40+ Club - Summertime Fun

singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Good morning everyone!!!

I hope you found this new thread without too much trouble. I will check the old one for a few days to direct everyone here.

I will have to get my workouts in at the gym today and tomorrow. We are having a very small gentleman visiting us for a few days. Our Grandson, Quinn will be visiting Oma and Opa (German) while Mommy & Daddy are in Cape May NJ for an anniversary getaway. That means chasing him around the house, rather than riding my bike. He is perpetual motion!!! I have a lot of energy, but this kid puts me to shame!!

Annaliza, Maintaining a higher protein diet is not that easy...especially for a guy who loves bread! Garmisch-Partenkirchen is a resort town (actually two towns) in Southern Germany (Bavaria) on the border with Austria. The highest mountain in Germany is there (Zugspitze). It is very close to King Ludwig's castles, Neuschwanstein (Disney's Cinderella Castle), Hohenschwangau and Linderhof. It is also quite near Oberammergau, where they will be presenting the "Passion Play" next year. Salzburg is in Austria, the birthplace of Mozart. It is a magical region to vacation!!

Alf, I think you are wise not doing a workout before kickboxing. Sometimes I overdo it a bit (a lot) and my workouts suffer for it. I enjoy working out so much, I tend to overtrain. After all, in one week I can get some senior citizen discounts!! :laugh:

I'll check in later...have a great day!


  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Knock Knock, can I come in?????????????? Please!!!! :laugh: :laugh: Found you!!! :drinker:

    Gosh Sing, I've been to all those places. Sooo jealous. Too bad I did not win any money in Vegas. :grumble: I did feel energetic last night doing the kickboxing class but I felt very weak and tired doing the ChaLean workout this morning, shoulders and back!! :noway: So I am reconsidering and will try to do CX on Wed am and kickboxing in the evening and see how it goes. I might then take the next day off to rest my muscles.

    Annaliza, what a rude coworker. But hey, maybe he hates his life and he wants to make everyone else miserable. That is how I think of those people. Good for you training for a 5K. When is it?? I've been wanting to sign up for some this summer but they are always falling on dates I cannot commit to them.:grumble:

    Anyone suffering from some lose skin? I woke up this morning and looked in the mirror and have some lose skin over my belly button. I did not have it like that!!! Sorry this might sound vain...maybe I need to eat more to fill it up...:laugh: I hope I am not losing muscle, I shouldnt with all the lifting, dont know what to think of it...

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning everyone!!

    Yay! The new thread is up and I found it easily!! Thanks Singfree!

    Alf, my very first 5k is Aug 15th though I have my eye on a 4mile fun run for the special olympics Aug 2 (haven't decided on that yet). I'm pretty nervous about it. I know I can complete it...but at this point I am very slow. I'll just be happy to cross that finish line. I wish I could help you with your skin question, but I have no idea. I have no extra skin since all of it is filled up with fat lol (of which I hope to be losing).

    Sing...wow, can I tag along???? Those places sound amazing! What a blessing to be able to see those places!!!

    Take care everyone! Got a big meeting coming up so I might post later. But, if I dont, have a great day!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, I've been thinking about the loose skin problem. Maybe there is a connection between feeling weak and the loose skin. I'm certainely no expert, just a common sense approach to this. You might be slightly dehydrated from the kickboxing and maybe your glycogen stores have been depleted. This combination (possibly) could account for the loose skin. When you replenish the glycogen with some carbs and enough water for your muscles, I'm sure the problem will magically vanish!

    Annaliza, I don't mind if you tag along, but I think my dear wife will protest!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Good morning 40plusers!!!! Found you!!!

    Had a good cardio workout this morning so am feeling pretty fine!

    Alf, I would think your plan for the cardiokickboxing and ChaLean would be good. Try it and see. Too much working out is counterproductive, but it is hard for me to not want to keep on going! My trainer has to pull me back sometimes. You do need to give the muscles time to recover, and for me, I only have so much time in a day to devote to working out. If I miss a day, I feel off, ya know?

    Annaliza, I'm very impressed that you're planning a 5k run! That is a goal of mine, but of course, it's in the future. :laugh: Need to get started on it I guess. You're quite the inspiration! :flowerforyou:

    Sing it's been 32 years since I visited Germany, and I loved the area you're going to be in. Sigh. Wish I could go too. You sure you're wife wouldn't mind a few extra women tagging along? :wink: Have fun with the grandchild this weekend. I'm certain you'll get lots of great exercise!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! Found you too!

    Good news last night from the vet. We thought our dog had diabetes, but it turns out it is a urinary tract infection. She was much perkier last night after the antibiotic shot. We thought she was just sad after our other dog died two weeks ago but she could have gotten this urinary thing around the same time. It is good to see her happier.

    Husband is doing a good job recording his meals on MFP. He is also pushing himself with his cardio after our trainer told him she wanted to see details of his workouts... I think he is wanting to see some weight come off now that I am losing weight. My boss and a good friend are also getting on the fitness kick. Friend needs to lose 100 pounds. Has lost 7 so far. My boss and I are striving to become "trophy executives" (sort of like trophy wives).

    How I wish I could go to Germany! Our daughter went to Germany and Austria with her school choir two years ago and loved it. Her suitcase also went her boyfriend to Ireland and with a girl friend to Spain. I think the farthest I will get this year is to San Francisco after our son moves out there to go to school. Daughter wants to study in Oxford (England not Mississippi which is where my husband and I went to school) next summer so we are hoping to go see her when she is there.

    I am also jealous of the wonderful hiking people are doing. Our favorite place is Petit Jean Mountain in Arkansas. Has anyone been there? TxMs
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all of you fellow 40+ers................ what a beautiful day here in Kansas!!! For once we don't have more than a 20% chance of thunderstorms this afternooon and evening - yippee!:laugh: :laugh: We've had quite enough storms to last me for awhile......... the tornados can just stay away forever as far as I'm concerned!!:laugh:

    FINALLY feeling almost back to myself after that nasty cold......... still get a coughing attack 2-3 times a day, but my energy is finally back up.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I made it to work out 3 times last week and twice so far this week :happy: :happy: . Pounds aren't going anywhere and I haven't measured lately, but at least I'm not gaining and I FEEL better!!!

    Enjoy this beautiful day.........:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day so far....:smile:

    annaliza... I cant believe your co worker, some people are extremely rude.:grumble: Maybe he's jealous of you.:wink:

    mkwood.... Kansas huh? I went there (briefly) two years ago on one of our road trips. The sad think is when I looked up "things to do in Kansas" online, absolutely nothing came up? I couldn't believe it. Not even a Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz museum...:laugh:

    Sing... I wish I could go with you to Germany also. So far we have been trying to explore everything there is to see in the US but my goodness, Germany just sounds amazing.:happy:

    Texssippian... So glad to hear your dog is doing well. I couldn't imagine how you would feel if there was something seriously wrong being so close to the passing of your other dog. That would just be devastating:ohwell:

    alf... kickboxing sounds amazing. Maybe after I get done with this road trip and taking less hikes I'll have to look into it. Right now my husband has me taking such hard hikes that my legs are sore anywhere from 3 to 5 days after. And when I say sore, I mean sore....:grumble:

    I dont know how much working out I'll get today, I have a lot to clean and with only 2 weeks left til I'm gone on our road trip I had better get some of it done. Gosh, I dont know what I will do without this sight and all your encouragement for 2 weeks:indifferent:
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    mkwood.... Kansas huh? I went there (briefly) two years ago on one of our road trips. The sad think is when I looked up "things to do in Kansas" online, absolutely nothing came up? I couldn't believe it. Not even a Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz museum...:laugh:

    I thought the same thing, until we moved here! Yeah, it's true that Kansas doesn't have any big tourist attractions, but where we live (northeast, right next to Ft. Riley) is the middle of the Flint Hills and it is BEAUTIFUL:happy: :happy: . I've never been a big city kind of gal, so this life suits me fine. Winters aren't as harsh as Minnesota (where I grew up), and yes, the summers do get really hot:mad: :grumble: :grumble: , but we can always take the boat out to Milford Lake and cool off!!:laugh: Wide open spaces, rolling hills....... just beautiful!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    By the way..... there ARE actually TWO Wizard of Oz museums, 1 in Wamego (NE KS) and 1 in Liberal (extreme SW KS). Supposedly that's where Dorothy was from....
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,872 Member
    FINALLY get a chance to check back in. It's been a crazy week!

    singfree, thanks for starting the new thread. I love the title. :drinker: Your trip to Germany sounds amazing. I have so many good memories of those places. It's hard to believe that just three years ago, I was sitting in my house in southwest Germany waiting for the World Cup (Soccer) to come to town. How much in my life has changed in three years! I hope you have a great trip.

    Annaliza, I think it is horrible your co-worker said that to you! What are people thinking sometimes? Well, I suppose they aren't thinking. Kudos to you, though, in training for a 5K. I have never been a runner, so I admire anybody who can get out there and pound the pavement. Maybe someday I'll try again. Or maybe not. :wink: Thanks for asking about the calorie uptake. I'm sitting at about 1750 this week, and haven't been losing any weight so that's good. I also feel like I'm eating all the time! So I'll keep monitoring it over the next little bit. But this week is going much better than last week, that's for sure.

    alf, kickboxing can be exhausting, can't it? I love it though. I find I get some of my best results in my core region as well as in my back (right at the bra line) from kickboxing. So I hope you enjoy it and see some good results as well. I've got some loose skin going on too. I didn't actually notice it until my husband pointed it out to me by saying 'You should ask people what to do about loose skin'. I think that was his way of being 'subtle'. :laugh: I, obviously, don't have any answers for you since I'm doing my best to just ignore it!

    Texssippian, good news on your pup! :drinker: I've never been to Arkansas (the closest I've been is Springfield MO), though I'd love to go there. Someday I hope to get around to all of the states.

    mkwood, glad to hear you are feeling better! Wow, that was some cold you had, wasn't it?

    All here is going well. Did my favorite type of strength training workout this morning--an hour of shoulder/triceps/biceps. I love working those muscles. I've got four more weeks of STS, then I think I'll take 6 weeks off (well, I'll be doing circuits and such...not off from working out altogether of course!) and then start P90X. That should have me finished with P90X before Thanksgiving when my schedule can get a bit....unpredictable.

    I have a question. What is everybody's philosophy on keeping bigger clothing around. I'm currently going through my annual 'If it isn't nailed down, I want to throw/give it away' mode (aka spring cleaning!). And I have a closet full of clothes that I can no longer even come close to wearing. Part of me thinks I should hold on to them in case I gain the weight back. And part of me thinks I should get rid of them and that way, I'm committed to this weight. I can't see me ever going back to my old habits because the way I view food is so different now than what it ever has been. So most of me believes that I'll be able to stay this weight for some time. But I'm still a little nervous about getting rid of so much. Any thoughts/recommendations? I know....there are far worse problems in this world to have, aren't there? :tongue:

    Hope this finds everybody doing well!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Alf: I am impressed with the kickboxing! Wow. Not quite ready for that.

    mkwood: glad you have finally shaken the summer cold. Keep up your vitamen C! I used to swear by Zicam but they are now saying that it can kill your sense of smell.

    Stiring: Last time I lost 50 pounds, I ended up with a whole closet full of clothes that were two to three sizes too big. I had a lot of professional clothes which were nice but too big for me. A friend was in the process of losing a lot of weight. She was about halfway to her goal and was now the size that I used to be. She was talking one day about she needed new clothes but did not want to buy much because she was hoping to end up needing even smaller sizes. When I found out what size she was, I cleaned out my big clothes and gave them to her. It was great for both of us!

    Have been to the gym for weight lifting and am about to go to river aerobics! Take care everyone! TxMs
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hey, I found you. It wasn't easy as I have not been here very much lately. Too busy with work.:explode: I will have tomorrow off, though. I am being laid off for five days. I got to pick which days and tomorrow will be my first one.

    I am holding steady with my weight. YEAH !!! Looking forward to beginning a Zumba class on Tuesday.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Happy Friday everybody!!!

    I think that the weather is affecting my ambition for workouts and eating. It's been cloudy and rainy for the past few weeks and I am ready for Summer! The grass and trees are loving it...

    Well, our charming little visitor arrived yesterday afternoon. He really delights his Oma and Opa. He was pretty tired when he arrived, since he did not have an afternoon nap at his other Grandma's home. Usually that means he will be overly tired and cranky when it's time for bed. Not so! He had his bath and some warm milk and straight to his crib...not a peep...fast asleep!! Aren't Grandchildren a joy? :heart:

    As I stated earlier, my eating and exercise were not as strict this week for some odd reason. I don't feel as though I gained any weight, although I would really like to lose the last of the spare tire...it's like the mini spare tires the car companies give you nowadays. :laugh:

    I'm still going to try to keep my protein higher, mostly via protein shakes. During the week I eat 6 oz of tuna daily. I'm really getting tired of so many egg beaters. :grumble: Oh well, better days ahead.

    My theory on whether to throw out older (too big) clothes is: I go through my closet every few months and weed out the stuff I haven't worn for a while and give it to the Salvation Army. I keep pants of 2 sizes (32 and 33" waist). So, if I'm up or down a few lbs, I always have something to wear. Just don't buy LARGER clothes!!! Then there is no incentive to keep the weight off!!!

    I'll check in with you folks later!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Friday All! Sorry I haven't been a good boardmate lately. Too busy chauffeuring kids to all the summer activities and trying to prepare for our trip. My goal for the next several weeks is to just make healthy choices. I know I will be able to get my runs in but not so sure about the weights. I plan to pack my bands but am not sure how much they will do for me. Packing lots of healthy food for the long car trip. I guess that is about all I can hope for right now.

    ALF: I know exactly what you mean. That is part of the reason I set my goal weight a little higher than when I was young. For some reason, I cannot handle that weird hangy skin on my stomach - I'd rather have a little bigger waist than that pocket of flesh.

    Happy Father's day to all the 40+ Dads!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Sing: Do you use anything with your egg beaters? I make omeletes with frozen pepper strips and fat free cheese. Then I top it with Salsa and Jalepenos. My other favorite egg beater meal is a mcmuffin with light whole grain english muffin, jennio turkey bacon, fat free cheese and egg beaters.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Duffy, if I'm in a hurry after work (before biking) sometimes I will have Southwest Egg Beaters and a little shredded cheese on 45 cal wheat. Other times I might make an omelet with cheese & canadian bacon, maybe topped with salsa. Anything to break the monotony. To me its a filling meal and especially because its high in protein and no cholesterol. I do prefer the taste of real eggs though! If anyone has any suggestions to doctor the Egg Beater up, please let me know. Thanks!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,872 Member
    Good Morning!

    Good to see you Swissmiss. I'm sorry to hear you've been laid off for five days, but I selfishly hope that means you can check in here a little bit more. And congrats on holding the weight stable!

    singfree, what kind of protein powder do you use? I'm looking for powder that has minimal processing (artificial flavors or sweeteners). Any ideas? And what kind of differences are you noticing with a higher protein diet? Just curious. And enjoy that grandson of yours! I'm sure he'll keep you active over the weekend. I think it is wonderful that you will be able to share your Father's Day with him. :smile:

    Thanks for the clothing recommendations, singfree and TxMs! I now have clothes ranging from size 0 to size 12. I'm thinking I will start with getting rid of the biggest clothes and, as I hold the weight for longer, maybe feel comfortable getting rid of some more as time passes.

    duffy, it sounds to me like you are completely prepared for your trip! I hope you have a great time. So you get loose skin to, huh? Mine is not on my tummy but on my...um....backside. :embarassed: So it doesn't bother me too much since I can't see it! :laugh:

    I held my weight pretty steady this week. :drinker: I weighed in at 104.2 this morning. Since I did drop a half a pound, I'm going to up my calories by another 100 next week and perhaps hold it there for two weeks (unless I start dropping weight again). That will put me at the 1850-1900 range in calories, which is a good amount of food. I have been absolutely bouncing around with energy this week (despite the somewhat gloomy weather), so I'm certainly not feeling under-nourished....by a long shot. I'm eating really good, clean calories right now, and that's probably helping my energy levels as well.

    I'm going to be doing a plyometric leg workout this morning. I did this one last week, and it is without a doubt the most challenging workout I've done yet with STS. I loved the intensity....after the workout was over. While I was doing the workout.....I wasn't loving it so much. :tongue: But I'm looking forward to it this morning, and, thankfully, tomorrow is a day off so I have that to look forward to as well.

    Hope this finds you all well and enjoying your Friday! :flowerforyou:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning everyone!!!!

    Stiring woohoo!! super job on maintaining your weight!! From what I've been reading, it seems like it can be difficult to do.

    Swiss, sorry about the lay off but it might give you a little extra time to do some of those things that you always wanted to do :smile:

    Sing, have fun with your grandson!!! I'm waiting to be a grandma, but doesn't look like that's going to happen in the near future. But, I have small kids (and adult kids) so I can still enjoy the little ones. How old is he? He sounds absolutely precious!!!

    Duffy, good for you in packing healthy food! It is so easy to pack and eat junk while on a trip - especially when you are on the road.

    Cardi, you made me smile. I never thought of myself as an inspiration!!

    In my town we are having a Folk Festival where they have all kinds of yummy fair foods, booths, and groups of folk musicians everywhere. It's a wonderful sight to see/hear. And a good time to see friends who only show up once a year for the festival.

    So yesterday I ran the 3.5 miles to the festival (from my house) to meet my husband, ran another mile to my mother in laws, picked up the kids, walked another mile back with them (with my son on my shoulders) and burned a total of 1000 calories!!

    Which was my plan because I cannot resist those ribbon potatoes But ohhh, the salt!!! I probably get bloated from it.

    I do have a party to go to on Saturday (in conjunction with the Folk Festival). It's one of those whole hog roasts in a fire pit with lots of homemade food. The hostess is cuban and she makes the most wonderful dishes!!! One of these days I'm going to pick her brain on her cooking! I plan on bringing one of my bottles of homemade wine. I fixed a gentlemans computer for free and he gave me 3 bottles of homemade wine as a thank you gift. Can't beat that!! Except, I don't drink LOL but I do want to taste it...so I figured bringing a bottle of wine would be a good way to share it. (not to mention I couldn't even figure out the calorie intake).

    Oh yea...and I weighed myself today (out of curiosity - lol, that's going to kill me) and I'm down 2.6 lbs!!! So I guess the weight gain this week was truely just water weight. Gotta love it!!!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!! You guys are the best!
  • kelligirl
    kelligirl Posts: 210
    I found all of you! That wasn't hard! It's always fun to hear what everyone has going on! Some of you are mighty busy folks!! Wow! I pick up so much useful info from all of you.

    My week has gone well; boot camp (the low impact version) has been fun (did I say that?) and I'm looking forward to a class at the pool tomorrow. I went to the pool class last Saturday too, and it was an amazing workout! Getting up to be at boot camp for 5:30 a.m. isn't nearly as tough as I thought it might be.

    Eating clean gets easier all the time and is now a regular habit; just part of my life. Yay!! I hesitantly weighed in this morning (shhhh, don't tell anyone - it's a boot camp no-no) and after staying the same weight for what seems like weeks, I was down 3 pounds. The persistence had paid off, as I knew it would. My boyfriend, who is as supportive as he knows how to be at this point, asked me on Wed. how many pounds I had lost... I appreciated the comment/compliment. I don't talk much about "the diet" (as he refers to my eating style) or how I'm doing on "the diet" because I've "dieted" in the past and he's witnessed little success. This is different and he knows it. I did tell him about the 3 pounds this morning - I couldn't keep that bit of news to myself!!

    I hope everyone has a safe and healthy weekend and upcoming week! Enjoy and make good choices!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member

    Cardi, you made me smile. I never thought of myself as an inspiration!!

    Well, good lord, woman, we're gonna have to change that! Anybody who keeps up with all that you have to gets my admiration! In fact, this part of your post:
    So yesterday I ran the 3.5 miles to the festival (from my house) to meet my husband, ran another mile to my mother in laws, picked up the kids, walked another mile back with them (with my son on my shoulders) and burned a total of 1000 calories!!

    And this part:
    I fixed a gentlemans computer for free and he gave me 3 bottles of homemade wine as a thank you gift. Can't beat that!! Except, I don't drink LOL but I do want to taste it...so I figured bringing a bottle of wine would be a good way to share it. (not to mention I couldn't even figure out the calorie intake).

    Oh yea...and I weighed myself today (out of curiosity - lol, that's going to kill me) and I'm down 2.6 lbs!!! So I guess the weight gain this week was truely just water weight. Gotta love it!!!

    really impressed me!

    Congrats on the weight loss, too!

    I'm thinking I might start the running program I found online this weekend, just because of you! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Stiring, about the protein...I sometimes use the Whey Protein from Vitamin Shoppe. I bought some from Wal-Mart, but I'm not too keen on the taste. I try to get the product with the highest amount of protein per scoop (around 25 g. per scoop) and lowest in cals (100-120 cals per scoop). I really haven't looked at the other ingredients (I guess I should, huh?). Our Grandson is going home this evening. My stepson is a Firefighter in NYC and has to work tomorrow, so their getaway was short.

    Annaliza, he is 19 months old. It's amazing how quickly they develop. I want to hold these precious moments forever (this is where Sing a.k.a.Frank starts crying).

    Kelli, really great work this week!!! You are motivating all of us!!!

    PS...Alf, did you oversleep? Have a great day!
This discussion has been closed.