Why do you "unfriend" people



  • heidiberr
    heidiberr Posts: 643 Member
    People who don't log in
    People who are looking for quick diet fixes
    People who don't interact with me

    I never joined MFP for the social interaction--though I have a small close group of friends on here. It was always about weight loss.

    When people add me because they are inspired by my success story--it's awesome--but if they are looking for a quick fix, I'm not going to give that to them.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I delete because I like clicking buttons.
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I'm the mad whacker.. I like to collect people and then randomly whack them with no warning. My goal is to eventually friend everybody on MFP and then eventually whack them. If you want to get whacked.. FR me!!!
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    Because she made a post that literally made me want to pull my hair out about whether or not eating one protein bar a day would make you fat, and the mouse kinda ouija-board willed it to the delete button and I was helpless to stop it.

    Is that really a bunny rabbit with a spear in a boat with a t-rex sea creature spitting out a rainbow? Rockon. I would never delete you.
  • BalenciaLynn
    BalenciaLynn Posts: 411 Member
    I unfriend for many reasons.
    Its nothing personal.

    But my list of reasons are:
    if they dont log in for more then 2 days
    if they use there status updates as if its facebook
    if they post revealing photos
    if we don't communicate at all
    people who look like friend collecters

    I try not too add too many people as i like to try and stay in touch with all of them.

    I myself like it when people comment on my page or if they comment on my status, and because i like it i do it for them as well, but when i see that its just me doing it to them then i defriend them.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I deleted all of my friends a few months ago except the ones I knew personally and only recently started adding people again if they send a request. I no longer send requests myself. I did this because it was just too much of a chore and some people would get all bent out of shape if they saw that you commented on a mutual friends' update and didn't comment on theirs.

    My profile states that I'm focusing on myself and I suck at being supportive (because I'm focusing on myself). I try to comment when I have time, but I don't make it a priority.

    I have deleted people before though just because they were EXTREMELY annoying or just plain stupid. Only a couple of those though.

    So that's what happened... I was wondering. How ya been?

    Just changed my username btw... in case that confused you.
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    that have been part of your friends list? I mean, if they are posting stuff that is offensive, or never logging on and giving things a try, I can understand, but if you have had someone on your list, and have conversed with them practically every day for the last 4 months, and then just boom, they are gone? Just dont get it....kinda hurts ya know?

    oh well, life goes on.

    Some people will delete you if you get too much attention from all the other pals that you have in common and they feel you are takin the attention away from their self absorbed post. Mfp is real petty but so is the real world. Don't you watch the "House wives of Atlanta"?
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    B*tch, two can play at this game!!

    *grabs the nearest flogger and...*

    Wait... Did I just see something shiny??

    Oooh! And Odus loses her head to LL in the first round! Not pretty but we all saw it coming, easily distracted that one...
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    cos im a b*tch
    This... 100% this... I do not feel I need to explain why I delete people.
    And it shouldn't have to be explained to the person. If someone deletes me, I don't want to know about it. I treat others with the same courtesy.

    If I get emails asking why I deleted someone I just delete the email, I have never sent anyone an email asking why I was deleted... I have had emails sent to me telling me why people are deleting me - its usually because they don't like
    1. my morals
    2. my use of curse words
    3. we do not agree on religion
    4. they feel I am not serious about losing weight because I eat chocolate and mcdonalds from time to time.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I'm OCD and if my pages are uneven I might try to find some people I can live without to even it up. If I really like them, I'll deal. But if not, then I click the X (which is also very satisfying).
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    I'm the mad whacker.. I like to collect people and then randomly whack them with no warning. My goal is to eventually friend everybody on MFP and then eventually whack them. If you want to get whacked.. FR me!!!

    The "mad whacker" huh???? be careful..... dont wanna be tooooooo mad, might need ointment.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I have unfriended two people because I felt that their attitudes were not conducive to the attitude I need to create in myself in order to successfully lose weight.

    I hope that they know that it wasn't because I dislike them or because I thought badly of them, it was simply a matter of our attitudes not clicking together. *shrug* :/
  • Andrealeah32
    I mostly delete the friends that are never on -- no point in having them as friends if they aren't logging in. Kinda pointless to me.

    There is someone I have on my list that I've been considering removing b/c they seem to be so self absorbed and have too many friends that they are really not supportive -- more like annoying. I've been keeping this person around only for my own sheer enjoyment and seeing what bizzare post they are gonna put up next. This "friend" has never ONCE posted on my profile -- and come to think of it -- i haven't on theirs either even though I added her. HA! I figure it's pointless since it will likely be lost in all of the bizzareness on their profile. For the most part tho, I have great mfp friends and really haven't had to delete many.

    My burning question tho is -- what if you want to delete someone you know personally, as in outside of MFP? What is the etticate? I have been debating deleting a personal friend only b/c they are generally very negative. My first thought is do what I normally do - ignore it and keep this person around. But then again, if I just deleted this person I could just say, you are so negative so I deleted you! I have no problem with that either. Thoughts?
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    If they don't log in or interact with me. The worst is when people add, me ask me to support them, please be friends, etc etc. I make a appoint to talk to them, support them, etc and they dont ever log in again. Making a trip to people's profile can be tiresome lol...So I "unfriend" when most of the time people dont log in.... oh and too much negativity. I have deleted one person because they were constantly feeling up my newsfeed with negativity.
  • Andrealeah32
    I'm the mad whacker.. I like to collect people and then randomly whack them with no warning. My goal is to eventually friend everybody on MFP and then eventually whack them. If you want to get whacked.. FR me!!!

    The "mad whacker" huh???? be careful..... dont wanna be tooooooo mad, might need ointment.

    LOVE IT!!
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    I delete people whose name I do not recognize while scanning my Friend's List.

    If I have been "friends" with someone for a reasonable amount of time and have rarely, if ever, interacted with him/her, I think it's fair to cut the person loose.

    ^^this. I'm not overly active on statuses and the forum, but if I can't even remember who you are then I can't imagine you know who I am either.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    I'm the mad whacker..

    heh heh.

    me too.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Because she made a post that literally made me want to pull my hair out about whether or not eating one protein bar a day would make you fat, and the mouse kinda ouija-board willed it to the delete button and I was helpless to stop it.

    Is that really a bunny rabbit with a spear in a boat with a t-rex sea creature spitting out a rainbow? Rockon. I would never delete you.

    Yes, I am the big one in the middle, although I have lost weight since then and gained some upper arm strength. I really try to work on the latter to defeat the stereotypes that T-Rexes can't do pushups (so tired of hearing this bigotry). If I recall, that whole battle with the rabbit started because of some caustic remark he made about my skinny arms and contrastingly large bottom. Oh well, haters gonna hate.

    Also, when the whole thing was over, he was delicious.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I have only deleted people who are gone for a month or more. I try to encourage them to return before I click the button. I just want to have people who are motivated. Not to say that their reason for not being around has anything to do with motivation, but if they come back and re-request, I always take them back. I care about the people I interact with... and I allow them to have their own thoughts, feelings, and opinions. Now, I can't say I would never unfriend someone arbitrarily, but it hasn't happened yet.
  • arkansascountrygirl
    arkansascountrygirl Posts: 234 Member
    I only unfriended one person and that was because they made me uncomfortable with how they talked. really creepy remarks. other than that I keep them