I am annoyed with the anti-lady-muscle posts.



  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    So stop it. Thanks.

    So because you have a preference for your body to be one way, no one is allowed to express their preference for something else?
    There's a difference between expressing a preference for something else like an adult, and saying "Eww, that's gross/ugly/ you looka lika man."

    Well, I can say, I have not seen posts that say that, but agree that is obnoxious if it's happening. The posts I've seen have been more to the, "Not the look I'm going for," type replies.

    In this thread, a woman was called masculine. How is that even close to okay? If someone called me masculine, they damn well had better have a banging body or I'm calling them soft. Since the only difference between what people call "masculine" and "feminine" is body fat %. Hell, soft would probably be the nicest thing I would say.
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I deadlift twice my body weight and I definitely don't have "boy muscles."

    Woman - picking up and putting down weights will not turn you into a SHE-MAN!

    To each her own...you are in much better health than me, and that's to be commended. But your muscles are pretty masculine. The high jumper pic, which fit and muscular, is more what I ascribe to be one day...still soft and womanly, but strong and fit.

    Wow this is one of the rudest thing I ever saw here.

    How about you post a pic of yourself so we can critic you?

    What is so rude? I commended her for the dedication she gives to her health and admitted that she is in far better health than I am.
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    SMH...Isn't it ironic there are anti-lady-muscle posters hatin on the anti-anti-lady-muscle post? (Say that 5 times fast, whydontcha)

    Well, at least in my case my objection has nothing to do with lady-muscles, of which I have no real opinion. I think the pro-lady-muscle crew look fabulous, and I think people look fabulous when less muscular, too. I think having the body type that you (collective you) desire makes you more confident and attractive. However, I object to posts started specifically to tell other people what they should/shouldn't post.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    How is calling a woman "masculine" not insulting and rude?
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member

    I think I have my first girl crush - that *kitten* is effing amazing

    I NEED to have an *kitten* like that. Jesus that thing is amazing...looks like I'm doing deadlifts and squats for 8 hours today...
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I deadlift twice my body weight and I definitely don't have "boy muscles."

    Woman - picking up and putting down weights will not turn you into a SHE-MAN!

    To each her own...you are in much better health than me, and that's to be commended. But your muscles are pretty masculine. The high jumper pic, which fit and muscular, is more what I ascribe to be one day...still soft and womanly, but strong and fit.

    And this is exactly the kind of post people here object to - insulting.And I bet you her *kitten* is in no way soft.
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 415 Member
    I want Hot (sexy) Ripped Looking muscles Not like a professional body builder. Thats my difference.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Here's a newsflash - I'm annoyed by pro-lady muscle posts, since I don't like muscles on ladies. However, I do not complain about it because everyone is entitled to personal taste. So stop complaining.

    Is it me - or is this post highly ironic?

    its not just you.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I deadlift twice my body weight and I definitely don't have "boy muscles."

    Woman - picking up and putting down weights will not turn you into a SHE-MAN!

    To each her own...you are in much better health than me, and that's to be commended. But your muscles are pretty masculine. The high jumper pic, which fit and muscular, is more what I ascribe to be one day...still soft and womanly, but strong and fit.

    Wow this is one of the rudest thing I ever saw here.

    How about you post a pic of yourself so we can critic you?

    What is so rude? I commended her for the dedication she gives to her health and admitted that she is in far better health than I am.

    Dude, you said she looks masculine. That's pretty effing rude.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I deadlift twice my body weight and I definitely don't have "boy muscles."

    Woman - picking up and putting down weights will not turn you into a SHE-MAN!

    To each her own...you are in much better health than me, and that's to be commended. But your muscles are pretty masculine. The high jumper pic, which fit and muscular, is more what I ascribe to be one day...still soft and womanly, but strong and fit.

    Wow this is one of the rudest thing I ever saw here.

    How about you post a pic of yourself so we can critic you?

    What is so rude? I commended her for the dedication she gives to her health and admitted that she is in far better health than I am.

    You also said her muscles looked pretyy masculine - that's insulting.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member

    Found my new idol!!! ^^
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    soccer moms with muscles are so much hotter to me these days then skinny college girls. all thanks to this site.

    Well that just made my day!!!! :wink: (yes, I know that you were not talk about me directly, but I will take a compliment any way that I can get!! haha)

    TinkrBelz, in the most non-stalker way possible, you were who popped into my head when I read his comment! Your muscles are not masculine in the least. You have a body that makes the rest of us jealous!

    Awww...shucks!! Thanks!! haha!

    I think everyone has different preferences. I like my little muscles. There is a female body builder at my gym, man she looks so good! But, I do not want to be as big as she is. BUT, I would assume that she looks at me and thinks, "look at those tiny arms!! I think some prefer big muscles on a woman and others prefer smaller muscles on a woman....but we can definitely appreciate the hard work that any size muscular woman puts into attaining her goal.
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 755 Member
    How is calling a woman "masculine" not insulting and rude?

    It IS insulting and rude!
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    I deadlift twice my body weight and I definitely don't have "boy muscles."

    Woman - picking up and putting down weights will not turn you into a SHE-MAN!

    To each her own...you are in much better health than me, and that's to be commended. But your muscles are pretty masculine. The high jumper pic, which fit and muscular, is more what I ascribe to be one day...still soft and womanly, but strong and fit.

    Wow this is one of the rudest thing I ever saw here.

    How about you post a pic of yourself so we can critic you?

    What is so rude? I commended her for the dedication she gives to her health and admitted that she is in far better health than I am.

    You insulted her appearance. Go ahead and post your body. If you can dish out insults, then be prepared to accept them. Go on, do it. I dare you.

    PS You were exceptionally rude.
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    I dig this thread title and the way it has gone! (Other than people trolling it)
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    This is my body image ideal:

    Go ahead and tell me she looks "masculine"...

    I like this one too. Maybe my legs and shoulders/arms will look similar a few years from now :)
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    So stop it. Thanks.

    So because you have a preference for your body to be one way, no one is allowed to express their preference for something else?
    There's a difference between expressing a preference for something else like an adult, and saying "Eww, that's gross/ugly/ you looka lika man."

    Well, I can say, I have not seen posts that say that, but agree that is obnoxious if it's happening. The posts I've seen have been more to the, "Not the look I'm going for," type replies.

    In this thread, a woman was called masculine. How is that even close to okay? If someone called me masculine, they damn well had better have a banging body or I'm calling them soft. Since the only difference between what people call "masculine" and "feminine" is body fat %. Hell, soft would probably be the nicest thing I would say.

    Actually her muscles were called masculine looking which isn't the same as saying she is/looks masculine. ETA: though I agree it's unnecessary to say that. But I meant in other threads I've read which was what lead me to my original comment.
  • FlyeredUp
    FlyeredUp Posts: 663 Member
    If your a women ( or man) and not lifting heavy your missing the boat!!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Nice thread, but needs pics

    Damn I need to be running if my butt will look like that!! :bigsmile:

    That my dear...is not a runners butt lol.
    Here's a newsflash - I'm annoyed by pro-lady muscle posts, since I don't like muscles on ladies. However, I do not complain about it because everyone is entitled to personal taste. So stop complaining.


    Clearly you're not up with the times yet. Your comment should have been 'Wow way to go awesome job!! Go you!!'

    Sign me up

    Excellent photo editing! By the way, I was never offended by her nipples lol, and...uh oh...is that a thong?!?
  • Flippiefloppies
    I deadlift twice my body weight and I definitely don't have "boy muscles."

    Woman - picking up and putting down weights will not turn you into a SHE-MAN!

    To each her own...you are in much better health than me, and that's to be commended. But your muscles are pretty masculine. The high jumper pic, which fit and muscular, is more what I ascribe to be one day...still soft and womanly, but strong and fit.

    Wow this is one of the rudest thing I ever saw here.

    How about you post a pic of yourself so we can critic you?

    What is so rude? I commended her for the dedication she gives to her health and admitted that she is in far better health than I am.

    You insulted her appearance. Go ahead and post your body. If you can dish out insults, then be prepared to accept them. Go on, do it. I dare you.

    PS You were exceptionally rude.

    ^^ This.. going in to a post that has to do with women lifters and then say one of them is masculine. :::::facepalm:::

    Seriously, don't even try to defend your comment. It was beyond rude.