RUNNERS!!! Observations on the run...



  • L00py_T0ucan
    L00py_T0ucan Posts: 1,378 Member
    - Old people look at you weird when you run past them.

    ^ I don't run quite that fast yet! :laugh:

    I do notice that some men would rather die than be chicked and so I guess I provide motivation for them to speed up.
    I have to admit that it's pretty awesome when I reach the top of the hill at the same time if they mis-paced themselves - doesn't happen very often...
  • rmdaly
    rmdaly Posts: 250 Member
    I often run in the morning. In the winter, it is dark, so I run on well-lit streets that have good sidewalks and traffic so that I don't feel alone. This is what I have observed over the years:

    - A lot of people smoke in their cars in the morning.
    - Watch for the paper delivery cars and try to avoid getting hit by newspapers.
    - When its dark you can look into peoples' homes. Many of them are watching TV.
    - There are a lot of (live) critters in the mornings - raccoons, foxes, cats and once I saw a skunk.
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    - The scent of grilling steak travels three blocks.
    - The best days for running are also the best days for my neighbor to grill steak
    - I hate my neighbor
    - There are emails that I've been avoiding that I should be doing RIGHT NOW
    - Other runners are sweating less than I am
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member

    - Lane-stripers don't always remove the roadkill from the side of the road before painting the solid white stripe. Some just paint right over it . LOL

    The other day I saw a flattened possum (opossum?) on the side of the road. A survey crew worker had painted a crime scene outline around it :laugh:
  • missykm7
    missykm7 Posts: 42
    And the runners who kick their feet out sideways when they run.

    LOL! What? Seriously?! All I can picture is the episode of Friends with Phoebe running like a crazy person.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA...that episode was the first thing I thought of when I saw the topic! You beat me to it though. :) LOVE FRIENDS
  • bltrexler
    bltrexler Posts: 180 Member
    - Some people will find my 180 pounds of man-flesh a threat to their 6,000lb vehicle, and think it's funny to swerve at me. Yet, they always turn down my friendly one-finger invitation to pull over and discuss the matter.

  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    - most people's preferred run/walk is clockwise around the park, mine is counter clockwise.
    - The birds in the park are so used to being left alone, I almost ran over a duck the other day.
    - I'm the crazy person in a shorts and a Tshirt, while most are sensibly dressed in fleece and long leggings.
    - a mile outdoors is shorter than a mile on the treadmill, I swear! 10 minutes outside are also much shorter than 10 minutes on the treadmill.
    - Running while it is snowing is dryer than the rain, but otherwise not much different.
    - its difficult not to smile shyly when you pass the same two old ladies 3 times.. on their 1st circle.
    - There's allot of dog owners around here, and the dogs are all very obedient.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    And the runners who kick their feet out sideways when they run.

    LOL! What? Seriously?! All I can picture is the episode of Friends with Phoebe running like a crazy person.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA...that episode was the first thing I thought of when I saw the topic! You beat me to it though. :) LOVE FRIENDS

    YES! It's so weird, and I see it ALL. THE. TIME. It really weirds me out.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member

    - a mile outdoors is shorter than a mile on the treadmill, I swear! 10 minutes outside are also much shorter than 10 minutes on the treadmill.

    Oh for sure. I feel like I wanna kill myself after about 5 miles on a treadmill, but I can knock out 10 miles on the trail like it's no big deal!
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    - there's a lot more litter on the side of the road than appears from one's car or house. . . most the litter is cigarette butts
    - pear blossoms smell like bad fish and stinky feet
    - There's at least one stop sign hardly anyone (driver) pays attention to.
    - Smile and wave at all LLEOs
    - Sometimes it feels that driving a (or part of) route takes longer than running
    - starting in the rain sucks. finishing in the rain is great.
    - it's easier to run at night than day because, well, can't be intimidated by what you can't see. . . (head lamp only shines out so far)
  • mamato2babes
    From semi-rural North Carolina

    1. nobody keeps their dogs on a leash or in a fenced yard, and they think it totally fine if the dog ventures into the road barking and growling at you.

    2. People find it necessary to stop their cars to have a chit-chat about the weather, new neighbors, or - yes, this just happened last weekend - to warn me that I "should be careful running back there. We just a saw a big wolf in that area yesterday." Awesome.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    -Bees, wasps, and anything else that sting love to chase me. I think my hair must smell good or something.
    -Cars seem to slow down behind me and speed up when they pass me, even though I'm safely on a wide sidewalk. I think it's my jiggly butt, because no car approaching me from ahead slows down.
    -Dogs always bark when I run past. Always.
    -There are a lot of stray cats. :frown:
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    On the road, dead snakes and live snakes look the same...and both make me jump.

    LOL..dead snakes and live snakes also look like dead tree branches when you don't have your glasses on. I've been burned by that one before...and the snake was HUGE!

    Also, invisible fences should not be invisible to humans...when there's a giant barking dog in the yard, I like to know if it's there or not!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    - a mile outdoors is shorter than a mile on the treadmill, I swear! 10 minutes outside are also much shorter than 10 minutes on the treadmill.

    True story!
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    - People don't always rein in their dog when you approach, so to avoid possible tripping you run way over to the side like you're afraid of their ankle biter
    - Cigarette butts are disgusting
    - LOVE the aroma from the blossoming trees in spring
    - Bicyclists will say hi to runners
    - Runners get way more respect than bicyclists
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    - its difficult not to smile shyly when you pass the same two old ladies 3 times.. on their 1st circle.

    I've always wondered when someone laps me if they get a sense of pleasure from it. Now I know. :ohwell: Someday that will be me hiding a smirk.
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    When ever I run in front of a guy on a motorcycle at a stop sign or light, they always rev their engines. I dont know if this must be done to keep the bike running, or for my benefit. But it makes it hard to breath and ticks me off.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    NYC Observances

    You get lots of nods and thumbs up
    You know every dirty lewd vulgar way to ask a woman to stop exercising and ride your little sausage in spanish by the end of one season on the sidewalks
    Hills can come out of nowhere
    Squirrels and tiny humans run in front of people far more often than in front of cars
    Cars dont like it when you slide across their hood with your slick compression tights because they stopped in the crosswalk
    Overweight people that aren't running say meaner things than any other demographic
    They also act startled and move away all offended as though you were about to run them down, even though you passed them 10-15 feet to the side. Then they yell at you for being inconsiderate.
    Boys will let you race from from one light to the next and they get a big kick out of it
    You are quickly accused of gentrifying neighborhoods "By doin all that white girl sht like runnin and drinkin water"
    Its very difficult not to leap over basement doors and over the sidewalk slopes at intersections
    People look at you like you're crazy when they see you run up a hill, then down a hill then turn around and run up again but other runners give you a horns-up
  • surgesilk
    surgesilk Posts: 92
    * It is interesting to watch the slow disintegration of one sneaker as you run by it each day
    *Little dogs bark more than big dogs
    * i want to kick little dogs
    * I like running with the wind at my back, it makes me feel like a sailboat
    *Nike+ never always starts and then immediately pauses my run when I first start
    * My fave song never plays when i need it to most
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    - While running at the park, my nose runs, but not at the high school track
    - Men are generally more supportive of strangers working out than women are in my area. Women turn up their noses and ignore one another. The dudes (even old ones) chat and give you a thumbs up
    - Little kids like to swerve toward runners too but I think it's because they get spooked on their bikes
    - Squirrels like to catch a glimpse of you, haul booty to a tree then peep around to see if you're still looking
    - Fresh blackberries grow all over the place along the trails and taste good even when I don't wash them. Yes, bird poop or dog pee or whatever and all
    - People look at you differently when you run down the side of the street in the town where I work. They look behind you for muggers or cops.
    - Dogs bark less if you say hi to them on your way by. Some of them take longer than others to warm up. Some are just saying hi first!