So you have lost weight, but what are your top 5 NSVs?



  • KelliW_runner
    KelliW_runner Posts: 150 Member
    1) I can be satisfied at 1700 calories without feeling deprived (and the calorie counting now is more academic as my eating habits have changed)
    2) I am running again and enjoying 5K races with my 10 year old son (he beats me, but I'm at 9:30 min/mi pace)
    3) I like to exercise and it helps me manage my stress
    4) I can do full pushups, not just the knee kind (still working on pull-ups)
    5) I have donated 3/4 of my closet to charity and am treating myself to some new, much smaller clothes.
    THICKandFIT Posts: 63 Member
    I'm not quite done yet and I don't have 5 NSVs but last night I tried on my senior prom dress and it fit! I was shocked and incredibly next NSV goal is to fit into the dress I wore junior year.
  • Eccendentesiast
    #1. Needing size small in shirts and pants/skirts, and coming out of the dressing room and saying "it's too big". AMAZING feeling.
    #2. Enjoying exercising
    #3. Having people who know what I used to look like say "You've gotten so skinny!" And actually asking ME for tips on diet and exercise, instead of giving them.
    #4. Almost being able to tuck my shirt in, and not having a bulge. Not quite, but almost!
    #5. Gaining even the slightest shred of self confidence that I never before had.
  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 349 Member
    5. I got one more notch in my belt.
    4. My thighs no longer rub together.
    3. I can run again and feel good.
    2. I can swim the front crawl for 5 min straight.
    1. I have a ton more energy.
  • SlideboyxBrian
    SlideboyxBrian Posts: 40 Member
    1> Doctor lowering my Blooad Pressure Medication this month and I am still feelong dizzy at times due to it still being on the low side, so i hope I can be medication free very soon.

    2> Going down three sizes in work pants and generaly swimming in my other cloths and have had a throw out of old stuff. (still hanging off buying too much new cloths until I reach ideal weight.

    3> Starting an out-door group fitness program and being able to keep up with most activities.

    4> My 95 year old grandmother can actually put her arms completely around me and give me a hug, which she has not been able to do since I was a small child.

    5> Being able to keep my promise to my 5 year old daughter, not to have a big fat tummy and be a skinny daddy!
  • WhitneyW78
    WhitneyW78 Posts: 186 Member
    5. Getting off of ALL of my diabetes medications and insulin shots... basically curing the disease.

    4. Being able to shop for clothes in an actual store and not via the Tent shop online

    3. Able to bend over to tie my own shoes, put my own socks on, and cut my own toenails without taking a break to catch my breath. Being able to wear a seatbelt in a car

    2. Movement... at 530 pounds, movement is pretty much to get to the bathroom and to bed. Now, I'm walking miles a day, jogging, biking, shopping, and I do not get exhausted and red faced and short of breath and sweaty... Freedom!

    1. I have a life now... and I live it to the fullest.
  • coopersmom2006
    Smaller boobs (I no longer have to buy ugly "full figure" bras)
    I can now run (15 miles last weekend)
    Size 4...need I say more on that
    I can see muscles in my legs now!
    I FEEL happier and healthier. My ability to tolerate stress is much better than before.
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    Bump for later. I've really enjoyed reading these lists.
  • Symphonic_Silence

    1. Fitting into my wedding ring. I refuse to get it sized!

    That's one of my goals as well - I totally refuse to re-size it when I know it fit when I got married!!
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    Maybe this is a weird one, but I'm 56 years old. I've had the wrinkly, crepey looking, tortoise looking throat. I just notiiced this afternoon that its completely gone! Just smooth and no wrinkles! It apparently went with the fat! Now that makes me happy!!
  • imsocorkyy
    1) MY COLLARBONES. They are SO obvious and protrude so much. Makes me look so thin! Same for my very slim and nice shoulders and neck.

    2) A THINNER FACE. I barely have cheeks (I used to have massive ones!) and have cheekbones now!

    3) My clothes are too big on me! I LOVE that. I still won't go shopping though. Call me crazy but I want to wait till I've hit my goal for full satisfactions!

    4) Being able to tell people how much I weigh - IT'S NO LONGER EMBARRASSING.

    5) Being able to enjoy looking at myself naked. Now I love being nude! The fat doesn't taunt me as much.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    5 - Way more energy and confidence
    4 - Normal blood pressure without any prescriptions
    3 - No more constant aches and pains- unless it's from a hard workout but that's a good feeling
    2 - My adorable wife who has always ate anything she wanted and stayed thin suddenly obsessed with loosing 10lbs
    1 - Riding roller coasters again with my daughter- and not even in the 'big person' seat- Hello front row!
  • FeelingFroggy13
    FeelingFroggy13 Posts: 66 Member
    5 - When I first started jogging, I couldn't go 1/8 of a mile without stopping. Now I am right at 1 mile without stopping. I can't wait to get it to 2 miles, and then...

    4 - Getting complimented on the clothes and shoes I am wearing! Other people actually would like to wear them! That never used to happen.

    3 - I enjoy my photo being taken. And when I look at the photos, I look at all the things I like now first, instead of the things I don't like.

    2. No more @ss ooze! Technical term, I promise. I love to trail ride on my mule. My rear had gotten so large, that it was oozing over the top back edge of the saddle's seat. It looked horrible. In my most recent photos, I realized...look, you can see the lip of the seat, my butt isn't oozing over the top anymore!

    1. My husband, who always scoffed at exercise saying that he worked hard enough to not need it, has started working out. When he comes home (he works overseas), we are making plans to exercise together. I am so excited for him and for us!!! He said that since he saw that I was working so hard, that he should follow suit. Wow! I set a good healthy living example for someone?! That is a true first for me.
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    1. Moved a notch in on my belt.
    2. Fit into my favorite purple dress skirt that I haven’t worn in four years
    3. Raincoat toggles stay closed
    4. No muffin top
    5. More muscle definition
  • LeanerBeef
    LeanerBeef Posts: 1,432 Member
    1. Coaching my daughter's t-ball team and running around the field with her.
    2. Being able to fit in amusement rides and enjoying them with my daughter.
    3. Going to a Phillies game and not needing to know if the tickets are for an aisle seat, fitting into seat in the middle of row.
    4. Shopping for clothes in a regular store, wearing nice, regular clothes.
    5. Running! I have my first 5k in 2 weeks. I don't love running but I love that I can run!

    Really, the list is endless, everyday there is something new. Making the choice to live a healthy lifestyle and lose this weight has improved my life in so many ways.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    What's an NSV?
  • MrsGreenTea703
    MrsGreenTea703 Posts: 300 Member
    Mine are:

    #5 Being in the Onederlands

    #4 Several Customer's, Employees, and other people I see every month or so: Don't recognize me, "Where's Chasidy?"

    #3 Being in the single digit pant size! Currently at my dream size 7! (started at stretched out size 20)

    #2 My husband and I met our hero, Chris Powell and a clip of the interview was featured on GMA!

    #1 Inspiring others to make healthy choices. My mom has lost 26lbs and my Memaw has lost 28lbs; they said my story encouraged and inspired them. That's the best feeling in the world. Show others that they really can do anything!

    Edit: If I can do it, you can do it! *wink* =)

    If you want you can add me, BUT PLEASE include a little message! =) Let me know you are not a robot =D
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    What's an NSV?

    Non-Scale Victory.

    5 - People at the gym eyeballing me.
    4 - One of the people I admire the most in the world asking me if I lost a lot of weight.
    3 - I can see a lot of muscle tone in my arms, delts, legs, etc
    2 - Deadlifting and Squatting over my own weight (I just started doing these in Jan.)
    1 - Lost 4 inches from my waist.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    1. No more plus sizes!
    2. I can see my collarbones.
    3. Rediscovering that I am strong and can do anything I want to do in life.
    4. Remembering what my real face shape looks like and how pretty I can be when I take the time to dress and style myself well.
    5. Being an inspiration for my friends and family who have stared to work on their own health and fitness issues. This is the best NSV one could ask for.
  • Lyndi4
    Lyndi4 Posts: 442 Member
    1) Being able to run & run & run, w/o feeling tired.
    2) Thigh gap...please, thigh gap!
    3) Losing the back fat. I don't have a whole lot of it, but I want it gone!
    4) Getting the muscular arms that I want
    5) Feeling strong!
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