40+ Club - Summertime Fun



  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry I've been MIA for a bit, busy busy time at work and at home.

    Struggling with the 30 grams of fat per day I am allowed, but otherwise the 50-25-25% seems to be going well. It's such a mind change to focus on complex carbs like that, I usually have lots of carbs left at the end of the day and no protein or fats left. Boo. But am learning how to eat differently and that's good.

    Weight came back down almost immediately, and I am hoping to lose another pound by the end of the week.

    Plyo workouts remain very tough, and the trainer assures me that he's just doing his job when I'm shredded by them. :laugh:

    It's been muggy as all get out here for the last few days, I don't have AC so nights have been a bit uncomfortable sleeping. Can't wait for the weather to break. The humidity makes me sluggish, but I've still been doing the cardio at the gym.

    Love reading about everyone's workouts, successes, problems and solutions, This board really pulls a girl through the tough times.

    And Texassippian, continued prayers for you and your family. I'm so sorry you're all having to go through this.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hey everyone...........Been back from vacation since Sunday night, but still haven't made it to Curves to work out :grumble:
    In addition to still trying to put my house back together (amazing how a house that's empty for 10 days can get so dirty and cluttered); I had yet another needle biopsy done to drain a breast cyst on Tuesday. This one was DEEP...the radiologist said it was almost on the chest wall, which is why I HURT SO BAD yesterday and am still hurting...... I think it was about a 3" long needle he used and it took 4 tries to get it drained, in addition to the lidocane shots to "numb" me!!! The good news..........just another normal cyst; no evidence of any unusual activity. :happy: I've been paranoid since my nurse practitioner found not one, but 4 lumps a few days before my sister had her mastectomy in April! So...had all of them drained (took 4 visits to the surgery and radiology clinics) and the radiologist said there's no need for me to keep returning; just come back for my normal mammogram next spring unless I discover something unusual.

    Hoping to make it to Curves tonight if I'm not still really sore - hurts to even raise my arm:grumble: :grumble: I really shouldn't complain, at least now I know that I'm just one of those women with lots of cysts and I just need to monitor them.... ah the things we go thru as we sail thru our 40's!!

    Sorry to carry on and on, but I had to get it out of my system - my husband just kind of looks at me funny like "what, it's not cancer, so why are you complaining?" every time I mention what's been going on. I really don't think he understands how scary all of this has been since my sister was diagnosed in March!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Checking in to say Happy Thursday! I doubt I'll get to do Friday check-in - Headed to the Buick Open early tommorrow and probably will be spending most of the weekend there watching golf and drinking beer.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I hope to be one of the rowdy spectators near Hole 17. Great weekends to all of you.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    MK: Glad to hear the cyst is normal. But geez louise 3 inch needle I say you deserve some TLC and :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    mkwood.....:flowerforyou: I'm so sorry you had to go through that procedure. I can't imagine how concerned you must have been given your sister's situation. But I'm so happy everything turned out normal. I think you have every right to complain because pain, under any circumstance, is still pain. So, again.....:flowerforyou: Just take care of yourself, take the time to recover from the procedure, and know that some of us here understand how truly, truly concerned you must have been.

    I'm doing well. It was quite a week with my mother. She hadn't seen me since I lost the weight, and her first inclination was to tell me I needed to gain weight. I, quite honestly, agree with her at this point. I was 100.0 this morning. Not good. I hope I don't see it go any lower.

    That being said, I realized something with my mother's visit and how parental influence can help determine a person's relationship with food. After telling me I needed to gain weight, my mother then, towards the end of the week, started making me feel guilty when I ate. :noway: I was eating a granola bar one afternoon, and she told me that snacking was a bad habit to get into. I tried to explain that I needed the calories, but she didn't seem to quite understand that. Then, later, she made a comment about how she couldn't believe that I was able to eat salads the size of the salads I eat with dinner. Again.....:noway: I just laughed off the comments because I really am concerned right now about my weight issue, but I also have to admit to myself that I wasn't able to laugh off similar comments when I was in my teens (and I got alot of those types of comments when I was in my teens and I was every bit as thin as I am right now). Anyhow, I just mention this to highlight how food relationships can be developed in people. I mean, if my mother can make me feel guilty about eating a salad, there is little wonder why I'm struggling so much to get over the notion that foods like chocolate aren't actually 'cheat' foods or 'bad' foods, but simply foods to be enjoyed in moderation. There's a big difference, and I haven't quite turned the bend from one way of thinking into the next.

    I'm taking a day off today....completely. I wasn't feeling very well yesterday, and I think I'm just physically exhausted. So I'm laying around, watching chick flicks, and enjoying a day of no work, no working out, no nothing. I suppose everybody needs those every now and again.

    singfree, please continue with the Intensity updates. I'm enjoying reading them.

    Hope this finds everybody well.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Stiring: I didn't know we shared the same mother :wink: It has taken me a lot of time, therapy and distance to get to the same point you have reached. I now realize that what I for years saw as my mom's criticism of me was really just her issues with body image. Now I am better able to deal with her comments.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    duffy, you nailed it. I figured out long ago that my mother's issues were more with herself than with me or my sisters. I've spent so much time apart from my family over the past 17 years (since I first moved to Europe) that many/most of those feelings I got from such comments have simply vanished. I guess that was my substitute for therapy :tongue: . So I, no doubt, don't take my mom's latest comments to heart. But, instead, her comments this week gave me great insight into what I see as my last remaining issues with food, and that really is getting over some of the 'guilt' issues. I, for the life of me, can't figure out why anybody (myself included) should feel guilty about eating something as long as it is done with consideration to the type of food it is and how that impacts the body. There really shouldn't be any negative emotions, including guilt, attached to it.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Stiring: I didn't know we shared the same mother :wink: It has taken me a lot of time, therapy and distance to get to the same point you have reached. I now realize that what I for years saw as my mom's criticism of me was really just her issues with body image. Now I am better able to deal with her comments.

    Hey, wait! Your mothers are my father!!! I had to deal with comments and looks from him almost as long as I can remember. And looking back, I was a great weight, petit, and muscular. My mother, of course, added her own brand of "help". Her most common comment was, "You'd look so much better if you just lost 5 pounds.":explode: :mad:

    It's no wonder my body image is distorted and my relationship with food pathological!

    Beautiful but hot day here outside Philly; but spent over half the day at the car dealer for service. Found out my 2 back tires were seriously dangerous- worn almost bald on the outer edges- and I needed new ones. Of course, my car has the great new "run-flat" tires!!! $350 each!!!!:noway: Oh, well. Did plyo- missed it yesterday:grumble: - and felt really strong. I am convincing myself that I'm ready for Insanity!

    sing- I know the REI, but I'm not all that into camping, and my dh has already bought us 2 tents we don't use!!!:laugh:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Happy Friday everone!

    Don't get me started on quirky Mothers!! My Mother is in Assisted Living and still drives me crazy at times. Ive gotten to the point that some of the things they say are from a different generational standpoint and they are not really understanding us, nor realizing that we are adults too.

    mk, my thoughts are with you that all will be well. Just keep taking care of yourself from the inside...mind, body & soul.

    April, I've heard so many bad reports about run-flat tires, not worth the added expense.

    Another warm & muggy day here in PA with the risk of some strong T-Storms.

    Reporting day!!!

    As you all know, I've been doing Insanity for the past 9 days, and can happily report that it is working as promised! I've said ad nauseum that I would like to lose those last lbs of fat. I can see a big difference in the mirror and my clothes are fitting more loosely. Funny thing is that the scale has not moved yet, even though Insanity is cardio-based. I haven't lifted weights in 2 weeks.

    My dear friend Alf called me crazy!!!! I still love her..:flowerforyou: She is right. Yesterday I walked 3 miles at lunch, did Insanity after work, and biked 11 miles last night. I was going to do 15 miles, but my energy was drained from the Insanity workout. Like Stiring, I am taking a well deserved rest tody. No exercise at all. Tonght we are giong to a Mexican restaurant and I'm having the huge chicken burrito and washing it down with a few steins of good 'ol Yuenging Lager!! :drinker:

    I'll check in later...have a wonderful day...TGIF !!!!! :drinker:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Awww! Sing, I hope I did not offend you. :cry: I was kidding, NOT! :laugh: Hey, not all 55 yr olds can exercise as much as you do so be proud of that! I am proud of you. :flowerforyou:

    I am jumping with joy! :drinker: :drinker: It was water weight!! :drinker: :drinker: Back to 123.8lbs this morning. Measurements holding steady. My dietitian said he was sure it was water weight but I should have not gained that much. After I told him the truth about overindulging for about 5 days of the 11 days I did not weigh in he understood my weight gain. I am never doing that again. Geez!! He said the main thing is to be consistent with my diet. He still wants to keep me at the same ratio but suggested not to go over 2000 cals a day, between 1800-2000 depending on my activity level. He also said to listen to my body as much as I can. So, I am happy!! :laugh:

    Stiring, 100lbs? Is that still a safe weight for you? How tall are you? How do you feel? I think if you still have energy and are eating well and all your calories, which I know you do, then it would be ok. Are you bony? Sorry all the questions, I am just concerned about you. I wonder what is causing your weight loss now that you are on maintenance.

    MK, glad you are ok!!! :drinker:

    That is Bella, my Schnauzer puppy, in the picture! She is a handful!! :laugh:

    Happy Friday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Thanks, Alf!!! Not offended at all, all in good fun!! I just knew that your weight gain was water due to the increase in carbs. I sense that the overindulging (sodium more than pure cals) was the culprit. It happens to me all the time. I'm getting to the point that I don't want to eat out, since I never know what types of additives they put into the meals. We have some local restaurants (not chains) that prepare entrees simply, without added sodium & fat.

    BTW- Bella is sooo cute! :happy:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Hi all:

    This is my first report as a member of this team. I am happy to report I have lost 2 lbs since joining MFP, which broke a 7-month long plateau!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Zebras, this is great news!!! Stick with it and you'll reach your goals in no time!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Checking in this morning. Still at 100.0 pounds.

    alf, I'm happy to hear your body has gotten back to where you want it to be. And thanks for your concern. I think the reason I'm still losing weight is that my activity levels have been out the roof over the past number of weeks, not because of working out but simply because my life has gotten so busy. I didn't really think about it until my mom was here, and she mentioned one day that she thought I should be exhausted because I hadn't sat down the entire day. And looking back on the day....she was right. But that was a pretty standard day for me. So I'm not so sure I've got the calorie thing right yet given some of my activity.

    I keep asking my husband if he thinks I'm too thin, and while he thinks I can stand to gain a few pounds, he doesn't think I'm 'thin enough to be concerned' (his words) because I have so much muscle on my body (so, no, I'm not bony). I have decent energy and, for the most part (the last couple of days excepted), I feel great. But I don't like being this thin. I am, technically, underweight (I'm 5'2") by all standards I've seen. Something about that just bothers me.

    So I'm going to work on some things over the next few weeks. I've been eating between 2000-2200 calories. I will up those, especially when I start P90X in two weeks to see what happens. I've never been in a position of needing to gain weight, so the one thing I want to make sure of is that I don't gain pure fat.

    I'm going to take another day off completely from working out today. I think my body really needs this break right now. I might have been trying to do too much coming out of the STS program, and probably should have taken more of a break then. I'll start back up over the weekend. I hate skipping workouts, but I'm just listening to my body here and my body is telling me very loudly to just sit down for a little while. :laugh:

    singfree, great work with Insanity! I really am anxious to try this program later this year.

    zebras, congratulations on the weight loss! :drinker:

    Hope everybody has a great Friday!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Stiring, you are where I want to be eventually...balancing cals, nutrition, muscle & fat. It doen't get easier, does it? I think you are wise in upping cals for P90X. Have you checked out the P90X nutrition guide for your nutrition? They seem to do a pretty good job with this. You could probably skip right to phase 3 (maintenance), since you've already shed as much fat as you dare. You are PROOF that this fitness-nutrition stuff really works! I only hope that I can have as much success as you--great work!! :flowerforyou:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hello, all!

    alf- Bella is ADORABLE!!!

    zebras- congrats!!

    sing- way to go with the Insanity-- and extra cardio??? You are an animal!!!

    stiring- You may need to up your cals A LOT once youy start P90X, especially since you're having trouble maintaining. You may need over 2500 cals per day. I am SO jealous!!! Ever try a little Ben and Jerry's?:laugh:

    Planning on going to Hershey Park with the kids tomorrow. Hopefully no rain!

    Have a great weekend, all!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    aprilvet :laugh: Have I tried a little Ben and Jerry's? Hee! How about travelling back from Europe on vacation to go to the Ben and Jerry's factory in Vermont? Okay, we came back to the US for a little more than that, but that was one of the reasons for a trip my husband and I made from Germany to the Northeast back in 2005. So, yep, Ben and Jerry are on my Christmas card list! :laugh:

    singfree, thank you so much for your kind words. They mean so much coming from you because I admire you so much. :flowerforyou: Thanks for the recommendation on the P90X nutrition guide. I admit I haven't looked at it yet, but I will do that before I start.

    I think my biggest problem in maintaining right now is that I'm trying to eat more food, but I'm not eating enough calorie dense food. The result is I'm getting too full at a meal from the amount of food I'm eating even though the calorie amount isn't that much, and then I don't want to eat much for the next meal. Great for weight loss, stupid for maintenance....I know. So I'm going to focus on more calorie dense and nutritional foods (while trying to stay away from the aforementioned Mr. Ben and Mr. Jerry) and see if that helps.

    Enjoy Hershey Park, aprilvet!! I'm having 20+ people to a BBQ on Sunday, so I've got a busy weekend ahead. But here in Los Angeles, at least I'm not worried about rain!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    It's FRIDAY! And a good one too! I did go down one more lb. since weigh-in two weeks ago! :drinker: All with the conference and not too faithful diet logging! I have changed my calories to lose 1/2 lb. a week. I really look forward to being at maintenance but really hope to slow up the weight loss before then to adjust to increased calories. We'll see how that works!

    Texas - My prayrers are with your family :flowerforyou: as you support your B/I/L and his family in this hard time.

    MK. so glad you are going to be ok. Hope all discomfort is gone very soon and you can be going at full speed again! Tell dear hubby to pretend he had the proceedure and think about that needle going into HIS chest wall! Sometimes our families want to bolster us up but all we want is just a little empathy!

    String - Oh, yeah! Family truly does frame our opinion of ourselves. I always was the "funny" girl since I couldn't be the cute one! Now I struggle with my own daughters. How do we let them know what beautiful people they are. How are we to balance packaging with character? :ohwell: :ohwell: We talk about healthy eating and lifestyle. My hubby has actually begun a vigorous exercise program on his Aerdyne bike. Wish I could say I was his inspiration! A strenuous hunting trip in October has given him the push! I'll take what ever works!

    Sing Enjoy your break today! You deserve it! How great for you to see the effects of all your work! It's funny how I was quite content with myself 20 lbs. ago and now I'm being hard on myself because not all the cellulite is gone!:grumble: :grumble:

    Zebra!! Congratulations! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: MFP does work! Let's keep encouraging each other and keep the trend going!

    Alf , your puppy is darling!

    All of you! Have a GREAT WEEKEND. :happy: We have a wedding to attend and otherwise a pretty relaxing couple days ahead. After that the tempo picks up. I'm assisting daughter # 3's volleyball coach, a beach trip to San Diego and have to gear up for my September Girl's Club training event. (Just telling myself so I get into gear!)

    Keep in touch!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    April, enjoy Hershey Park, the weather should be fine tomorrow, sunny in the mid 80s. Pick up some chocolate treats for Stiring at "Chocolate World". My church choir is singing at a wedding tomorrow at our Church. Some people must have a LOT of money...the bill for flowers alone is $10,000......no, not a misprint...:noway:

    Stiring, thank you for the compliment, it means an awful lot to me!! :flowerforyou:

    Have a great weekend!!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Just a quick check in...planning on taking the kids to the blackberry festival for games, rides and pie (mmnnn)! There's a 5k run that I'm going to check out though my heart really, really wants to run it (and I know I can, too). But, it's way too early in the morning and the kids will get bored and my husband can't go, so maybe some other time. I really want him there for my very first 5k run.

    Congrats Zebras! Wow...that was a loooonnnnggggg plateau. I'm so proud of you for not giving up!

    Sing, you are great! Don't let anyone tell you different! :wink: I'm striving to be like you someday...

    April, have fun at Hershey Park...I've always wanted to go there.

    Stiring, good luck with your bbq! Sounds like fun. You should rest, too....resting is almost as good for you as working out. 100 lbs is pretty thin...how tall are you?

    Alf, Bella is so cute! Congrats on losing your water weight!

    Congrats Hoosier!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!