40+ Club - Summertime Fun



  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Thank you all for all of your thoughts and encouragement!! I know we are very fortunate. I want to savor every moment!!! We're watching "The Sound of Music" to get us in the mood!!!:bigsmile:

    What about my proposed cycling from Melk to Krems? DDSG suggested taking the boat from Krems to Spitz and cycling back, as an early cycle drop-off is not possible. I'm torn- I so want to take the boat the whole way to Melk, then enjoy the abbey. Any thoughts on how hard or long the return trip is by bike?

    Thanks, all! I know I seem like a neurotic pain. Normally, I'm much more certain in my planning, but this is the first major trip with my kids!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    April, I think DDSG has a point. You can have your boat ride and bike ride too. The route along the river is flat, but the Abbey itself is high on a bluff overlooking the town & river. Melk to Krems is doable IF you allow enough time. I really can't say how long it will take, but I feel that you will enjoy the day more if you don't try to cram too much in. Also, the Wachau valley in mid-August can be hot, and there might not be an abundance of shade along the river. The Melk Abbey wines are renowned as the cream of the crop of Wachau wines! There is a restaurant on the Abbey grounds. The kids will love the ice cream treats there. If you need any assistance, feel free to send me a message. GuteReise!!

    PS Some fav restaurants in Wien:

    Augustiner Keller


    Bretzel Gwoelb

    Strolling along Kaerntnerstrasse with a flavorful Gelato!
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Made it back from Mississippi. Good visit with family. Brother-in-law still in ICU at Ochsner in New Orleans. Hoping to complete the tests today get him listed for liver transplant. Family is all holding up for now.

    Did pretty well while gone. My kids and I went to my mom's gym and worked out one day while we were in MS. Did not gain any weight. Yea!

    Alf, you are looking great! I think you are getting some rain.

    April, have a wonderful time. I am so jealous!

    We are planning on going to San Francisco in September to see our son who will be in graduate school. That is about the extent of our travels, except me going back to Mississippi when family needs me.

    Will be starting focused training for a triathlon in September. I just want to better my time from February. Take care all. TxMs
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    April, I just looked it up. Melk to Krems is 36.5 km, or around 22 miles.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    April, relax, whatever you do I know you will have a wonderful time with your family and you will remember it forever. How old are your children?

    Tex, YES!!! We are getting rain!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: FINALLY!!! We desperately need it. And I watered the lawn this morning. :grumble: Oh well, I guess it is getting more. Glad you had a good time with your family.

    Duffy!! How are you? Tron, good to hear from you!!! :drinker:

    Ok, what's up with yogurt and cottage cheese????? I find it so hard to buy good yogurt that will satisfy me. The ones I find are either too high in fat or too high in sugar or have artificial sweeteners. The cottage cheese has way too much sodium. What brands do you buy if any? I have been wanting to get other foods for variety but I am avoiding too much processed foods or foods with too much sodium, artificial sweeteners and foods high in saturated fats. Stiring, could you share a sample of your food diary with me? Feel free to email it separately if you want to. I just want to get some more ideas for snacks and lunch.

    I am going to continue reading the P90X guidebook and might do the fit test tomorrow, if not on Friday for sure. I was told the Iron Gym is great for the pull ups. Which one do you have Sing? I dont want to buy anything over the internet or spend too much money. I was told Walgreens, Wal Mart or Linens and Things might have some of those as seen on TV products. I need to get one soon.

    Have a great evening!!! :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, I made my own from various pieces of pipe from Lowes or Home Depot. I attached it to the ceiling joists in my garage. It probably cost about $15 to make it myself. It does not have to be anything fancy, just something to hang on. The way I constructed mine allows me to use many different grips an hand positions. The bottom line is getting enough strength to pull your body weight up. It sounds so simple, but is very difficult in the beginning. More than arm strength, it's the back muscles that are developed.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Alf... If you click onto string and go to her profile, click onto diary you can view her food diary.

    April... Have fun on your vacation. It sounds amazing.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Alf, I buy greek no fat yogurt, Fage is a good brand. They also have full fat and 2% yogurt. Or if you have a Trader Joe's they have their own brand of greek yogurt. I get plain and then add my own fruit, nuts and a smidge of honey. That way I have some control over the sugar content. Very yummy. Greek yogurt is thicker than regular yogurt and I find I like the taste of it a bit better. Chobani is another brand of Greek yogurt, and they have some nice individual cups for sale with fruit, i.e. strawberry, blueberry, and peach. As for the cottage cheese, I really don't know of any low sodium ones. I get Breakstones' 2% which is quite tasty.
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    oops, don't know how I did a duplicate post.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Thanks, again, everyone! I think I'll take my chances!! We'll have a car @ Krems, so worst case, my dh and son car ride to the car and come back to pick up my daughter and me.

    alf- I agree with cardigirl on the yogurt. I love Fage, 2%. I add fresh blueberries. :heart: As for the pull-up bar. I use the Iron Gym- $30 at ****'s or Sports Authority. Probably can get one at Wal-Mart or Target. Good luck with the "X"!!! You're going to love it!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Is my food diary public? I didn't think so. If it is....ignore it! What a mess!! :blushing: I've often got my breakfast under 'snack' and my dinner under 'lunch' and all kinds of stuff. It's crazy.

    alf, I'll email you an example, but I don't have any specific advise on snacks. I have two snacks a day, one of which is a slice of my homemade bread with natural unsalted peanut butter, and the other is a homemade granola bar. So, when it comes to snacks at least, I've pretty much cut out all processing. It takes some work....but I'm enjoying the results.

    TxMs, welcome back! My prayers continue to go out to your brother-in-law and your entire family.

    duffy, good to see you again! I have a question for you since you run long distances. A friend of my recently ran a 10K and she said about 90 minutes after the race, her body completely collapsed. She was nauseous and chilled and such. She was thinking it had to do with her diet. She said she drank plenty of water and was eating bananas, but she still had a pretty adverse reaction to the run (this was the longest distance she has run). Any thoughts? Since I'm not a long distance runner, I really couldn't help her out. Any input would be appreciated.

    april, I have no more thoughts on your trip to Europe than those already expressed. Go and have fun!! It is so beautiful over there.

    It was a busy day, and my husband is having hand surgery tomorrow, so the next couple of days could be crazy. I'm planning on taking it easy after tomorrow morning for a couple of days before starting P90X. Both mentally and physically, though, I feel very ready to start.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Morning - Stiring - 90 minutes is too long to go without electrolytes or energy. I was trained that after 45 minutes your body depletes its glycogen stores and begins to draw energy from any where it can get it. This makes you feel horrible. When I am doing long runs, I try to incorporate electrolytes around the 30 min mark and simple sugers around every 45 minutes or less. I personally cannot stomach gatorade so I use eLoad but any drink that has a good mix of electorlytes will work. When you hear of people (usually women getting sick at long runs - it is because they have only been drinking water and not replacing their electrolytes) For my energy I prefer the brand GU it gives you 100 calories and a mix of electrolytes, there are all kinds of energy supplements. I've even run with people who just carry bite size high sugar snacks- like jelly beans or fig newtons.

    Here is my schedule for a long run - I ingest something every 10 minutes
    5-water and GU
    10-water and GU
    This schedule repeats on longer runs.

    During my full marathon - I ended up taking 6 GUs and added an IBuprofen at the half way point.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning!!! How is everyone doing? I am feeling great! I finished lean 3, 4th wk of Lean for Life of ChaLean. Getting ready to have some fun with my son today. We are going bowling, then to lunch and then to Dave and Busters. Taking off from work today, I am so bored at my job.

    Stiring, you eat very healthy. I have days like that, actually most days, but I do stray at times. :laugh: I hear so much about Trader Joes but we dont have that here. Are you following P90X diet recommendations? I will do the Classic round as well although the lean one sounds good too. I am not looking into losing anymore weight but I do want to get leaner and stronger. I am done reading the nutrition book yet but it looks like I should not follow the fat shredder phase, not sure, what do you guys think?

    Duffy, good tips. The other day I did 12 miles, run/walk, and it was pretty hot. I did not even take water with me, I know kinda stupid. But I felt fine, no problems at all. Not too long ago my husband and I did about 11 miles, jog/walk, and did not take anything either. I do drink a lot of water throughout the day every day but I worry about my husband because he does not drink as much water and does not eat as well as I do. We signed up for the half marathon in Nov and they will have water/energy stations so we will use those. We are jogging/walking mostly. My husband said it was ok if I wanted to split but I want to stay with him so our goal is to finish it within 3 hrs. Stiring, your friend might not have been well hydrated or perhaps did not eat well before the race. 10K is a little over 6 miles.

    Ok, gotta go. Talk to you later!!! Have a great day!! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Thanks for your input duffy and alf!! I didn't even think of electrolytes, to be honest. I was thinking more about food. I'll be sure to pass that along to her. She was training for a half marathon, but after her experience with the 10K, she's decided it isn't for her. I'd hate to see her give up on it if her problems can be addressed. Thanks again!

    alf, no I don't plan on following the P90X diet recommendations. I don't do well following diet plans at all. :embarassed: I'll probably have a look through the nutrition guide to see if there is anything I can/should incorporate into my diet over the 90 days, but that's about as far as it will probably go for me. I think I might try to add more protein to my diet than I've been eating recently to help in the muscle recovery. And I plan on trying to keep my diet as clean as possible (limit alcohol and sweets) to get as much definition as I can. In other words, I plan on doing what I did throughout STS, except eating about 1000 calories more a day than I was at times during that program!

    And at your weight/height, I'm not so sure you need to be doing the 'fat shredder' phase....most especially if you are going to continue to train for the half marathon. While I know I've just spent a couple of days talking about how women don't get any benefits from carb loading, I also think it is important to maintain a good balance of carbs/protein, especially if you are going to be doing endurance activities (like running distances). In my opinion, the 'fat shredder' phase may be way too low on carbs for you to be able to successfully sustain that level of activity. But your body will be able to make that determination for me better than I can, of course.

    I'm going to be doing a circuit workout this morning, followed by a good long stretch. I'm not sure if I'm going to do a workout tomorrow (I know I'll take Saturday off). I'll see how I feel after today, but I want to make sure my body is good and rested before starting this new program.

    Hope everybody has a good day. :flowerforyou:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Alf: No Water? :drinker: I say you better drink up - The coach that trained me for my first half demanded we carry water for any run over 5K and electrolytes over 10K. After Chicago 07 - I carry my own water even in organized events because I'm usually toward the back end and I have a fear they will be out by the time I hit the last few stations.

    You will have so much fun running a half with your husband. On one of my half marathons, I ran with a friend who had been going through a lot of stuff with her aging parents and had missed a lot of the training runs. She kept wanting me to go on ahead but it was a great experience sticking with her. We ended up finishing 2:48 but I wouldn't miss it for the world and can understand the joy runners get from pacing their slower friends.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Speaking of water guys and girls...

    I was seeing a lot of postings about everyone tracking their water intake, so I've been making an extra effort this week. I am a good water drinker anyhow, but I've managed to do about 80 oz during the day at work, probably counteracted by three 8 oz cups of coffee, and at least another 10 oz at home. At the same time I've been doing this, I've been getting cold at work. I am never cold. Not even in winter. Do you think its a coincidence? I expected to feel more cold in the winter as I lost weight, and actually bought a winter coat for next winter, but my weight hasn't changed substantially since last week, the only thing that's changed is upping my water intake about 30 oz a day.

    Thanks in advance for your input!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    zebras, I don't know if the water is making you feel the cold more or not, but I've noticed as I've dropped the weight that I am less affected by temps. Like, the humidity, which used to drive me round the bend, now is merely uncomfortable, and the cold doesn't seem to get to me.

    Don't know if it's related to losing weight, exercising more, or advancing age :laugh:, but I like it.
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    String... I don't know if your food diary is on public. I just noticed that you were able to view them when someone posted a question about their eating habits and someone replied by saying "I looked at your food journal...." So I thought I'd see if you could.

    Zebras... I dont know about the water making you cold. I know now that I lost a couple of pounds that I get colder faster than others but I also have low blood pressure and my husband thinks that has something to do with it also.

    Today I'm gonna clean the house and my youngest daughter is coming over with her 2 pups to visit. She just got a little Yorkie to entertain her Chihuahua. So needless to say its gonna be dog central here. I have 2, my eldest who just moved back in has 2, and with my youngest coming over that totals 6. Crazy!!!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    I didn't think about my blood pressure. I'm on BP medicine right now, but I'm supposed to be watching it in between doctor's visits as I lose weight in case it goes too low. I will be very pleased if its going lower, and I can lower my medicine and hopefully get off it entirely at some point.

    thanks all for the advice!
  • Texssippian
    Speaking of water, I have a big insulated cup at work and one at home. I can usually drink 32 ounces at work and and about 24 ounces at home in one day. Went out to lunch with my kids and had a reuben sandwich. I was been downing water ever since. I can REALLY tell when I have had a sodium laden meal.

    Alf: I have stopped eating cottage cheese because of the sodium. I found a recipe to make your own on the internet but have been chicken to try it.

    Daughter leaves tomorrow for Austin and UT. Taking the kids and hubby to our favorite Italian restaurant in an old house. Hopefully can find something not full of sodium.

    Shopped for 4 hours this afternoon with my daughter. I think that is enough of a work out for one day.

    Feels very strange for tomorrow to be Friday. I went back to work on Wednesday and we worked out with our trainer Wednesday night instead of the usual Monday night. Glad tomorrow is Friday, but it feels like Wednesday to me! Take care all.