Heart Attack Grill claims another victim...



  • patranus
    patranus Posts: 61 Member
    To tell you the truth, I might head over to that place once I reach my GW and chow down.
  • jenn_may
    jenn_may Posts: 154 Member
    I have been to the one in Chandler AZ. It was fun because they gown you up and your waitress is dressed up as a nurse. Would I ever go back? Who knows, but I do know I did not eat for the rest of the day and I haven't yet been back since. They feed you for free if you wear over 350 pounds and there was someone there eating for free which is scary. I guess I thought it was fun as a novelty but I worry about anyone who would want to go there on a regular basis.

    This makes me really sad. Why would they want to encourage people who are extremely obese to keep doing harm to their bodies? Sick a-holes who want to use a gimmick to make a quick buck, that's who. *shudders*

    Why does everyone have to blame a company for an individual's actions? In this day and age, you would have to be in a coma to not realize that a poor diet, alcohol, smoking, and other vices have a negative impact on your health. Yes, it's a gimmick... welcome to the world of marketing and free trade. Guess what... millions of people choose NOT to take advantage of their free food campaign. So maybe the blame should really lie with the person who made their free-will choice. Trust me, many of those obese people who take that free food offer really don't care about the damage they're doing anyways, and without that particular restaurant, would get their 10,000 calories somewhere else.

    Did I ever say it wasn't her choice? I said their marketing is sick because they are taking advantage of obese peoples' lack of will power. I think I will just lump you in with that group of.... And yes, they would get it else where, but it wouldn't be free.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I have been to the one in Chandler AZ. It was fun because they gown you up and your waitress is dressed up as a nurse. Would I ever go back? Who knows, but I do know I did not eat for the rest of the day and I haven't yet been back since. They feed you for free if you wear over 350 pounds and there was someone there eating for free which is scary. I guess I thought it was fun as a novelty but I worry about anyone who would want to go there on a regular basis.

    This makes me really sad. Why would they want to encourage people who are extremely obese to keep doing harm to their bodies? Sick a-holes who want to use a gimmick to make a quick buck, that's who. *shudders*

    Why does everyone have to blame a company for an individual's actions? In this day and age, you would have to be in a coma to not realize that a poor diet, alcohol, smoking, and other vices have a negative impact on your health. Yes, it's a gimmick... welcome to the world of marketing and free trade. Guess what... millions of people choose NOT to take advantage of their free food campaign. So maybe the blame should really lie with the person who made their free-will choice. Trust me, many of those obese people who take that free food offer really don't care about the damage they're doing anyways, and without that particular restaurant, would get their 10,000 calories somewhere else.

    Did I ever say it wasn't her choice? I said their marketing is sick because they are taking advantage of obese peoples' lack of will power. I think I will just lump you in with that group of.... And yes, they would get it else where, but it wouldn't be free.

    Fat people aren't only fat, but stupid as well? Poor victims being taken advantage of at what is clearly a novelty restaurant?

    If the signs in the place said "Our food is healthy and nutritious" and it was named the "Slimdown Grill" I could maybe think they were taking advantage of people. That's not the case. Let the people enjoy their giant burgers for goodness sake. They know what they're doing.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I could probably fend off the burgers. The boobies? Not so much
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    That's just nasty....ugh