"You don't need to lose any more weight!"



  • Jnine25
    Jnine25 Posts: 126 Member
    just say, "well, thanks for the compliment' and end the discussion. They don't need to know anymore. Besides, now that you've gained weight and are losing again, you might get to 130 and look just as amazing as you did at 110, because weight does not come off the same as it goes on. I would just simply say that you haven't quite reached your goal yet, but you will know it when you get there. That is a pretty safe answer and keep in mind that these people are only saying that out of concern. If they aren't saying it for that reason, you should not be having a weight discussion with them in the first place. ;). Good luck on the rest of your journey and just focus on being the HEALTHIEST you can be.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I just tell people I'm done losing and am working on fitness improvement. Its easier to blow them off that way then to get into a big argument. I suspect most people mean well and are trying to be complimentary when they say it...
  • empresswheat
    5'3'' 110 sounds fine to me. Ask your Dr. or look up a chart on line and see what it says. A lot depends on bone structure. I am 5'5 1/2 if I stand up straight 5'6 I stay between 119 and 124 most of the time. My Dr. says that is fine. People get jealous too. So do what makes you fell good. And when they say you look good just say Thank You and do not respond to the other.

  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    Yes, I do too. I just do not tell people that I want to lose a couple of pounds. But, my DH tells me quite a bit to not get too skinny....he loves my butt and is afraid that I will lose it!!
  • howeclectic
    howeclectic Posts: 121 Member
    I had a discussion one time with my doctor about comments like this. His response was that we are a fat society and people aren't used to seeing others at healthy weights, so they look abnormal.

    Can't agree more. I've told people my goal weight and they think Im nuts (165-170 for 6ft tall). At 185 im just crossing the line between over weight and "normal" My 39 inch waist is more than it should be. But they think I shouldn't lose any more. They just dont know what normal actually looks like...
  • mylittleguys
    mylittleguys Posts: 26 Member
    I get the same thing also. When my work started the biggest loser challenge, I had comment that I do not need to join. I also have people say that I should not exercise anymore or loose more weight. They say I look good now. Yah with clothes, they hide my flabby, giggleing self. I want to look good without or with little clothes on.
  • teapot35
    teapot35 Posts: 28
    It happened to me at christmas dinner - the relative who always felt the need to comment on my having been too large told me that I was starting to look too thin. I was flabbergasted at her nerve. Fortunately another relative stepped in to my rescue and said "she looks fine, leave her alone!".
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I hear it alot, but this is the smallest I have ever been since I was like 12 yrs old. No one around me is used to me being this small because I was bigger in both high school and college. I have heard more times than I can count that I am "getting to small" or "becoming skin and bone/anorexic". I just simply say that I am comfortable with myself or I am losing until I am. You need to be comfortable in your own skin and that is the most important part. It is difficult when people see a change.
  • ARMom8251
    ARMom8251 Posts: 194
    It happens to me often, and in honesty it makes me feel kind of good. I do however kindly ignore what they have to say. I know where I want to be, and if I get closer to my goal and decide I am happy then I will stop....and only then. People have an idea of what you should look like, and so do you, as long as you are healthy what they think just doesn't matter :)
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    I get this all the time. I just tell them I have AIDS then they leave me alone.
  • blynn2708
    blynn2708 Posts: 275 Member
    I get this from my family, mostly my overweight sister, she's my twin and my best friend, but she's not happy for me at all. Kind of a bummer, but I want to be healthy and fit, look and feel great! That was my goal for when I turned 40...which I did a couple of months ago and I do feel great and looking fit! As hard as it is some days, don't let them bring you down, just keep on:bigsmile:
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    I also get those comments often, but I don't agree with other posters here that jelousy is involved.

    I think the explanation is simple: when you have been overweight for a while, people associate your body shape with the person.
    With MFP, I have been losing weight relatively fast (a bit more than 2 lbs/week), so naturally people that see me (friends, coworkers) really notice it and the "new me" is a bit of a "shock" for them,

    Also: rapid weight loss is sometimes associated with a sickness.
    So people get concerned about that.

    Whenever someone makes the "don't need to lose more weight", or "you don't need to weigh as low as you were a teenager". I simply respond with "I know that my healthy weight is at below xxx lbs, so that is my target".
    That usually stops the comments from that person.
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    I don't particularly like the comment "you don't need to lose anymore weight" I do however like a comment I got the other day "If you keep shrinking you'll be invisible" kind of funny but i enjoyed it.

    My friend told my husband that she thinks I have body dysmorphic disorder because She thinks I look small enough. That one made me mad. I found it pretty rude for her to comment like that.
  • Missy_Snipes
    Missy_Snipes Posts: 30 Member
    I had a discussion one time with my doctor about comments like this. His response was that we are a fat society and people aren't used to seeing others at healthy weights, so they look abnormal.

    I agree ^^^^^ !!! I am getting this a lot myself now but I still have 26 more lbs to go just to be "normal". I no longer say any numbers to anyone....now I have lost some and have a little more to go and I smile and end that line of conversation! I do think our society is just bigger now and no one remembers what healthy really is supposed to look like!!! You know what is best for you!!! BE HEALTHY!!
  • pixelberry
    pixelberry Posts: 167 Member
    I recently heard the same thing from my mother-in-law. Just recently I've been able to fit in clothes I've had stored away for over a year! I know where I should be though, 10 more pounds to go and I'm not just trying to lose the weight, but also to get in shape so lifting my twin 4-year-olds aren't much of a challenge... Especially the 45-pound little guy in the midst of a tantrum.
  • stephie4111
    stephie4111 Posts: 118
    you know what I used to weigh 205 at my heaviest. I now weigh 133 and want to get to 125. people keep saying the same thing youre skinny enough well i dont feel it yet. i really want to tone my stomach and waist hips etc. people need to mind their own business and worry about themselves.
  • Jnine25
    Jnine25 Posts: 126 Member
    oh yeah, just one more thing... don't assume they are saying that to be mean or because they are jealous. They might truly have a genuine concern for your well-being. If you KNOW they are being a jerk about it, then I wouldn't waste my time even explaining yourself.
  • sarah2954
    sarah2954 Posts: 291 Member
    I know, right? I think when some (not all) people say this, women in particular, they are really saying "If you lose anymore weight I am seriously going to consider you a threat".

  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I had a discussion one time with my doctor about comments like this. His response was that we are a fat society and people aren't used to seeing others at healthy weights, so they look abnormal.

    Can't agree more. I've told people my goal weight and they think Im nuts (165-170 for 6ft tall). At 185 im just crossing the line between over weight and "normal" My 39 inch waist is more than it should be. But they think I shouldn't lose any more. They just dont know what normal actually looks like...

    Exactly. I've read articles saying that one reason we have an obesity problem is that many people no longer know what a healthy weight is. I live in a city that is considered "thin," so I do actually see a fair number of slim people at all ages. That probably does help.

    Some people are also probably envious.

    But why do people discuss their weight with acquaintances? It's a personal matter. I guess it's hard if you've been successful and people notice. In the case of the OP, if she feels she needs to respond, maybe she should say that she knows from her past weight history that she is not yet at her optimal weight and leave it at that.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    I hear it all the time and I get accused of falling down the road of anorexia again. I explain I eat and that I just don't want to jiggle any more!