I am annoyed with the anti-lady-muscle posts.



  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    I deadlift twice my body weight and I definitely don't have "boy muscles."

    Woman - picking up and putting down weights will not turn you into a SHE-MAN!

    To each her own...you are in much better health than me, and that's to be commended. But your muscles are pretty masculine. The high jumper pic, which fit and muscular, is more what I ascribe to be one day...still soft and womanly, but strong and fit.

    Wow this is one of the rudest thing I ever saw here.

    How about you post a pic of yourself so we can critic you?

    What is so rude? I commended her for the dedication she gives to her health and admitted that she is in far better health than I am.

    lol you basically are saying she looks like a man...how is that not rude? how do you feel when people comment on your weight?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Never ever wanted to lift a barbell.. Only wanted to do machines and dumbbells.

    Then my trainer got me started on barbell lifting and now I'm hooked... Got better looking, *kitten*, ab's and arms then I ever did before.

    Lift ladies.. and enjoy the results :)
  • LifeOnMars_
    LifeOnMars_ Posts: 720 Member
    I deadlift twice my body weight and I definitely don't have "boy muscles."

    Woman - picking up and putting down weights will not turn you into a SHE-MAN!

    To each her own...you are in much better health than me, and that's to be commended. But your muscles are pretty masculine. The high jumper pic, which fit and muscular, is more what I ascribe to be one day...still soft and womanly, but strong and fit.

    Wow this is one of the rudest thing I ever saw here.

    How about you post a pic of yourself so we can critic you?

    What is so rude? I commended her for the dedication she gives to her health and admitted that she is in far better health than I am.

    You insulted her appearance. Go ahead and post your body. If you can dish out insults, then be prepared to accept them. Go on, do it. I dare you.

    PS You were exceptionally rude.

    I approve this message
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Yay for lady muscles!! :drinker:

    To the few that are saying they don't like these sort of posts, the problem is not with those who say "Muscles are not my thing" or similar. The problem is with those people that when presented with a picture of a woman with muscles, says "Eww, that's disgusting, she looks like a man!" "Not feminine at all" or "Where are her curves?? Women are meant to be soft!"

    Those sorts of negative comments are just plain rude, and usually posted on topics specifically about women with muscles. Here's an idea, if you don't like women with muscles, and don't agree with the topic, how about you just ignore it and go find a topic you do like (unless they asked specifically for people's opinion, in which case, you still don't need to be rude about it!)

    I'm not talking about anyone in particular, it's just these sorts of comments crop up all the time. Can't people just be polite and not be rude about other people's bodies? Everyone has different preferences. If I saw a topic celebrating overweight women, I'd just ignore it. If an opinion was asked for in the topic, I at least would try not to be rude in the process.
  • emgawne
    emgawne Posts: 265 Member
    soccer moms with muscles are so much hotter to me these days then skinny college girls. all thanks to this site.

    I'm a soccer aunt...does that count? haha.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Personally, and I am new here so don't know the history here, I think anyone male or female looks better when they are in good shape. That's one of the reasons this 50 year old fart wants to lose his beer gut and get back into shape (and I don't mean round, I am already that shape).
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    So stop it. Thanks.

    Im sorry what was the question? I couldn't stop drooling from your own muscular physique

    Missed this. Thank you.
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    I THINK - that women who show this kind of devotion and motivation, whether muscled, dreaming of being muscled, or somewhere in between, are awesome.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I deadlift twice my body weight and I definitely don't have "boy muscles."

    Woman - picking up and putting down weights will not turn you into a SHE-MAN!

    To each her own...you are in much better health than me, and that's to be commended. But your muscles are pretty masculine. The high jumper pic, which fit and muscular, is more what I ascribe to be one day...still soft and womanly, but strong and fit.

    Wow this is one of the rudest thing I ever saw here.

    How about you post a pic of yourself so we can critic you?

    What is so rude? I commended her for the dedication she gives to her health and admitted that she is in far better health than I am.

    Dude, you said she looks masculine. That's pretty effing rude.

    Ok normally I don't give 2 sh!ts but the girls first comment was that muscles won't turn you into a she-man, so then the other poster comes back and gives her COMPLIMENTS but also states that her MUSCLES not HER look masculine. she is answering to the first quote and it's her opinion, whether you like it or not she is allowed to have it. AGAIN she said her MUSCLES were masculine not her face or anything else and again she was answering to the SHE-MAN comment. Sheesh and she even compliments her, how else would you have her say it? Probably not at all I am guessing............it's obvious she was dead in the water the second she touched the enter button.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I deadlift twice my body weight and I definitely don't have "boy muscles."

    Woman - picking up and putting down weights will not turn you into a SHE-MAN!
    You, miss...have the most amazing abs!!! :flowerforyou:
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I deadlift twice my body weight and I definitely don't have "boy muscles."

    Woman - picking up and putting down weights will not turn you into a SHE-MAN!

    cyncetastic looks amazing!!! I would die for those abs!!! NOT at all masculine... Super feminine and super hott!!! Go get em girl!!!!
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    So stop it. Thanks.

    So because you have a preference for your body to be one way, no one is allowed to express their preference for something else?
    There's a difference between expressing a preference for something else like an adult, and saying "Eww, that's gross/ugly/ you looka lika man."

    Well, I can say, I have not seen posts that say that, but agree that is obnoxious if it's happening. The posts I've seen have been more to the, "Not the look I'm going for," type replies.

    In this thread, a woman was called masculine. How is that even close to okay? If someone called me masculine, they damn well had better have a banging body or I'm calling them soft. Since the only difference between what people call "masculine" and "feminine" is body fat %. Hell, soft would probably be the nicest thing I would say.

    You can say whatever you want about me, since I used the word masculine. I never said it was unattractive or manly. And I also made it very clear that my body by comparison is subpar. I have a preference about the look I'm going for...it's no the same as some people on here, and that's quite OK.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    "Women are meant to be soft!"

    This one annoys me the most. Why can't we redefine what women are "meant" to look like? Why do we have to appear weak? We can go to college now, have jobs, pay bills, but we can't be strong? We can't open our own jars of pickles, or pick up 50lb 6 year olds, swing 20lb sledge hammers as a seismic source, load full coolers into trucks, or fill out the *kitten* in a pair of work trousers?
  • BigRich822
    BigRich822 Posts: 681
    I agree, hit it hard ladies.

  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Nice thread, but needs pics

    Damn I need to be running if my butt will look like that!! :bigsmile:

    That my dear...is not a runners butt lol.
    Here's a newsflash - I'm annoyed by pro-lady muscle posts, since I don't like muscles on ladies. However, I do not complain about it because everyone is entitled to personal taste. So stop complaining.


    Clearly you're not up with the times yet. Your comment should have been 'Wow way to go awesome job!! Go you!!'

    Sign me up

    Excellent photo editing! By the way, I was never offended by her nipples lol, and...uh oh...is that a thong?!?
  • I THINK - that women who show this kind of devotion and motivation, whether muscled, dreaming of being muscled, or somewhere in between, are awesome.

  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    I deadlift twice my body weight and I definitely don't have "boy muscles."

    Woman - picking up and putting down weights will not turn you into a SHE-MAN!

    To each her own...you are in much better health than me, and that's to be commended. But your muscles are pretty masculine. The high jumper pic, which fit and muscular, is more what I ascribe to be one day...still soft and womanly, but strong and fit.

    lol@calling her masculine...she is far from it..she looks great. most people cant come close to her dedication.

    As I said, it's a personal opinion. I wish I had that kind of dedication, but if I did, that's not the look I'm going for. My personal body-inspirations are Christina Hendricks and Kate Winslet. Bottom line is if you think you look great, then you are succeeding. Other people's opinions of your body type don't matter.

    If you posted a progress pic and I made the comment "Well its commendable that you have lost the weight and are getting healthy but I think you look too fat, it certainly wouldn't be my goal to look like you" people would jump on me from a great height.
    We have a whole thread on hurtful experiences people have had when someone has critqued their body about being too overweight or too skinny. I am sure that your post was not intentionaly meant to be offensive..but it is.

    Other peoples opinions voiced outloud about our bodies do effect you, there is a huge thread supporting that conclusion.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    "Women are meant to be soft!"

    This one annoys me the most. Why can't we redefine what women are "meant" to look like? Why do we have to appear weak? We can go to college now, have jobs, pay bills, but we can't be strong? We can't open our own jars of pickles, or pick up 50lb 6 year olds, swing 20lb sledge hammers as a seismic source, load full coolers into trucks, or fill out the *kitten* in a pair of work trousers?

    This is why I love you. :D I totally approve of this!

    The age of women as "weak" has come and gone. Strong is sexy! Whether that be physically strong... emotionally, mentally, spiritually, or all of the above
  • microMXL
    microMXL Posts: 51
    muscular ladies are HOT
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    You can say whatever you want about me, since I used the word masculine. I never said it was unattractive or manly. And I also made it very clear that my body by comparison is subpar. I have a preference about the look I'm going for...it's no the same as some people on here, and that's quite OK.

    FYI: Masculine means 'manly', so yes, you called her manly.