Dudes, y would you not have RELATIONS with your SO



  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I have never refused sex, unless I am passed out tired.
    Usually my fiances excuses are:

    - Tired
    - Sick (eg. sore leg, flu, headache)
    - Dont feel like it
    - Lets do it in the morning (never does)
    - Playing PS3 or PC
    - Cat is in the same room (lol)

    Hate to break it to you, but those are fake reasons. I will bet he doesnt want to get married.

    Yes I know, and he just tells me hes not into it anymore. How can a 20 year old male not be into sex!?
    When we dated, about 1 year of it was maybe 2 - 3 x a week.. Now its pretty much.. well 2 - 3 times a month!
    But we are LDR at the moment and when we get time together we do it, but its only once. :explode:

    Hes cheating, I can almost guarantee it. He doesnt want to have sex with you so you get upset and break it off with him because he is too much of a wimp to do it himself.

    Wow... guy... really?

    Thats a bit harsh..

    Almost probably right though or something along those lines...
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    you don't know these people, so why not shut the hell up and go live your life rather than trying to ruin everyone else's.

    Seriously? If a post here could ruin someone's life...they've got other issues entirely you know?

    Funny thing is, this is his thread, he started it...they chose to reply, how is he ruining their lives?
    I think it's normal for men to want less sex as they get older and women to want more as they get older... isn't it? o.O Since the male sexual peak is around 18-19 years old and the female's is around 35-36 year old... (at least those were the numbers last time I looked them up...lol)

    Thank you!! You have now officially confirmed that I am, in fact...19yrs old, which I firmly believe, rather than 37...which is what my drivers license says =p.

    :laugh: :heart: Lucky wife!

    Not married =(.

    Got any leads??

    I'm actually surprised by that...

    And honestly, if I did I would definitely give them to you! :flowerforyou:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    you don't know these people, so why not shut the hell up and go live your life rather than trying to ruin everyone else's.

    Seriously? If a post here could ruin someone's life...they've got other issues entirely you know?

    Funny thing is, this is his thread, he started it...they chose to reply, how is he ruining their lives?
    I think it's normal for men to want less sex as they get older and women to want more as they get older... isn't it? o.O Since the male sexual peak is around 18-19 years old and the female's is around 35-36 year old... (at least those were the numbers last time I looked them up...lol)

    Thank you!! You have now officially confirmed that I am, in fact...19yrs old, which I firmly believe, rather than 37...which is what my drivers license says =p.

    :laugh: :heart: Lucky wife!

    Not married =(.

    Got any leads??

    I'm actually surprised by that...

    And honestly, if I did I would definitely give them to you! :flowerforyou:

    I know right? I'm surprised too!

    Well, sort of lol...I've come to the conclusion that I'm not made for a modern relationship. I'm all about us, we, sharing, giving to get...etc. Modern girls are all about me, I, taking, and entitlement it seems....no matter how good a person they are otherwise.

    As for the leads...thanks!...it would be very much appreciated!
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I have never refused sex, unless I am passed out tired.
    Usually my fiances excuses are:

    - Tired
    - Sick (eg. sore leg, flu, headache)
    - Dont feel like it
    - Lets do it in the morning (never does)
    - Playing PS3 or PC
    - Cat is in the same room (lol)

    Hate to break it to you, but those are fake reasons. I will bet he doesnt want to get married.

    Yes I know, and he just tells me hes not into it anymore. How can a 20 year old male not be into sex!?
    When we dated, about 1 year of it was maybe 2 - 3 x a week.. Now its pretty much.. well 2 - 3 times a month!
    But we are LDR at the moment and when we get time together we do it, but its only once. :explode:

    Hes cheating, I can almost guarantee it. He doesnt want to have sex with you so you get upset and break it off with him because he is too much of a wimp to do it himself.

    Wow... guy... really?

    Thats a bit harsh..

    Almost probably right though or something along those lines...

    Hes not cheating :) Trust me.
  • cmckenzie2
    There are a million different reasons for both men or women. Feeling a bit rubbish about themselves, tired, stressed, depressed, busy, in a rut. A lot of men will try to make out they would only never want sex with their girlfriend/wife if they'd gone off her or whatever - and put the 'blame' on her - but there's much more to it than that. Men just don't like to admit that in general, especially young men, there could be any of a million reasons at any given time.
  • bridiew
    bridiew Posts: 40 Member
    my ex and i didnt have it for 3 months before we broke up! all him as i have a massively high sex drive. i know he wasnt cheating on me because when i broke up with him to be with my current partner (AMAZING S- LIFE B THE WAY) he was devastated went crazy drinking loads and called me everyother dy to get back with me! that was 2 years ago and we met up a few months ago to catch up and when he left he left me a voicemail saying he can never see me again because he is still in love with me!

    so im guessing he jusy had a shocking drive! :s he was a chef and worked like 70 hours a week and was tired all the time.

    so they arent all cheats!!
  • downieel
    downieel Posts: 9 Member
    My DH doesn't want it that often, we can go forever, I blame our weight, and low self esteem, we're both carrying A Lot of weight
  • SnookiBaby92
    Haha this thread is funny x
  • collinj8
    collinj8 Posts: 98 Member
    Because my wife is 38 weeks pregnant, and I have been cut off. HA HA.
    Just a side note, gaming or computer will cause a man to forget his husbandly duties.
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    Illness can definitely be a factor. My hubby (before we were married) was diagnosed wit han overactive thyroid gland and he got very ill before he would go to get checked out. We still had regular sex, but we definitely had less of it than we had before, simply because he felt tired and ill all the time.

    I know of some women who didn't have sex while they were in the later stages of pregnancy, so their SOs had to go without and visit Rose Palm and her five lovely daughters while they waited it out. Then, of course, they had to wait a bit longer whil their lovely ladies recovered from the birth. Then a bit longer till their ladyfolk could find a moment when they weren't so exhausted. Then find a time when they weren't interrupted by their new born wanting to be fed. Or changed. Or held. Or a million other things that a newborn invariably wants. LOL!

    Me and hubby kept right on with our, ahem, "relations" right through pregnancy (in fact, we had a quicky in the bathroom to try and get my labour to progress a little the day before our son was born because I wasn't dilating properly - sorry if that's TMI!) and were right back in the, um, saddle within a couple of weeks. Albeit very gently because I had an emergency c-section and was tender. ;)

    Anyway, those are the only reasons, other than the ones listed in the original post, that I can think of...
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    5 - other

    Physical causes: drink and drug misuse, obesity
    Psychological causes: depression, stress & overwork

    I am guessing that of those the most common reason for loss of libido is depression.

    This idea that somehow all guys are primed for sex 24/7, 365 days a year is as moronic as it is one dimensional and hurts relationships more than it helps.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    So just to settle a debate on another thread I think it only comes down to the following reasons why you wouldnt want to have relations with your wife/gf

    1. Gay
    2. You find her very unattractive
    3. You're cheating
    4. Your junk doesnt work
    5. Other

    If 5 list the reason
    I suffer from imsomnia and also because i exercise a lot and heavy so i'm tired and just wanna wind down and relax most of the time.
  • iam_thatdude
    iam_thatdude Posts: 1,279 Member
    these are the lamest excuses I have ever heard.
  • MrsLVF
    MrsLVF Posts: 787 Member
    #5. Because he wants dinner to digest before he has desert.
  • dpwellman
    dpwellman Posts: 3,271 Member
    Thank you!! You have now officially confirmed that I am, in fact...19yrs old, which I firmly believe, rather than 37...which is what my drivers license says =p.
    Same here.
  • MaryBowen27
    MaryBowen27 Posts: 132
    5 - other

    Physical causes: drink and drug misuse, obesity
    Psychological causes: depression, stress & overwork

    I am guessing that of those the most common reason for loss of libido is depression.

    This idea that somehow all guys are primed for sex 24/7, 365 days a year is as moronic as it is one dimensional and hurts relationships more than it helps.

    I think I love you. You, my friend are a REAL man :)
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    lol douche bag alert
  • mellanieblue
    Definitely agree....his junk doesnt work or something. My husband would want to have sex if all his limbs were broken, his eyes were bleeding, he had seven headaches and he was vomiting.
  • usc2626
    usc2626 Posts: 186
    She wouldn't let me put it in her pooper.
    A woman would have to be crazy not to want Panda to put it in her pooper.
    i'd let panda put it in my pooper.
    I think I'd actually insist on it... as a matter of principle, really.

    it's true. i mean, i let the hubs last night, and if i'll let him do it, i'll let pretty much anyone...

    D*mn, my kinda woman! I only wish the wife felt (or like) the same way. :sad:
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    Why on earth do you care so much about other dudes not having sex??
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