40+ Club - Summertime Fun



  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Thanks string and alf... I'm glad the link worked. We really enjoyed ourselves. The only thing missing from the pictures is the dinner show in Vegas. As for the pictures, especially with the Antelope Valley ones I am gonna have a hard time choosing one to blow up to put on the wall. I want to make a "Road Trip" wall in my house and display the places we have been. Antelope Valley was amazing. On the first page of my pictures is the Upper Canyon, page two is Lower. I think my other favorite thing to do was hiking the narrows in Zion. I wish we had time to go further up. I was told that it gets so narrow the further up you get that you have to walk sideways through it.

    Hoosiermomma... You look beautiful in your MOB dress. And your daughter.... she is gorgeous!!!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    IHello all! I did the 5K this morning. I finished it in 27:18. I finished 4th in my age category, 45-50yrs. I got a ribbon and sliver charm of a woman running. It was exciting. There were some hills that slowed me down. I am happy with that time. That will be the time to beat next time. I am not sure how I placed overall but there must have been at least 200-300 runners there. My daughter thinks I came in within the first 50 runners. I just wanted to share.

    Now we are going to Sea World to relax at the pool. It is hot out there though...

    Have a great weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Yahoo!!! Congrats Alf, that's awesome! You must feel sooo good! Yay!!!!!! :drinker: Hope you get to celebrate!

    My daughter didn't speak much Spanish when she went to Guatemala, (she took Chinese in high school) but she wanted to improve her skills, so she did an internship with an organization that tries to help people start small businesses to bring more income into their towns. The family she stayed with spoke no English, so she had to learn to communicate pretty quick!

    Alas, I speak English and a wee bit of French, but that's about it.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Everyone must be pretty busy...not much posting over the weekend! :huh:

    We were busy too, running here and there. Yesterday we had the family over to swim and a cookout. The weather is really nice here, highs in the low 80s. The rest of the week will be unsettled witha chance of showers each day.

    I just ordered the new workout series from Beachbody called "INSANITY". It is a very intense 60 day program that does not use weights, only your own body weight. I am dropping my gym membership to save some money, but I will do the Insanity and P90X at home. I will also do my usual biking. I am determined to get my diet under control. Looking at Alf's meal planning, mine is terrible by comparison.

    Alf, way to go on your running!!!!! We are all very proud of your accomplishments!

    Have a great day, I will check in later!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Congrats ALF! That is an awesome time!

    As far as Max HR my husband and I have been discussing this all weekend. He thinks the age factor has more to do with the effects of aging on your arteries, veins etc - needless to say he is a little concerned about me training in the 190+ range. I pulled out my "The complete book of running for women" and it suggests that using the traditional method of 220 minus age can be off by as much as 25 beats per minute. They suggest a treadmill or track test. Warm up with some slow running, then run 800 meters close to top speed. Jog or walk for 1 minute then run a second 800 meters very fast. Your heart rate at the end of the 2nd 800 is your maximum. I may give this a try.

    Sing: Can't wait to hear your review of INSANITY - I love the idea of a program based on body weight resistance.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    This program will fit me to a T. I don't like to waste time while exercising and Insanity will give me the most bang for the buck. It will be good to change things up a bit. Heck, it's only 60 days of craziness!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning everyone!!!

    I was MIA the past few days...been super busy with the family - enjoying my weekend (which was way too short!).

    Alf - thank you so much for sharing your food diary with me. You eat so well! I'll try to incorporate more nuts in my diet for the higher protein since that's what I'm lacking - and fruits and veggies (you eat a lot of them, especially raw ones). Also, great timing on your run!!! I can't wait to get better with my running but I won't really do that until I get some of this weight off me.

    Hoosier - wow, what a beautiful daughter you have! You look awesome, too!! Lol, I had no idea what a mob dress was until I read the posts. Why is it called a mob dress? Glad the wedding went well.

    Cardi - sounds like your daughter has a good head on her shoulders. Congrats on her senior year. I'm so glad that you will be able to spend some time with her before she goes off to college.

    Tron, those were great pictures!!!! I really like the antelope valley pictures. They were stunning. I'm so glad you had a good time on your vacation. And you have a beautiful family!

    Sing, good luck on your Insanity workout! Yes, please give us a review.

    Stiring, WOW, what great results!!!! You should feel so proud of yourself. I still cannot do more than 5 pushups (up 5 from my original count when I started LOL) but I'm working on it. What is STS?

    Duffyz, Whew, 190 is a lot. How long can you maintain that? I can see why your husband is concerned.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    singfree, please post your thoughts on Insanity when you start doing it. I've been reading up on it and how people are finding it both here and on a couple of other sites. The big question I have (and others have had as well) is whether there is enough of an upper body workout or whether some weights should be incorporated. I know BB says Insanity alone is enough, but I've found that many of the people who are doing the program are adding weights.

    I'm definitely going to be getting the program but am trying to decide when I should do it--whether it be on its own (as BB intended) or whether to actually do a modified form of Insanity in conjunction with the last two months of P90X. I know that sounds totally crazy, but I've done enough of P90X before to know that the cardio included is not challenging enough for me. So any feedback you have is much appreciated. :flowerforyou:

    Had a busy weekend getting ready for my mom's visit. I took both days off working out to give my body a post-STS break (and it felt good to do that!!) I'm going to be doing a circuit workout today. Yay!! I haven't done circuits since February, so this should be fun. :drinker:

    Hope everybody has a good day.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Stiring, my take on this program is that it is a super fat shredding program with an emphasis on muscle duration (stamina). When I look at the before and after pix of the Insanity grads, I see a transformation to a "swimmer's" physique. This is good, because I've always envied Pam Anderson's bod :laugh: . Really though, if I could get lean over the next 60 days I would be happy. Then I will do a circuit of P90X. Does this sound ok to you? Right now, I think i need a change of pace since I have been doing strength training 5 days per week for the past 6 months.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    That definitely sounds like a good plan to me, singfree. I agree if you've been doing strength training five days a week for that long, you probably need a break. I'm still looking to build muscle, but am anxious to try the harder cardio of Intensity, and that might be why I try to incorporate at least some of the sessions into a P90X rotation. But I think after I do P90X, I might try a straight 60 day Insanity rotation then back to STS. So many good fitness programs, so little time! :tongue:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    can anyone tell me how to adjust the percentages in my food diary tracking? The trainer wants me to up my carb intake, lower my protein intake a bit, and of course watch the essential fats...I can't figure it out from clicking around on the board, so would appreciate any help with this you can give me.

    ETA; Never mind, figured it out. :laugh:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    UPS tracking indicates that "Insanity" will be delivered on Wednesday. I better take the "before" pix in the next few days. If you send them your before & after pix, BB will send you a free Insanity T-Shirt. I hope it will be worth it!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    So many videos to choose from... Which one do you think is the best and why? I am looking at P90X, I really want to get a nice tight body.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Sing: If you end up with Pam Anderson's body, then I want that program too!:laugh: Oh well I won't be shopping for any programs for the next 3 months since I'll be doing ChaLean Extreme and half marathon training. I just know that come winter I will be needing something new and fun. Winter comes to MI in November and rarely leaves before May so INSANITY may fit the bill.

    Stiring: You still want to build muscle? I find it hard to believe you aren't already under 15% body fat. Your numbers lost are huge!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hi, all!

    I've been busy and not much posting recently. Some family obligations have taken me out of town a lot. I've slacked a fair amount on my eating and running. I'm trying to not slip back into my old habits. Started phase 2 or round 2 of P90X yesterday. It feels good to be back on track!

    I'm very curious about Insanity, for those of you starting it! I'm looking forward to reading your assessment!

    My $0.02 on max HR- these numbers as a guideline only, especially in relation to max number for age. If you're in good shape, I'd listen to my body, not the number.:smile:

    Have a good day, all!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good afternoon everyone!!

    Ohhh, it's Tuesday and I don't have to go to the prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I feel like I'm on vacation!!!! And...I only have an hour and a half of work to go so YAY!!!!

    As you can see, I'm in a pretty good mood today. lol

    April, welcome back!

    Duffy, LOL, I agree...I want that program too. You are too funny!

    Tron, I would like P90X too but I'm a little afraid. I think that's for more advanced people (like yourself) rather than someone who has a long way to go (like myself). One of these days I'll try it.

    Back to work for me everyone. Hope you all have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    duffy, because of the shoulder injury I suffered in 2006, I'm still trying to gain strength in my left arm. Six months ago, I was lifting very little weight with it. Now on some exercises, like biceps, I can almost match the weight of my right arm with my left. But on other exercises, like everything shoulders, I can lift, at best, about 30% of what I can with my right. I was making huge strength gains in my left arm, though, during the last cycle of STS and don't want to stop those gains right now. I actually think gaining more strength in that arm will aid me in doing some of the power moves in Insanity (and other programs I have). My body fat percentage is anywhere between 19 and 22% (depending on how it is measured), and I really have no desire to change that at all--either up or down.

    tron, that's a tough question to answer. I think most of the answer would depend on what you like to do. I know you've tried 30 Day Shred. Did you like it? If so, what did you like about it? If not, what didn't you like about it? P90X is a pretty advanced weight lifting program (with some cardio). If you like to lift weights, I think it would be great. If you don't want to focus that much on weight lifting, it may not be the best program for you. Again, a great deal depends on what you like to do, whether it be steady-state floor aerobics, steady-state step aerobics, interval training, circuit training (like in 30 Day Shred), etc. As far as meeting your goals (a nice tight body!), I think a combination of aerobics and strength training is your best option. But there are alot of ways you can do that so if you have more of an idea what you like to do, let us know. I've been working out with videos for over 20 years (!), so I can probably come up with lots of suggestions. :happy:

    april, welcome back! Happy to hear you are enjoying P90X. I admit to feeling lost the last two days without my STS rotation, so my P90X rotation can't come soon enough.

    annaliza, yay for no prison!! :drinker: I'm sorry, but it did make me laugh to read the second sentence in your post. Good thing I know that you were going there to work....and not to live! :laugh:

    Had a good workout this morning, though I'm missing my upper body workouts right now. I'm supposed to be taking this week off from heavy weight training, and I'm going to comply with that for my upper body. But I did a killer leg workout today. :bigsmile: I enjoyed that too. My mom comes tomorrow, so that's probably the last tough workout I'll get in over the next week.

    It's finally hot here in LA! I'm happy about that, though I think people in other parts of the city are probably cussing (and sweltering). But right now, I'm enjoying it. I hope everybody is enjoying their summer day!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Tron, I would like P90X too but I'm a little afraid. I think that's for more advanced people (like yourself) rather than someone who has a long way to go (like myself). One of these days I'll try it.

    Don't be afraid!!! While P90X is designed for those who are moderately fit to start, it can easily be adapted while your getting in shape. There are modifications for all of the routines. I highly recommmend it!!!! The weight training aspect really does so much to change your shape!!!!:love:

    Good luck in whatever you choose!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    String... I don't dislike 30 day shred, I've just been so busy that I haven't really done it. You just see so many infomercials that claims you'll see results and my whole issue is that I wanna see results physically. I don't want to come to the end of the program and the only thing I notice is how many more push ups I can do. I know that means I am stronger and that's great but I want inches gone also or I feel like.... Whats the point. There are a couple I have been looking at buying, one being P90X and the other one.... I don't recall the name but I'm sure I will her her infomercial tonight if I look for it:laugh: So I guess my real question is what video did you do where you actually saw inches gone after the 30 days (if that's their claim)

    This week my 21 year old daughter and her boyfriend moved back in. I turned my downstairs which is normally used as a party room (it has a bar and a pool table) into a makeshift studio for them until they decide on where they are gonna go. She had too many issues with her room mates so that's why she moved back but that's another story:grumble: So I've been preoccupied by that and of course being on the road trip for 2 weeks....Lets just say its been weeks sense I have worked out. Its tough to get started again especially with the heat but I need to kick my butt and get back on the horse.

    I have also decided to turn my sons old room (he moved into his sisters when she got married) into a gym. I asked my husband to take down the bunk bed tonight and I am gonna start clearing it out to shampoo the carpets and paint then move my stuff in. Just need to buy a portable air conditioner so the heat wont make a difference. Hopefully I get that done soon because not only me, but my whole family can use it if they choose...
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    tron, have you been watching the ChaLean Extreme informercial? That might be the other program you have been looking at out there. alf just completed a rotation, and duffy is doing one right now of that program, so maybe they could provide a more useful recommendation than I on that one since I've not seen nor done it.

    Anyhow, regarding what worked for me. Well, I'll say that, in the past, I could workout like a crazy woman, and while I got stronger, faster, had more endurance, I never saw any results on my body if my nutrition was not good. A great thing about P90X (and I think ChaLean as well, though I'm not sure) is that it comes with a nutrition plan. But without following a clean diet, I can pretty much say with certainty that none of those remarkable transformations they show on their infomercials would ever have happened, even following the program religiously.

    I echo what april said about P90X in that it is a program that can be modified to pretty much any fitness level (though I think somebody who has never lifted weights before might be better starting someplace else, but that's just my personal opinion given the overall pace of the program). I think you could see tremendous results doing a rotation like this. Just know that it is a bit of a commitment though.....90 days, six days a week, for 60-90 minutes a day. ChaLean's workouts are shorter (I believe between 40-50 minutes), but I believe it is also a 90/day, 6 day/week program. I just completed Cathe Friedrich's Shock Training System, which is also a 90 (or 180) day, 6 day/week program. This latter system is more expensive than either P90X or ChaLean, so I'm not sure I'd recommend it to you for that reason alone. But if money were no object, I'd highly recommend it because I think it offers more variety than either P90X or ChaLean, and variety is good for me because I have a tendency to get bored very easily.

    But there are plenty of other workouts out there that aren't based on a 90-day system that you can get results from. You don't need to be locked into a rotation like these offer if you don't want to be. If you are looking for a few good individual workouts with some variety, I can recommend some to you. It all depends on whether you want to dive in with a commitment like P90X or do some testing to see if you can find a blend of various workouts that work better for you.

    Back to the issue of results....the fastest I've ever seen any significant results from working out on my body is really at about the 3-4 week period, and I would say those results are probably only noticeable to me. This winter, I think results that were visible to somebody else (and weren't from the weight loss) probably started showing up in the 6-8 weeks in timeframe. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that, regardless of which system you choose, true results may take longer than 30 days to show up.

    I think the idea of a designated workout room is great. I've had one in every house we've lived in since my husband and I got married 19 years ago. We have had the luxury of that since we don't have children, so I understand not everybody can do that. But if you have the opportunity to create such a space, I think it is great. Then you can go do your own thing and not be bothering anybody else.