40+ Club - Summertime Fun



  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    I think that thread has been deleted, Sing. And for what it's worth, I think you were just fine. No worries.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Don't worry about it singfree. Message boards bring out all types of people. I was in a dust-up on this board a few weeks back. While the person I was responding to doesn't seem to be here to make the board a joke, I've since realized she is most definitely looking for a reaction is what and how she posts, so I simply choose to avoid any thread she posts in now. It's kind of sad, but I suppose a message board community is just like any other community where not everybody is going to have the same purpose.

    Regarding Jon and Kate, I wonder if their lives would have been any different had they not opted to go on TV. Personally, I can't think of any good reason why somebody would want to have their life turned into a reality show. And, for me, money isn't a 'good reason'. I feel very sorry for those children. I've never watched any of their shows (I never heard of them until this latest fiasco), but I think the whole thing is sad. Unfortunately, how they are handling the situation makes me think they are both more enamored with their own publicity than they are anything else. I could be wrong, but that's how it comes across to me right now. Very, very sad for those children.

    annaliza, good to see you back! I'd been wondering where you were. A 14-hour day? Yowza!

    cardigirl, I'm sorry to hear about your divorce. Hugs to you.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Awww sing, I missed it!!!! I actually replied on that post but it must have been before you. Lol, now I can't go back and see it. There are alot of people like that in message boards. They are called Trolls by the online community (at least in my world hehehe).

    Cardi, I'm so sorry to hear about your divorce. I can understand what you are going through. I went to bed one night thinking my marriage was great, woke up the next day to find it falling apart and him leaving me for another woman. Hard times but you'll get through it...and become stronger because of it. I'm there if you need me or need to talk.

    Stiring, thanks!! I'm glad to be back. I think online communities are like any other community....you always have a few bad apples.

    Off to teach class at the prison!!!

    Have a great night everyone!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Annaliza, yes it was after you posted that I chimed in. Maybe I was a bit harsh (sarcastic) in my responses, but the way she has played "dumb" for many months, while most people continued to believe that she was for real, really got to me. Some of the people who continued to think she was legit jumped on me for being "rude" to her. I can see their point, and for that I am sorry. There is no room here for practical jokers when there are people who have real weight issues.

    Stiring, in a way it's good to know that I am not the only one who has encountered these types of individuals. You are right, I think I will stay away from trouble from now on.

    Cardi, thanks for your response. I'm sending you good vibes and best wishes during your trying times.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I am so proud of this group!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Cardigirl, hang in there! You are a strong woman!!! :flowerforyou:

    Now, where is TexasMom???? Anyone heard from her? And Duffy??? Everything ok?

    There is some caramel popcorn in the pantry calling my name SO I am going outside to plant some flowers I bought today. I need the weather to cool down a bit, it was 102F earlier today. :noway:

    Have a great evening!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Thanks for the good wishes, everyone. I know I will be fine. I've got two great kids and lots to look forward to. If there is such a thing as a "good" divorce, I think mine will be, because we are able to be kind to each other still and we will always care about each other. He just wants something different, I guess.

    annaliza, 14 hour days? Whoa! And teaching at a prison? You just amaze me! Thanks for the encouraging words about moving on. Support from someone who's been through it is always a big help.

    Stiring I couldn't agree with you more on your take on the Jon and Kate situation. I just wish the news wouldn't treat entertainment news as hard news. Seems silly and sad to me.

    alf, surely a little caramel popcorn would be okay, wouldn't it? Just a smidge? :wink: But, goodness, 102°? That's too warm! Hope it cools down for you.

    Sing, I think you should keep on speaking your mind, when you feel moved to do so. You weren't rude at all, I thought those other people waaay over reacted.
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all. The temp on the patio thermometer says 116: ok, it is in the sun. Husband is grilling?? He could just throw stuff on the patio and it would cook there.

    Annaliza: teaching class at a prison? Wow! What class?

    Cardigirl: I am so sorry about your divorce. I am here for you. You were so kind (as was everyone else) when I first joined the group.

    Sing: anyone who is constantly asking if 700 calories is enough needs to be called on the carpet. If they are really sincere, then they have a BIG eating disorder problem. Not something to be coddled but a true medical emergency. More people die from eating disorders than any other mental health disorder. If they are joking, then that needs to be addressed too.

    Stiring: I am with you about J and K. I have a language development background and really enjoyed the first couple of seasons because you had 6 kids with the same biological heritage and the same environment but each developed their language in a different way. I got turned off last year when they started having product placements, getting much more commercial and their language had matured.

    About to go to the river. We used water polo balls last night: Toss from hand to hand over your head as you ran, pass the ball around your waist as you ran backwards against the current, push the ball down in the water with one hand and get your head out of the way when it shot back up because you didn't have a good grip on it, and the best one for abs: float on your back holding the ball just above your core with your feet out of the water. The 17 year old instructor is very inventive.
    Good evening all! TxMs
  • keppick
    keppick Posts: 36 Member
    Well, I like what I see on this string! Let's see if I can get in all the responses I want.

    Overall, thanks for the humorous comments about my family situation. It's nice to laugh it off.

    Stiring, the hand held body fat measuring gizmos are similar to the scales and they do get poor to good measurements (in other words it's accurate some of the time and ballpark the rest of the time). Even if it's "ball park", you did great! Celebrate! As I recall Consumer Reports did an article recently say they reason why they don't rate body fat measuring gizmos is because they are all to inaccurate. But Consumer Reports is going to want more than ball park EVERY TIME! I go to a place called Fitness Wave periodically. It has hydrostatic body fat measuring (www.getdunked.com) where you get into a pool (completely underwater) and they see how well you float (or don't). Muscle sinks, fat floats. It's supposed to be the most accurate, but not terribly portable. Also, the range for 40-49 year-old women who are "athletes" is about 14-20%. So, assuming your test was somewhere in the accurate range, you're in the high end of Excellent.

    Cardigirl, sorry to hear you're having a tough time. Try to work out to work off frustration rather than do emotional eating (if that's your thing). I find I like different work outs depending on my mood. I like yoga when I want to focus on me. I like working on footwork in ice skating to be quiet and meditative. I like working on jumps in skating when I'm ANGRY (are we allowed to say "pissed" around here). Just an idea if it helps.

    As for all of you who commented on the woman eating 700 calories. I think that was my first day on the website and I commented on it too. I did manage to restrain myself and NOT say, "Pull your head out of whatever dark place it is in and ..." but I did... express myself!

    Not a fan of Jon and Kate but it's hard to NOT hear about it. I totally don't get the people who want to be on reality shows, especially the long-term ones and the dating ones. Why would you want that kind of intrusion into EVERY THING YOU DO OR SAY? I think you have to be part exhibitionist from the start.

    Well, yoga class is calling. Time to get my bike and go!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Forgot this for Alf: Orval R. has a 100 calorie pack of kettle corn. Slightly sweet not too much salt. Go plant the flowers!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809

    Annaliza: teaching class at a prison? Wow! What class?

    I teach computer science at the prison (well, I only teach computer science...sometimes a few low level business classes but my main job is in computers/IT). That is included in my 14 hour work day though....not 14 hours working and then go and teach lol.

    Actually, my prisoners are a captive audience :happy: (lol, I know I know...but I had to say it hehe). They are much easier to teach than my normal just-out-of-high-school students though.

    Thanks for asking :smile:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Annaliza, I liked the "captive audience" line!! :laugh: Did you know that prisoners actuallty had the 1st "cell phones" ? :huh:

    For all you Texans out there, I'm sorry about the extreme heat! Many years ago I was in Dallas-Ft. Worth over Labor Day and it was 110. No fun at all.

    Alf, how do you keep your flowers alive in this heat? Even in PA I have to water them all the time or they will wilt. We've been lucky with the heat here. There has been a dip in the jet stream over the NE for a few weeks. That meant cooler days and a lot of showery weather. The pattern is finally breaking and we are seeing temps in the low to mid 80s and sunshine!! YAY!!

    Please think of me the next few days. I have ZERO willpower. Today is Pizza at work (love the taste, hate the sodium), tomorrow is the big 55, and then the weekend. Actually, we don't have anything planned tomorrow, since we both work and my wife doesn't get home until 7 pm. I will try my best!

    Have a wonderful day all!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: For our birthday boy!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Sing, I do spend/waste money on plants. :laugh: :laugh: It is very challenging to keep them from wilting/dying. We are on water restrictions, level 2. That means there is only watering with sprinklers once a week and only during certain times, no later than 8am and no earlier than 8pm. We can only use our sprinklers on Mondays. The rest of the time we can water by hand. Our backyard is pretty big, it is not looking that great. The front looks decent. It is crazy!!!! :noway: :grumble:

    I am proud to say I resisted the temptation of eating the caramel popcorn last night. I went out and planted my flowers, they look so cute. I hope they last. :laugh: I increased my calories by a hundred. Kickboxing tonight. I calculated how much I would burn according to what I burned last time so I am supposed to eat almost 1900cals today. :noway: I am having a hard time planning for that. I've averaging 1500-1600 for a while so 1900 cals sound so much!!!

    "Captive" Audience :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I love it!!!! :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good morning everyone!!!

    Just got out of a meeting early so that is great. Phone lines are down at the office so it is quiet for once around here YAY!

    Alf, how do you do it??? That heat must be awful. I couldn't imagine a water restriction. We have a well here so if we go through a dry spell, we just have no water. Haven't had to experience that yet but I'm sure one of these days I will. Good for you on resisting the caramel popcorn! I don't think I would have that much will power :laugh:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY SING!!!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Sorry that you and your wife have to work. I usually work on my birthday's too. Mmmnnnn, pizza....sounds good!! This morning our Relay for Life team was doing a fundraiser - biscuits and gravy, fried apples and a drink for $4. I LOVE biscuits and gravy...and it was for a good cause...but I resisted it and saved my money. My thoughts will be with you as you try to avoid those yummy birthday foods :tongue:

    Lost 2 pounds this week!!! I'm happy because I gained 1 lb last week. So, still lost weight even with all that partying I did this weekend.

    Anyways, back to work. I'll check in later!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss, annaliza! :drinker: You are doing really great!

    keppick, thanks for the information on the body fat measurement devices. This is the first one I've seen that takes the measurement through the hands, so I didn't know what to think about it. I'm just going to press on for right now and not really worry about my body fat percentage too much. Maybe someday I'll try to water method, but, for right now, I'm just going to work on being fit and such. I'm, clearly, not in a dangerous area as I have way too much cellulite for that. :happy:

    TxMs, 116?!? Yikes, that's hot. And I don't care if that's in the sun or out of the sun....it's hot! I'd never watched the Jon and Kate show, so it is kind of interesting how they portrayed the language development. See, that's something I can think of as being beneficial for people to see if they have questions about their own children and language development. But at the same time, I think their are better ways of getting information to people without having real families and real children opening up every element of their lives to the prying public and media. I guess I just don't have the 'fame' bug, because if somebody ever wandered over to me with a camera, I'd run the other way! So going on a reality TV show, especially one focused on the more private aspects of life, really baffles me.

    singfree, enjoy your pizza day and enjoy your birthday! As you all know, I've been listening to and reading many books about food over the past five months. I just finished 'In Defense of Food' by Michael Pollen. And in there, he had what I think is a great perspective on food. His premise for the book is pretty much to tell people to eat, but eat real food and not too much of it....but enjoy what you eat. Anyhow, somebody did this survey of Americans vs. French (because of the 'French paradox' where they, as a culture, eat what Americans would consider to be such unhealthy food but where, as a culture, they don't suffer the obesity issues Americans as a culture suffer) where they asked what they thought of when they hear 'chocolate cake'. The majority of the Americans answered 'guilt'. The majority of the French answered 'celebration'. Frankly, I think the French have got it right. So if today is a celebration day for you (and tomorrow SHOULD be since it is your birthday), I say 'celebrate'! And don't feel guilty and wrong for doing it. I figure if I only splurge for celebrations and not simply because I have a craving, I will be good to go for the rest of my life. Someday I will want to be celebrating something, and I'll want to do it without any associated guilt. That's my aim at least. :smile:

    alf, we're on water restrictions here too. Thankfully it hasn't been that hot so not everything is dead yet. But it is supposed to warm up this weekend so that could be changing soon. I'm actually pretty concerned about what is going to happen this fall when the winds from the desert start up again, and we get the fires. It could be horrible.

    Off to do some cardio! Hope everybody has a great day.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    singfree, enjoy your pizza day and enjoy your birthday! As you all know, I've been listening to and reading many books about food over the past five months. I just finished 'In Defense of Food' by Michael Pollen. And in there, he had what I think is a great perspective on food. His premise for the book is pretty much to tell people to eat, but eat real food and not too much of it....but enjoy what you eat. Anyhow, somebody did this survey of Americans vs. French (because of the 'French paradox' where they, as a culture, eat what Americans would consider to be such unhealthy food but where, as a culture, they don't suffer the obesity issues Americans as a culture suffer) where they asked what they thought of when they hear 'chocolate cake'. The majority of the Americans answered 'guilt'. The majority of the French answered 'celebration'. Frankly, I think the French have got it right. So if today is a celebration day for you (and tomorrow SHOULD be since it is your birthday), I say 'celebrate'! And don't feel guilty and wrong for doing it. I figure if I only splurge for celebrations and not simply because I have a craving, I will be good to go for the rest of my life. Someday I will want to be celebrating something, and I'll want to do it without any associated guilt. That's my aim at least. :smile:

    Stiring, I love you!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: Big ditto on all that you said about this. Only you wrote about it much better than I ever could. Thanks for posting it.

    You hear that Sing? Enjoy your birthday and celebrate that milestone!!! :drinker:

    Congrats Annaliza on the weight loss, good for you! Even though it's just one way to measure our progress it does feel good to see that scale move in the right direction.

    And for all of you dealing with the heat, I'm sorry. I wouldn't like temps in the 100s very much. But I would like to see the sun. Still 60 and drizzly here. I feel like I've moved to Seattle. Which I'm sure is a lovely place, but I live in MA and would like to see the sun :laugh:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Yesterday I did my wii fit step exercise for 45 minutes. I bought a regular step to put my wii step on top of so it makes it more challenging and sure enough my calves are a little sore today. Thats good because I like the step program but the wii is so low you definitely need to make it more challenging or whats the point right.:happy:

    annaliza.... You work in the prison? How do you like it? I know a few people who are prison guards and it kinda hardens their personalities. I can understand why because of all of the things they have to experience. And yes, your hubby should be getting you coffee.:wink: But I dont work, haven't for the last 5 years. So I think thats the least I can do considering he works 80+ hours a week. My husband is a workaholic. I think they need to set up a program for that.:laugh:

    sing... Happy Birthday!! And dont stress about the pizza, cake, or anything else that comes your way due to your celebration day. After all you ARE an inspiration to all of us. You know how to exercise hard, eat in moderation as well as healthy, and have the occasional (and I do mean occasional) treat once in a while. Take a good look in the mirror, you are what most men aspire to be like (or at least should) Sorry if that sounds "gooshy" but heck, your in great shape and you know how to take care of yourself so.... ENJOY! :smile:

    cardigirl... Sorry about the divorce. Glad to hear that you both are being kind to each other during the process. Thats not an easy thing to do and speaks volumes about the both of you. Still take care of yourself during this stressful time and we will be praying for you:smile:

    Alf... Thats the one thing I dont like about Texas... The heat. But the humidity just loves me. I dont drink a lot of water so when I have gone there on a road trip my body just sucks in the moister threw my skin. And I'm not even joking. My husband told me to stop drinking so much water because we had to take a lot of "pit stops" along the way. I just laughed and told him I was still sipping from my first bottle. Aldo my hands looked terrific. :wink:
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Sing: Happy Birthday! Enjoy the day.
    Cardigirl: hang in there
    Tron: That is amazing to step up the step! Our trainer had us do steps on a bench made for regular sitting. We only had to do 8 on each leg for 2 reps. I was really sore the next day.
    Alf: we are not on water restrictions yet. That would kill my husband, actually he would just hand water everything. He has two giant pumpkin "babies" he is tending. One is the size of an eggplant, the other about a tennis ball. He makes manure "tea" to water them. When we come home at night, first thing he does is go check on his plant children.

    We did a lot of ab work in the river last night including putting your legs from the knees down on the ledge of the river with your thighs running down the wall to the water level and crunching up to your knees. Only a couple of people could do it (I was one!) We did a lap of floating doing crunches the whole way. I am surprised I don't feel it more today. Wednesday is a no river day. Hopefully I can get to bed earlier tonight.
    Take care all!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Texs, LOL, I laughed so hard when I read about your husband!! That's good though...it shows that he's a nurturing, caring kind of guy and I think that's a great quality. I am envious, too. I so wanted a garden this year but just had no time for it. Maybe next summer.

    Tron, I only teach a class at the prison on Tues and Thurs evenings (for this summer, at least). I work for a college so my teaching goes per semester. I enjoy teaching at the prison because my students are so engaging. It might be the fact that I'm a woman in a mans prison (and they get to look at me twice a week) or it might be that they are really interested in computers (yea, right LOL). Either way, I know that they are learning something, so that makes me proud. The prisoners I teach aren't the "hard core" ones...meaning that most of them are there for tax evasion, fraud, drug abuse, narking on thier buddy for a easier sentance etc. I have no murders, rapists, and the super violent crimes (lol, that I know of). It can be scary...I have to watch everything I say and do. There are a lot of rules to follow and I can never forget that they are inmates.

    You know, I work a lot and I am proud of my accomplishments....but it makes me sad that I do, too. My little ones cling to their dad (he's the primary caretaker and works very little) and ignore me a lot. Mostly because they just don't know me like they know their dad. I'm always hearing "no, I want daddy" though I do everything I can to show them how much I love them.

    Im sure that theyll understand that I work like I do for them later in life, but for now, I just have to work through the pain and hurt feelings. Everyday it feels like a knife in my gut when my child shys away from me and I reget working.

    But without my job, we would be living in the streets (especially since my husband hates to work),....and I work the extra jobs because we are slowly sinking (diapers arent cheap). It's hard...especially when Im also expected to clean and cook and do laundry too (along with child care every minute I am home).

    I just sometimes feel like I'm going to one day go "poof" and blow up. And asking my hubby to help out more would be mute....since he is always right....and knows no other way of life (his father, who is also crippled, does nothing while his mom works (I mean nothing...wont even get up to pee even though he can), so this is normal for him).

    Anyways, sorry for my long rant. I just had an episode of the "I want daddy" so my feelings are still stinging a litte bit.

    Take care all!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    The big 5-5 has finally arrived. It's just another day. At least I can go to the store and ask for my Senior Citizen Discount !! :laugh: That'll be the day.

    I left work early yesterday, since today and tomorrow I need to be at work for month-end closing. I visited my mother who is in assisted living, ran some errands, and did a nearly 25 mile bike ride. Then we had choir rehearsal at Church. All in all a pretty busy day. At least by leaving early yesterday, I was able to miss the pizza, YAY...that's my version of willpower!

    It's really nice to see that we are all still here after these many months, caring and sharing our ups and downs. We've all become a close-knit group. I feel as though I know each one of you personally, and am pleased to call you "friend" !!

    Anna, there are MANY people in your situation. It really is sad when people do not make their marriage a true "partnership", sharing the load. My best wishes are with you. :flowerforyou:

    Tron, thanks for the very kind words. I really don't deserve the praise, though. I struggle with food temptations all the time. I just need to make the effort to eat as though my life depends on it. It does. You know, what we eat today will have an effect on our bodies as we grow older. I need to keep reminding myself of that.

    Have a great day all!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: FELIZ CUMPLEANOS, SING!! :drinker: :drinker:

    You are going to get carded a lot when you ask for your senior citizen discount!!! :laugh: That is better than being offered a SC discount assuming you are older. :noway: That happened to a lady I knew. We were at a restaurant and we pretty much ordered the same thing. When she got her check it was less than the others and we wondered why. So she asked and the waitress said that she got a senior citizen discount. :noway: She was about 51. Yikes!! :embarassed:

    I did my lean circuit today, shoulders ouch!! But it was great!! Taking the day off, no work, taking my son to eat pizza and play some games at Incredible Pizza. I guess I will celebrate for you Sing! :drinker: :laugh: I will try to limit myself.

    Have a wonderful day!!! :flowerforyou: