Harsh words & bashing instead of support & motivation?



  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    It is funny how online people can be so rude, here and elsewhere. I agree with you, we all have opinions. If I don't agree with what someone says, that is ok, because we live in a "free" country where we can say whatever we want. I had someone on this scrabble website that I play, tell me to "stick it" because I was winning. LOL So, let's ignore the ones here that are rude and do what we are here to do. And good luck to us all!
  • jplord
    jplord Posts: 510 Member
    Thank you for posting! Here is my tentative theory: With poor self image or low self-esteem comes bashing and bullying as a method of feeling good about one's self. Intimidating avitars may be part of the pattern. As lifestyle and wieght change for the better, self-esteem becomes more positive and a healthy self-imagecomes from recognizing and celebrating one's accomplishments rather than bashing others to feel good.

    but that 's just a theory. Most likely people bash and bully because it's really easy to do on the internet and it feels. so. good!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I find that people aren't very open to contradictory opinions which generally leads to hostility. Many people just to need to remember that people aren't always going to pat them on the back. Don't start a forum thread if you don't want to hear varying opinions. And why not be open to other people's opinions because you are likely to learn something new.
  • stephenatl09
    stephenatl09 Posts: 186 Member
    What gets me is this is a weight loss site not a bodybuilding site. While I have heard some good information, there is a lot of "broscience" here as well. While weight loss and exercise does go hand in hand I feel there are so many bodybuilding sites, blogs,etc. I think MFP should focus on the weight loss. Of course, I will most likely catch hell for this...so bring on the hate !!! LOL
  • sherri85
    sherri85 Posts: 148 Member
    Very well said!! I agree totally!!
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    I agree....I don't get what all the bashing is about...just because you have different thoughts, you are the devil...it is crazy.

    But, on the funny side...there was a post yesterday that said the reason there are so many cranky posts is cause we are all hungry.

    That was amusing!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    True? MAYBE..LOL In my case, I am not hungry, but I would REALLY REALLY REALLY like some chocolate. :love: :love:
  • vittelsnacks
    People are generally being rude when they have low self-asteem and are just generally unhappy. I have seen people posting messages like "tell me i'm ugly" and such, but I do not think this is a healthy thing to ask/to do.

    I completely agree with RendonJe and hiker282. MFP should be a safe place where people with similar interests (fitness/health) get to talk and motivate each other, not bash and bully...

    ...if we were mean to each other here, how would it be any different from the real world? :/

    lol my reply's kinda sappy
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    I find that people aren't very open to contradictory opinions which generally leads to hostility. Many people just to need to remember that people aren't always going to pat them on the back. Don't start a forum thread if you don't want to hear varying opinions. And why not be open to other people's opinions because you are likely to learn something new.

    This is true, but expressing your opinions does not mean you have to put someone else down because they view something differently. I have learned a lot on this site that I would not normally have been open to hearing.
  • MzVonda
    MzVonda Posts: 87
    Well said ladybug...I totally agree!!!! Keep negative comments off MFP.com!!!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    There is only one way to get fit. The right way. If you can't get on board with doing it right then your just doing it wrong.


    Oh wait, your being sincere. Then yes you can come over and play with my toys.
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    What gets me is this is a weight loss site not a bodybuilding site. While I have heard some good information, there is a lot of "broscience" here as well. While weight loss and exercise does go hand in hand I feel there are so many bodybuilding sites, blogs,etc. I think MFP should focus on the weight loss. Of course, I will most likely catch hell for this...so bring on the hate !!! LOL

    I am enraged at this post, I despise this post, I hate everything in the post. 'Why', I hear you ask? Where are your commas man? Use some go*dam commas in your paragraphs!

    THERE - you see why people turn into bashers on this site. Grammar murderers like this one.

    /going off to lie down in a dark room.

    :laugh: :glasses: :tongue:
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    I find that people aren't very open to contradictory opinions which generally leads to hostility. Many people just to need to remember that people aren't always going to pat them on the back. Don't start a forum thread if you don't want to hear varying opinions. And why not be open to other people's opinions because you are likely to learn something new.

    I definitely agree with this. It really irks me when people just post something like "If you don't agree, then you shouldn't bother reading/replying", even when the opposing viewpoint was presented in a tactful manner.
  • FloraSin
    FloraSin Posts: 188 Member
    I haven't encountered that yet, but perhaps it's just a result of being newish to the forums. I've only met really nice people so far. And maybe seen aforementioned roid troll, but even he was tame. Maybe because I frequent a variety of nerd sites and nerdy trolls are the worst. Haha

    Hope the meanies on here don't discourage anyone though.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The knowledge I have gained in the forums has come as a result of reading differing opinions and then weighing the evidence presented. It's rad.

    Whoa! I think my head just exploded from the concept.

    Party on, Gas.
  • mandiemma
    mandiemma Posts: 128 Member
    THANK YOU! my thoughts exactly! I even tried to put up a MFP Positivity Challenge yesterday and only a few people said they'd do it... :-( we need to support more and that the negativity doesn't take over!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    There is only one way to get fit. The right way. If you can't get on board with doing it right then your just doing it wrong.


    Oh wait, your being sincere. Then yes you can come over and play with my toys.

    Why is it that everyone who makes these photo memes has such lousy grammar?
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    ...nerdy trolls are the worst.
    I resemble that remark.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Thank you for this. I'm sure it will change everything! :flowerforyou:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I find that people aren't very open to contradictory opinions which generally leads to hostility. Many people just to need to remember that people aren't always going to pat them on the back. Don't start a forum thread if you don't want to hear varying opinions. And why not be open to other people's opinions because you are likely to learn something new.

    This is true, but expressing your opinions does not mean you have to put someone else down because they view something differently. I have learned a lot on this site that I would not normally have been open to hearing.

    Again, I find it is the reactions to varying opinions that leads to hostility.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    If I may.

    First and foremost the internet is just like life. You have tons of new users signing up everyday. Every one of them is not going to be a positive, upbeat, polite, supportive person. It's just a fact. Try to ignore those you don't like. You can even set them to ignore so you don't have to see their posts.

    Secondly the threads I see with "bashing" are generally threads promoting bad plans. HGC, steroids, starvation diets, diet pills, etc. Those should not be supported or encouraged. MFP is a healthy and sustainable way to lose weight. Let people think they're free to recommend 17 day cabbage soup diets all over the place and this forum may as well shut itself down.

    If you're running into a lot of people saying negative things about your weight loss plan it might not be that they're all rude, awful people. It might in fact be that they have a point.

    Support and motivation are meaningless if it's a bad idea they're supporting. It's not helping anyone to tell them they're doing a great job if they're on the wrong track.