Should I Become a Vegan?



  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    OP - I'll tell you my experience in this matter, but its really a choice only you can make. No one can tell you what to do, or what to eat, or what will be better for you, but jumping into veganism without more thought (especially when you like meat) is bound to fail. Its not an easy lifestyle. And those processed meat replacements you were talking about are not very good for you either.

    I am a dietary vegan, I live in a house full of animal products (leather, skulls, antlers, bear skin rug) and I cook meat for my family daily. The ethics of veganism had nothing to do with my choice.

    I am not a dietary vegan by choice. I am a vegan because if I eat meat or dairy or eggs, I end up really sick and its not worth it. Last time I had chicken (and not much of it) I was sick the entire next day. My body just doesn't tolerate it. Its hard. Really hard. I'm not going to lie. Watching my family have a delicious meal of bbq'd steak is enough to make me want to cry. Deciding to be vegan for not medical reasons is really something you have to be very commited too, ist not something to make a spur of the moment decision over.
  • missiemandy
    missiemandy Posts: 15 Member
    Vegan means nothing to me. I've seen many overweight 'vegans'. Eat whatever you like in moderation, pay attention to your macros and eat a variety of unprocessed foods. That's all. Keep it simple.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    You can be a fat vegan...highly processed 'vegan' food is as bad as regular non-vegan processed food in most cases where it's high in fat and sodium. I'm vegan and I'll have a veggie patty here and there, but I don't depend on them as my staple. I like to eat a lot of beans and squash and various other dishes where I don't use a 'meat replacement'. The same goes with dairy replacements, many are high in fat just like cheese and milk, ect...