men quick question



  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    I would like to know how you expect her to put her foot down? With treats and ultimatums? Go out and find it somewhere else? I'm just wondering not trying to offend. I'm stuck in the same situation. Just want to know how you would handle your woman putting her foot down on this?
    No tell him what she needs and expects out of their relationship. If he is not willing to meet his end of the bargain than she needs to make a decision. How important is affection and sex from her spouse is, and if she is willing to go without that the rest of her life. ( I wouldnt, but I'm not her) Its better to make that decision at 22 then at 32.
  • Byrdsong1920
    Byrdsong1920 Posts: 335 Member
    A lot of ideas here...hum...

    I'd say pray about it and take it to God. Do you two worship together? Could be spiritual...

    Maybe its mental stimulation...not physical. I'd say sit and talk and pray together and ask God to reveal some things in your marriage.

    Nothing is too big for God and he brought you two together to be one. You guys can figure it out together.

    Good luck!
  • smkafka
    smkafka Posts: 134 Member
    @ Flyered...Good response. I wish I had the guts to change my situation. It can be a lonely relationship.