What is your favorite thing about your significant other?



  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    ~Name: James
    ~Relationship: Married (7 years)
    ~Physical: Eyes, Smile, Arms, Back, Butt... ahhh ♥
    ~Non-Physical: He is very determined, has amazing integrity and would do anything for his family.
  • cgpriest4
    cgpriest4 Posts: 2 Member
    Name: Cameron
    Relationship-Husband (21 years in September)
    Physical-His arms & his eyes for sure.
    Non-Physical-He is my best friend, makes me laugh until I cry and we like to just hang out with each other. Oh, and he does dishes & laundry!!!
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    ~Name: Andy
    ~Relationship: We've been together just shy of 9 years, and we've been engaged for almost one year of that time. We'll be married in about 2 years.
    ~Physical: His hair and his face - he is so handsome. One time when we were at the grocery store, we were both walking around looking for something, and I saw this gorgeous man out of the corner of my eye and I did a double take - turns out it was him! Haha! No wonder, right? :P
    ~Non-Physical: Let's see... He's quiet, patient, a good listener, a complete idealist and very true to his ideals, a hard worker, very smart, it seems like he can fix almost anything, he takes care of me, and loves me no matter what.

    ^_^ I has a crush on hiiiiiiiim hehe.
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    This is sweet~ :)

    Name: Chaz
    Relationship: fiance (2 years together)
    Physical: everything but to be specific he has amazing green eyes :love: and he is tall 6 ft and solid! (feel so safe in his arms)
    Non-physical: He is a good person with an amazing heart. He always knows how to make me smile. And is always in my brain.. mind you this can drive a body crazy sometimes but its nice to have someone know me so well and share most of the same views on everything, and perhaps the most admiral thing.. he treats my kids as his own he enjoys their company and dishes out love and discipline in fair and equal measure .. God knows I love this man :heart:
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    That he's made of silicone and I can always replace his batteries if he dies.

    Oh, is he supposed to have a name? Ok, we'll call him "mmmmmmmmmmmmm....YES!"
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    ~Name: Greg
    ~Relationship: Fiance as of last Saturday, been together 8 months
    ~Physical: He has teh most amazing blue eyes and smile
    ~Non-Physical: That he loves me for me...he fell in love with me 20+lbs heavier, and told me he fell in love with me and that If I lose weight that is just an added bonus. He is so supportive and encouraging...He tells me he is proud of me almost daily and that he loves watching me transform before his eyes...that every week he notices something a little different about me:)

  • nikki_att84
    nikki_att84 Posts: 152 Member
    Name: Marco
    Physical-His eyes
    Non-Physical-hes got a kind heart..very generous..hes social..which is always great..hes always opened to anything i suggest llol!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Name: Sean

    Relationship: Dating four years, will be married in 50 days!

    Physical: He's tall, fit, and has broad shoulders and a very strong build, also gorgeous eyes and smile

    Non-physical: He can always make me laugh, he challenges me to be creative and expand my mind
  • Flippiefloppies
    Name: Phillip

    Relationship: Been together 1 1/2, living together 1 year.

    Physical: He has an amazing booty!

    Non-physical: He can always make me laugh! Plus he is very smart.
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    My favorite thing is that she will soon be my ex....

    LOL Well at least you know you are doing the right thing then!! Thanks, totally made me smile!
  • SerenityGelsinger
    SerenityGelsinger Posts: 80 Member
    Name: Wayne
    Relationship: Married for 1.5 years (together since 2005)
    Physical: Lean and strong even though he doesn't work out. Nice full lips.
    Non-Physical: This could get long! He's sweet, funny, kind, gentle, patient, understanding and sexy. He's the best father to our son - he works extremely long hours and never says no if our son wants to play. Everyone likes him, I've never met anyone who has something bad to say about him. He works hard all day and still makes supper every night. He still sticks with our initial agreement that I clean, he cooks no matter how tired he is. He does more than 50% of the parenting of our son. He has the patient of three saints. I could keep going but I'll stop.
  • AmandaDeShawn
    AmandaDeShawn Posts: 340 Member
    ~Name: Cale
    ~Relationship: Husband (of 6 months)
    ~Physical: His big, bright smile
    ~Non-Physical: He's my stability, my anchor. He works hard for the two of us so that we can start a family in the near future. I love that he wants children just as much as I do.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    She is tall, has a nice blonde head of hair on her and no matter how many times I taste her I keep wanting more and now if I can get me a GF to keep bringing her to me, along with a sammich!
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    Name: Christy
    Relationship: Wife 14 years
    Physical: Her taco (can I say that?)
    Non-Physical: Awesome mom, puts up with me, keeps the
    family well grounded. She's an RN/BSN, and is very smart!
    I just love her. :heart:
  • marzinator13
    marzinator13 Posts: 149 Member
    Name: Justin
    Relathionship - Fiance ( together five years)
    Physical - His eyes and curly hair :)
    Non- physical - He is so caring and supportive and is the boy version of me. After five years together its still like day one!!!
  • jldaley09
    jldaley09 Posts: 219 Member
    I have to play along

    Married for 10 years, together almost 13!
    Physical: hmm.. I love his broad back, his hands and that he is so strong... oh and he has the sweetest lips.
    Non-physical- We have been through lots of roller coasters together and here he is.. still by my side. We compliment each other nicely. He takes care of our 5 kids while I work int he evenings and doesn't complain. He is a great dad, and takes our kids on many adventures. He puts up with my nonsense all the time.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Name: Sam_Hain
    Relationship: Husband/Best Friend. Married 5 months...almost, friends for 3 years.
    Physical: Love his smile, dimples, eyes, hands, shoulders, phenomenal backside...pretty much everything.
    Non-physical: He makes me feel like the most special person alive, he laughs at my weird observations, is a willing participant in my offbeat excursions, is an incredible father to his little ones, and makes me believe in forever. ♥
  • Numptcakes
    Numptcakes Posts: 145 Member
    Name: Ömer
    Relationship: Fiance (together 2 and a half years, feels like forever)
    Physical: Wouldn't change a hair on his head. But if I had to choose one thing, it would be those piercing green eyes. Green eyes on a Turkish man - both rare and mesmerising.
    Non-Physical: His loyalty. Ha, another rare trait in a Turkish man! Seriously though, I've just had to break his heart (as well as my own) and the first thing on his mind was making sure I was okay. He is selfless, strong and devoted, and I'm just so very lucky.
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    That he's made of silicone and I can always replace his batteries if he dies.

    Oh, is he supposed to have a name? Ok, we'll call him "mmmmmmmmmmmmm....YES!"

    BOB! (Battery Operated Boyfriend)
  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    Name: Thor (That's what I call him. He also answers to "Big Daddy")
    Relathionship - Huzz ( together 15 years)
    Physical -Dimples, Height, pretty much everything
    Non- physical -He makes me laugh and thinks I am the most beautiful woman ever. His vision is impaired, and I like it that way.