40+ Club - Summertime Fun



  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    WHERE IS EVERYONE?????? :ohwell:

    I hope you didn't abandon our nice little group! Hey, I need you guys for support. :smile:

    Happy Tuesday to all ! It's tough getting back to the grind after a 4-day weekend. I could handle that every week! I've been with this same company for 31 years, boy...that's a long time.

    I trust that evryone is still doing well. Please check in from time to time.

    Have a great day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hi Sing, I am here!! I was wondering the same thing. I am guessing a lot of people are taking summer breaks and with the long Holiday weekend some things might have slowed down a bit. I must confess that my diet was not excellent this past weekend but I really don't think it was that bad either.

    So back on the wagon today...I had a good workout this morning. My muscles are spent. I did 7 tricep pushups on my toes!!! :drinker: That is the most I've done. I am almost done with the three phases of ChaLean Extreme. I might do the maintenance program for a while until I figure out what I want to try next. It might not be until after the half marathon. I have to seriously train for that. It is only 4 mos away!!

    And Sing, 31 yrs with the same company!! Amazing!! When do you retire? :laugh:

    Have a great day!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, I can't believe that you are almost finished with Chalene! It seems like yesterday that you were contemplating buying it...wow, how the days fly by!

    My diet was not great either over the weekend, but what the heck? As long as we eat well most of the time, a few cheats here and there won't do much harm (except for the guilt).

    Unfortunately, I won't be retiring any time soon...and since I am a mere "pup" at 55. :laugh: Hopefully I will be healthy enough to make 40 years with the company.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hey all.....I'm here! Just got busy over the weekend doing fun stuff, and then yesterday got busy doing stuff I should have been doing when I was doing the fun stuff this weekend. :bigsmile: But I'm still here.

    I actually didn't do too badly this weekend with my food and fitness. No alcohol, no sweets, no junk food. I worked out each day. The most I can say is that I ate way too much fruit because it is so good right now, and probably more bread than I should ever eat in a weekend. I'm not so sure this bread machine was a good idea! :wink: But I'm learning to manage it now. My weight continues to hold steady, which is good.

    I'm coming up to six months without having had things like french fries, chips, pie, chocolate cake, etc. It was kind of strange to be thinking all weekend that I was eating poorly and to look back and say that the worst of what I ate was bread and fruit. How things have changed in six months. But I still feel like I haven't quite turned the corner on the mindset of 'I can't have that...' to 'I don't want that....' on some days, and that is ultimately my goal. But the good news is that on more days than not, I can honestly say 'I don't want that....', so at least I feel I'm moving in the right direction.

    Off to do my STS leg workout. I only have seven more workouts in this STS program. I suppose I should start thinking more about what I'm going to do in the 5-6 weeks I'm going to have before starting P90X. I'm a little concerned about losing some of the strength gains I've made during that time, but I'm also concerned about giving my body enough of a break that it can benefit fully from P90X. I'm hoping to strike a good balance during those weeks. I'm thinking about doing at least two weeks of circuits, followed by two weeks of heavier lifting, followed by two weeks of full body endurance strength training. I think that might strike a decent maintenance balance. Any thoughts?

    Hope everybody has a great day!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Stiring, having done P90X, I first want to wish you good luck on this journey. It's very exciting to be able to actually do these exercises that will propel you to the next level of fitness. Some people buy this series and they are not fit enough to do it.

    Your next 6 weeks sounds good. Just give yourself that last week to recuperate before hitting P90X, you WILL need it! Take it easy that final week, do some cardio and stretching and some yoga so your body is well healed. The first workout is a killer: 24 sets of pushups and pullups. The first time I did it I was very sore for a week!

    I'm not trying to scare you, just prepare you for a tough 90 day schedule ahead. But knowing how fit you are right now, you will do just fine!!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Thanks, singfree. :flowerforyou: I'm really looking forward to P90X. I'll take that break week you recommended. With 24 sets of pushups/pullups.....you are right...I'll need it! :tongue:
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello all! Hope you all had a safe and fun 4th of July weekend!

    The scale at Curves really didn't like me last night........back up over 130:cry::grumble: :cry: .

    So......I had my fun weekend - time to get back to burning those calories off and then burn some more! I'm obviously not going to hit my goal before vacation next weekend, but I kinda figured that out about the time I joined MFP, since the pounds and inches weren't going anywhere! :laugh:
    My performance index was increased by 11, progressed on 9 machines, but only burned 410 calories because several machines were re-testing:grumble: I'll use the exercise ball tonight - gotta work off this belly and love handles!!!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    MKwood, don't despair. It is probably water retention. And burning over 400 cals, that is awesome! :drinker:

    Stiring, you are amazing!! I give you a standing ovation!! :drinker: :drinker: You are such a driven, determined person. I consider myself a pretty healthy person who follows a very clean diet most of the time but I still eat and drink most of the foods/drinks you mentioned. Now, I don't eat them regularly, I can go days and even weeks without having any alcohol, sweets, fried stuff. I am not really sure I want to give it up for good though, I know I should, but with the way I live my life and those around me it is just not realistic, at least not for now. To tell you the truth I wish I could me more like you but I know it is not realistic. How do you do it? What helped you change completely like that in such a short amount of time? Another question for you...why do you wan to wait 5-6 wks to start P90X? Just curious...I have never done but have heard it is pretty tough. I agree with Sing, take a week off before you start. From what I've read you can lose some of your strenght in just 2-3 wks so I would still do some heavy lifting before starting P90X. STS does not have a maintenance program. ChaLean has one and that is what I am starting next week until I decide what my next challenge will be...

    Have a great evening!! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    alf, I'm not sure I can really explain why I became so motivated in such a short period of time, but I think it boils down to a couple of things.

    First, when I started this journey, I started reading everything I could on food and nutrition to see if I could learn something about what I was putting into my body, why I was putting it into my body, and whether I still wanted to put it into my body. I think what inspired me to go down this road was listening to some of Jillian Michael's podcast. But I figured some food education might be the absolute best way of not returning to my old habits. This hasn't always been a pleasant hobby over the past six months. :noway: but I've learned alot. And that's why I can honestly say about certain foods (like all things fast food and chips) that I no longer have any desire whatsoever to put things like that into my body. As an example, my husband and I were driving along one day and next to another car at a light. The guy was eating cheesy fritos. I said to my husband that I wonder if he would be snacking on those cheesy fritos if he knew that he was pretty much just eating chemicals. When you look at food that way, it loses its appeal (at least it does for me). And refried french fries? Yeah, I can do without those too.

    And, oddly, one of the things I've learned about is cravings. What I've learned is that if you continue to eat the foods you crave, then you will continue to crave those foods. It makes sense I suppose. :wink: I really don't want to be a slave to my cravings ever again in my life. On that, I am determined (and it is what I struggle with the most to be honest). Simply understanding the physiology behind the cravings (as I feel I better understand now) is helping me fight those cravings quite a bit. So there is this sense that I won't let myself give in to my cravings, which is one of the reasons why I've not had some foods. And when I'm not craving the food, I don't want it because of what it is. So some days are a struggle (fighting the cravings), but most days I feel no sense of deprivation because I truthfully don't want the food that's on offer.

    So that's part of the equation. The other part has to do with my husband's last boss in Alaska. He and his wife were very (I'm talking VERY!!) clean eaters. People on the base would kind of laugh at them behind their backs because of how precise they were about their eating. But there are a couple of things that struck me about them. First off, the wife and I became great friends. And every time I was over at her house, she served meals that tasted way better than anything I've ever made....and I always felt good after eating her food. And, second, both of them are poster children from health and middle age. They are fit and healthy and look so very strikingly different compared to many/most people their ages. So they have provided me with something of a role model--though I can honestly say I didn't recognize it at the time we were living near them.

    She (the boss' wife) and I email/talk frequently, and she has been giving me alot of pointers over the past couple of months. I know they are faced with many sticky situations like my husband and I are--many catered formal dinners and such. But they have worked a way around this. It isn't easy, and they admit it isn't easy. But they are doing it. And that gives me the extra incentive I feel I need to at least try to make some of these changes that I want to make....but sometimes wonder if I can make.

    So even though I didn't go into this with the intent of changing my life to mirror their life, that has increasingly been the road I've been going down as a result of learning what I have about food. It is a work in progress without a doubt, and there are times when I still feel a tad uncomfortable when we're asked to social events...wondering if I'm going to be able to find something I want to eat. But I'm getting better at handling those situations. For instance, I volunteer for an organization here at the base. We recently had an appetizer/drink party at a local restaurant. The appetizers, predictably, were all fried foods. I simply didn't eat any. When somebody asked me why, I said I was eating at home with my husband (which was true....and I said that as opposed to saying 'I'm not eating stuff like that anymore' because I don't want to come across like I'm saying to people 'I won't eat what you're eating''...which would be incredibly rude and that's not what I mean to say). But that night wasn't one where I was thinking to myself 'Boy, I sure wish I could eat that!' because I wasn't thinking that at all. When I saw what was on the plate they set in front of me, I didn't want any part of it. And I'm thinking now if I don't want to eat something, I shouldn't feel like I need to eat it to fit in or be social or whatever.

    So that's it in a not-so-small nutshell. Again, it wasn't ever my intent to go down the road I have, but given how I feel (SO much better) and given the effect it has had on my husband (a positive one), I'm happy I've gone down it. It's not always easy (see the cravings reference above!), but it is getting easier with time.

    Regarding P90X, the structure of the program is very similar to STS (split sets focusing initially on endurance and building up through the program to strength). I want to take a break for a few reasons. I think my body will be 'shocked' more if I do something other than split sets for a few weeks before going into P90X since I'm coming off six months of split sets. I also want to give my mind a break. I've loved doing this six month rotation, but I am looking forward to a little more 'wiggle' room for a few weeks so that if I don't want to work out on a Sunday (as an example), I don't feel like I need to in order to stay with the rotation. I want to give my body a break too. I have some minor little annoyances creeping up right now due to the very heavy weights I'm using for this last cycle of STS and the intensity of the aerobics I'm doing....such things like a slight strain in one of my forearms, and a tenderness in one of my calves. I'd really like those to heal before I start with the intensity of P90X. And, finally, I'm trying to line up the break weeks in P90X with times I won't be able to workout this fall due to conferences, etc. So that has me starting the last week in August.

    STS doesn't have a maintenance plan, though Cathe does post a monthly rotation (including a post-STS rotation she posted in June). But since I'm gearing up towards P90X, I'm thinking I need to focus a little more on keeping the strength training up a bit....more than what Cathe has recommended right now. So........

    Okay, enough from me! Hope everybody has a great evening.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    stiring..I see that you mentioned bread in that list of foods. My weight has been bouncing around again since last weekend. I wonder if it is because I had some toast. I only eat whole wheat but I hadn't had any in a long time. I also had a baked potato which I haven't had in months.

    mkwood...410 calories is nothing to sneeze at. That is a good amount to burn. I just did a full hour of Zumba and burned less.
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! Husband and I had fries and a hamburger on the 4th. Yuck! He had gall bladder problems for three days and I felt like there was a brick in my stomach.

    I agree with you are saying about choosing what to eat. I feel so much better when I am eating well. My trainer is amazed at the amount of food I can eat and keep it around 1450 calories in a day. I really like it when I can keep the sodium low.

    We are over-run with fruit flies from the tomatoes my husband is harvesting. This morning before I left for work, I put all the tomatoes in a big plastic bag. Came home this evening to three more big bowls of tomatoes and a 25 pound pumpkin on the kitchen counter. He still has one more pumpkin growing which he hopes will be around 35 pounds. Not the 90 pounder we had two years ago but we had a very unusual amount of rain that spring.

    Got to go ready for river aerobics. We started the second four week session last night. Beautiful sunset and a full moon! Take care all. Texssippian
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Well, since we're all confessing our food sins about the holiday, I will go ahead and confess that I had fried clams on Saturday AND Sunday, and they were delicious!!!! Gotta have fried clams in the summer in Massachusetts, I'm just sayin.:wink: There may have also been some onion rings consumed as well. :love:

    So, have been back on track for the last two days with my eating and still the weight remains the same. Spoke to the trainer about it, and he's working on some ideas, but still was trying to reassure me that I have come very far. I know I have, just sometimes wonder how my BMI can be so high, if my BFP is so low. Tis a puzzlement!

    Tomorrow is plyometrics day and my legs hurt just thinking about it. :laugh:

    Glad to hear from everyone and see how determined a group we are. You all inspire me so much! Thank you!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hello, all!

    I've been MIA for quite a while. I had to cut way back on my MFP addiction, so I've been lurking with limited posting.

    It's great to see everyone continuing on their journey to health and fitness! I'm now in my 2nd round of
    P90X and love what it's done for my body!:drinker: As for nutrition, I have been better than my former self, but admit to giving in to some seasonal indulgences!:embarassed: However, with the exercising, I've managed to maintain, at least.

    So, a few of you may remember, I mentioned a few months ago that my family and I will be going to Europe the 2nd half of August. Several of you gave me some great recommendations for our planned trip to Bavaria, Austria, and Switzerland. I will be traveling with my husban and 10-year old son and 7-year old daughter. They loved hiking in Bar Harbor last summer, so I'm hopeful that they can handle a trip like this. I would love some comments on my proposed itinerary. I really want to know if it is realistic- or am I completely insane, and trying to do too much!!:noway:

    8/14F-- Flight Newark-Vienna

    8/15Sa-- Arrive Vienna

    8/16Su-- Vienna

    8/17M-- Korneuburg, travel to Krems, stay Durnstein

    8/18Tu-- boat trip to Melk, travel to Salzburg

    8/19W-- Salzburg

    8/20Th-- travel to Chiemsee

    8/21F-- Chiemsee, travel to Munich

    8/22Sa-- Munich

    8/23Su-- day trip- Neuschwenstein castle

    8/24M-- travel to Garmish

    8/25Tu-- Garmish, travel to Lucerne

    8/26W-- Lucerne

    8/27Th-- Lucerne, travel to Zurich

    8/28F-- Zurich

    8/29Sa-- leave

    Thank you for your comments and critiques!! I'm really excited about the trip, but I'm putting this together myself and getting a little nervous about the details.

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    April, welcome back!! We missed you. Your trip look great. I've been to most of those places. Austria, Germany and Switzerland are my favorite vacation places. We are going there again next year. If you need any travel tips please let me know.

    Are you taking the train or do you have a car?
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Thanks, singfree!

    We will be renting a car and driving. I'd love to take a scenic train ride, but I'm not sure how to fit it in. Do you think I'm trying to cram too much stuff into my 2 weeks? The driving distances don't seem too great on paper. I'd like to have some time to relax in some of these places!

    Are you cycling much now that the weather in PA has finally decided to cooperate? I'm now running outside and loving it!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    I'm fairly new to this website, and before I joined it I had lost 55 lbs but have stagnated at that level for a long time now. I started reading the post of this group, and you seem like such a lovely encouraging group, I thought I would chime in.

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Hi April! If I might make a suggestion, you may be able to do some of these places more efficiently if you stay in a few areas and take day trips from there. For instance, from Vienna you can easily do the Wachau Valley (Duernstein, Melk, Krems etc...) as a day trip. From Salzburg to Chiemsee is only one hour by car or train. Garmisch is a great base for daytrips to the Castles and is only about an hour to Munich. During our travels, we try to stay in 2 areas. It is a joy not to pack/ unpack every night. BTW, all of these places can be reached easily by train.

    As far as cramming in too much, it's all up to the individual. I guess a big consideration is your children.

    Yes! I am doing a lot of biking here in southern Schuylkill Co., trying to do 100+ miles per week.

    Take care and please send a message if you need more info.

    Zebras: Welcome! Please tell us a bit about yourself, your exercise and nutrition. We are here to help you!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Thanks singfree!

    I'm 44, female, I get most of my exercise from my Nintendo Wii and Walking on my lunch hour at work. My nutrition is mostly trying to cut back my calories down to the recommended amount, but after two trips where eating seemed to figure in highly, I'm not making any progress so far. I'm very proud of my weight loss that I achieved before I even found MFP, but I joined it because I need to jumpstart my progress again.

  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    It really takes a while to make good clean eating a lifestyle. As we get older, the weight seems to magically appear and is as hard to get rid of as a regifted fruitcake! You are doing the right thing by exercising and watching your calories. Write down everything you eat and put it into your food journal here at MFP. This should indicate where your food intake might need some attention. It's really not enough to count calories alone. Monitor your carb, protein, and fat intake too. If you are not a water lover, you will be! Make a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle and you WILL begin to see results. Good luck and stick with it!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning! I now know why I should try to eat clean. I was at a cookout at a friend's home and ate the usual burgers & hot dogs, chips, etc... Wash it all down with a few gin & tonics and now I feel worse than the crap I put into my system. It's amazing how one night of junk food can upset the system so much. I had a good time otherwise! :laugh:

    Back on the wagon today. Lots of water and protein and lighter on the carbs. I need a good long bike ride to clear my head.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day!