40+ Club - Summertime Fun



  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I'm checkin' in to be gone again for a bit. This time to our Girl's Club Conference in Hamilton Ontario. Unbelievably have the house to myself tonight. Kids to the Fair to see Jason Aldean and Hubby on the road to pick up farm parts in Iowa! So I better take advantage and get the place in order before I take off tomorrow. I am hoping to continue steadily at the Gym when my schedule allows, but all the "chat" about the work-out videos is very interesting!

    Annalize - M.O.B. = Mother of the Bride. I just love to poke a little fun at the whole process. Around here the planning is called "Wedding Blather":laugh:

    Tron- Your pictures are so Amazing! Antelope Valley is definately on my list of places to see now!

    Cafeteria food this week at Conference. Usually i do pretty well since you only pick up once and get to think out the choices. At events like this I have more fun socializing than eating! Ittinerary includes a hike and we plan to see Niagra Falls. I've never been there before! I'll be skipping this Friday's weigh in but will check in again after the week-end.

    Have a Great Week ALL!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Just chiming in - I selected ChaLean mainly because I had completed Power 90 and was tired of Tony plus I love the 40 minute or less workouts. Another problem with me is I'm already built more like a guy than a girl and I was a little concerned that with P90X - I wouldn't get womanly toned. Does that make any sense??

    I loved loved loved 30 day Shred and actually saw great improvement in those 30 days (I was doing Power 90 during the same time) So far I'm liking ChaLeane although 120 days of her will probably make me miss Tony :laugh: It will probably help to be switching routines every 30 days. I'll let you know.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning everyone!!

    Stiring - lol, after I re-read it, I laughed too. My husband and I always joke about it. As I'm going out the door, I'll yell "bye, I'm going to prison!".

    Also, I agree with you. I don't think you can see great results unless your eating is good too. Clean eating and exercise go hand in hand for a healthy body imho. Maybe I will try P90X as soon as I can convince my husband that I really, really need to spend the $100 to get it :) Thank you for all your info on workouts.....I really enjoyed reading it.

    Thanks for the advice April, I sure appreciate it! I'm hoping to change my shape soon lol!

    Hoosier, have fun in Niagra Falls! It is a great place....I miss seeing it - the beauty of it all is breath taking!

    Tron - Oh, I wish I had a workout room! That is such a great idea!

    My 21 yr old would like to come home too but the only way to get my baby home is to lose my husband since he refuses to live in the same house as her. We also don't have the room for her since we've expanded by a couple of kids. But, I miss her so and I talk to her almost every night.

    I am happy for you that you get to spend time with your daughter and that you are able to help her and her boyfriend out.

    Duffy - What do you do for the cardio parts in your routines? I use my running for cardio,...do you also run and do the cardio part as well?
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Yesterday I ran fartleks and managed to shave 5 minutes off my 5k time!!! I was so pleased with my run last night. I hope that I can keep it up.

    It's a great day today. I did not have to go to a staff meeting because the boss is out of town so that started the day out great for me.

    I'm going to do a work out with My Fitness Coach this evening. It's been weeks since I've picked it up and did a workout. At least, I will IF I can find the WII remotes. We had my nieces over last night and they have managed to lose all the remotes. I could not find a single one this morning when I was trying to weigh myself (I use the WII balance board as my scale because it keeps track of my progress).

    Anyways, hope everyone has a great day! It's almost lunch time and I'm starting to get hungry!

    Take care all!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    That you for all of your input about the different workout programs. I think I will keep up with the 30 day shred and see what happens and hopefully be able to stick with it the way your supposed to. Then after that I will decide which one will be next. I dont think the other video was Chalean, it was with a Denise girl. I didnt try to find her last night because I was tired but I will and ask you all what you think of this program.

    I didnt get much done in the new work out room. There are so many old toys to go through and try to donate. The problem being is that where I live the thrift stores dont want to take anything unless its a stuffed animal. Crazy.... Why throw away perfectly good toys?!!!! Also my husband didnt get home til late, he was working on a rental that they gutted and he needs to get it finished ASAP

    My husband quit one of his jobs and only has 2 more days to work. I am happy because he was gonna kill himself working so much but scared at the same time. He has a lot of bills and I'm always nervous until I actually see that everything is gonna be ok. On top of it he always tells me that I don't have anything to stress about. Not in a nice way either, like he's the only one with problems and what does it have to do with me kind of thing. Are you kidding me?!!! Does he not realize that what ever he does has an affect on my life as well???? We are not living two separate lives here. Alright, that's enough of my venting.....
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Well friends, I just received the new workout series from Beachbody called "Insanity". It's a 60 day program developed by Shaun T. You start by taking the "Fitness Test". It is a series of explosive moves done as fast as you can for one minute per exercise. Yes it is intense! Definitely NOT for those who are unfit. I am very fit and it kicked my butt and left a major pool of sweat. I was gasping for air for the full half hour of the test. I did quite well and kept up with the people on the cd (who are half my age). I'll have to wear my HRM, but let's just say that it was pegged for the duration. I will stick with it for the full 60 days to see what it does for my physique. No weight lifting for 2 months, just using body weight.

    I hope you are all doing well...I am back on night shift this week...yuck!

    Have a great evening!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Yay Sing!! I'm so glad that you found a good workout. I will not be trying that one for awhile, lol, so thanks for the review!

    Good morning everyone!

    Raining here in the mountains but its warm and still a beautiful summer day. Hopefully it won't be raining too badly when I get off work so that I can go running tonight. Oh boo, I just heard thunder outside my window.

    Anyways....I'm counting down the hours until I get off work. LOL

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Good morning all! What a wonderful group of people we have here, all encouraging each other and sharing information. It's great!

    Sing, sorry you're back on night shift. Nothing worse than a schedule that shifts around all the time. Just as you get adjusted to the new time, it changes back. I feel for ya, man.

    Annaliza, you sound good! Hope you get your run in today. Have you posted a pic of the new doggie yet? Would love to see one.

    So, the trainer checked out my food diary and made some suggestions, mostly that I up my carb intake (I know!) and reduce the amount of protein I have been consuming. The percentages look like this:

    50-55% Carbs
    20-25% Protein
    20-25% Essential Fats

    It's quite a change for my mindset, I tell you. I had been avoiding things like potatoes and bread and really not eating my allotment of carbs but going over on the protein most days. Anyway, I'm going to go with these percentages for a bit and see how the weight loss goes. He swears by these percentages, and well, he's pretty fit! Of course, the carbs should be complex carbs but he also really pushes fruit, as well as veggies, and says the sugars aren't that critical. We'll see. What do you guys think?

    And the plyometrics he's having me do is killing me! Heh. In a good way I hope.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi!!! Whew, so many good postings!!! Everyone is doing well. Sorry I have not been posting much lately, been so busy. We are heading out this weekend for my grandbaby's first birthday party. So I might not post again until Sun or Mon.

    I am doing well. I am on the second week of CX lean for life. I have not decided what program I am doing next. I would love to try P90X since I hear so much about everywhere I go. I does look intimidating. Maybe that is the reason I want to try it, I love a challenge. :laugh: My only concern is the long workouts. Stiring, STS workouts are also long, correct? How about Insanity? Sing, have you started? I wonder how Shaun T is during this program. I have seen some of his videos and he is just too clowny for me. :laugh: :laugh: It is quite funny though. I do like him. :laugh:

    I have a new puppy!!! Her name is Bella. She is a black miniature Schnauzer. She is actually the half sister of my Schnauzer, Mac, who died after sustaining injuries from another dog's attack while at a kennel 2 yrs ago. The owners of Mac's dad bred him with another female and wanted to give us one of the puppies since we lost Mac so tragically. I already have two other dogs we rescued from shelters but I could not say no to this one. So, that is another reason I have been so busy. Puppies need a lot of care. She is sooo cute!!

    Cardigirl, that is exactly the same ratio my dietician put me on!!! I have to see him again on Tuesday. I will weigh myself either tomorrow morning or Tuesday morning and see if I have been able to maintain after increasing not only my carbs but also my calories. He said I need to eat between 1800 to 2200 calories.

    Ok, gotta go pack for the weekend! Take care!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Lol, cardigirl....you are going to force me to post a pic of my puppy.

    And it looks like Alf has to post one too!!! And you are right, Alf, puppies ARE alot of work! It's like having another baby around here.

    I will post a pic as soon as I can find the cord that goes to my digital camera so that I can upload it onto my computer. The kids have ran off with it somewhere, I think...or i have misplaced it.

    Good evening all. I got my run in and I feel great! Getting ready to head off to bed soon but wanted to check in with my favorite 40+ers. :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Take care all!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Alf... Congrats on the new puppy. I myself am in the middle of potty training my eldest daughters two pups. So much work....:wink:

    As for the other video I was talking about, it was slim in 6. Has anyone tried this program? It looks really interesting to me anyway.:wink:

    annaliza... You better fing that cord before the puppy does. :laugh:

    Sing... Wow, that video sure does sound like it matches the title. Hope it gives you the results you are looking for.:happy:

    I spent the day with my middle daughter. We went shopping for her sisters 21st birthday which is tomorrow. Nice to be able to visit wit her because I haven't seen her in weeks.
    Then when I got home my son wanted me to watch a movie with him. So it has been a nice day
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good eveining!

    The Insanity program is TOUGH! I did the first full workout which was Plyometrics. Very fast paced, no time really to catch your breath, sweating profusely! If you've done the P90X Plyo, the Insanity Plyo is like P90X on steroids!! The workout is 40 minutes, but it is non stop action. I'm sure I burned 600+ cals in the 40 mins. I can feel the stiffness and soreness creeping in already. It will pay big dividends in the long run. The nutrition plan said that I should be eating at least 2500 cals per day. And that does not include the biking I do in addition to Insanity.

    It's nice to read about eveyone, even though i didn't have time to respond to each of you...I'm thinking of all of you!! Have a great evening all! Don't forget to report tomorrow.


    PS---Alf...Shaun T is all business on the Insanity cds. He sounds like a drill instructor! Even he is out of breath at times!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! It was ChaLean this morning with extra squats and lunges and an ab workout. I did not weigh in. Weighing in on Tue morning before my appt with my dietician. I just hope I can resist all the junk food in my daughter's house. :laugh: :noway: Her pantry is full of junk, cookies, chips, etc plus of course we will have birthday party food this weekend. God help me! :laugh:

    I have to check out that Insanity program, sounds like fun. Tron, have not tried slim in 6 but some people in MFP have. I think there was a thread going around about it. Have you been doing weight training? If you have just try some other program like ChaLean or even P90X. You can do it!! I do recommend ChaLean, it has worked for me. I did not follow her meal plan. I thought the calories she recommended were too low for me especially when I was also doing extra cardio. But I did started eating cleaner/healthier when I started the program so that helped. I am so much stronger than when I first started and my physique has gotten definitely leaner. I also love the fact that the workouts are not very long. The longest is 45 minutes and it is the burn intervals workout.

    Gotta go take Bella to her Vet appt. What a coincidence, three of us are new mommies of furry babies. I will post a picture of her soon. My daughter also got a puppy, Paris. She is a very tiny chihuahua but very feisty. I thought she was crazy for getting her since she has a one yr old who keeps her very busy. She had said that she would not get a dog until Natalia was about 5yrs old. Yeah, right! :laugh:

    Have a great weekend!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Cardigirl, I have also been eating more protein and less carbs. I acually go over my alloted protein every day. I eat low fat proteins, though.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hello, all!

    It's great to hear about all of the new "babies"! It brings a smile to my heart! I need that right now-- I put my neighbors dog to sleep yesterday at their house.:brokenheart: She was diagnosed with an otseosarcoma- bone cancer- 2 weeks ago and was in constant pain despite very good narcotics. They elected to not pursue amputation and chemo because these cancers have metastasized 99% of the time and carry a very poor prognosis. Of course, this was just the greatest dog. She will be deeply missed by all.:cry:

    So, I have been fighting the slide back to my old habits- laziness and bad eating.:grumble: I know what I need to do, I'm just having trouble keeping up my motivation. No pity, please! I can hear all the drill sergeants in my head, but I'm having trouble listening!:angry: However, I love the changes in my body so far and am determined to not lose them!!!! I weigh daily to keep myself accountable and am not completely lost. It helps reading about everyone's routines and commitment!

    sing- maybe I'm not ready for Insanity- but I'm tempted!!!:devil: I find that I respond to torture! Maybe after getting back from vacation next month.

    So, I've finally joined the 21st century- I joined Facebook yesterday, after much prodding by many friends. I'm not sure I'll use it like many- posting every detail and thought:noway: of one's life. But it was really neat seeing all of these friend requests popping up from people I haven't heard from in ages- and one's I should have been more in touch with!

    Have a great day, all!!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Cardigirl, I have also been eating more protein and less carbs. I acually go over my alloted protein every day. I eat low fat proteins, though.

    SwissMiss that's what I had been doing too, but my weight was stuck. We'll see how the higher carbs, lower protein and lower fat does. Actually, the trainer suggested that the recommended amount of fat for me, regardless of how many calories I've earned, is 40 grams and I should try to keep it closer to 30 grams. That's been really tough! I loves my almond butter!:love:

    Alf, that's interesting that your nutritionist has you on the same percentages as my trainer has me on.

    Like I said, the trainer is very fit (he does jujitsu, runs, and boxes) with about 10% body fat and this is the way he eats, so I'm gonna follow it and see if it works.

    I do love that I'm getting a baked sweet potato now and again! :love:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Congrats to all with new puppies. My husband and I have been called dog-deprived because we go nuts over everyone elses dogs, but we have cats. We can love both, its just cats are easier when you both work.

    We are taking my girlfriend and her husband to Craft Steak tomorrow at MGM Grand Foxwoods Casino in CT tomorrow. We are both big Tom Colliccio fans (a judge on Top Chef). She is also counting her calories but I have not yet converted her to MFP. So, we are going to have a big cheat day!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    zebras, order a strip steak and steamed broccoli, and it's not even cheating!!!:drinker: Save those calories for dessert!!!:devil:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Cardigirl, my RD would have a heart attack if I called him a Nutritionist. :laugh: :laugh: He has a lot of experience in sports nutrition and he is The RD at the Health and Wellness Ctr at Lackland Air Force Base. He teaches the Airmen to eat healthier so they can accomplish their fitness goals and mission. I am very lucky he agreed to see me one on one. He teaches several classes on Sports Nutrition, etc. I am hoping I can attend some of them. He said they are mostly for active duty military but said it would be fine if I attend.

    Have a great weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good afternoon everyone!!!

    Tron - lol, you are right. I sure hope I find the cord before Jett (my puppy) does. How was your movie?

    Sing - Wow! It takes me an hour to burn 600 cals. That must be a great, intense workout. Lol, they don't call it "insanity" for nothing. lol

    Alf - we have a chihuahua too. I LOVE them! I will probably own a chihuahua for the rest of my life as long as Im able to take care of it. How did Bella's appointment go? Jett's not due for another vet appt until the end of the month.

    April - I'm sorry to hear about your neighbors dog. That must have been a hard thing to do but at least she won't suffer anymore. I have a facebook account too but I never log into it. I log into myspace a lot more and keep in touch with old friends that way. Actually, I started those accounts to keep track of my older kids lol. Now they are done with it and I am still using the site LOL

    Cardi - good luck on your new nutrition plan. I'm not sure I understand why the recommended amount of fat for you is 40g's but he wants you to not go over 30g. You are lucky to have a trainer. I don't have access to one around here unless I want to drive an hour away.

    Zebras - You are right...cats are easier when you both work. I'm lucky in the sense that my hubby only works part time and my 19 year old is off school for the summer. That way we always have someone at home to watch the babies (human and furry). My pup loves the cat though. Jett won't leave the cat alone. But Pan (my kitty) is so good about it. He just kind of lazily bats at the dog and never brings out the nails. The chihuahua is a different story though lol (she's older and doesn't care much for the "young 'un").