40+ Club - Summertime Fun



  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Alf, oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I don't blame you one bit for feeling disrespected. I hate when decisions are made without consulting with the person who it affects the most. Grrrr. Has happened to me a few times, where I had staff taken from me to work in another department without any notice. Totally aggravating and demoralizing.

    You are a very smart, capable woman, and if there is a way to follow your passion, I'm certain you'll figure it out. Sending you positive thoughts today. Stay strong!

  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member

    Went to the trainer tonight. Since starting with her I have lost 15 pounds, 3 1/2 inches off my waist and 3 1/2 inches off my hips. No wonder clothes are fitting differently. The husband on the other hand, has gained some strength but no weight loss or inches. He is now more motivated to get with it and stop cheating and start pushing himself. Yea!

    Congrats Texassippian!!! Doesn't it feel good to see the results? Glad your husband is getting motivated too! How are the plant children? (Love this!)

    Annaliza, having a dog to exercise with sounds like fun. I miss my little (well she was kind of big) corgi, Sherman, but I could have never run with her. She was possibly the slowest moving corgi ever. :laugh: Except when she spotted a squirrel on the ground. Then look out! Hope your running is on schedule and giving you some enjoyment.

    Stiring, your bread making is getting me hungry! Where are you finding your recipes? They sound so good and healthy!

    Sing, sorry you've had to work the night shift this week. My schedule is off a bit, because of vacationing staff, so I understand how it messes with the working out and eating right. Hang in there, and you'll soon be back on track.

    I had another terrific workout with the trainer today, doing plyometrics! Lots of jumping exercises which I was mostly able to do. But I am tired!!!

    Oh and since finding out about my BFP, the scale has been going up! What's up with that?:sad:

    Everybody have a good Wednesday! It's almost the holiday weekend!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    I'm SO SORRY to hear about your situation at work........ I understand completely!!! :heart: :heart:
    They shouldn't have treated you so badly - they deserve to lose you if that's how they're going to treat their support staff!!! :explode: :explode: I don't even have a BS..... in fact, no college hours at all and I feel inadequate because of it sometimes. But.... I like my job, am good at it and they appreciate me here at K-State, so that makes the lack of a degree less bothersome. At this point in my life I'm content to do what I do best (work behind the scenes and support people) and don't have any desire to go back to school. I hated being a supervisor for 11+ years....... it's nice to not have to listen to people whine about why they couldn't do their job :laugh: :laugh: My hubby tells me I really don't need to work any more if I don't want to, but I'm like you, I like the extra $$$ for fun things that my piddly salary brings in.
    Whatever you decide to do; we all love you and appreciate you!!!:heart::heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :laugh: :laugh:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Alf... Sorry to hear about your job. Talk to your husband about your ideas and ya never know, maybe he will be supportive. Better to know before you take that leap so you have a true picture of your options. And I bet he might even give you a loving push in the right direction... :o)

    Well I have been really busy "spring" cleaning before I leave on my road trip this Friday. I will miss you guys. Makes me wish I didn't give up the internet on my blackberry but oh well... I didn't use it.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!! I am checking MFP on Company time :tongue: :tongue: :laugh: I appreciate everyone for all your kind words of support. It really warms my heart. I am still resentful of course. Everybody keeps asking me why I am not in my office anymore and when I tell them their expressions change. The Operations Manager has been apologizing all day long. He said this was not in his power. I keep telling me him that he is not the one who needs to apologize but I do appreciate his concern. He is very kind. He says that he will not allow another move for me. I told him that next I am asked to move I will pack up my things I leave. :laugh: And I really mean it...

    I started checking on Zumba certification. Unfortunately there are no workshops in the area yet but I am hopeful they will have something nearby. There is truly a demand for Zumba instructors here especially in my area. And I know I would be a really good instructor. It is the music I love to dance to. And did I ever mention that I used to be an ACE certified group class instructor when I was in Germany? Well, yes I was, unfortunately I did not renew my certification when I moved to TX. My classes were very popular. I was teaching step aerobics and sculpt classes. Most of my classes were taught at a German gym. Others at the military gyms. I really miss that.

    The day is going very well as far as not counting calories. I feel very satisfied. I've been everything I normally eat. After my Krav Maga kickboxing class tonight I am planning on having a protein shake if I am very hungry. I will see how I feel tomorrow and adjust it accordingly. I weighed myself this morning and I lost another pound. I weigh 123lbs, 2 lbs under my goal. I guess I have the Stiring syndrome :laugh: Stiring how are you doing now? Have you stopped losing now that you increased your calories?

    Take care!! And thank you again for all your support. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,872 Member
    alf, you make me laugh. :laugh: I've never had my own syndrome before!! :tongue: First, I'm happy to hear it sounds like you have some support in your office. That has to make this a little (emphasis on 'little') easier to take because people aren't doing the whole 'whatever' thing.

    As far as my weight, who knows? Honestly. I had dropped another 1/2lb on Saturday morning (one of the reasons I didn't log my food in that morning), then gained a pound back over the next couple of days, and am back down now to where I was on Friday (a little lower). So I don't know where I sit yet. What I'm trying to do with my calories is make sure they stay above 1800 and below 2300. That's a big range, but it is allowing me some serious wiggle room in what I eat (like extra fruit since it is so good right now) and keeps me from not eating enough (which I think anything below 1800 would be). But I don't think I'll know for another week or two whether this is where I need to be to maintain. I've been fooled by my body before thinking I hit maintenance only to wake up the next day 1.5 pounds lighter. So..........I don't know if that answered your question or not. Please keep us posted on how it goes not counting your calories. I'm afraid, like you, that my inclination if I were to do that would be to eat too little right now.

    tron, have a great trip! I will be anxious to hear about your adventures when you get back (especially the trip to the Grand Canyon). Take care and have fun!

    cardigirl, don't worry about the weight gain. I'm sure it's temporary. You are doing so great, and it sounds like you have an amazing trainer. Plyometrics are fun, aren't they?

    All here is well. Did a great shoulder/back/tricep workout this morning. Eating alot and healthy. I'm finishing another great audiobook called 'The End of Overeating' by David Kessler (he used to work for the FDA I believe). I actually finally have an answer as to why I crave some foods and what I can do about it. I don't know if his answer is the definitive answer, but it makes a whole lot of sense to me. This is one I'm going to keep on my iPod for future reference if I ever need a reminder about cravings and/or impulse eating and what to do about them.

    Hope everybody is having a good day! :drinker:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Stiring, at least it isn't something wierd! I can see it now.....

    Webster's Dictionary:

    Syndrome, Stiring- see weight loss genius. :laugh:

    This sounds good to me!

    Hey, if anything positive has come out of this night shift fiasco, it's...FAT LOSS!

    My gut is shrinking before my very eyes (and mirror). Lets see...no junk food, no pretzels, no wine. Lots of protein though. I am still exercising at home. Lots of bike riding, not as much weights. Who knows? Maybe I will soon be as light as Stiring and Alf !

    Tonight is my last night of night shift. I am finished for the week at 7 am tomorrow!!!

    Good night all!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am off of work until Monday so I hope to be here more often. I have a question for everyone. If you have noticed my ticker it says that I have three pounds to go til goal. I think that I will probably go for another five pounds. Should I go ahead and change my goal to read 8 more or should I wait until I reach the 3 pound goal and then change it?
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Swiss, if I were you I would wait until I lost the 3lbs. I dont want to discourage you but since you are so close to your goal it can take a few wks to lose 3lbs. Well, at least for me it did, unless you change your change your exercise or your eating habits drastically. Congrats on being so close to your goal. I did the same. My goal was to weigh no less than 130lbs but when I reached it I set up a new goal to 125 so if I had an increase it would not be higher than 130. Now I weigh 123lbs...:noway:

    I just came back from my kickboxing class and I feel GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I released so much stress I burned 449cals in 52 mins. :laugh: I think I am going to sleep like a baby tonight.

    I told my daughter what happened to me and she sent me this. It is a stress management technique, it really works:










    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Swiss, what ever is more motivating to you: 3 to go and then add 5 more or 8 more all together. You deserve which ever way is most important to you.

    Tron: Have a wonderful time on your trip.

    Sing: I hope you don't have too much jet lag coming off the night shift.

    Alf: I saw your post at work today but did not want to respond while at work. I have worked for the state before so the "lowest common denominator" employee theory applies. They treat everyone like they are the lowest on the totem pole (except visiting faculty who have a separate pole but with its own bizzare pecking order...) A good research assistant should be worth their weight in gold and since you are losing so much weight, worth your weight in diamonds! How many published articles have been built on your work? Shame on them! I know you are looking to get into some type of fitness work. I know you will be great! Have you thought about talking to the kinesiology department at UTSA? Maybe you could change your research work to an exercise study. The egg-head lab profs will be sorry to see you go. Windows are dime a dozen compared to good research assistants. You go girl! We are behind you!

    Wore a suit today I wore one time but it was too tight then (about two years ago). Now it is almost too big! Am going to be daring tomorrow and not wear hose (Ok most women younger than me don't wear them anyway but I just cannot do it) and wear open toed sandals (actually nice flip-flops). My boss knows I am being defiant or am mad about something when I wear no hose and flip flops. I am protesting the treatment of Alf! Got very loud pink nail polish to match my top and my flip flops. Need to go paint my toes. Also, did the free weight work out at home. We have the weights but not the bosu ball, so I folded several blankets and stood on that. Not quite bosu but still required core work for stability and lots cheaper! Happy pseudo Friday tomorrow to all who get Friday off! TxMs
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    That's amazing Tex!!! I am wearing the same thing!!

    Alf, I hope you were visualizing someone when you were at kickboxing class! My boss is a pretty good guy, except for the BO problem. I'm not sure if it's glandular or just poor hygene, but summertime is pretty rough on the nose around here! Really, I can work out all day and not smell like that. Mama Mia :sick: The other day I saw vultures circling because they thought something was dead!!!

    'Night All!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Who knew you had a hot pink polka dot sweater and matching flip flops! Must have lax dress code on the night shift... TxMs
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning everyone!

    Alf, I'm so sorry that they are treating you so badly at work. I have so much trouble with my co-workers, too that I can understand where you are coming from. I probably would have quit working there a long time ago so kudos to you ...you are so much more patient and understanding than I am. What a foolish group of people you work with....research assistants are skilled employees and are not easy to replace! Though I have to agree with Texs....the state follows the "low man on the totem" rule which is really frustrating to a skilled person.

    Texs, you go girl!! I never wear hose, I don't care. I hate them! We should all protest the treatment of Alf!! What an excellent idea. And congrats on your old suit being too big on you...what a wonderful feeling!

    Stiring, you are doing so well on your maintenence! I'm really happy for you and find you to be such an inspiration!

    Hang in there Cardi!! Remember....we are running a marathon...not a race!! You are doing so good...be proud of yourself! Oh..and LOL about the Corgi. I sure hope my new dog isn't slow lol

    Have fun Tron!!! I'm sure it will be great with some good memories!

    Sing, good job on your pretzel, junk food and wine break! What gut? When did you have a gut? :noway:

    Ok, so I've been rebellious over the logging on MFP. I didn't even weigh myself yesterday (my normal weigh in day). Well, this morning I got up and thought, I guess I better do this and get it over with. I actually held my breath when I got on the scale.

    And I lost 3 lbs!!!!!! Whoo hoo!!!!

    I'm going on a mini vacation from Sunday to Tuesday. My hubby and I are taking my mother in law and the two little ones to see the zoo/aquarium and the childrens museum in Pittsburgh. It should be a lot of fun.

    I was proud of myself when I booked the hotel. Never did I think that a hotel having a fitness center would be so important to me. lol, now it's a must have "ammenity" lol So, I've seen more growth in me during my journey.

    Anyway, back to work! Take care all!

    Oh wait...I forgot to mention. I AM NO LONGER OBESE!! (just overweight :smile: )
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Thanks alf and tex....I will be keeping my ticker at three pounds and then will change it when I have reached that goal. I don't know how far I should try to go. Most people would think that I need to lose. I stand 5 ft 5 and weigh 148. Really that is too much but I am having people tell me that I shouldn't be trying to lose anymore.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Well we are leaving tomorrow morning... Early. So today I have to pack everything up and get my last minute grocery shopping done. Busy Busy day.

    Swiss.... I have noticed that ever sense I started working out I a a smaller size with a bigger number on the scale. But if you don't feel comfortable then lose the next 5 pounds.

    So instead of worrying about weight I am gonna worry about inches. What do you thing my waist measurements should be? I am 5'2. I wont tell you what they are until I get the number from what you think. :wink:

    annalize... Congrats on the 3 lbs. :drinker:
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    So instead of worrying about weight I am gonna worry about inches. What do you thing my waist measurements should be? I am 5'2. I wont tell you what they are until I get the number from what you think. :wink:

    I'm 5'2" also, and I carry all of my extra weight around my belly. I refuse to even venture a guess as to what your waist size should be because I don't know where you carry your extra weight. I will say it's extremely frustrating to find clothes that fit thru the hips/thighs/butt and are too small at the waist!!:explode: :grumble: :grumble: I don't care as much about what the scale says - I just want my clothes to fit better AND to get back into my skinny clothes from last summer!!! Amazing (and frustrating) how much 5-10 pounds effects how your clothes fit when you have a small frame and you're short like me!:laugh: :laugh:

    Enjoy your trip and don't stress out about eating and exercising - you deserve a vacation!!!:happy:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Congratulations all on your weight/ fitness goals! We're all finding that our clothes are fitting better and we are pleased with that sexy thing in the mirror. Now it gets interesting.

    Alf and Stiring, your challenge is to find a good balance in your nutrition and exercise. It's hard to up the cals after you've been eating under your maintenance cals. Don't be afraid to experiment a bit to see what works for you. Actually, upping the cals slightly and concentrating on weights will put a bit of muscle weight on.

    For me, this week I concentrated on cardio, mostly with biking, and just a bit of strength training. Between yesterday and today I did almost 60 miles. Right now I am exhausted after finishing night shift. I have a long weekend since i don't have to work tomorrow...YAY.!!!!!

    I hope your holiday weekend is great, have a good night!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Tron, enjoy your trip!

    Tron and MK: I agree to watch the inches. Unless you regularly step on people's toes or sit in their laps, they will notice inches before pounds. I too notice more in the way clothes fit than in pounds. Instead of picking a number for your waist, why not just measure now and watch the numbers go down as you continue eating right and exercising?

    I am looking forward to the river tonight! We have a make up session tomorrow night for the one we missed on Monday, but I don't want to do river on the Friday before the fourth. I think it will be too crowded. Next week starts another 4 week session.

    Sing, enjoy your long weekend.

    Need to go buy lottery tickets! Take care all. TxMs
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Annaliza, congrats on your weight loss!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: You are doing an awesome job!! And thank you for your support, all of you, it has helped me tremendously. I woke up this morning rested and with a very positive attitude. My new desk is all set up except for my computer. I have a cubicle in a big room sharing it with whoever will be coming in later. This is a huge project, it's been in the news. It is for military people with PTSD. I like my corner, it has the same view I had in my other office, actually next door. The only problem, I don't have wall space so I cannot hang my son's puzzles that I had framed and hung on the wall. He likes to do puzzles, 1000 pcs or more. I guess it helps him relax. I guess I will bring them back home. :grumble:

    Tron, have a fun and safe trip. Enjoy!!!! Waist measurements, hmm, I guess it depends on your body type, everyone is different. I could not really tell you what it should be. Have you researched it in the internet? I am 5'5" and my waist is 26in on good days. :laugh: I don't think I can get nor I would want to get any smaller. I really don't want to lose anymore.

    This is day 2 of not counting calories. I like the extra time that I have now but I am still concerned about undereating. I have been eating very clean, as usual. I remember on days I ate about the same as now I was eating about 1600-1700 cals. Now, yesterday I burned a lot of calories, more than what I usually burn doing CE. I came home and had a protein shake and some peanut butter. I am starting to feel hungry right now so I think I will fix myself another shake.

    Have a safe Holiday weekend!! I am not off tomorrow but I am getting off early. I am going to a women's basketball with a friend and then dancing again with friends. I'd better eat more!!!!! :laugh: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Reporting day again. Pretty good week, considering my schedule. Actually I lost a little weight, down to 150 lbs. My clothes are looser and I look thinner in the mirror. I'm going to stay with a heavier regimen of cardio and do some strength training also. I really think that upping protein and restricting carbs a bit is the way to go (for me at least).

    I'll check in later, have a good day!
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