What is your favorite thing about your significant other?



  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I love this thread, I've been reading many of the cute and funny replies :)

    Name: David
    Relationship: Boyfriend
    Physical: His lovely shoulders and his plump behind ;)
    Non-Physical: His intelligence, his humor, how sweet he is, his eloquence, and his ability to make me feel beautiful :)
  • When's gone. True story.

  • Ash1983ley
    Ash1983ley Posts: 19 Member
    ~Name: Ben
    ~Relationship: Fiance (of 2 years)
    ~Physical: His butt and his.....lol his body is sexy too!
    ~Non-Physical: He loves me so much and it is apparent in all that he does. I have never been loved like this before.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Name: Stew
    Relationship: Dating for half a year, hope to be like all you lovebirds ^^
    Physical: His eyes, they are warm and happy!
    Non-Physical: He has this carefree quality, an almost childlike way of looking at life through rose colored glasses.
  • cnt21811
    cnt21811 Posts: 28 Member
    Name: Robert
    Relationship: Married since Jan. 2001 together since Dec. 1998
    Physical: His back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:love:
    Non-Physical- He is hilarious!!!
  • annamc18
    annamc18 Posts: 198 Member
    This is great!

  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    This is such a sweet thread!

    ~Name: Vincent
    ~Relationship: Boyfriend (We've known each other for about 10 months and have been together and inseparable for about 6 of those)
    ~Physical: Eyes, lips, hands, neck, shoulders, arms, stomach, back...um...other stuff. :devil:
    ~Non-Physical: He's the most honest, authentic, patient, charming man I've ever known. He's a chef and makes amazing food. He is completely supportive of my fitness goals. He's a HUGE animal lover. He's extremely intelligent and insightful. He surprises me everyday. That's just the tip of the iceberg.

    This thread reminds me of that old Sippie Wallace tune (Bonnie Raitt famously remade it):

    Women be wise
    Keep your mouth shut
    Don't advertise your man

    :laugh: :tongue:


    Cheers to everyone in a good love and to everyone whose heart is open to the future. :heart:
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    ~Name: Mr Steele
    ~Relationship: Married 16 years
    ~Physical: He's the complete package!
    ~Non-Physical: The only man on this planet that would put up with my sh#$ and for this long! Frankly, I believe that he's got a couple screws loose. But that works for me!
  • melj6807
    melj6807 Posts: 34
    Name: Tim
    Relationship: Husband of 5 years (in June), together for 7 years, known eachother for 12 years.
    Physical: his height (6'4"), his eyes, his smile, his back (ooooh baby ;-))
    Non-Physical: He works VERY heard so I can stay home. Most generous, loving man I know and funny as hell!!
  • pearsy67
    pearsy67 Posts: 104 Member
    Name: Jackie
    Relationship: Married 22 yrs in Sept, in love for 27 and first met at school in '84
    Physical: Her face, shoulders, back, legs, chest and butt. (bloody marathon runners)
    Non-Physical: Her drive, her intelligence, that she has the same wrong sense of humour and I do, but she has a filter ;-)
    Her ability to cope with any hardship and that she never loses faith in me, even when I do.
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    Love this!
    Name: chad
    Married almost 14 years
    Physical: long eyelashes, arms and chest
    non physical: he is my best friend, we always have a blast and he makes me feel grounded, safe and supported.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    I'll play.

    Name: The Beetch
    Relationship: Domestic partnership - 2 1/2 years (We have a child, but aren't married; boyfriend is a lame term for that.)
    Physical: His torso; he has one of the longest torsos I've seen on a guy, and it's sexy.
    Non-physical: He could Jerry-rig a paperclip into a working engine faster than McGyver, and then ride out on the horses and wrangle cattle. He's a cowboy, that's for sure.
  • Name: Alex
    Relationship: Courted for 3 months, engaged for 9 and have be married 11 1/2 years!
    Physical: When I first saw him I thought he had the cutest shaped legs, Lol! I also love his sexy hairy chest thanks to my mom instilling that in me when I was younger with Pierce Bronson! I especially like his chest when he works out and swims! His pecks are sexy!
    Non-Physical: He is extremely intelligent and is good at any sport! He makes very wise choices and always has great ideas. He is a former Eagle Scout so I feel safe with him and the decisions he makes in just about everything! He is also a mechanical engineer and can fix or make just about anything!

    Sorry, too much to make it just one favorite! :-)
  • bigswedeman
    bigswedeman Posts: 139 Member
    Name: The Woman
    Relationship: was aDomestic partnership (kind of complicated) of about 6 years
    Physical: I love her eyes... and her boobs. :D They're not big but they're fantastic
    Non-physical: I love watching her when she sleeps... When she dreams, she kind of twitches and mutters quietly to herself...
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Name: the hubbie
    Relationship: Together 10 years, married 1.5 years
    Physical: His size, at 6'5" and 100kg he makes me feel small and feminine
    Non-Physical: This is two-fold, he is one of the most self-assured people I know, he literally does not care what other people think. Now if this was combined with a negative personality he could be an *kitten*. However he is also the most empathetic and caring person. The result of those two things (plus his size) mean that he will staunchly stand up against a biggot or a bully, without caring about appearances or popularity.
  • RainxPain
    RainxPain Posts: 152
    Name: Dalton
    Relationship: Boyfriend, 4 weeks
    Physical: His arms
    Non-Physical: He's sarcastic, and can always make me laugh :D
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    ~Name: Dali
    ~Relationship: Husband (of 3 years)
    ~Physical: His beautiful green eyes (they look like huge sunflowers in the middle), and his nose, I love his nose :)
    ~Non-Physical: How selfless he is, always putting me first, how loving he is and how he always makes me feel beautiful and has never made me feel like I needed to change, but has been a great support since I've begun this journey. He is my best friend and I feel very blessed to be able to love him.
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    Name: Mike

    Relationship: Married 12.5 years - together for 15.5 years

    Physical: He has a GREAT *kitten*, gorgeous eyes and a nice deep voice

    Non-Physical: He is THE most supportive man/partner in the world... no matter what crazy thing I get myself into :ohwell: He is encouraging, loving, funny and kind. He works hard and plays hard. He is a great dad - I love watching him with our 2 girls. He can't sing a note, but loves to do it anyway, and I love that, too.
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    physical-everything bout him
    non physical- he helps everyone n need of car work if ur pulled over off the side of road and he does everything he can to please me..
  • LemonBurns
    LemonBurns Posts: 538 Member
    Name: The Woman
    Relationship: was aDomestic partnership (kind of complicated) of about 6 years
    Physical: I love her eyes... and her boobs. :D They're not big but they're fantastic
    Non-physical: I love watching her when she sleeps... When she dreams, she kind of twitches and mutters quietly to herself...

    You are so sweet. Have you ever let her in on these thoughts? I love hearing what men love about their Women.