40+ Club - Summertime Fun



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks so much for the encouraging words tron. I am feeling better. Got to let go of what I have no controls over and work at what I can change.

    I am planning on biking to the YMCA after I get done vacuuming the house.
  • Texssippian
    Swiss: hang in there! Be good to yourself.

    We had a successful trip to Austin and back yesterday. Moved our daughter from one place to another one three blocks away. Yea minivan, boyfriend and son! Went to Ikea and only lost the husband twice. Had swedish meatballs for lunch. So much sodium but I think I sweated it all out. Then cleaned out the son's storage unit and hauled all that home. All in 100+ degree heat. Need to unpack the van this morning before it starts roasting...

    Brother-in-law is out of icu and now officially on the liver transplant list at Ochsner in New Orleans. Yea! My sister is with him and his mom has their 7 year old daughter. Thanks for all the support and prayers.

    My friend's 12 year old son who had a heart transplant three weeks ago is now home and doing well.

    I think I will count unloading the van as my exercise today. I am going to start trying to stretch more too. Take care all! Texssippian
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Happy Sunday!!! Swiss, glad you are feeling better!! :drinker:

    I started P90X today! :drinker: I did chest and back and ab ripper videos. Lots of push ups and pull ups! :noway: I did most of the push ups on my knees. No pull ups at all. I did not prep for it, did not watch the video before today so I had to stop the video a few times and was not prepared for the space/equipment I needed. Also the iron gym is not properly set up for wide grip pullups, not sure where I could place it for that. I used a band instead but did not have enough room to stretch it more for a better workout. I still feel I had a good first workout but I need to make some adjustments for the next. I will definitely try to preview the other videos beforehand so I am better prepared. Ab ripper was great, I was able to do most reps. I only burned 266 cals according to my HRM :grumble: I thought I would burn more. I think I am just eating my maintenance cals and the exercise cals today. The program suggests 1800 cals but I dont want to overdo it and gain weight if I eat more. What do you guys think? This is my main concern. I dont want to overeat but I dont want to undereat either and jeopardize seeing results on this program. Stiring, how did you do??

    Ok, I need to eat lunch now. I increased my proteins for now, carbs 30, prot 50, fat 20. That is what the program recommends but I will try it for a week or so and if I need more carbs to support my running and workouts I might move to the next plan, 40-40-20.

    Have a nice one!!! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    Hey all!

    Swissmiss, I hope you are feeling better today. I'm happy you took the time to take care of yourself today! You deserve it. :flowerforyou:

    Tex, sounds like you've had quite a day! Yeah, I'd count all the work you've been doing today as a workout. Great news on your brother-in-law. :drinker:

    alf, I was thinking about you as I was working through P90X this morning. I can't do pull-ups because of my shoulder, so all that was done with a band. But I was able to do ALL my pushups on my toes! :drinker: From not being able to do one pushup on my toes six months ago (it was almost six months ago to the day I started STS) to being able to do 244 (!) of them on my toes in that workout this morning amazes me. It felt good! :drinker: I think I will feel it in my shoulders tomorrow, though. :ohwell:

    I got through all the reps in Ab Ripper X as well, though not at the more advanced positions. That's a tough but great workout.

    I would definitely suggest watching the videos beforehand. He does move pretty quickly through the program without much explanation before the exercises starts. My HRM doesn't like to work when I'm doing things like pushups, so I got rid of it about half way through the workout, so I have no idea how many calories I burned.

    alf, what are your maintenance calories? I would think you could easily eat 1800 calories while doing this program and not gain any weight. As you know, it isn't just about the calories your body is burning while doing the program, but what it needs to repair your muscles and, hopefully, build your muscles. I've been eating way above what my HRM says I've burned off during exercise for a few weeks now and I've just reached the point where I'm maintaining my weight (at about 2100-2200 calories a day, which is about 400 calories a day above what my HRM would suggest I eat, even on cardio days). On average, I burn about 150 calories (sometimes less) per my HRM doing strength training for an hour. If I only ate my maintenance calories and those calories, I'd be eating about 1500-1550 calories a day. There is absolutely no way that would be enough calories for me.

    So my suggestion, as always, is to listen to your body more than your HRM. I'm actually one of those people who thinks my HRM is pretty useless for strength training (but I attempt to wear it nevertheless). I'm always hungrier when I am strength training more, and I think that's my body telling me something.

    I'm anxious to see what is coming up in this program. It is very different from STS for me, and I'm very curious how my body will respond to it. My biggest concern with P90X is that I'll get bored because I get bored very easily doing some workout programs, and this program is more repetitive than STS. But I have to keep reminding myself 'It is just 90days!'. After the six months of STS, 90 days seems like such a short rotation in comparison.

    Hope everybody has a good day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Thanks Stiring!! Wow, all the push ups on your toes??? Amazing!!!!! And 244!!! Wow!!! :drinker: :drinker: I have always been pretty weak when it comes to push ups and to be honest I took it kinda easy today. I am always very careful in the beginning of a program to prevent injury and I did not want to overdo it on the first day. At some point I had shoulder pain so I dont want to risk it. I did like it and I am looking forward to another round and the rest of the dvds.

    I agree with you that I should eat at least 1800 cals. I have felt pretty hungry the whole day. And I also think the high protein ratio is going to be very shortlived and the day is not even over. I dont think I can keep it up for too long. I might just do the energy booster, 40-40-20. What is your ratio? If I only eat my exercise calories today it will be a little under 1800 so it wouldnt be too bad but still...

    I hope you hang in there and dont get too bored...I am counting on your motivation and support. :wink:

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    I read in another post that you are supposed to take your weight and times it by 9 in order to see how many calories you are supposed to be eating to lose weight. If that is true then I am only supposed to eat 1080. Are you serious.... I have a hard time sticking with 1200 calories. But I have to admit I'm not losing anything....:grumble: :sad: :sad:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: tron, I wouldn't follow that formula. We are never to go below 1200.

    :flowerforyou: alf and stiring, do you have to have a lot of special equipment for the P90X? My son and his girlfriend are doing this. They live about three hours away so I don't know exactly what they are doing.

    :flowerforyou: tex, it sounds like you burned a lot of calories today.

    I think that I am back on track. I used the weight machines at the YMCA today. And, I rode my daughter's bike there and back. Going to have buffalo burgers for dinner alone with some brussel sprouts.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    alf, my diet kind of naturally falls into a 40-30-30 breakdown. I don't have exact numbers because I haven't entered things like my homemade bread or granola bars into the menu items here, so I substitute with stuff that's already listed. But the breakdown I have (again, it is along the lines of a 40-30-30 breakdown, sometimes a 45-30-25 or 45-25-30 breakdown depending on the day) seems to be working for me. I don't know that I would want to get by on the low carbs recommended for the first part of this program.

    tron, in my opinion, you shouldn't follow that guideline for calorie consumption. If I'm not mistaken, you are sitting at about 120, right? At 5'2", right? Right there is why it is so hard for you to lose weight....you are thin and you are shorter-than-average. I know when I hit that weight (which was my original goal weight), what I did to lose more weight was eat my maintenance calories (I want to say they were about 1400) and then worked everything else off through exercise. As you can see, if your maintenance calories are 1400, and you are eating 1200 (and not working out), then it will take a few weeks to lose a pound.

    But it is really important for you to keep your calories up at your BMR right now because you don't have much to lose. I totally understand the frustration because, at this point, it feels almost impossible to lose weight without exercise. But don't do anything unwise (like cutting your calories too low!) because of that. Chances are, you won't lose any weight if you cut your calories more and will just potentially do things that damage your system (like mess with your thyroid).

    I would say that exercise really is going to be your key to losing more weight more quickly right now. Again, that's how I lost all of my weight below 120 because I've been eating my maintenance calories since April (minus a two week period in late April/early May when I took my calories down a little bit to try to get to 110). But that doesn't mean you won't lose weight if you don't workout as much. It just means it is going to take a longer amount of time to do it.

    Just my .2 cents...for what it's worth. :flowerforyou:

    Swissmiss, I'm happy to see you are doing better. Enjoy those buffalo burgers! I had my first buffalo burgers just this past spring and really enjoyed them.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Wow, Stiring, before reading your post I had already changed my goals to 40-30-30. No way I can eat that much protein (50%) and so little carbs. :noway: Thank you so much for your input. Ply tomorrow, I am looking forward to trying this. I hear it is tough. I need to watch it tonight so I have all the equipment ready. Planning on working out very early in the am, around 6am, do you eat before an early morning workout? What do you eat? I usually workout on an empty stomach but I dont think I should for Plyo, what do you think?

    Tron, I agree with Stiring. You might not be eating enough. Are you eating your exercise calories? Is your diet pretty clean? I think at your stage right now it is just a matter of cleaning up your diet, eating all your calories and changing up your workouts to include interval trng/increase intensity at least twice a week. Weight training can be helpful as well.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    alf, I pretty much always eat before I work out, especially when doing weights. I have oatmeal and peanut butter. I think it's best for you to try to eat before something like plyo or strength training, but if you can't about an hour before (as opposed to right before), give it a try on an empty stomach and see how you feel/if you have enough energy/etc. That's not the recommended way, but I also think what works best for you is what works best for you.

    Anxious to hear your impressions tomorrow!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    String... Your 5'2 also right? If so, how did you come up with 1400 calories? This sight says I have to eat 1200 just to lose a 1/2 pound a week.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    tron, the 1400 I was referring to was what MFP estimated my maintenance calories to be when I was about your size. This is given that my daily activity level outside of working out is sedentary. So if I only needed to eat 1400 calories a day to maintain my weight, and 1200 is the lowest I could go, that means I was creating, at most, a 200 calorie-a-day deficit when trying to lose weight without exercise. At that rate, it would take 17-18 days to create the 3500 calorie deficit to lose a pound.

    Your maintenance calories may be higher because you are younger than I am and your activity level (daily lifestyle) may be more active than mine. But I think my point remains valid--that to create a significant calorie deficit (like 500 calories a day) at our ages, heights and weights--is difficult. But your BMR is calculated (per MFP...I checked) at about 1200 calories, so you really shouldn't go below 1200 to attempt to lose weight under any circumstance (in my opinion, of course).

    If you want to see what your actual deficit is when eating 1200 calories a day, you may want to go into your goals and see what MFP would say you need to eat to maintain your weight. I found it eye opening to do that because I saw in black and white how eating over my calories by even 100 a day at that weight/height (again, if I weren't working out) could impact the rate at which I lost weight more significantly than I ever dreamed (because it would cut my deficit in half....just 100 calories!) And that, right there, is one of the reasons I'm so dedicated to fitness....because I found trying to lose weight with that kind of tight parameter too frustrating for me.

    I hope that helps! It's probably not very clear, but I'm getting tired tonight. I think P90X muddled my brain today. :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!

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    See you there!
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    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member

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