Why do you "unfriend" people



  • kludgood
    kludgood Posts: 172
    I delete "friends" whenever and whyever I like....i'm just like that. It's not usually for any personal reason. It's not you, it's me typa thing. And it wouldn't bother me if I was deleted off a list either...

    I love this..more ppl shouldn't stop letting OTHER people affect them!
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    I have deleted 2 people. I deleted one because he was a man and I couldn't tell by his profile picture. This is my "girl zone". The other person had tons of whiney negative status updates and it got old. It's one thing to vent a little (I did this just yesterday to my MFP pals), but when it's just constant crybaby crap, no thank you! I'm thinking about deleting more though because my friends list is getting out of control. I can't keep up with everyone and I feel like I'm losing touch with my pals from the beginning. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings by deleting them, though. :/
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    I delete ppl who Friend me but never actually talk to me or ne thing. basically they then they= a waste of space on my friends list and I like to keep things simple so yeaup I delete em..
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    To be completely honest, I unfriend people who I gain nothing from having as a friend. Selfish, maybe, but I'm here for me. :)

    That being said, people get offended when you unfriend them and some let you know! That reason alone makes me hesitate to unfriend people at times. I don't understand though. If you never comment/message/etc the person and they unfriend you, why do you care?

    If someone unfriends me... and I figure out who it is... I will always send them a message asking why or what I did. It is hurtful being deleted. Typically they don't respond, but sometimes it was accidental and they add me back as well. I don't generally go all apesh*t on them, though. LOL I just want to know why... mainly because I want to better myself so it doesn't happen the next time.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I'm the mad whacker.. I like to collect people and then randomly whack them with no warning. My goal is to eventually friend everybody on MFP and then eventually whack them. If you want to get whacked.. FR me!!!

    um...bikermike, i might as well help you take one, or two more steps toward your goal...sending you friend request right now so you can add me....then immediately wack me if you'd like. :happy: :sad:

    I generally dont delete biker friends because I'm biased, or ladies with hot abs... because I respect that! Exceptions can be made of course so take your chances... :glasses:
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 472 Member
    I take them off if they have been inactive for 7 days and/or don't comment. I like to keep my friends list manageable so I can comment and offer support daily.

    What if someone is on vacation for 7 days? Thats kinda $#!TT^

    I was almost unfriended this way actually. I was on vacation without computer access and then when I got back to my regular I saw I was unfriended and then a message was in my inbox saying that I gave up already. Then I messaged him back and said no I just on vacation and didn't have computer access. Then he was like, my bad, he can be hasty with the unfriended. Now all is good in the hood.
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    I remove people that do not interact or support me.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    Wait a minute.... I can ditch these people?!?!
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member

    Is that really a bunny rabbit with a spear in a boat with a t-rex sea creature spitting out a rainbow? Rockon. I would never delete you.

    Yes, I am the big one in the middle, although I have lost weight since then and gained some upper arm strength. I really try to work on the latter to defeat the stereotypes that T-Rexes can't do pushups (so tired of hearing this bigotry). If I recall, that whole battle with the rabbit started because of some caustic remark he made about my skinny arms and contrastingly large bottom. Oh well, haters gonna hate.

    Also, when the whole thing was over, he was delicious.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    I take them off if they have been inactive for 7 days and/or don't comment. I like to keep my friends list manageable so I can comment and offer support daily.

    What if someone is on vacation for 7 days? Thats kinda $#!TT^

    Unless they are on vacation/extended holiday and/ or work commitments.
  • Carolw12
    Carolw12 Posts: 36 Member
    I unfriended (is that a word?) a guy who posted constantly and used vulgar language. Anyone who does that I unfriend them. Positive people only!
  • msudaisy28
    msudaisy28 Posts: 267 Member
    I recently did my first unfriending cleanout. I unfriended those who don't have the same types of goals as I do, so it didn't seem like we were really a good fit to support each other. I thought about unfriending a couple of people who are constantly posting "I fell off the wagon - time to get back on again" posts, alternating with "I'm so frustrated that this isn't working for me" posts. I held off on them for now because everyone struggles and deserves support. But if that keeps up there's only so much support I can give to those types...
  • shygur
    shygur Posts: 171 Member
    As another poster said, I delete people who treat this like twitter. If you are flooding my feed with non helpful things and I am get annoyed with constants posts that seem to be searching for sympathy multiply times a day then sorry I am not the person that will be feeding into that. I understand people need constant reassurance, but seriously!!!! Example: "Ugh I feel so ugly and unloved today" Okay if I see this post I am going to give you some encouragement along with the other 200 people you are friends with; however, if you post something similar to this 12 times a day sorry I can't help you.

    Yes Yes Yes, but I did email someone first about it and she deleted all of the posts. So I didnt have to delete her.
  • shygur
    shygur Posts: 171 Member
    Wait a minute.... I can ditch these people?!?!

  • sl1ngsh0t
    sl1ngsh0t Posts: 326 Member
    If you want a friend, you have to be a friend, too.
  • Raeken_Zayt
    Raeken_Zayt Posts: 9 Member
    According to some of the replies, I would be a "bad" friend.

    Call me crazy, but I am not here to monitor your status updates with replies. I am here to use this a logging interface and its working. I honestly dont really even see the point in friends with people you do not know. I have a few people who have added me on here but I'm sorry, I'm just not going to reply to your status' if I dont have something to actually contribute.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I'm the mad whacker.. I like to collect people and then randomly whack them with no warning. My goal is to eventually friend everybody on MFP and then eventually whack them. If you want to get whacked.. FR me!!!

    um...bikermike, i might as well help you take one, or two more steps toward your goal...sending you friend request right now so you can add me....then immediately wack me if you'd like. :happy: :sad:

    I generally dont delete biker friends because I'm biased, or ladies with hot abs... because I respect that! Exceptions can be made of course so take your chances... :glasses:

    I'm pretty sure you whacked me last week. Guess my abs weren't hot enough.
  • dsckrc
    dsckrc Posts: 194 Member
    you think you have something in common w/people, so you "friend them" only to realize your goals are completely different. also, some people are just annoying... sorry :wink:
  • Kayley
    Kayley Posts: 327 Member
    People add me, I don't know why. They then delete me, I don't know why. All I can say is MEH!
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I unfriend inactive peeps and people that don't interact with me often. and every once and a while when I'm in the mood I got through and delete one friend from each page. it's not a big deal, I get deleted too, but I'm guessing it because I'm a little irreverent.