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THE (Trying Hard Everyday) Team ~ WEEK 20!!



  • Losing it- Congrats on the smoking. I have quit for over a year now. You will not believe how good you feel. I cheated and did it with chantex. It worked so well for me. I did put on about 20 lbs. You will not have that problem because you already know how to eat healthy.

    I just went and bought some new capri's and they are already feeling baggy. I am gonna wear them till they fall off. I wonder how does your body decide what part is gonna go first. My upper stomach seems to be getting flatter but I have not lost any inches in my waist or hips. Whats up with that? I also have large arms and I am so embarrassed to wear any tank tops this year. I hope to next year. Well I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend have a great one.
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. I have nothing against size 13s lol. I' proud of those who are getting into them. I don't know why I feel this way, but I get dressed and I look in the mirror and it looks as if nothing fits. But then, I'm out and see others who are in bigger sizes than me and they look cute. The clothes look like they fit them... but I'm smaller and I can't get anything that fits... I don't understand... my arms have gotten bigger so shirts that fit in my waist don't fit my arms.... the ones that fit my arms don't cover my belly baby fat.... I don't understand.... I won't even go into pants... that's a whole other story there... The 13s don't really fit me in the waist but my butt is too big to go down any smaller..... I hate clothes shopping.... I have an interview in like an hour and I dread getting dressed because I hate how it looks....

    Pawprint, I know exactly how you feel. Im 6' tall, so for me to find cute stuff (pants especially) that looked good it was hard. My arms got pretty big when I gained weight and I have a long torso, so I couldnt shop anywhere except Lane Bryant for shirts and still had to buy a size bigger to be comfortable with how it looked. Amazingly enough, my arms were the first things to slim down and I went from a 2x to and XL in shirts, then my legs and butt started dropping so my pants started hanging off and while i was THRILLED with the weight being gone, I am bummed cuz last year I spent alot of money to rehaul my wardrobe and cant afford to do it again.

    I still have a belly and thighs, its smaller, but its still there...so I still have a hard time finding clothes that fit right. For pants, if they fit in the waist they are either too short for my amazon legs OR they dont fit in the butt and I look like Im carrying a load in my britches. :laugh: :angry: Yesterday I put on one of my favorite pair of capri's and couldnt keep them up! They kept sliding off my butt and they are a size 16 levi's. I have pictures of me wearing them last summer and they were TIGHT! Now I can slide them off easily without unbuttoning them and they look 3 sizes too big because they are.. LOL

    Most of my pants I could probably pass on right now and go to a size regular size 14 in Levi's IF i could find some long enough that I can afford, but for now.. Im gotta just use what I have to get through the summer and will buy some stuff for fall. I need jeans more than I need shorts and capri's right now. I only have 1 or 2 pair that fit me right in the backside. I have pictures of me wearing them last summer and they were TIGHT!

    You'll be surprised at how quickly those clothes will feel different when you lose even just a little more weight. Take some before pictures in some of your tighter clothes, because later on you can take after shots and you will be VERY suprised at how different you look.

    That's awesome... I bought levi's size 13 while I was pregnant and they were tight, now I need a belt so I know that I've lost some. My doctor told me not to count inches around my belly for a few months after having my daughter because it would only depress me when it stopped... Lot of it was due to swelling and stuff... so yeah I'm on a roll though with motivation... I keep thinking about it and talking about so that I start to do it naturally and with out thinking.. I want it to become force of habit... It will become force of habit... My thighs got huge.. I couldn't believe how big they were until I measured them.
  • swignal
    swignal Posts: 441
    Welcome pawprint.... glad to meet you...good luck on your weight loss program.. I am sure you will love this team.. we are all hear to help you in any way that we can...

    Li4g - How are things going on the non-smoking?? hope your staying busy!!! anyway good luck..

    April - keep up all your good work...

    I am kinda tierd from all of my running around the swimming and the gardening... I only got half of the garden done I am going to have to do the rest tomorrow...its just to big to do it all today!!!

    talk to you all tomorrow

  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Its been a very rough day!

    I did manage to sell a couple things on craigslist and made $85 so hubby and I went to costco just to get out of the house. We got some fresh fruit and he got some gum (yes, he's quitting too) and I got some turkey jerky and some dried mango's AND I also found the biggest tub of nesquick chocolate milk mix I have ever seen..:bigsmile: :laugh::bigsmile: :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh:

    Anyway... Ive been on facebook alot today playing mousehunt and mafia wars and uploading pictures from my grandmothers archives (101 years worth!!) for my mom and cousins. That has kept me busy for today and yes... i am jonesing like CRAZYYYYYYYYYY!!! BUT, definitely upped the water intake today. Everytime I thought I was gonna crawl out of my skin Id have a glass. Lets just say Ive had to Pee ALOT today.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    Ohhh Im so super excited!!! I have another buddy that is coming to join us!

    Her name is Crazybee and she and I have known eachother for at least 14 years via the internet but lost touch for a while and recently got back in touch via Facebook.

    Anywho... Ive been chatting with her and she told me she registered for MFP today and will be coming to join us!

  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    HI all. Hope I can figure this whole thing out.
  • LosingIt4good
    LosingIt4good Posts: 1,214 Member
    You got it Bee!!! Woohoo!!
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I'm so lost:sad: I don't understand this thing. But You always walk me through things since you are so good with the computer. I got here and I watched what I ate today. I also got a few good looking recipe and bought the food for them. Now I just have to have the energy to do some excercise. That i going to take prayer.
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I am proud of you quiting smoking. Wonderful step towards a healthy life
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Welcome Crazybee! You're going to love this group.

    Well, the reunion was wonderful! The weather forecast said "rain," but it was an absolutely gorgeous day. Perfect temperature, not too windy, no bugs...
    And everyone had a great time. So many of my relatives I haven't seen for almost 40 years...all of their children...
    And as I was reading your posts about the "awkward fitting clothes," I was laughing hysterically! I thought it was just me. I'm short (5"2") and small boned I'm the opposite - very short waisted. I dare ya...Try finding pants that fit you when your waist is where most people have hips...
    So today, I wore a pair of lovely white Liz Claiborne capris, but I had to wear a very long tunic. Why...you ask??? Because...the waist of the pants were almost under the ta-tas...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Anyway, the reunion was great. I may have stayed under calories, but there was too much food, and too much activity. I think...I hope...that it all balanced out.

    Tomorrow is another family outing. Kind of a spontaneous thing...We're going to the beach (Lake Huron) to try to finish up the leftovers. Plus, it's Father's Day, of course, and I have the most wonderful stepfather...

    indianagranny...How are you doing after your walk? I hope you can get a good night's rest and feel refreshed in the morning.

    Anyway, I'm beat. Going to bed...
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    I just found a bunch pretty cool strength training videos on youtube. I found pilates and I even found tae bo... I never thought to look on there... but this is one way to keep my workout from going boring that is for sure... the ones that I did tonight are basically for beginners and they are so simple and so easy... they are 5 minutes long and serve their purpose... Training with Tammy is what they are... some of them are different things rather than your normal crunch.... I feel it though...
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Thank you for the welcome. I managed to get out and walk tonight. I had my son take me for a walk. I told him he could have a leash if he wanted but he wouldn't have to carry a pooper-scooper
  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    welcome crazybee. This is a pretty supportive group and we all have our ups and downs and we screw up and then hold each other accountable. It's pretty great! I absolutely wouldn't have come this far without this group, even though I'm a friend of losingit's IRL (in real life) it's not enough. She brought me to this site too and this group... maybe we should give her a title!

    I am exactly even on cals today. Although I feel like I ate tons with the maintenance cals... it just feels so strange. I didn't check my weight today, will check tomorrow just to make sure there's no upward movement. I decided to cut way back on exercising and so will do step classes 2x/wk and one cardio before my strength training - and that's it, except maybe for yoga. We'll see if I can shock my body into losing again.

    Played Bunco tonight - had the most wins for a change! Won $17, which means I get to play for 3 more months and break even! LOL

    Stopped by losingit's after Bunco (she didn't go) and got to play with the kittens. They are so freakin' cute! I just love them! Good thing they're spoken for! I got to see the one puff up like a puffer fish, it was hilarious.
  • cyndeebee
    cyndeebee Posts: 249 Member
    Good morning!

    Happy summer...Happy Father's Day to all of the men in our lives.

    How are you doing, indianagranny?
    Congrats, adopt4, on your big winnings! You remind me of my mother and stepfather. They have a regulation-size pool table in their family room, and my stepfather has pool tourneys every Wednesday in the winter months. He'll tell me that he won $3 or $4, and my mother and I tease him about grocery money...

    Kittens are so cute when they do the blowfish thing. I once had 3 kittens running around my house, and they were nothing but TROUBLE! They completely destroyed 2 sets of expensive curtains. They would run wildly around the house, leap in the air, land mid-curtain...then slide down. Little rotters. But they were so funny...

    I found out yesterday that one of my cousins has had fibromyalgia for years. Wow...Never knew that. She wasn't at the reunion. She was saving her strength for Father's Day. But her sister told me that she's on an all-raw-food diet right now. Just came back from a big detoxification in the U.S. That's extreme...
    What I've found is that other than eating healthy, there doesn't seem to be any special diet that really alleviates the symptoms. I watch my gluten consumption, and it definitely helps my digestion, but my biggest challenge has been learning how to use my energy without pushing the limits. Very hard to do, because when I'm having good days, I revert to the way I was...And I was a very energetic person. Worked 2...3...sometimes 4 jobs, and I usually also had boarders with special needs.
    Wow...Where did that woman go?

    But this woman is off to the beach today. I'm going to take some knitting and just park my butt...
    No beach sports...
    And I've already designated Monday as a recovery day for me.

    Have a great Sunday, everyone.
    Focus on nurturing your body and soul...
  • hI Team,

    Welcome Pawprint and CrazybeeRX - you will love this thread. My name is Lisa, work night shift Sunday through Wednesday night

    Healthymom - Gongrats on the 30 pound weight loss total.

    Adopt4 -Congrst on your winning.

    Cynddee bee - enjoy your day. my day was from 3pm Saturdy to 6 am this morning I just got home about 40 minutes ago.
  • Lorann
    Lorann Posts: 107
    Good morning everyone :flowerforyou:

    I've been quite busy the past few days so I was just trying to catch up on the reading. Welcome Pawprint & Crazybee :flowerforyou: your going to love it here ... these ladies are awesome, I've learned so much in just this past week that I've been here. Great motivation that's for sure!!

    So my thought for today is ... Wow losing weight can be costly!! So far I've lost 26 lbs and all of my jeans are to big, so I went and bought a couple pairs of stretchy XL capri's so they should fit me for a while. (the last time I bought any stretchy pants there were 3X) Then I had to go pick up so new undies as mine were going places they shouldn't!! :laugh: And now I noticed that my runners are starting to wear out... so I know I'm going to be needing a new pair soon. Not that I'm complaining that I need smaller clothes, that's the part I love!!

    Ok now for a question ... ok why is it that the first place we lose weight is the bust? :laugh: I can't believe how much smaller they are and of course hubby comments on that all the time :laugh: so far I've lost 5 inches from that area... now why couldn't that have come off my hips instead of the 2 inches :laugh:

    Today is going to be a test for me ... it's my Dad's 70th birthday and we are having a big barbecue, so of course there will be a lot of food and I'm sure it's not going to be the healthy kind, so I'm making sure I bring a green salad so I will have that at least :smile:

    Oh and I wanted to share with you all something, remember I mentioned about my family, well they all weighed in on Friday as well and guess what? My oldest daughter lost 7lbs, oldest son lost 1.5lbs and my youngest son lost 9.5 lbs (he's been very active this past week) WOW I'm so very proud of them all!!

    Ok I thinks that's it for today :smile: :flowerforyou:
    You all have a great day!!
  • Well Team
    Thank you for your prayers, thoughts and good wishes as I walked. They were truly felt. A very hot and more humid day with no breeze met us all in the face as the walk started at 4:30pm. I had no goals or expectations that I wanted to meet. I wanted to enjoy the walk and focus on people to be remembered.
    At 1130 pm I took my first break of about 40 minutes. Had to do it for my body. (I actually felt a sleep in the computor chair here typing this)
    I just woke up -
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Good morning all. Seems like everyone i having a good weekend. I'm going to Olympia to see my dad today and take him to lunch. I am trying to figure out how I will be able to post on my food list what I've eaten today accurately since I will be going to a Mexican place to eat. Last night I made stuffed green peppers that report 260 cals and I think the real recipe said they were 400. I just want to try to be more accurate. It sickened me yesterday to find my Starbucks was 600 cals. Guess I really really have to limit those. Oh well I'll save money! lol

    Have a good Father's Day and enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  • I was trying to set the scene before and fell asleep so now I am going to cut to the serious part.


    The only person to walked more than me in the entire park is a 14 year old kid and he walked and ran 33 miles. The next person was a girl who walked with me for 23 miles. After I found I was closed to a marathon - this was at 24 miles, I pushed myself hard. Several times during the night I pictured you all on the side lines cheering me on and then us all walking arm in arm across the finish line. I could see all your faces so visibly and hear you cheering. I thought of your family members throughout the night.

    Theonly thing I would do differently next time is to pace myself during the heat of the day time instead of walking so fast then slowing down when it got cooler and having to add the big push at the end.

    Thank you for taking time to read this and cheering me on. I am totally happy with having done this, the results, and the emotions during the race. The results might be better the next one cause I will learn from my mistakes. Again this race was from 4:30 PM sATURDAY TO 6 AM Sunday.
  • Good morning team and welcome crazy bee. I did it again, my cheat day was yesterday but I think I didn't do to bad and I believe it keeps me on track for the week. I got a new hair cut that I hate and may need to go to my regular stylist to fix it. I have a busy week coming up i have to make the green for my trip back home. I am looking forward to seeing all my people's.

    I heard face book. If anyone would like to add me that is cool. MY name is April Ayungua and I am the only one with that name up there. I am a facebook addict and also a myfitnesspal addict. Hope to see some of you there. Well off to a new start and hoping all of you have a very successful day...
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