What's the Craziest Diet Myth You've Heard?



  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    You will loose more weight if you eat less <- stupid idea when given to people who are already eating significantly less then what they use to to maintain older weight
  • caritiger
    caritiger Posts: 82 Member
    That cotton balls are full of fiber and low in calories so if you eat them you will be full but lose weight. WOW.

  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    The blood type diet ranks up there.
  • barackobamamama
    That carbs are good for you!
  • caritiger
    caritiger Posts: 82 Member
    "hollywood diet" 2 lemons sqeezed+1 tbls of maple syrup+ 20 oz warm water+cayenne pepper. 10x's a day
    note: you dont eat or drink anything els on this:drinker:

    Oh, you do get to drink more... you also get to drink salt water and laxative tea!

    Anything with the word "Hollywood" in it is instantly suspect!
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    That carbs are good for you!

  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Eating too few calories will make you gain weight! That's not a myth! Don't you read the bottom of your log if you haven't eaten enough? If you eat too few calories you body goes into starvation mode and keeps everything. It doesn't think you are going to feed it again, therefore weight gain. Do the research, it's true.

    No, it's not true. Humans gain fat by eating more calories than their body uses. Period. That's how it's done.

    Starvation mode refers to damaging your metabolism, which causes you to burn less calories and lose more slowing than if your body was properly fueled.. But it does NOT magically pull calories out of thin air that your body then stores as fat. You have to consume calories in order for your body to store them as fat. (true story)
  • rileyk54
    rileyk54 Posts: 10
    I just heard one yesterday, a co-worker is on a diet where you eat as much as you can the first day...As bad as you can....Pizza, chocolate, chips, pop..you name it. Then the second day, you eat this powder 6 times daily, and only eat 500 calories a day for the next few weeks!!! And then you will lose 20 pounds in just 4 short weeks.......Omg....I feel sorry for people who have no clue. I directed her to come to this site and hopefully she will learn it's all about healty eating and excercise.

    A girl I know tried this, or something like it. Within two days, she said she could barely get out of bed, because she was so dizzy and fatigued from not eating. and then she found out the powder she was taking was some kind of growth hormone and she wanted nothing to do with it after that. I was super glad that I found out she stopped right away, I'm sure the consequences of that would have been very bad.
  • rileyk54
    rileyk54 Posts: 10
    Here is the absolutely craziest diet advice. My Ex's mom who had bypass twice! Who is now in CHF and morbidly obese again, told me Fat and deepfried food was good for me while I was pregnant because she read that the baby needed fat for it's brain.

    Guess she missed the boat on DHA/ARA fatty acids and saturated/rans fats. I never followed her advise anyways. She was the same woman who kept trying to convince me a 2 week old baby should be eating tablefood and breastfeeding caused diseases.

    Side note her son is over 200 lbs overweight (had bypass too and gained it all back) and had intestinal rupture when he was a baby from her force feeding him solids.

    OMGGGG, that's terrible! how ignorant is this lady! especially after something like that happened to her son? people just blow my mind...
  • Meatsies
    Meatsies Posts: 351 Member
    Diet Myth: Muscle weighs more than fat.

    I can't believe people actually believe this. A pound is a pound, no matter what the composition.

    Muscle is denser than fat, but it doesn't weigh more.

    Yes, clearly a POUND of muscle weighs the same as a POUND of fat.
    HOWEVER, 10 lbs of muscle looks a lot different than 10 lbs of fat.
    Ask one of my MFP buddies, who weighs the same as I do, and is about the same height.
    She's in a size 8. I'm in a size 18.
    Muscle DOES weigh more than fat, in that a cubic foot of pure fat would weigh less than a cubic foot of pure muscle.
    Obviously, if you're comparing pounds to pounds, of course they weigh the same.
  • leykisgirl
    - eating 6 meals a day.
    - starvation mode myth
  • LouiseRose92
    That drinking ice cold water burns a load of calories. I drank so much fricking ice cold water a few years ago before I Googled it -.-
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    That drinking ice cold water burns a load of calories. I drank so much fricking ice cold water a few years ago before I Googled it -.-

    That reminds me-

    Taking an ice bath burns more fat...although it is supported by clinical studies, I'm not ready to do that...yet. When I get desperate I might try joining the Polar Bears (a group that jumps in Lake Michigan every New Years Day)
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    Here is the absolutely craziest diet advice. My Ex's mom who had bypass twice! Who is now in CHF and morbidly obese again, told me Fat and deepfried food was good for me while I was pregnant because she read that the baby needed fat for it's brain.

    Guess she missed the boat on DHA/ARA fatty acids and saturated/rans fats. I never followed her advise anyways. She was the same woman who kept trying to convince me a 2 week old baby should be eating tablefood and breastfeeding caused diseases.

    Side note her son is over 200 lbs overweight (had bypass too and gained it all back) and had intestinal rupture when he was a baby from her force feeding him solids.

    OMGGGG, that's terrible! how ignorant is this lady! especially after something like that happened to her son? people just blow my mind...

    She blamed it on Colic! And her back woods MD 35 yrs ago agreed with her and promped her to keep force feeding him after surgery to repair his colon. That and she's one of those ppl who only hears or reads whatever she wants and turns it all around. The breastfeeding thing was aweful too! She actually more or less kidnapped my daughter when she was 15 months old so I wouldn't breastfeed her anymore. Needless to say she had been held in a psychiatric ward more than once under protective placement. Her son isn't much better believe me. Good thing I don't have to deal with either of them anymore.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    The blood type diet is one of those ridiculous diets that people just follow blindly without even considering their own individual body.

    That once you deplete your glucose stores, your body just breaks down muscle like crazy, and starts eating itself. Ridiculous.. If that were actually true, you wouldn't have ultra long-distance endurance athletes with any muscle on their body. They'd just all be rail-thin and bony, which none of them are. That and since you can't regrow muscle (only expand existing muscle fibers), it would be incredibly inefficient for your body to eat precious muscle stores, just because you went for a long run.

    Eating after 5pm is bad. Going to bed starving is great. Don't know what science backs that up, but it must be true if it's a popular idea.
  • Sharonks
    Sharonks Posts: 884 Member
    An ex-coworker once told me (while eating a large McDonalds fries) that there is nothing wrong with fries, they are potatoes, and potatoes are a vegetable, and vegetables are good for you.

    We tried to explain the whole concept of "deep fried" but it was beyond her comprehension... :noway:

    So there you have it.... fries are a vegetable!.
    Now who's coming to McD's with me? :laugh:

    I think to truly make the fries healthy you have to eat it with lots of catsup. Then you double your veggie value.

    Yes, I know people who say they eat plenty of veggies. French fries but also green veggies like fried zuchini and green beans (ok, those are really good but I have no thought that they are healthy!)
  • phresh21
    phresh21 Posts: 132 Member
    The wedding diet where you get a tube shoved in your nose down into your tummy to be tube fed. REALLY!!!! People amaze me

    I read about that! Worst. diet. ever.

    Imagaine needing an NG(nasel-gut) tube to survive and seeing this!!! I know several kids who have a tube to survive- this pisses me off

    My daughter is tube fed and it takes everything to keep weight on her so ya thinking that someone uses it to look good for their wedding is ridiculious. And to think that there is a Dr. who is charging to do it makes me sick!!!
  • rileyk54
    rileyk54 Posts: 10
    Here is the absolutely craziest diet advice. My Ex's mom who had bypass twice! Who is now in CHF and morbidly obese again, told me Fat and deepfried food was good for me while I was pregnant because she read that the baby needed fat for it's brain.

    Guess she missed the boat on DHA/ARA fatty acids and saturated/rans fats. I never followed her advise anyways. She was the same woman who kept trying to convince me a 2 week old baby should be eating tablefood and breastfeeding caused diseases.

    Side note her son is over 200 lbs overweight (had bypass too and gained it all back) and had intestinal rupture when he was a baby from her force feeding him solids.

    OMGGGG, that's terrible! how ignorant is this lady! especially after something like that happened to her son? people just blow my mind...

    She blamed it on Colic! And her back woods MD 35 yrs ago agreed with her and promped her to keep force feeding him after surgery to repair his colon. That and she's one of those ppl who only hears or reads whatever she wants and turns it all around. The breastfeeding thing was aweful too! She actually more or less kidnapped my daughter when she was 15 months old so I wouldn't breastfeed her anymore. Needless to say she had been held in a psychiatric ward more than once under protective placement. Her son isn't much better believe me. Good thing I don't have to deal with either of them anymore.

    wow that is sooo crazy! that really kinda scares me to know that people like that are actually around/raising kids. you're lucky you got outta there!
  • Vench
    Vench Posts: 56 Member
    Pretty much anything that appropriates eating disorders or legitimate medical conditions (tube up the schnoz, "gluten-free," etc)
  • Always824
    Always824 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm not sure about crazy, but disgusting would be vinegar shots in the a.m. for metabolism boost

    Ooo me likey vinegar,,, hmmmm, I wonder :huh: