40+ Club - Summertime Fun



  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Back from Canada! Had a wonderful time with the 500 + ladies there! We were inspired for our year ahead and I even heard a speaker on God's desire for us to take care of our bodies. A good reminder for me as passed on the dessert table! Niagra Falls was Awesome! What a beautiful natural wonder God has created! So powerful! (Also very wet) It has been raining lots in the Hamilton area. Completely unusual for this time of the year, I guess, but everything was so green!

    Lots to do today, of course. Still 7 of us in the house! Now its time to get ready for company tonight. Just recieved this info from DH! He forgot to tell me 2 guys were flying in! At least i got 3 miles (walk/jog) in before I knew, or I might have skipped!

    Welcome PON! :flowerforyou: You will find this to be a great sight. This is the first time in my life that I have lost more than 8 lbs! I am really planning on the support of my MFP friends to continue in this healthier lifestyle!

    Tron, Congrats on anmother 2 lbs. down! Doesn't it feel GREAT!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Alf, you know those punds will drop right off as you are back into your regular routine. It hasn't been there long enough to stick! :smile:

    All caught up on all of you and I will be back Friday with a weigh-in. hope to have maintained thru the conference and a bit of company!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hey everyone........I'm BBBBAAACCKKK!!! :happy:
    Vacation was WONDERFUL - 9 days of laziness, cruising Lake of the Ozarks on the boat and no cooking!!:laugh: :laugh: I cooked dinner ONCE - grilled chicken breasts, baked potatos and fresh broccoli - yum!! The scale at home this morning wasn't as bad as I thought it might be - gained 2 pounds, :grumble: :grumble: which isn't bad at all considering I only walked/ran 3 miles one morning and went to Curves one morning-no other workouts AND we ate dinner at restaurants every night, plus some alcohol every day....... I know..... I'm bad!!:laugh:

    So..... back to work today; only had 115 new emails to wade thru!!!:laugh: Still have to finish unpacking and do laundry, so won't make it to Curves until probably Wednesday:frown:

    Does anybody know how to delete a ticker once the starting date has arrived??? I don't remember how to do it, and I want to take my vacation ticker off since it's over. HELP!!!!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428

    Does anybody know how to delete a ticker once the starting date has arrived??? I don't remember how to do it, and I want to take my vacation ticker off since it's over. HELP!!!!

    Never mind......... I figured it out myself:laugh: :laugh:

    Now to figure out my next countdown goal.............then back to tickerfactory to get a new ticker!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I dont have much time to post but I wanted to quickly let everyone know that I jumped back on my treadmill yesterday. Finally after 3 weeks of not doing any exercise. I walked-5.8 and ran-8.0 for an hour which is 5 1/2 miles. (I mainly walked) Today I am gonna do the stair step for an hour before I get ready to run all of my errands. Glad I finally got up and started exercising again. Oh ya, I started taking B12 so hopefully I wont be as tired all the time. Hope everyone has a great day.....:happy:
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! Back from Mississippi and New Orleans with my sister and brother-in-law for liver transplant work-up at Ochsner. Brother-in-law made the trip ok. Had to use a wheelchair for all but short distances. Initial work-up is encouraging but still more tests and things to do before he can be listed. He went to his doctor in MS when we got back. He did well on Friday but his amonia levels went back up on Friday night/Saturday morning and he had to be taken in an ambulance to the hospital. He is now in ICU on a vent (third time in four weeks). He is improving and may be extubed tomorrow. This is so very hard on the family. My little sister is not eating or sleeping. They have a beautiful 7 year old daughter. Any prayers are welcome.

    I caught a summer cold when I got back. I have no voice but made it to work. Should do some more work tonight, but don't think I will. Went with the husband to the trainer tonight. I mainly watched. It has been raining here in north Texas, so no river aerobics. (I could not do it tonight anyway). Have not had a chance to read the postings but hope to in a day or so. Hope all are doing well.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Tex, my prayers and thoughts for your family. I hope your brother in law gets better soon. :flowerforyou: And please, send some of that rain down here in San Antonio, we need it! :laugh:

    Tron, wow, walking at 5.8 and running at 8? That is super fast!! From the pictures I saw of your vacation it looked like you were also exercising a lot with all that walking and hiking.

    Welcome back MKwood, glad you had a wonderful vacation. I was looking at your birthdate, that is one day before my husband's birthday.

    Hoosier, thank you for your encouragement. Right now I feel very bloated...:grumble: Glad you had a nice time in Canada. I would love to see the Niagara Falls, one of these days.

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Tex, I think of you and pray often for your situation. All the best to you!

    Tron, way to go! Get back on the fitness bandwagon. We're here for you always!!

    MK, welcome back from your vacation!!

    Alf, I was thinking that this would happen. Don't forget that this is probably an increase in glycogen and your cells are holding onto more water. It is NOT fat weight. And the "bloated" feeling is proof of just that. It will be interesting to see what the nutritionist says next time.

    Well, all is going well with Insanity. As I get used to the routines it becomes a bit easier. Definitely high impact on the knees & ankles. I hope the joints can take the pounding for 60 days. In the 6 days since I've started this, I am noticing a difference in my shape already. If anything is going to blast off the fat it's this program. I've rarely sweat this much...and I am doing it in an air conditioned room! I am exhausted but very satisfied afterwards.

    Thanks for your input and encouragement...please keep it coming!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    TEX: Sending prayers your way

    ALF: Carbs do equal water weight gain that is for sure - also what is your mileage up to? I know that as I hit higher mileage my body tends to plateau or gain ( I think it is the stress on your body increasing cortisol levels)

    Had a great Tempo run today so I'll be in good spirits. My DVD for CX is giving me fits so I've been just trying to do the routine at a nice slow pace and then moving on to the next exercise.

    Sing: Not really liking the idea of tough on your joints - I may have to reconsider Insantiy because I like to give my knees a break in the "off" season.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Tex, as with everyone else, your BIL and family are in my thoughts.

    Tron- way to go getting back on the treadmill- literally!!

    MK- welcome back!

    alf- don't get discouraged!

    So, I'm in the middle of putting together the kids new furniture- gotta love Ikea! I find it very rewarding to put the furniture together myself. Thank goodness I have the time- my daughter's desk took 3 hours yesterday!:noway: Started my son's new bookcase- no instructions in the box!!!:grumble: Just downloaded them from the website-- gotta love the internet!!!

    Had bloodwork drawn for physical in 2 weeks- inconvenient for me; easier for my Dr. Will be interesting to see how the weight loss and increased fitness affects my numbers. They were good to start, but for the competitive person, what can't get better??:laugh:

    Weight workout today- chest, shoulders, and tris. Will try for a run this evening, if the thunderstorms hold off!

    Have a good day, all.:flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Duffy, Insanity has a LOT of plyo type moves. I think I will ok through the 60 days, but I will surely need a break from it after that. I've put plenty of miles on these legs in my 55 years. I used to play full court basketball 5-6 times per week and run 25 miles per week on to of that. As I got a bit older I realized that my joints couldn't take the constant pounding. That is why biking is my preferred cardio fix. Having said that, if you are comfortable with running, you should be fine with Insanity.

    April, I'm counting on the rain holding off until at least 7 pm. I'm doing Insanity right after work and doing 15 miles on my bike around 6 pm. I love Ikea...Conshehocken?
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Alf... Yes, its pretty fast. I hate running so I power walk a lot. Only run when I force myself by going faster.:laugh:

    Sing.... Have you taken any measurements yet to see if you've lost anything or are you mainly going for that 6 pack?:smile:

    Aprilvet.... I have never been to Ikea but my daughter just loves:heart: that store. I think she has furnished her whole house from that place.:smile:

    Well today we are supposed to drive to Rainbow Falls, Its near Mammoth. That is if my husband ever gets outta bed. He's still tired from working so much. I wonder if you ever really get your energy back the way it was or once you have depleted yourself its gone forever. Maybe if I start him on some vitamins.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Tron, I'm checking my progress with the mirror and clothing. From time to time I will weigh myself. It is really working, though. I can see the outline of my ribs when I lift my arms and there is definitely some definition showing in the abs area. I am fit and strong, but with a small layer of fat covering the muscles it was becoming discouraging to me. Now I can truly see light at the end of the tunnel!! And after only 6 days!!!
  • PhotographerOfNature
    PhotographerOfNature Posts: 452 Member
    Hey everyone! Thanks for the welcomes. I had a weekend of eating out too. No vacations, just busy and going different places. Today I have been very good, so hopefully tonight I will behave as well. We have a horse trailer that we are trying to sell, so I was out late last night showing it and then again today at lunch. Hopefully it will sell soon. Well, I'm off to go home and figure out what to make for dinner. Ugh! I HATE to cook, so mealtime is torture. I've always said that "my favorite meal is something someone else makes". :bigsmile: See ya everyone! Keep up the good work.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Sing.... That is so incredibly exciting for you. I cant wait for your before and after pic's. I will keep this program in mind when I get stronger. No where near your level yet but hopefully one day....:happy:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Tron, thank you for your encouragement. I finally think that I can accomplish my goals with Insanity. I can't believe how hard you are pushed in such a short time with this program. I've read many times that High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is the way to go for rapid fat loss. I am trying to be careful about my nutritional needs. I don't want to undereat and I want to stay away from the junk too. The bottom line is: this new program can only help my current situation, and it's a nice change of pace from weight lifting.

    Duffy, my joints do not seem to be aching as earlier in the program. My body is getting used to the rigorous workouts. I'm beginning week 2. The workouts are still very tough, which is good!

    Alf, it's good to hear that your husband is going to join you in the run. I know he won't be able to keep up with you, but it's nice to know that he is trying to get fit.

    Have a great day!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Sing- yes, Conshohocken! I'll be back tomorrow to pick up 2 bedside tables for guest room! You've got me convinced to start Insanity when I get back from vacation! Although I love P90X, a change will do me good, and it will be nice to not have to put in extra cardio- unless I want to!:devil:

    tron- I think working out actually gives back some of that lost energy!!! However, sleep is vital!:smile:

    Worked out with trainer this am- kicked my *kitten*, as usual. That's why I keep her around!!! Plyo later.

    Have a great day, all!! It's pea soup out around here- anyone have good weather?

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Pea soup & pea size hail here, April!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Hot & humid and it started sprinkling on us at lunch, but it didn't ruin our lunch hour!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Sing... Did the program come with any suggested meal plans?

    April... I'm not gonna start my husband exercising just yet. Its only been a week sense he hasn't had a mandatory 80+ hr week jobs. He has always worked a full time job PLUS side jobs or real estate stuff sense I have known him but for the last two year he worked 40 hrs at a casino, 40 hrs at a grocery store PLUS all of his side jobs. I think he needs the rest just a little more right now. But if I could get him to start exercising with me..... I just cant tell you how excited I would be.:wink:

    Oh ya, its sunny and hot here in Northern California. No rain in sight.....

    Yesterday we went on a 4 mile hike in Mammoth. Never been there before so it was nice to be able to explore a little bit of it. Took out 2 chihuahua's too. First hike they have been on so it really wore them out. :laugh:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Well, it was a wild weather day here in PA. Heavy rain and even a tornado about 50 miles away. We rarely encounted such nasty weather, but everything was lined up right in the atmosphere for severe weather to occur. It's really nice right now...the calm after the storm.

    Tron, Insanity does come with a suggested meal plan. Actually, it's very good. I don't use it since I track my food here on MFP...not always, because I tend to eat the same things during the week.

    The Insanity continues, friends! I'm keeping up with the exercises pretty well. I'm drenched in sweat and wiped out after the workout, but it's a great feeling!

    I was supposed to have a "rest day" yesterday, but since I cannot work out tomorrow, I deceded to throw in an extra workout and take tomorrow off. I should work out, though. We are going to a Mexican restaurant with some friends tomorrow evening, and the chicken burritos with rice & refried beans are calling my name!!!!!

    April, have you ever been to the REI store near IKEA? It's a great place for outdoor stuff.

    I hope all is well with everyone!! Please let us know how you are doing!