts: 164
    I love running in the spring, but the potholes definitely make it seem like an extreme sport sometimes.
    If you trip and fall into a pothole, it will always be at the end of your run when you look terrible, and an extremely attractive guy will always be the one to stop - and yes, you will always stink at this point
    Nobody ever takes water with them
    There is always at least 1 McDonalds cup and/or wrapper littering your route
    Counting the cars going by makes the time go faster
    Pot and Skunk smell the same
    Guys in their 40s and 50s wash their cars alot
    I hate teenagers - they never get out of the way, and if they are on a bike, they will be swerving all over the sidewalk and or road.

    I fortunately live in a town where running is quite popular and it's a pretty normal sight, so drivers are respectful of giving space, and most main streets actually have running/bike lanes along the sidewalks. I've never had a rude encounter with anyone either, so I'm definitely lucky judging by some of these stories!
  • DTBurroughs
    DTBurroughs Posts: 21 Member
    I must be the only person in my neighborhood not smoking or growing pot.

    People carrying their groceries home look at you like you are nuts.

    Small children tend to stare and/or laugh. I try not to take it personally.
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    Way too many people ask if we need a ride. LOL It's annoying. And swerving for sure.
  • socru
    socru Posts: 3 Member
    love this topic!

    you will always need to pee about ten minutes into your run, regardless of whether you went before you left the house.

    The best time of year to run is when adolescent cows are in the field, as they will run along the fence with you. Though if you stop to try to pat them they get scared.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Everyone picks up the pace when they see a runner coming towards them, and if you are a runner ahead of me, I will try to catch you and vice versa.

    I never run on roads, always the path, of the beach, or park land. lucky for me I live beside the sea so loads of room.
  • rolyh
    rolyh Posts: 51 Member
    In Adelaide, Australia, Belair National Park - Emus love feral olives, their droppings are purple when the olives are fruiting. You can always tell when a Koala is in a tree above you cause their turds are unlike any other - and copious.
    And for running style, I think I do most of these at various stages
  • mamaclose
    mamaclose Posts: 219 Member
    one more...

    - everyone here now feels like they have a bond with everyone else who posted on this thread.


    ^^Yeah that!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Observations along the rec paths

    - the kids drink cheap beer at their bush parties (Pabst Blue Ribbon) and routinely leave articles of clothing by the bonfire (sweaters, bras etc - I have no idea how they explain the missing items to their parents)
    - ducks and geese look at you funny when you talk to them
    - little kids think it's funny to see fat old guys running
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member

    **just spit lots of tea out all over my desk**
    HILARIOUS! And I think I know that guy in the blue tank top. It might be my HUSBAND. :laugh:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The fragrant aroma of skunk lingers for a long, long time. Not only in the area where it sprayed, but it latches onto your nose hairs and won't leg go.

    A lot of people think it's really original to yell, "Run, Forrest, run!"

    I see quite a number of single shoes. How do you lose just one shoe and not notice?

    Not nearly enough people clean up after their dogs.

    I will cross the street to avoid running by someone walking a toy breed dog on a retractable leash. But I'm perfectly fine with large dogs.

    Wind always blows the hardest when you're running up a hill.