40+ Club - Summertime Fun



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    It sounds like everyone is doing well and losing. I am not going to be working out today. I will be cleaning house. I think that should count. I have a son moving out with his daughter and my house is a mess. Maybe be working at home I will not feel so bad about not being at work.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Swiss, I know I would rather be at work than cleaning the house! Take care!
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    It sounds like everyone is doing well and losing. I am not going to be working out today. I will be cleaning house. I think that should count. I have a son moving out with his daughter and my house is a mess. Maybe be working at home I will not feel so bad about not being at work.

    Make sure you log that cleaning..... you burn lots more calories than you think when you're cleaning, especially if you're lugging a vacuum around!:laugh: :laugh:
    Hang in there about the forced days off; at least you still have a a job - lots of others aren't that fortunate these days!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I really wish I could catch the "workout" bug like you all seem to have. I haven't been doing much exercise besides my weekly trips to Yosemite.:grumble: I do keep within my calorie limit but because of the lack of exercise I am afraid to weigh myself.:frown: Tonight I'm gonna make sure I get going on something again. I am hoping I get back on track all this week. Sorry for the pity party over here, I'm just frustrated with myself.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA!!! I have been very busy at work so I have not had time to log in at the office and when I get home I don't have that much time to be on here. Besides, just like you Sing, my grandbaby is here this weekend. OMG, she is a handful, she is crawling so fast and standing up, not walking yet. :noway: :noway: She will be a year old on Jul 16. But she is sooooo cute!!!!!!!!! I love her!! She went to bed now so I have time to post and soon to bed. I want to make it to the Zumba class tomorrow morning. I should also do ChaLean lean 3 but not sure if I will do it. I took the day off from exercise today. I've been feeling tired lately. I might not be eating enough. I lost another lb, one pound below my weight goal. I should start looking into maintenance calories. Stiring, with your research what is the best resource to figure that out?? I definitely do not want to gain but I don't want to keep losing. I want to continue toning and getting stronger.

    Everyone is doing so well. Tron, what??? You don't think those hikes are exercise??? Girl, you are working out really hard when you go on those hikes. Plus the breathtaking views!!

    My husband made me mad yesterday. He has asked for my help logging in his foods and pretty much fixing his meals so he eats healthy and continues to lose weight. But then when I was talking nutrition he said that he did not want to hear about it, diet, exercise etc. He said it was not his priority in life and that it is consuming me :noway: :noway: What????????? :grumble: :explode: Oh, and then, he still wants me to keep helping him. :angry: I am ready to quit my meal delivery/catering side job...he can do it himself. :devil:

    Stiring, I use designer whey and muscle milk but it looks like they have artificial ingredients. I am sure it is pretty hard to find a protein powder without any artificial additives, sweeteners, etc. I will look for it.

    Have a great evening!!! Happy Father's Day Sing!! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    alf...men can be so frustrating...sorry sing..:laugh: They want your help but then they don't want to hear the details. Oh well, I think that it is wonderful the he is interested in getting healthy. Last week end my husband bought two dozen strawberry donuts. Four of them were eaten by other people (I did have one). He actually ate all the rest of them in less than two days. And he probably didn't gain a pound.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Sorry, ladies!!! I must confess that I don't always like to hear long explanations. It must be in our DNA. Believe me, I am working on that...I don't want to be inconsiderate to anyone.

    Our Grandson left last night. He was such a joy to have around. Yes, alf, they require your attention every moment they are awake. He is VERY active. I'm sorry about your husband, but you know too well if a person is not fully committed to exercise and eating well (for life), its going to be a struggle. Heck, it can be tough for us at times! It may seem to him as though it is consuming you, but you are still at opposite ends of the health spectrum. I trust he will come around eventually.

    Becky, I agree that bringing junk food into the house can be tough. If there is junk in the house, I am always tempted. That's why we don't buy it.

    Tron, I agree with Alf that your Yosemite trips are very good exercise. Keep it up!

    Have a great weekend!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! Happy Saturday.
    It will be hot here in north Texas, it must be summertime, duh!
    Still getting veggies from the backyard. My husband has a giant pumpkin on the vine. Only the size of a tennis ball so far.
    I have done very well getting exercise this week. Did weights at the gym on Monday and Thursday, did river aerobics Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and did the exercise bike on Firday.
    Eating pretty clean.
    Husband has started pushing himself on the treadmill. Actually did treadmill three times this week. I think he is getting over the fear that it is just like a cardiac stress test when he pushes himself. With two stents, a quadruple bypass, electrophysiology ablation and on an impressive amount of cardiac drugs, I understand the mental connection. (He is a psychologist too!) But, he is pushing himself and is keeping up with his own food in MFP. Yea!

    Swiss: Sorry for the unpaid day off but glad it is only five spread out when you decide. You can take credit for cleaning. It is one of the exercises listed in the exercise log.
    Tron: Yosemite is a great gym! Much better views than the idiots who hog the machines and drop weights to show how pumped they are!
    Alf and Sing, no grand babies here but am enjoying my growner up children (20 and 24). Trips with them are so much nicer than when they were 2 and 6 or 11 and 15: I think that was the age we stopped taking trips with them except the forced march to Mississippi each summer to see family. Take care all! TxMs Go Horns Baseball!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Texssippian, I so wish I had a backyard I could get veggies from! I love to hear you talking about that. Someday, when I own a home, I'm going to have a garden! :happy:

    tron, regarding the workout bug, don't beat yourself up over what you aren't doing and, instead, enjoy what you ARE doing. Those hikes you are taking in Yosemite aren't easy (by a very long shot), so don't sell yourself short on what you are accomplishing there. If you don't workout 6 days a week, that's okay. I think it is important to do what you enjoy. Yes, you will hear all of the 'fitness formulas' for strength training, and intense aerobics, how many days a week to workout and for how long, etc. And while that is all good and such, if your exercise of choice is hiking in Yosemite, hike in Yosemite. It works for you and that is the most important thing when it comes to fitness (at least in my opinion :smile: ).

    alf, I'm not so sure I'm the source to come to for maintenance calories! But I seem to be holding my own right now. What I did was search a number of sites (no one in particular) to get a range of what I needed to maintain. I actually think MFPs maintenance calories are a bit low for me. I also think my HRM reads my calorie burn a bit low for me. I believe this because using those two tools together caused me to lose 6 pounds after hitting 'maintenance'. I've been in this mode now for 6 weeks, and I feel like I'm just now figuring it all out.

    My suggestion is to google 'maintance calories' and figure out your numbers on a variety of sites (including MFP). I did this, and found that where MFP and my HRM were telling me 1650-1750 calories per day for maintenance (and I was losing), the average of the other sites ranged from 1800-2200. I've upped my calories to 1750-1800 this week, and I'm holding steady. So it could be that the upper range of MFP/my HRM was good, and it could be that the lower estimate for the other sites are good. But since I've stayed steady for a week, I'm going to hold it here for at least two weeks.

    That's the other thing I've learned....it takes the body some time to adjust. So since you've only been on maintenance for a week, and if you feel you are eating enough (which is how I feel at about 1750 calories), then maybe you can hold steady for another week to see if your body stops losing. I don't know how close you are to the bottom end of your BMI category, but one of the reasons I started getting concerned was because I am within a couple of pounds of officially becoming under-weight per BMI. I don't want to go there. And, besides, absolutely none of my clothes fit properly--including some of the size 1s and 0s I recently bought. So I don't want to lose anymore weight at all. But if you aren't as concerned about that, then I would give your maintenance calories some time to settle in and increase them gradually.

    And thanks for the recommendation on protein powder. We have a place here in LA called Lindberg Nutrition that I am going to visit today. They advertise an all-natural whey powder. I'll let you all know what I think of that if we get any. I'm just really trying to stay away from as many unnatural ingredients as I possibly can right now....and doing that is making all of the difference in how I feel I do believe.

    Have lots to do today, so must run. Hope everybody enjoys their day! And Happy Father's Day (tomorrow), singfree! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    It's nice to have all of you beautiful ladies all to myself! :blushing:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Thank you everyone for your support. I do agree that Yosemite is a great workout but I feel I should be doing more. Altho, I'll tell ya, I was wiped out for 3 days after that last hike.:ohwell:

    Alf... I completely understand what you mean about your husband. I would be the same way and tell him to do it himself. After all he needs to learn for himself how to take care of himself especially if he acts like he doesn't appreciate what I am doing for him (speaking about myself here)

    Sing... HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker:

    String... Size 0's are too big for you? Wow!!! You really are tiny aren't you. I'd say I'm a little jealous but at the same time I have learned, at least where I live, that finding clothes in smaller sizes is kinda hard to do. Not much to choose from in our small town.

    Well I need to get my husband his coffee so he can get ready for work. Poor thing, I really feel sorry for him having to work so much. I hope this economy picks back up and makes things easier for all of us.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Tron, my husband was talking about Yosemite and I told him about you and your husband hiking there. He asked if you had hiked the Dome? Something like that. He said that a man fell not too long ago. Have you done that one? He said it is 12 miles up the mountain. Yikes!!! :noway:

    Stiring, I wanted to comment on getting rid of the "big" clothes. Don't you dare think you are going back to wearing them!! :noway: :laugh: I know you won't. Get rid of them. Donate them. I usually take them to Goodwill. I have a stash that I need to get rid of. I thought of you while reading my new issue of Oxygen Magazine. Robert Kennedy, the publisher, is talking about Zabo Koszewski who recently died at 84yrs old. He was one of the first of the modern bodybuilders. He had a saying "You dont need to worry about getting back in shape if you are always in shape". Kennedy talks about people who for some reason let go, I am included, those who throw in the towel. His advice, if you are currently fit or reasonably fit, don't ever let yourself get more than five pounds overweight. Don't allow yourself get out of shape and you don't have to worry about getting back into shape. I am going to hang on to those words for as long as I can. We can all do this!!

    Have a great evening!! :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Tron, my husband was talking about Yosemite and I told him about you and your husband hiking there. He asked if you had hiked the Dome? Something like that. He said that a man fell not too long ago. Have you done that one? He said it is 12 miles up the mountain. Yikes!!! :noway:

    No, I haven't done this hike yet. My husband has been bugging me for a couple of years now but I have refused to go. It is an EXTREMELY hard hike. The one up to upper Yosemite Falls is the next hardest one and like I said before, it just kills me. But my husband keeps insisting I am strong enough to go now.:laugh: :noway: Actually I have the paper right in front of me... It says it is a 14 mile (via mist trail) or 16.3 mile (via John Muir trail) round trip and a 4,800-foot gain. I think there is a camp sight about half way though. And yes, he is right someone did just fall off a few weeks ago, so sad:cry:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning all!!!! Happy Father's Day Sing and to all the wonderful fathers that are married to our lovely 40+ ladies!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Tron, whatever hike you do be careful!!!! If you don't feel you are ready for an extremely hard hike don't do it. Folloow your gut feeling...I bet all the hikes are very exciting and great workouts.

    I really want to go out for a nice run, my usual Sunday runs, but I invited my husband and of course he does not want to do it. I am not sure I should skip today and stay with him, I guess watching TV :noway: :laugh:

    Have a great Sunday!! :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Is "sing" the only guy here ?

    I really did bad this weekend. Spent last night in Toledo with my son and we all went to dinner. I had the best steak I have ever had...maybe I feel this way because I haven't had steak in so long. Well, my husband made his famous stuffed French toast for breakfast also.
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    I think I lost my post...

    Happy Father's Day Sing and all fathers related to the girls in the 40+ club.

    Was bad today and went to a pizza buffet for lunch. Boy, the pizza was salty! Drink three glasses of water at the restaurant and been chugging it since we got home.

    Swiss: enjoy time with family and savor good food when you get the chance!

    Am cooking shrimp, lobster tail (on sale today) and deviled crab for the hub for his Father's Day meal.

    Looking forward to getting back in the river tomorrow night. Take care all.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Wow tex...you can invite me over for Father's Day anytime. Those are some of my favorite foods.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Happy Monday! Back to work day...I hope you all had a nice weekend. My wife & I and another couple went out for a Father's Day brunch yesterday. It was very nice. My eating was OK but not great over the weekend. My cousin's daughter got married on Sat. Of course I could not pass up the good food and drink (red wine & Yuengling...different glasses). :drinker:

    There are a few potential food landmines this week. Wednesday we have our monthly plant meeting (with pizza) and my birthday is on Thursday. If I can resist temptation I will be very happy!! At least I am back to the gym. I usually don't do strength training on the weekends, 5 days a week and twice a day is plenty for me. On the weekend I usually do some walking or biking for exercise...just keep the old butt moving...

    Swiss, it feels very nice to have all of you ladies to myself. Either I'm pretty macho or a girly-man :laugh: !!!

    Alf, did you get your run in yesterday? Be true to yourself, don't let anyone derail your goals. You are also doing this for your family!!

    Have a wonderful day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Sing, you crack me up!! :laugh: :laugh: Girly man???? :noway: Glad you had a nice Father's Day. I thought about my run too long so it got too hot here. I ended up running on the treadmill, not my favorite but ok. Thanks for asking. Your birthday is coming up!!! Enjoy!!!! Just save your indulgences for your big day. That means stay away from the pizza. :laugh: I like how you call it "food landmines". I am going to borrow that.

    I am resting today. I have a full fitness week planned starting tomorrow. ChaLean Tue, Thu and Sat to include abs and perhaps some cardio. Krav Maga kickboxing on Wed. Zumbathon, 2hrs of Zumba, on Fri evening. And my usual run on Sun morning.

    Have a great Monday!!! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Good morning everybody! It was a crazy, busy weekend. I kept trying to get in here yesterday to wish singfree a Happy Father's Day but was never at my computer long enough to do even that. So here's a belated Happy Father's Day to you singfree! :drinker: Glad you enjoyed your day.

    tron, don't let my saying that my size 1s don't fit right make it sound like I'm smaller than what I am. I'm shopping at the most inexpensive stores known right now because I'm afraid of spending too much money on skinny clothes and then only being able to wear them for a month. If I were to shop at a proper store, I'm sure that the size 0s there wouldn't fit me at all. Again, clothing size is so nebulous. Maybe someday I'll venture into the stores that actual specialize in smaller clothing (and there are plenty of those here in LA to be honest) and actually try to find proper clothing. I'm sure I won't be singing the same tune when I do.

    Which brings me to your post on Saturday, alf! Thank you so much for what you said to me about not letting myself think about going back to wearing the clothes. You are right. It is completely within my power to NOT go back to the same size I was. It isn't as if I'm going to wake up one morning and be the weight I was six months ago! I was thinking about that all day yesterday because, honestly, Saturday was one of those days where I just wanted to eat junk food all day. I didn't....but I wanted to. But the thing is, I just have to say to myself once 'How did you feel before? And how do you feel now?' And given how much better I feel now, all those cravings just disappear. So today...I'll start clearing out the closets because I really don't want to go back. There won't be any 'throwing in the towel' here. Thank you again for those wonderful words. I needed to hear them and the timing couldn't have been more perfect! :flowerforyou:

    A couple of other things....I went to a store on Saturday that sells completely natural protein powder. They do sell on-line. The website is www.lindbergnutrition.com. I haven't actually tried the protein powder yet :embarassed: but I did get some. I was completely impressed by the store because not only did they have a ton of products (many of which were natural), but when we checked out, we got all kinds of free gifts. The powder we bought was $19.99, and we ended up with sample packets of other powders PLUS a free hardback book about ideal weight. I think I'll be going back to that store in the future.

    From there my husband and I moved on to the gym on base. They have a system for measuring body fat that I've never seen before. I've searched for it online (it is called 'BioMeasure'), and it seems to be a new system from a local company. Anyhow, it measures height/weight/BMI, and then it measures body fat through your hands. I don't know if that is any more accurate than the scales that measure body fat or not, and can't find anything on line (not that I looked for long) about its accuracy. But the people at the gym did two body fat tests on my husband--one of them using this system--and they were within two points of each other, so maybe there is some validity to the test.

    Anyhow, it measured my body fat at 19%. I was all excited to see that. But then I've been reading that it a bit low for somebody my age. Does anybody know anything about body fat percentages and such? Is that a good reading? I've done the caliper test as well (which I know isn't too accurate), and it measure me at 22%, so I'm inclined to think this scale may not be totally whacked. I'd just like to know what it means. Help!

    I was excited yesterday because Cathe Friedrich (the video instructor who I workout to the most) is building a new website and called for 'Success Stories'. I don't know what made me do it, but I wrote my story up and submitted to her last weekend. And she's featured it on the website! You all shared the journey with me (and helped me through it) so I don't recommend actually reading it (because it is outrageously long). But if you want to see my true 'Before' photo taken on December 27, 2008, it is included in the story....along with an alarmingly bad photo of me :blushing: flexing my would-be muscles in Yosemite, taken last month. Anyhow, here's a link in case (just for kicks): http://cathe.com/laurel-l-success-story.

    I'm going to be doing as hour of cardio today. I did a tough chest/back workout yesterday lifting the heaviest weights I'll lift in this STS series. Yowza! It was a good one, but I feel it throughout my upper body today. I hope the cardio helps loosen things up.

    Hope everybody has a great day!