40+ Club - Summertime Fun



  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    I hope everyone has a great weekend. I might be MIA this weekend...or I might not LOL.

    My 9 yr old niece is coming over to spend the night tonight so I'm sure I'll be busy with the kids most of the evening and probably this weekend (as I am positive my niece is going to ask to stay on Sat night too). I am supposed to pick her up after work.

    Take care all!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    The Wagyu beef is already calling my name. I'm going to workout extra hard today, exercise in the hotel pool tomorrow before we go to dinner, etc. etc. I was joking with one of my friends, I'll have to stand up after the appetizer and do jumping jacks!!!!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I have two chihuahua's and the two babies are also chi's. They all get along with my cats. I read in my puppy book that chihuahua's and cats normally do get along well.
    I will be weighing myself in just a few minutes so I will report that number later on today. I didn't start my workouts yet been so busy with moving my stuff out of the downstairs and moving my daughters and her boyfriends in.
    I will post more later I need to get my hubby up for work and wish my daughter a happy 21st birthday
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member

    Well, the weekend is upon us again...yay!!! Have a wonderful weekend eveyone!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Well I weighed myself and to my surprise I lost 2 lbs.:drinker: I honestly thought last night that I had gained so I was dreading this weigh in. Now I am excited to get back on track and lose this darn fat:bigsmile:
    So far I have done the yoga part of the wii fit. Still dont quite understand how that is an exercise but I use it a stretch before working out. But my real workout will have to be put on hold until later. My mother in law blew up her engine in her car (again) and I need to take my father in law to the bank and other errands he needs to do. I dont mind helping them out, I just get irritated that she takes such poor care of her cars. This isn't the first one shes done this to. And you would think she would have taken better care of it considering my husband and brother in law bought it for her birthday. :ohwell:
    Oh well.... I'm still in a good mood. Nothing like losing 2 lbs to make your day a good one!!!!:wink:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Just wanted to check in even though is now late Friday. Overall a good week, still enjoying Chalean Extreme and still running. Started hill training today and kept a close eye on my HR - at the top of the hills I was around 185-7 but quickly dropped back to 150-160 range on recovery period. When things quiet down (daughter has 2 girls visiting for the week), I'm going to head to amazon to see if I can find a good book on VO2 Max training. Enjoy your weekends -
  • PhotographerOfNature
    PhotographerOfNature Posts: 452 Member
    Hi everyone! i am new to this thread but since i am 42, I guess I am eligible. :bigsmile: you all sound very uplifting and encouraging which is what I need right now. Yes, I am down in the dumps. :frown: In November I weighed 171. This morning I am 181. I have gained and lost 9 pounds 2 different times since November. I was really sick in March/April lost it and gained it back. I've really got to get on track. It's like I am obsessed with eating. I eat everything that doesn't get up and walk away fast enough. Ugh! Stomach fat! It's getting worse the older I get. It seems like every pound I gain goes right to my stomach. Anyone have any help or ideas for me???

    Thank you for listening to me whine.
    :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hi everyone! i am new to this thread but since i am 42, I guess I am eligible. :bigsmile: you all sound very uplifting and encouraging which is what I need right now. Yes, I am down in the dumps. :frown: In November I weighed 171. This morning I am 181. I have gained and lost 9 pounds 2 different times since November. I was really sick in March/April lost it and gained it back. I've really got to get on track. It's like I am obsessed with eating. I eat everything that doesn't get up and walk away fast enough. Ugh! Stomach fat! It's getting worse the older I get. It seems like every pound I gain goes right to my stomach. Anyone have any help or ideas for me???

    Thank you for listening to me whine.
    :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Welcome, P-O-N! (sorry- long name!!!)

    I'm 42 as well, so you're in the right place!! Although your nutrition is important, I have found that strength training has really helped tone my physique. I'm a huge fan of P90X- it has worked wonders for me!

    There are lots of great, motivated people here, so keep on posting!
  • jesp1216
    jesp1216 Posts: 100
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Hello everyone...I don't have much time to be here due to my work and exercise schedules. I have been putting in my foods and such, though. I bought some new dance shoes today for my Zumba class. They are very light and soft with a split sole. I am sure that they will help keep me from injuring myself.
    This insanity thing must be just that!! The most that I have been able to burn in a hour is 350 calories.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    PON..Yep, your name will have to be shortened. Welcome to the thread. I love this one and wish that I had more time to be here.
    With brings to mind....I have posted here last week while I was at work. Hope that I am not going to get in trouble for that. You know, companies are just out there looking for a little transgression to fire a person.
    :sick: I fixed my usual weekend breakfast for my husband and I. We had waffles. I put fresh strawberries on them and I used sugar-free syrup on mine. The last two times I have made waffles I have felt sick afterwards. I think that my body is trying to tell me something.:sick:
  • PhotographerOfNature
    PhotographerOfNature Posts: 452 Member
    Thanks April & Swiss! I do so much better if I log on to this site several times a day. it's when I don't that I slip. Ugh! Waffles with strawberries sounds good! Yum!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good Morning!

    Welcome Photo (PON) to our little group. Stay awhile, and enjoy the fitness journey with us!

    The INSANITY saga continues. Actually, for those of you who are pretty fit (grads of P90X, Chalene, etc..) could do this program. Believe me, it's pretty tough. For example, on the cd, some of Shaun T's helpers must take breaks during some of the exercises. When have you seen that before? If you like to be challenged with a no-nonsense workout and sweat your butt off every time, not to mention leaving you exhausted...give it a try. I can see some small improvement even after 5 workouts.

    Those of you who are training for a running event or even triathelon would benefit from this program. Stiring, it does not seem to be a muscle building program at all. Stick with P90X for now. I'm afraid that you would lose even more weight. I'm not worried about the weight. I just want to blast off the last of the fat. After these 60 days are up, I will go back to lifting with P90X. It's good to break it up a bit. I know there is a 6 pack lurking down there...Insantiy should reveal it soon (I hope)!!

    I trust that everyone had a good weekend. It was nice to finally come off night shift. I'm sorry that I have not checked in as often as usual, but I am back to a normal shift again.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Hello all:

    Back from our fun at the Casino. Am only up a lb from the great meal we had at CraftSteak, also up $60 from Roulette (I'm such a high stakes gambler! LOL)

    Hope everyone else also had a great weekend.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Welcome P.O.N. and Congrats to Zebras on your "big" win:wink: you obviously gamble like me.

    Sing: Thanks for the info on Insanity! It is sounding like a great winter workout for me.

    I had a great long run yesterday and today I'm enjoying my one day of rest for the week. AAHHH!!!!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning everyone!

    Welcome P.O.N! I'm so glad you can join us....we are a great group here.

    Sing....I'm training for a 5k but I doubt very much that Im ready for insanity! I think I'll P90x when I'm ready for a new workout :wink:

    Tron, congrats on the weightloss! I love the Wii Fit. I did My Fitness Coach this weekend. I hadn't done it much lately so I was surprised at how easy it was. I guess all that running is starting to pay off LOL. I like the yoga on it...the only complaint I have about the Fit is that it takes too long.

    Duffy, I'm beginning to think that I need to work harder on my runs. I run hills every time I run unless I'm running on the track. I almost never get my heart rate up to 180....mine usually stays around the 140-150 range and that makes me huff and puff lol.

    Swiss, I ate some pancakes this weekend and felt sick to my stomach, too. I think it's all that sugar in the syrup. I do not eat much sugar so I think it shocked my system a little. Lol, big change for me since I am a sweet hound! I used to LOVE anything that was sweet. I bet the fresh strawberries were good on it though!

    Zebra - congrats on your big win!!!! That's more money than I would ever win lol. I cannot gamble! I feel like "Mr Krabs" on Spongebob....you literally have to pull that dollar out of my claws! :laugh:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Ok...I apologize in advance...but I want to share my weekend. I posted this in my Runners Club thread so forgive me for copy and pasting, but it is way easier than rewriting it. Here it is:

    Good Morning Runners!

    Its so good to see all the new faces....and it looks like I missed some really great "stuff" this weekend. Congrats to all of you! I'm always amazed when I read what others are doing...so inspirational!

    On Saturday I took my 9 year old niece out to the track with me for a run. She had been excited about it for awhile and had been asking me if she could go. She spent the weekend with us so I thought it would be a perfect opportunity and some good bonding time for us.

    Well, I was a little scared that I was going to be too slow for her...you know how these "young people" are with their thin bodies and fast metabolisms (and her long legs - she's taller than me).

    But, I smoked her :happy:

    Don't get me wrong....I wasn't trying to compete with her (she's only 9), I was trying to teach her to run properly (and of course she didn't listen). So, when we first started she ran ahead for like 5 minutes, then had to walk the rest of the way. I ended up going 2 laps to her 1.

    Then the skies opened up and it poured the rain so we sprinted the last lap to get to covering. I passed her and she said "what the heck? I should just get on your back, I'd get there faster" :laugh:

    It felt good to spend time with her and I'm so glad I was able to give her some new experiences. She would be so good if she just practiced so I'm hoping my love of running (or any kind of exercise) will rub off on her. Especially since her mother does not believe in exercise or eating healthy and she's in danger of becoming overweight.

    And I was so proud of myself. This is the first time I have ever ran with someone in my entire life (and I'm 41). I realized just how far I have come and that hey, I just might be able to do that 5k. (ok, so I'm getting a little teary/emotional).

    It was good. She gave me renewed strength and belief in myself. And last night she did an hours worth of strength training with me - though she didnt go the whole time, she did really really well.

    My weekend was awesome.

    Thanks for listening to me if you got this far.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hello, all!

    Nice summer weekend here. Too hot to run but 2 P90X workouts. However, 2 bar-b-ques- lots of wine and my favorite summer cocktail: coconut rum, pomegranate liquor, OJ:drinker: !

    I need to re-focus on the diet:grumble: .

    sing- maybe I should give Insanity a try! Although I don't want to lose ground with the muscle development, I really need to lose the extra weight!!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,818 Member
    Just dropping by for a quick second.

    sing, thanks for the info on Insanity. I'm still dropping some weight, and this has got to stop. So I will work on gaining weight during a P90X cycle (at least 5 pounds) and then go into Insanity in November/December (which I think is probably a really good time to do the program since the workouts are shorter and can be better fit into what usually is a busy schedule during that time). I really appreciate your feedback on this. I must admit, I'm anxious to do this program, but I will hold off!

    annaliza, yay for you!! :drinker: You should be proud of yourself. And, best of all, you really are setting a good example for your niece as well.

    All here is well....just very busy with my mother visiting. I'm still getting short workouts in and trying to eat well. But, like I said, I've actually lost a little weight, so it is time for me to really focus on that and get my weight back up a bit.

    I'll be back more often in a couple of days. Hope this finds you all doing well.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello all!!! Back to serious business...I ate way too much cake this weekend and other party foods. I still worked out but probably not enough to help with the overeating. :grumble: :grumble: But I know I did it on my own, cannot blame anyone and it is time to go back to business. I stepped on the scale today after 10 days of not weighing and up 4 lbs!!!! :mad: I see the dietician tomorrow and will talk about that. He had warned me I would gain a couple of pounds after increasing my carbs and calories but 4 lbs??? And of course the over indulgence this weekend is not going to help either...I am soo bad when it comes to social events. And my husband and I are going to the coast for a few days next week so I'd better take it easy...

    Annaliza, I am proud of you and you should feel very proud! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Keep up the good work!! Thanks for sharing.

    Stiring, how much are you eating? Are you still on maintenance? I cant remember if you decided not to monitor your calories. If you are not maybe you are still not eating enough and that's why you are still losing. I am not sure if that is the case. I am glad I am still counting calories because I know if I don't I tend to cheat more...I guess I am not where I should be in terms of my relationship with food. You eat so well and really clean and I know you dont have any problems being influenced by others/social events. That is my goal.

    Sing, Insanity sounds like so much fun. I need to check it out on the website or the infomercial, have not seen it yet. I am going to need a program to do through the Holidays or something right after the Holidays to help with maintenance. I might do another round of ChaLean in the fall, not sure yet.

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou: