40+ Club - Summertime Fun



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Thanks all once again for your kind comments. zebras, my husband is doing the exact same thing. I'll mention perhaps having something simple like a glass of wine with dinner and he'll say he can't because he's trying to lose weight. Then two hours later we'll be driving home from somewhere and he'll ask if I want to get some dessert. :noway: I don't get it. And everyday when he comes home from work, the second question out of his mouth after 'How as your day?' is 'What did you weigh this morning?' It's a little strange.

    Swissmiss, you nailed it about how my husband feels about my weight loss. He is taking some strange sense of pride in my accomplishments which I think more than anything just surprises me. For instance, he emailed that link to my 'success story' on Cathe Friedrich's site to his family and some friends of ours in Alaska. :huh: Outside of this thread, I didn't mention it to anybody! So I'm kind of bewildered by the whole thing right now more than anything. I love the compliments and the encouragement. I think, more than anything, I'm just surprised by his reaction.

    cardigirl, I did exactly what you suggested and sat down and talked with him about it tonight. I thanked him for the compliments, told him I appreciate the encouragement, but also indicated I was feeling some pressure. I think we've got it straight now. I hope. He most definitely doesn't want me gaining much weight back (minus a few pounds), and I don't think he quite understands how that puts pressure on me because I keep wondering what would happen if I did. I didn't know how he felt about how I looked when I was 40 pounds heavier, but now I do. But I let him know that at 1/10th of a pound above 'underweight', I need to change my mindset a bit....and he agrees.

    Anyhow, thanks again. I didn't know losing weight would bring so many other issues to the surface, but I've never lost this much weight before. I hope I never have to again.

    Moving on, cardigirl, your trainer sounds like he loves to challenge you! Sorry to hear about the slip. Take care of yourself.

    Swissmiss, I hope you enjoyed your dinner. A plank is where you hold your body like you would if you were going to be doing a pushup on your toes, but you simply hold your body in the upward position for as long as you can. It's a great exercise for the core (and tough on the arms as well).

    Enjoy the rest of your evening! :drinker:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone! I sure have missed you all. Right now we are in Utah at Zion National Park and just got done hiking up the narrows. I think we are gonna hike it again tomorrow and get further up stream. I am hoping I don't gain any weight from this road trip especially with all this hiking. we should be back on the 14th so I can officially get back on track. Can't wait to catch up and see how everyone is doing
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Good morning everyone. I have already eaten half my calories for the day.:grumble: I made too much oatmeal. No one else would eat more so I finished it off. Well, at least it is something healthy. I put raisins in it along with protein powder. I am drinking so much water but I have found that my body has become accustom to it and I feel good drinking so much.:drinker: I hope everyone's weekend has gone well and that everyone is looking forward to another work week.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Good morning everyone. I have already eaten half my calories for the day.:grumble: I made too much oatmeal. No one else would eat more so I finished it off. Well, at least it is something healthy. I put raisins in it along with protein powder. I am drinking so much water but I have found that my body has become accustom to it and I feel good drinking so much.:drinker: I hope everyone's weekend has gone well and that everyone is looking forward to another work week.

    Swiss don't sweat it - When I have a large breakfast, I'm always reminding myself that it is better to have your larger meals early in the day because you have more time to burn the extra calories. Most days my largest calorie intake is before noon. By then I've usually had 2 meals and at least one snack.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Well, duffyzmom, I have a little less than 300 calories left for today. I am thinking of going to the gym and working some off. But, then my daughter called and told me what time to pick her up so I don't know if I will find the time to go now.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good Monday morning!

    We had a great weekend in Arlington, VA with our friends and their dogs Amber and Glory (miniature Australian Sheep Dogs). We arrived at noon on Friday and came home last evening. Not a great eating & drinking weekend, though! Oh well, we had fun.

    On Saturday my wife & I took the Metro from Arlington to DC. We walked around a bit and snooped through a few museums. DC was crowded and hot. Not my idea of relaxation. Our friends have tentatively agreed to meet us in Garmisch next year for a few days. That will be fun. He was stationed there many years ago in the ARMY.

    Back to work and workouts today. Actually, I don't feel too bad for having eaten badly and not done much exercise since Thursday. I guess my body needed a break.

    I will catch up with your posts from the previous few days. Take care!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning everyone!

    I am officially back from my vacation, feeling rested and ready to go.

    I did ok during my vacation....pretty much ate what I wanted but tried to stay in the healthy realm of foods when I could. I did get in 3 days of running....I hope it was enough to keep me from gaining too much weight. I didn't access the internet during my vacation (I work on computers everyday for a living, so my goal was to stay off of one during my trip) so I didn't log a thing lol. I guess I'll find out the damage on Wed when I do my normal weigh in.

    So now I've got to get back on track....

    And I need to catch up with everyone and go back through the posts.

    I hope everyone has a great day and I'm glad to be back here with you guys!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello everybody!
    I was a bad girl this weekend..........didn't log anything I ate after Friday night. The scale was the same this morning as it was Friday morning, so I guess I did OK. Maybe I was subconsciously preparing for vacation when I won't have access to a computer and won't be able to log anything???:laugh:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: mkwood, while you are away from your computer you can still write down everything. This will give you some idea of what you are doing.

    :flowerforyou: Annaliza, congrats on running while on vacation. So many of us would just let all exercise slide.

    sing, you may have given your body the break that it needs to get back into action. I have found that if I slack off a bit, that when I get back to it, I will see the most improvement.

    I had quite a few calories left to eat tonight and then I went to the gym. When I counted in my calories burned I am left with over 600 that I can eat. I don't feel hungry though.
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! Successfully moved most of the son's stuff back home from Austin over the weekend in the 100+ heat. Our daughter took a recliner and his chest of drawers which had been bought when my husband was born. Old but not an heirloom. Anna thought that it was. We told her is was ok to paint it. Son and his cat will be here with us after the 17th when his lease is up in Austin until Aug 28th when his graduate school apt is open in San Francisco. We get to keep the cat.

    Did pretty well with eating in Austin. Went to a vegetarian place for lunch and had artichoke enchiladas, husband had a stuffed poblano pepper, Matt had spinach and mushroom enchilada and Anna had spinach quiche. Found a wonderful mediterranean buffet. Ate lots of tabuleh and wonderful veggies. You can log furniture moving as exercise on MFP.

    I think I have mentioned my little sister's husband being in and out of the hospital. He is in liver failure and has been accepted by Oschner in New Orleans for a transplant work-up. They go early next week. I may go with them. I was hoping to get him into a program in Dallas, but Oschner is closer to them and has a shorter (much shorter) wait list with good outcomes. Yea! Keep your fingers crossed. Prayers welcome. He is only 45 and they have a beautiful 7 year old daughter. Lots to live for. Also, prayers welcome for a friend whose 12 year old son had a heart transplant on Saturday. Please sign up to be an organ donor!

    Sun is setting sooner at river aerobics. Summer is moving along. Why does June go so slowly and July and August fly by? Still getting some tomatoes and squash from the backyard. Okra is about to hit its stride now that it is hot and dry. My husband hoards the okra to make vegetable soup and for me to use to make gumbo which is our traditional Christmas Eve meal. Thinking of Christmas makes the heat a little less intense... Best wishes to all this week. Texssippian
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning! It's pretty cool here in PA this morning, 58 degrees at 5 am. I really feel badly for those who are suffering through the extreme heat. A few summers ago we had record heat and it was only 90-95 degrees. I can't imagine what 110 feels like!

    Yesterday I did some very heavy lifting and I'm a bit stiff today. Mon, Wed, Fri I do upper body, and on Tue & Thurs I do legs & back. I just do walking or biking on the weekend. Today will be a 25 mile bike ride, since I was lazy yesterday and did no cardio.

    Tex, it's good to hear from you after the big "move". I will keep your family in my prayers.

    Swiss, thanks for the encouragement. Like you, I don't eat the extra cals if I am not hugry. I usually make up for it on the weekend!!!

    mk, when are you leaving? I hope you have a great vacation!

    Annaliza, it's good to have you back from vacation. I think that we are all learning to think about our eating while we are on vacation...it's not always successful, but at least we know how to handle the temptations.

    Is Alf MIA?? We miss you!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Cool beautiful morning here in Michigan as well - Which is perfect because I registered for a 10 miler and a half yesterday so I really must get back to training. I'm almost recuperated from the long vacation although I still hit the snooze this morning. I started ChaLean Extreme yesterday and am definitely feeling it this morning. Today a good run and then ABS!

    Welcome Back Annaliza! ALF must be busy busy busy - I still see her over on the CX thread.
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello everybody!
    I was a bad girl this weekend..........didn't log anything I ate after Friday night. The scale was the same this morning as it was Friday morning, so I guess I did OK. Maybe I was subconsciously preparing for vacation when I won't have access to a computer and won't be able to log anything???:laugh:

    Hey all......... we leave for 10 days at beautiful Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri on Friday!!:bigsmile: :glasses: :glasses: I can't wait - I love that place!!! :heart: Probably wouldn't want to live there year round (too much of a tourist destination in the summer), but it is GREAT for a relaxing vacation on the water.

    The weight's holding steady, so I'll be happy if I can keep it there while we're gone. I intend to stay out of the restaurants on the water if I can keep the hubby in line:laugh: :laugh: . There's also a fitness center at the condo complex, so I can hit that in the morning before we head out on the lake. Life is too short not to enjoy vacations........... :wink: :drinker:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    MK: Have a great vacation!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Great idea sing...I always over do it on the weekend. Don't know how many days like yesterday that I will have, though.

    mkwood, if you are going to be on a lake will you have fish readily available? I love fish and it is good for you.:love:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good afternoon everyone!!

    mk - have fun Missouri!!! Good job on the weight! I agree with you on life being to short to not enjoy vacations...lol, I'm ready to go on another one :smile:

    duffy - what part of MI are you in? I grew up in Addison...about 20 miles south of Jackson....smack in the middle between Adrain and Jackson (about 1-1/2 hours south of Detroit).

    Texs - my thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family. Wish I had a garden to pick veggies from....but I had no time this summer (I chose to run instead lol).

    Sing, WOW a 25 mile bike ride!!! Ummm, at this point you can't get me on a bike. It's weird...I guess I'm afraid of falling off the darn thing lol. I'm good for going up hills (until I have to get off and walk) but downhill scares the beegeevies out of me lol (I live in the mountains so the hills are BIG hills).

    Swiss, Wow, how do you have so many calories left over? I'm usually sweating at the end of the day, worrying about how I'm going to eat a snack without going over. Lol, I just love food and I think that's a big problem for me (or I won't eat at all..that's my other "problem"). Ahhh...if it just wasn't all so tasty....

    Alf - where are you?

    Cardi - how are things going?

    Hope I didn't miss anyone :smile:

    I'm doing well today. Have to teach at the prison tonight but this is my second to last class for the summer!! YAY!!! I'll be able to enjoy a month of summer before I have to start teaching again (well, I'll still have my regular job, but I won't have anything extra until mid august).

    I plan to run 3.5 miles tonight when I get back. Hopefully my body will cooperate with me and I'll be able to run it without stopping. Lately my heart has not been in it so my runs have been a little hard and slow. I've also completely stopped strength training...haven't done anything for about 2 weeks. I need to get back into it but all I really want to do is run lol. I'm just going to have to motivate myself and make me do it.

    Take care all and hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    mkwood, if you are going to be on a lake will you have fish readily available? I love fish and it is good for you.:love:

    My husband is allergic to basically anything that swims:sick: :sick: , so fishing and eating fresh fish is NOT an option :laugh: Too bad - I love good fish, but have to be content with ordering it in a decent restaurant when he can order something else.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I'M HERE I'M HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: Thank you for checking up on me. I appreciate it. :heart:

    MK, have a great vacation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Tex, my thoughts and prayers for your family and you friend. :flowerforyou:

    Cardi, I made the steel cut oats with 3c of water and 1c of milk. OMG, delicious!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to eat the rest every morning. I am going to have a cup serving with a scoop of chocolate protein, almonds and strawberries. Salivating already!!! :laugh:

    Annaliza and Duffy, welcome back!! I will be going on another adventure with my husband in about 3 wks. My son is going to Camp for a week so we are heading out to South Padre Island. We are planning on doing a lot of outdoor activities.

    I am on the lean for life phase of ChaLean Extreme. That is the last 30 day phase. I measured my body fat with the calipers that came with the program and according to my calculations it is about 18%. It was about 23% when I first started this program, if I am not mistaken. I am down to 123.8 lbs, almost 2 lbs under my goal (125). I consulted with a registered dietician today at our local AFB (HAWC) and he said that I am undereating. He recommended I eat no less than 2000 cals on days that I exercise and about 1800-1900 on rest days so my body repairs itself. He also said I am eating too much protein and too little carbs. So he gave me some numbers and wants to see me in 2 wks. He also said I need to continue monitoring my calories for now so I have a better idea if I am within range. So back to counting calories for a while...He put me on the Tanita body fat analyzer and my body fat was 17.7%. He said it was good. He was not concerned about it. So that was pretty close to my caliper calculation. I did not do so good today as far as eating all the calories he wants me to eat. I ate very healthy but not enough. I guess it will take time to get used to eating that much again. And when you eat healthy the quantity of food is so much larger! :noway:

    I have this nagging pain on the lower part of my abductor on my left leg. I noticed it yesterday and it has annoyed me all day today. I took the day off from exercising but I already have plans to work out tomorrow. This bums me out because you know how much I love to exercise and I was going to do a 5K this Sat and sign up for a 10K in Aug, a 10 miler in Sep and I already signed up for the half marathon in November. What do you guys think? It is not really my knee. It is a tendon or a muscle, can't pinpoint it. :grumble: :grumble:

    Have a great evening!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Alf, what can I say? You're my hero!! :flowerforyou: Your fitness level is off the charts! I can't believe that you are already finishing Chalene...it's gone by quickly. It was a very good idea to consult a dietician. I should really do that too. BTW, why did he say that you were eating too much protein? What are your ratios? Was he concerned about losing muscle weight? (sorry about the 20 questions, your imput can help me too).

    I did a "Tour de France" type bike ride last night. Annaliza mentioned the mountains around her home, and it got me thinking about attempting to climb steep hills with my bike. Near my home is something called "Hawk Mountain". It is over 1000 ft rise in elevation in a very short distance. I had to stop a few (quite a few) times to let my HR go down a bit, but I made it almost to the top. It is now a goal for me to get to the top of that mountain! The ride back down was FAST.

    Keep cool!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    ALF: I am so glad to hear you visited a dietician - I'm not surprised with his suggestions though - If you are planning to continue running you are going to have to up your carbs - Sorry to hear about your abductor pain - Where is the pain exactly? Generally I run through the normal running questions - How many miles do you have on your shoes? What type of surface have you been running on? Are you doing laps? Last summer I developed a foot problem because I was lapping the same course repeatedly and always turning the same way. I started alternating the turns and it cleared itself right up. If it doesn't clear up with rest days, head over to runnersworld there is a wealth of infor on injuries on the site and forums there.

    SING: Way to go on your on personal tour de PA! What heartrate do you break for? I've been doing some speedwork and I don't get too concerned until I hit 195. I keep meaning to take a morning RHR but just haven't yet.

    Happy Hump Day!