Body by Vi



  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    So basically for the people who take this product, they lie in their threads saying it only cost them $100.00 a month (do you mix it with just water), this product magically makes them not want to go to McDonalds, or Dunkin's anymore, because they couldn't do that with their own will power, it is healthy, it gives them tons of energy, and they lost a million pounds in a week.

    What they don't tell you or realize (same as shakeology) is that they are losing weight, because they have changed their overall eating habits, and are working out on a consistent basis.

    Now I say if this is what people need to do to get started losing weight that's fine, but don't push it on other people, and claim that it is a healthier way of life, when the truth is that you can eat healthy for the same amount of money or less, and make it a lifestyle that you can actually live with the rest of your life if you are motivated. If this company goes out of business for some reason then what are all of these people going to do? Move to another fad?
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I agree. Not only are these shakes unnecessary, but liquid calories are not as filling as whole foods and when you are dieting you definitely want to keep hunger low.

    I respectfully disagree... i have after years and years of trying to work this diet thing out.. find that when i drink these shakes i am full for the time i should be.. i feel healthier and i feel better about my calorie intake. I get the nutrients i want from breakfast and lunch and dont feel sluggish and or bloated.

    I think i will just point out this. I went to my dr in Jan before i begin this path. I was tired, i was depressed, i was at the point where i either got better or i got out, plan and simple. My dr told me that I needed to lose weight. That i needed to start to work on me. I looked into these shakes ( and mona vie and shakeology and weight watchers and low cal vs eat more weight less and jenny craig and dr beirnstein etc etc every diffrent way) i tried to do the whole make my meals and everything, but i just didnt have the time after i did mom duties... now i wake up get them ready and as they are brushing there teeth i make my shake. and bamm done. I have been doing them since Jan, i went to see my dr this past weekend. I walked in and he was so surprised. the nurse weighed me and then hugged me and said i was doing amazing. My dr tested me... all of my tests came back with me improving vastly. my blood pressure my cholestrol, my border line diabetes etc etc.. everything was better.. and my body fat has gone down over 11%.... most important.... i feel better about me.. i would rather go to the gym and run than sit and do nothing. i would rather go and play hockey with my son ( i am canadian afterall) than sit and watch the game... i am living now.. 6 months ago.. i was barely existing...

    i would think that being that with the fact that my dr has said.. yes this will work for you..and it has that people would say hey you know what good on you.. not say over and over again that there way of thought is fact.. and maybe consider that other people do find long term success....

    i guess what i am trying to say..i respect everyones path and journey.. it would be kinda nice if others could as well

    The problem is that this thread was started to give another opinion about BBV, and then once all of the BBV people came on here to give their sales pitch that is when people starting getting into what they really feel about it. Don't get mad at the people that don't like the shake when they are just giving their opinion the same as the BBV people are. You might not think what the BBV people are saying is so bad, but when it is misinformation, people start MFP accounts just to tell you about it, and then they send you PM's, it just isn't right. So people are allowed to speak how they feel when something is pushed on them, and the original poster wasn't disrespecting what anyone did, they were just giving people more information about what they were putting in their bodies.
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    So basically for the people who take this product, they lie in their threads saying it only cost them $100.00 a month (do you mix it with just water), this product magically makes them not want to go to McDonalds, or Dunkin's anymore, because they couldn't do that with their own will power, it is healthy, it gives them tons of energy, and they lost a million pounds in a week.

    What they don't tell you or realize (same as shakeology) is that they are losing weight, because they have changed their overall eating habits, and are working out on a consistent basis.

    Now I say if this is what people need to do to get started losing weight that's fine, but don't push it on other people, and claim that it is a healthier way of life, when the truth is that you can eat healthy for the same amount of money or less, and make it a lifestyle that you can actually live with the rest of your life if you are motivated. If this company goes out of business for some reason then what are all of these people going to do? Move to another fad?

    the ones who say they drink the shakes and that is all that they changed and they are dropping "millions a week" ya i dont think so.. if that is the case.. then the stuff i am getting is diffrent than they are using... i have to work at my weight loss.. and i have to put real true effort into it.. the same as someone else...

    to be honest i was using other protein shakes.. but i didnt like the carbs ( huge amount) and i didnt like the taste.. with these shakes i like the taste and the carb count. It makes my breakfast shake taste good so i look forward to it..
    as for saving money.. well lets compare my personal experience
    before i got the shakes
    75 bucks a month for the protien i was using
    20 bucks a month for milk
    60 bucks for the fruit i crammed into it to make it taste ok
    280 bucks a month for lunches (est. 10 bucks a day for 30 days)
    total being 435 a month
    on vi
    124 bucks for shakes and shipping
    20 bucks a month on milk
    20 a month for extra fruit for the shakes
    20 for other add ins ( flavors for treats like pb or apple sauce etc etc)
    these are including my lunch shake so 0 for that
    184 bucks a month for my lunch and breakfast.

    now i do not want you to use it.. i dont care if you do or not.. or if you use surgery or if you use shakeology or freaking fiber pills or pgx or whatever else... i use them cause they are finicially better for me and work...

    if the company goes out of business then i will have to go back to the more expensive way of doing it.. (although i didnt like it i find that most store proteins are wayyy high in protein leaving me feeling like bloated or something)
    but since the company has just had its highest quaters doubling the profits and all ( things i have been told to try and encourage me to sell it when i wont)

    fact is.. it works for some people.. the same way... atkins and weight watcher and the zone and all those other diets work.. it is a persons choice on how to do it..

    ps yearsssssssss ago.. people cried about how awful the low carb thing was and it would never last and it was a fad etc etc.. and now people have accepted it.... so i guess what i am saying again like i have a dozen times and no one hears it or reads it

  • awisegirl84
    awisegirl84 Posts: 82 Member
    So basically for the people who take this product, they lie in their threads saying it only cost them $100.00 a month (do you mix it with just water), this product magically makes them not want to go to McDonalds, or Dunkin's anymore, because they couldn't do that with their own will power, it is healthy, it gives them tons of energy, and they lost a million pounds in a week.

    What they don't tell you or realize (same as shakeology) is that they are losing weight, because they have changed their overall eating habits, and are working out on a consistent basis.

    Now I say if this is what people need to do to get started losing weight that's fine, but don't push it on other people, and claim that it is a healthier way of life, when the truth is that you can eat healthy for the same amount of money or less, and make it a lifestyle that you can actually live with the rest of your life if you are motivated. If this company goes out of business for some reason then what are all of these people going to do? Move to another fad?

    the ones who say they drink the shakes and that is all that they changed and they are dropping "millions a week" ya i dont think so.. if that is the case.. then the stuff i am getting is diffrent than they are using... i have to work at my weight loss.. and i have to put real true effort into it.. the same as someone else...

    to be honest i was using other protein shakes.. but i didnt like the carbs ( huge amount) and i didnt like the taste.. with these shakes i like the taste and the carb count. It makes my breakfast shake taste good so i look forward to it..
    as for saving money.. well lets compare my personal experience
    before i got the shakes
    75 bucks a month for the protien i was using
    20 bucks a month for milk
    60 bucks for the fruit i crammed into it to make it taste ok
    280 bucks a month for lunches (est. 10 bucks a day for 30 days)
    total being 435 a month
    on vi
    124 bucks for shakes and shipping
    20 bucks a month on milk
    20 a month for extra fruit for the shakes
    20 for other add ins ( flavors for treats like pb or apple sauce etc etc)
    these are including my lunch shake so 0 for that
    184 bucks a month for my lunch and breakfast.

    now i do not want you to use it.. i dont care if you do or not.. or if you use surgery or if you use shakeology or freaking fiber pills or pgx or whatever else... i use them cause they are finicially better for me and work...

    if the company goes out of business then i will have to go back to the more expensive way of doing it.. (although i didnt like it i find that most store proteins are wayyy high in protein leaving me feeling like bloated or something)
    but since the company has just had its highest quaters doubling the profits and all ( things i have been told to try and encourage me to sell it when i wont)

    fact is.. it works for some people.. the same way... atkins and weight watcher and the zone and all those other diets work.. it is a persons choice on how to do it..

    ps yearsssssssss ago.. people cried about how awful the low carb thing was and it would never last and it was a fad etc etc.. and now people have accepted it.... so i guess what i am saying again like i have a dozen times and no one hears it or reads it


    I'm not sure why you keep taking this so personally. This forum was not an attack against you and wasn't intended to start an argument (as you can see with the original person's post). It was about a blog giving out an opinion and information. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I think that the people who are so strongly against the product are not going to be convinced by you. Their opinion is based on the information they receive and the way they interpret it, just as yours is.

    If you have found something that works for you, and it does seem like you have, LET IT GO. There's no reason to defend yourself.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    Body by Vi is a real thing? Some lady left a Body by Vi card with her number on it on my car, and I harassed her for weeks Cat-Facts style:


    This might have been wrong but, damn it's funny!

    if that is indeed true - it is the FUNNIEST DAMN THING IVE EVER SEEN!
  • sarahsunshine1217
    sarahsunshine1217 Posts: 85 Member
    That article is crazy! Im switching the HCG diet! ;)